But, we only want gay marriage....once we get that, then we will come after your churches....

Why not let people live their lives the way they wish to live it? Also why not marry them. It should be a personal choice and two guys getting it on in their room isn't hurting anyone.
Nobody cares until they try to redefine terms and coerce the government to change the meaning of those terms (marriage).

Two guys will NEVER be married, because that's not the definition of marriage.

And we already see that adopting homosexual culture IS destructive of the natural order
Why not let people live their lives the way they wish to live it? Also why not marry them. It should be a personal choice and two guys getting it on in their room isn't hurting anyone.
Nobody cares until they try to redefine terms and coerce the government to change the meaning of those terms (marriage).

Two guys will NEVER be married, because that's not the definition of marriage.

Except of course that two guys are married. Lots and lots of them. And even more 'two gals'.

As there is no 'intrinsic' definition of marriage. Marriage has always been whatever we say it is.

And we say it includes same sex couples.
Why not let people live their lives the way they wish to live it? Also why not marry them. It should be a personal choice and two guys getting it on in their room isn't hurting anyone.
Nobody cares until they try to redefine terms and coerce the government to change the meaning of those terms (marriage).

Two guys will NEVER be married, because that's not the definition of marriage.

Except of course that two guys are married. Lots and lots of them. And even more 'two gals'.

As there is no 'intrinsic' definition of marriage. Marriage has always been whatever we say it is.

And we say it includes same sex couples.
Saying the sky is green doesnt make it green.

Homos were always able to have a ceremony and CALL THEMSELVES "married", but they're not.

Man doesnt define marriage, so no amount of wishing, or bullying, makes a lie the truth.
Why not let people live their lives the way they wish to live it? Also why not marry them. It should be a personal choice and two guys getting it on in their room isn't hurting anyone.
Nobody cares until they try to redefine terms and coerce the government to change the meaning of those terms (marriage).

Two guys will NEVER be married, because that's not the definition of marriage.

Except of course that two guys are married. Lots and lots of them. And even more 'two gals'.

As there is no 'intrinsic' definition of marriage. Marriage has always been whatever we say it is.

And we say it includes same sex couples.
Saying the sky is green doesnt make it green.

Homos were always able to have a ceremony and CALL THEMSELVES "married", but they're not.

Man doesnt define marriage, so no amount of wishing, or bullying, makes a lie the truth.

Of course man defines marriage. As demonstrated by all the marriages going on.

And gay couples need neither your approval nor your belief in their marriages. Their marriages continue, just as new same sex couples get married every day.

All while you mutter yourself....and do nothing. Sorry, DA, but you're gloriously irrelevant to any one else's marriage.
As there is no 'intrinsic' definition of marriage. Marriage has always been whatever we say it is.
And he said, “‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’

And another religious book defines marriage differently. The Muslims define marriage as between a man and up to 4 women. Polygamy was common in the old testament and among many different cultures. Marriage used to forbid interracial unions. Or between religions. Or include children as young as 9.

Marriage has been malleable, defined by the people that use it for their own institution and times.

That you disagree...is irrelevant. As you have nothing to do with anyone else's marriage.
And another religious book defines marriage differently. The Muslims define marriage as between a man and up to 4 women
We arent a muslim country. Nobody cares about their backward beliefs or your ignorant beliefs, for that matter.
Two guys will NEVER be married, because that's not the definition of marriage.

Except of course that two guys are married. Lots and lots of them. And even more 'two gals'.

As there is no 'intrinsic' definition of marriage. Marriage has always been whatever we say it is.

And we say it includes same sex couples.

Marriage has always been between a man and a woman, and it always will be.

Government can no more cause there to be any such thing as a “marriage” between two men or between two woman, than it can cause two plus two to equal ten.
Medicare for all is veterinary medicine for humans. The owner of a dog chooses whether to pay for a treatment or not. No one asks a cat if she wants to be put down. In medicare for all, the government is the owner.

I'm pretty sure no one is going to put you down without your permission.

A health care system run by the government doesn't care if you are happy or not. It's the government. You are out of options. If the government thinks some treatment is too expensive you will die.

How is that any different than what an insurance company does? Except an insurance company actually has a profit motive the government doesn't - to pay big dividends to shareholders and executives.

When employees are unhappy with the choice of health care plans the employer finds another insurance company. It's called competition and the government doesn't have it.

The keyword being the EMPLOYER would find another insurance company. You think your employer cares whether or not you live or die? THey just get another one.

What I remember about Employer-provided health care, other than my two-year fight to actually get them to pay for my surgeries, was every year the HR Cow would get us all in a meeting and let us know it was open enrollment time, and how this year, the insurance would cost a little more and cover a little less.
I agree Joe, and somehow the citizens need protections from the cycle of bullcrap going on in the insurance industry. Regs are probably the only things that will work, but what form they will or should come in is the million dollar question. We don't need government take over of the private industry, but we do need protections from gouging and service over charges etc. When ever something doesn't work for the people, then a redress of grievance is and should always be available to solve the issues. There is so much corruption anymore that this country is almost gone. Sad situation. Can't believe that I'm even agreeing with you on anything, but sometimes you might hit the nail on the head.
I don’t know if it’s even wise to respond to such illogic. But for the benefit of other readers, I will.
Skin color is not a behavior.

Sexual Orientation is not a behavior.

