But, we only want gay marriage....once we get that, then we will come after your churches....

50% of first time marriages do not end in divorces. What serial cheaters and adulterers do is their business

I didn't say first time marriages. I said all marriages. Of first marriages, 41% end in divorce, but oddly, the Churches don't see much of a problem there.

Divorce Statistics and Facts | What Affects Divorce Rates in the U.S.?

But you do have a point. What they do is their business. but the thing is, your churches almost never say,"Wow, you are on your third marriage, and the first two ended because of your adultery... no way are we doing your wedding."

Nope. They say, "Will that be a check or credit card?" Because Churches at the end of the day are money making scams.

The only reason why SOME of them are staying homophobic is because they are appealling to the worst of their congregations, not because they are upholding some "morality".

It's even better than that.

Miller said that more people who married in the 1990s reached their 15th wedding anniversary than people who married in the 1970s or 1980s. She added, “If current trends continue, nearly two-thirds of marriages will never involve a divorce, according to data from Justin Wolfers, a University of Michigan economist.”

What Is the Divorce Rate, Really?
Why should they? They're non-profits, and re property taxes they're exempt via their protection from any laws re the establishment clause; taxes are assessed by governments and set by legislation. They do get taxed on properties they aren't using for church purposes, such as empty lots set aside for future use but currently not used, and pastors and any paid church employees have to pay income and payroll taxes on their earnings like anybody else. You're just ignorant of the facts, as usual.

Okay... I know you are a bit slow due to the learning disability... but this is what we are discussing here.

Are homophobic, hateful churches entitled to a tax exemption?

We've already established that RACIST churches aren't entitled to tax exemptions... neither should homophobic churches.

And you'd be amazed how fast God will suddenly change his mind on the gays when these corrupt assholes have to pay taxes.

Did the war do something to you? DO you have PTSD? Did you bump your head? What?

Are you OBLIGATED To be an a$$hole all the time to everyone? Or what?
It's even better than that.

No, it's really not.. but that wasn't my point. My point is that your churches should be DEAD SET AGAINST DIVORCE, but they really aren't.

Article #213 in my "Why I utterly despise religion book".

2007 we buried my brother in law.
2008 we buried my creepy uncle.

Well, my brother in law, kind of did everything right, by the Church's thinking. He and my sister were married for 31 years, they had two kids, raised them in the church, he worked part time for a church as a handyman when he retired from his position in the laborer's union.

The priest at his wake just went through the motions. Insert name here... read the obligatory bible passage.

Of course, he wasn't having his funeral in the church and they cremated him instead of burying him. So the Church wasn't making any money on that deal.... so I guess we should have been happy he put in that much of an effort.

Meanwhile, my jackass uncle dumped his wife of 20 years for a younger trophy wife, but he gave a shitload of money to the church, and to hear the Priest tell it, he was such a great guy, and not the pompous ass we all remember. The Trophy Wife even got a shout out.

Seriously, this taxing the churches and auditing their books sounds better and better all the time.
It's even better than that.

No, it's really not.. but that wasn't my point. My point is that your churches should be DEAD SET AGAINST DIVORCE, but they really aren't.

Article #213 in my "Why I utterly despise religion book".

2007 we buried my brother in law.
2008 we buried my creepy uncle.

Well, my brother in law, kind of did everything right, by the Church's thinking. He and my sister were married for 31 years, they had two kids, raised them in the church, he worked part time for a church as a handyman when he retired from his position in the laborer's union.

The priest at his wake just went through the motions. Insert name here... read the obligatory bible passage.

Of course, he wasn't having his funeral in the church and they cremated him instead of burying him. So the Church wasn't making any money on that deal.... so I guess we should have been happy he put in that much of an effort.

Meanwhile, my jackass uncle dumped his wife of 20 years for a younger trophy wife, but he gave a shitload of money to the church, and to hear the Priest tell it, he was such a great guy, and not the pompous ass we all remember. The Trophy Wife even got a shout out.

Seriously, this taxing the churches and auditing their books sounds better and better all the time.

You really are not a deep thinker joe.....
Did the war do something to you? DO you have PTSD? Did you bump your head? What?

Are you OBLIGATED To be an a$$hole all the time to everyone? Or what?

Naw, I'm the nicest guy in the world...

Now, funny thing, people who've read my writing before they came across me in person often say my writing is bombastic and harsh, which it is.. it is my writing style, after all.... but in person, I come off as the nicest person they've met.

I don't judge anyone by their writing..
Government isnt permitted to interfere in the affairs of the church. Controlling their words thru taxation is state control of religion.

You have drifted far off topic in your effort to demonize the church

Nobody is interferring with their dogma...

But Churches have to obey the same laws as the rest of us. It's why I can't start my own Church of Queztacoatl and start cutting the hearts out of my enemies... those pesky murder laws prohibit it, no matter what the first amendment says.
I agree Joe, and somehow the citizens need protections from the cycle of bullcrap going on in the insurance industry. Regs are probably the only things that will work, but what form they will or should come in is the million dollar question. We don't need government take over of the private industry, but we do need protections from gouging and service over charges etc. When ever something doesn't work for the people, then a redress of grievance is and should always be available to solve the issues. There is so much corruption anymore that this country is almost gone. Sad situation. Can't believe that I'm even agreeing with you on anything, but sometimes you might hit the nail on the head.

Or we can just go to single payer like every other civilized country has.

