But, we only want gay marriage....once we get that, then we will come after your churches....

I love that the faggot haters are still whining about faggots getting married. Some of ya’ll need to get a life and worry about your own households.
Well, the truth is, they're NOT married. They just got the State to go along with their mental illness
Trump supporters don't think they "emote". Trump blames the f•••ing over you've taken from the One Percent on the Mexicans, and you are stupid enough to keep buying into it.

Man, you're losin' it....now you're going to devolve into tropes about the 1%....hahaha....I guess I won that one....loser.

He cannot lose what he never had.
I love that the faggot haters are still whining about faggots getting married. Some of ya’ll need to get a life and worry about your own households.
Well, the truth is, they're NOT married. They j6st got the State to go along with their mental illness

The fact that it still makes you whine like a school girl makes it all the more delightful. Gays will continue to marry in this nation and the only thing you can about it is piss and moan.
Man, you're losin' it....now you're going to devolve into tropes about the 1%....hahaha....I guess I won that one....loser.

I'm sure you enjoy your profound ignorance. Here, let me draw you a picture.

Freedom of religion was so important to the Founding Fathers that it was first on the list in the Bill of Rights. The petty whining of homosexuals about baking a freaking wedding cake is laughable.
The Bill of Rights was ordered that way to follow a coherent storyline about forming an idea, protecting your rights, then being tried, arrested, and punished; they weren't presented in order of importance.

Sorry, that's a little off-topic. I just had to get it out there.
The underlying problem is that this "fight" is asymetrical. On one side are some religious groups that opposes LGBTs and same-sex marriage.They get tax exemptions and other perks from the government. On the other side are people who are being targeted for the mere fact that they have a particular sexual orientation, and they do not get these same exemptions and perks. Donations to the Human Rights Campaign, for example, are not tax deductible, and donations to these religious groups are, yet both are political groups.

Nowadays, religious groups and political groups are indistinguishable.

Even it out, one way or the other.
Reality is that this may not end well. Two sides far apart. Someone is going to be hurt bad in this.
You could say that about the entire country right now, sadly.
The underlying problem is that this "fight" is asymetrical. On one side are some religious groups that opposes LGBTs and same-sex marriage.They get tax exemptions and other perks from the government. On the other side are people who are being targeted for the mere fact that they have a particular sexual orientation, and they do not get these same exemptions and perks. Donations to the Human Rights Campaign, for example, are not tax deductible, and donations to these religious groups are, yet both are political groups.

Nowadays, religious groups and political groups are indistinguishable.

Even it out, one way or the other.
Reality is that this may not end well. Two sides far apart. Someone is going to be hurt bad in this.

There really aren't two sides, though. I don't see the LGBTs doing anything but living their lives non-aggressively, and occasionally having to adopt a defensive mode and get lawyers to represent them when they are attacked. I was just reading a thing about prejudice against redheads ("gingers") in Europe, who get bullied just for their coloring, without doing anything bad to anyone, and it struck me that the LGBTs have a similar plight.
On the other hand, there are a bunch of tax-exempt fundie groups and insecure straight males who are constantly trying to interfere with them and put up a constant stream of yak, yak, yak, blah, blah, blah. This whole thing would be at an end if these groups learned the simple skill of minding their own business and stopped bulling the LGBTs.
It is quite appropriate that the Democrats are mostly the party of queers.

One of the Party's problems with relying on a core base of loons and mentally ill deviants and racist sociopaths is that latinos and blacks as demographics despise faggots and faggot 'marriage' laws. They were the major blocs that got Prop 8 passed in California, only to have it illegally struck down by a faggot Judge who had no business being on a Federal bench. The Party will never ever nominate a faggot like Buttplug for Prez, no matter how much the national leadership runs around proclaiming 'Diversity'.

And besides, politicizing a sexual fetish indicative of mental illness and deviancy is only something lunatics and psychopaths do; churches and pastors have just as much right to condemn those sickos as they do abortion and other forms of murder, stealing, drunkenness, etc. Only idiots buy the fiction that just because some tards managed to sell the stupidity as a 'civil rights issue' to stoners and other deviant scumbags doesn't obligate adults to go along and pretend it is. Faggots have all the legal protections anybody else does; they aren't denied a thing. It's made up rubbish that they are.
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the guy who belongs to a cult started by a kiddy-diddling con-artist.

Harry Hays, the card carrying Commie NAMBLA supporter who started the 'Gay Rights' hoax? You love him, Joe; he's a' hero' to your ilk.
Isn't being able to be free to be with who you wish to be with and who you wish to be indivual liberty? Or is that only god and guns? I am interested in the question.
the guy who belongs to a cult started by a kiddy-diddling con-artist.

Harry Hays, the card carrying Commie NAMBLA supporter who started the 'Gay Rights' hoax? You love him, Joe; he's a' hero' to your ilk.

Anyone that would harm children should be executed within my opinion. Quite seriously, most gays don't do that sort of thing and it is an dead on falsehood to state that they do. It is disinformation.
the guy who belongs to a cult started by a kiddy-diddling con-artist.

Harry Hays, the card carrying Commie NAMBLA supporter who started the 'Gay Rights' hoax? You love him, Joe; he's a' hero' to your ilk.

Anyone that would harm children should be executed within my opinion. Quite seriously, most gays don't do that sort of thing and it is an dead on falsehood to state that they do. It is disinformation.

It is also "bearing false witness" in the Christian faith, and probably in other faiths.
the guy who belongs to a cult started by a kiddy-diddling con-artist.

Harry Hays, the card carrying Commie NAMBLA supporter who started the 'Gay Rights' hoax? You love him, Joe; he's a' hero' to your ilk.

Anyone that would harm children should be executed within my opinion. Quite seriously, most gays don't do that sort of thing and it is an dead on falsehood to state that they do. It is disinformation.

It is also "bearing false witness" in the Christian faith, and probably in other faiths.

Bearing false witness is all your ilk ever does, so why do you care?
the guy who belongs to a cult started by a kiddy-diddling con-artist.

Harry Hays, the card carrying Commie NAMBLA supporter who started the 'Gay Rights' hoax? You love him, Joe; he's a' hero' to your ilk.

Anyone that would harm children should be executed within my opinion. Quite seriously, most gays don't do that sort of thing and it is an dead on falsehood to state that they do. It is disinformation.

Quite seriously, faggot males commit rapes of children in numbers far out of proportion to their demographics, and no spin you try and put on it will change that fact. It's also a fact that can't be refuted that faggot kiddie rapist criminal gangs like NAMBLA were founding organizations of most 'gay rights' gangs, and openly so for decades. Faggots are very 'understanding' when it comes to raping boys, which is why they're so fond of Muslims and Islam; they consider that stuff 'enlightenment' and 'Diverse n Stuff'.

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