If you are under any such delusion it is, then when did you "Decide" to be "Straight"?

But Islam is anti SSM also chucklehead...the rest of your BS is meaningless...as usual

I suspect that the IRS will do what the IRS does... selectively enforce the law... So the Mosques will probably be left alone while the Flaming Idiots in the Fundy Churches will get the audits...
And he said, “‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’

And when was the last time we stoned a woman for not being a virgin on her wedding night, like the bible says we should?

Even on the note you list, if this is what Jesus said, and Jesus is always to be obeyed, why do 50% of marriages end in divorce?
I agree Joe, and somehow the citizens need protections from the cycle of bullcrap going on in the insurance industry. Regs are probably the only things that will work, but what form they will or should come in is the million dollar question. We don't need government take over of the private industry, but we do need protections from gouging and service over charges etc. When ever something doesn't work for the people, then a redress of grievance is and should always be available to solve the issues. There is so much corruption anymore that this country is almost gone. Sad situation. Can't believe that I'm even agreeing with you on anything, but sometimes you might hit the nail on the head.

Or we can just go to single payer like every other civilized country has.

The idea that you can regulate the greed of the insurance industry is just insane. This was the mistake of the ACA, that the insurance companies PROMISED they'd play nice, and they just went over the new law with a fine tooth comb to see if they could find new ways to cheat people.
And another religious book defines marriage differently. The Muslims define marriage as between a man and up to 4 women
We arent a muslim country. Nobody cares about their backward beliefs or your ignorant beliefs, for that matter.

Fagots don't really care about marriage, period, they just like 'Shocking Grandma' and attention whoring kulturkampf, and of course for many of them the opportunity to 'adopt' themselves a harem of 8 year olds they can rape, another Fun Cultural Affinity they share with their Muslim brothers.
Beto........he will go after the tax exempt status of any church that refuses to do gay weddings....

The democrats hate the Constitution and freedom...the 1st and 2nd Amendments will not exist if the democrat get total power....

Beto Vows to Strip Tax-Exempt Status From Churches That Oppose Gay Marriage

Barack Obama's IRS may have targeted conservative groups for extra scrutiny, but Obama never pledged to strip tax-exempt status from organizations that disagreed with his position on an issue.

Yet on Thursday, former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) said he would strip tax-exempt status from any religious organization that supports traditional marriage, defined as one man and one woman. In fact, his position essentially amounts to a government preference for pro-gay marriage religious bodies that likely violates the Establishment Clause.

CNN's Don Lemon quoted O'Rourke's policy on LGBT issues, which states: "Freedom of religion is a fundamental right but it should not be used to discriminate."

"Do you think religious institutions — like colleges, churches, charities — should they lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage?" Lemon asked.

"Yes," O'Rourke replied — to loud applause from the audience.
Freedom of Religion has always been big problem for the Democrat Bigots.
Most Liberals are not very bright or informed people.
They don't understand our constitution.
Freedom of Religion has always been big problem for the Democrat Bigots.
Most Liberals are not very bright or informed people.
They don't understand our constitution.

Where is tax exemptions for churches listed in the constitution?
Freedom of Religion has always been big problem for the Democrat Bigots.
Most Liberals are not very bright or informed people.
They don't understand our constitution.

Where is tax exemptions for churches listed in the constitution?

Why should they? They're non-profits, and re property taxes they're exempt via their protection from any laws re the establishment clause; taxes are assessed by governments and set by legislation. They do get taxed on properties they aren't using for church purposes, such as empty lots set aside for future use but currently not used, and pastors and any paid church employees have to pay income and payroll taxes on their earnings like anybody else. You're just ignorant of the facts, as usual.
And he said, “‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’

And when was the last time we stoned a woman for not being a virgin on her wedding night, like the bible says we should?

Even on the note you list, if this is what Jesus said, and Jesus is always to be obeyed, why do 50% of marriages end in divorce?

50% of first time marriages do not end in divorces. What serial cheaters and adulterers do is their business
50% of first time marriages do not end in divorces. What serial cheaters and adulterers do is their business

I didn't say first time marriages. I said all marriages. Of first marriages, 41% end in divorce, but oddly, the Churches don't see much of a problem there.

Divorce Statistics and Facts | What Affects Divorce Rates in the U.S.?

But you do have a point. What they do is their business. but the thing is, your churches almost never say,"Wow, you are on your third marriage, and the first two ended because of your adultery... no way are we doing your wedding."

Nope. They say, "Will that be a check or credit card?" Because Churches at the end of the day are money making scams.

The only reason why SOME of them are staying homophobic is because they are appealling to the worst of their congregations, not because they are upholding some "morality".
Why should they? They're non-profits, and re property taxes they're exempt via their protection from any laws re the establishment clause; taxes are assessed by governments and set by legislation. They do get taxed on properties they aren't using for church purposes, such as empty lots set aside for future use but currently not used, and pastors and any paid church employees have to pay income and payroll taxes on their earnings like anybody else. You're just ignorant of the facts, as usual.

Okay... I know you are a bit slow due to the learning disability... but this is what we are discussing here.

Are homophobic, hateful churches entitled to a tax exemption?

We've already established that RACIST churches aren't entitled to tax exemptions... neither should homophobic churches.

And you'd be amazed how fast God will suddenly change his mind on the gays when these corrupt assholes have to pay taxes.

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