The idea that you can regulate the greed of the insurance industry is just insane. This was the mistake of the ACA, that the insurance companies PROMISED they'd play nice, and they just went over the new law with a fine tooth comb to see if they could find new ways to cheat people.
Is single payer the same as socialism or would it be in the form of socialist healthcare ? Otherwise so here I am wanting a customized plan that suits my needs, and one that is set up in the way that I want it set up, but I can't get that in a government run system correct ? So what next, socialized medicine begins to appear as if it works, but only for the lazy and those leeching off of others, and so the worker's get screwed over like it is in other things that are screwing them over right now ?? Yeah that's the ticket right Joe, just disinsentivize the system so we all take our place in line just like good little communist Chinese, Russian's and any other communist do ???? Don't think so Joe.

If anything we need to just bring back the systems that worked in the past, and are those that rewarded people instead of punishes people. Of course with all the dependency the demoncrats created in the past, I can see why you think in the ways that you do, but what amount of numbers are representing your positions today ? If there are huge numbers, then it's just more evidence of the failed Democrat party. You should be furious with them, and if not then you helped in creating their bad policies and bad habit's by blindly supporting them.
Beto........he will go after the tax exempt status of any church that refuses to do gay weddings....

The democrats hate the Constitution and freedom...the 1st and 2nd Amendments will not exist if the democrat get total power....

Beto Vows to Strip Tax-Exempt Status From Churches That Oppose Gay Marriage

Barack Obama's IRS may have targeted conservative groups for extra scrutiny, but Obama never pledged to strip tax-exempt status from organizations that disagreed with his position on an issue.

Yet on Thursday, former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) said he would strip tax-exempt status from any religious organization that supports traditional marriage, defined as one man and one woman. In fact, his position essentially amounts to a government preference for pro-gay marriage religious bodies that likely violates the Establishment Clause.

CNN's Don Lemon quoted O'Rourke's policy on LGBT issues, which states: "Freedom of religion is a fundamental right but it should not be used to discriminate."

"Do you think religious institutions — like colleges, churches, charities — should they lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage?" Lemon asked.

"Yes," O'Rourke replied — to loud applause from the audience.
But you noticed that he will not go after those mosques that forces women to wear hijabs.
Is single payer the same as socialism or would it be in the form of socialist healthcare ? Otherwise so here I am wanting a customized plan that suits my needs, and one that is set up in the way that I want it set up, but I can't get that in a government run system correct ?

Why do you think you could get that in a employer-provided system? Here's what you get in a private system... whatever saves your boss money, and if they can save money by cutting you off if you get too sick, so be it.

So what next, socialized medicine begins to appear as if it works, but only for the lazy and those leeching off of others, and so the worker's get screwed over like it is in other things that are screwing them over right now ?? Yeah that's the ticket right Joe, just disinsentivize the system so we all take our place in line just like good little communist Chinese, Russian's and any other communist do ???? Don't think so Joe.

Ah, the massive fear of the Wingnut... that some darkie might be getting the same thing I get...

If anything we need to just bring back the systems that worked in the past, and are those that rewarded people instead of punishes people. Of course with all the dependency the demoncrats created in the past, I can see why you think in the ways that you do, but what amount of numbers are representing your positions today ? If there are huge numbers, then it's just more evidence of the failed Democrat party. You should be furious with them, and if not then you helped in creating their bad policies and bad habit's by blindly supporting them.

This is where you are deluded about "the past". For most of our history, the rich did very well and the working class got worked pretty much to death from childhood to early death. Then we developed unions that made sure working folks got a fair share, had the greatest prosperity in the world (for white people, anyway), and the rich just hated that and have spent the last 50 years or so getting dumb people like you to give it all away.

The reality- the biggest welfare programs are White People Welfare of Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment insurance... big old white folk entitlements even Republicans won't openly try to dismantle. They'll just try to quietly try to do it and point to them "Welfare folks" you think are getting over on you for not having the initiative to be born white and male in this society. Lazy bastards.

MEANWHILE, White folks in Europe have single payer.

They spend less per capita, live longer, have a lower infant mortality rate than we do. Bunch of fucking socialists making us look bad!
"Religious assholes"? What's the matter with you?

I have no use for people who want us all to live by Bronze Age Superstitions?

OH, no, wait. That's what's RIGHT with me?

What an arrogant, mean spirited response....Others are not here for "your use" in case you didn't know...

If people find solace in their religious experiences, then that is a positive thing as far as I am concerned....

What exactly is your problem with people that believe in God?
What an arrogant, mean spirited response....Others are not here for "your use" in case you didn't know...

If people find solace in their religious experiences, then that is a positive thing as far as I am concerned....

What exactly is your problem with people that believe in God?

What's my problem with people who support superstition?

Suppression of Science
Covering up for Child Molesting Priests
Suppression of women
Support for slavery
But you noticed that he will not go after those mosques that forces women to wear hijabs.

Who is being "forced" to wear a Hijab? Frankly, most of the Muslim women I know don't wear hijabs.

American Muslim women don't need you to save them from Islam. They need your respect.

Did you even read your own post?

It sort of depends on the Mosque, and where you are in the Mosque. I’ve been to tons of mosques in different places in the world, and different ones have different rules, even for non-Mulsim women like me.

If there’s a women and children’s private section, then no matter what, you won’t be required to wear a hijab there. There are no men allowed there, so there’s no reason why you would need to cover.

But, wow... people dress and act differently in their house of worship than they do outside.

I remember when I had to get all dressed up to go to Church on Sunday, too. One of the reasons I don't like church, I hate getting dressed up.

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