But, we only want gay marriage....once we get that, then we will come after your churches....

Oh Brother! :cuckoo: Look, if you don't want to believe in religion, or God, that is just fine, you don't have to, and NO ONE is forcing you to...

Why don't liberals learn to let people live their own lives and believe what they want?

Remember Jefferson's quote on the matter:

"But it does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are twenty gods, or no god. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."

Here's the underlying problem.

You guys love your sky man, and you keep voting for guys like Trump who hate Gays and Mexicans, just like Jesus did.

They proceed to fuck up the country for the rest of us...

Now, if you kept your stupidity in your churches, like Jefferson intended, I probably wouldn't have much of a problem with you.

You don't.
You should mind your own business, does your mother approve of your behavior
Beto........he will go after the tax exempt status of any church that refuses to do gay weddings....

The democrats hate the Constitution and freedom...the 1st and 2nd Amendments will not exist if the democrat get total power....

Beto Vows to Strip Tax-Exempt Status From Churches That Oppose Gay Marriage

Barack Obama's IRS may have targeted conservative groups for extra scrutiny, but Obama never pledged to strip tax-exempt status from organizations that disagreed with his position on an issue.

Yet on Thursday, former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) said he would strip tax-exempt status from any religious organization that supports traditional marriage, defined as one man and one woman. In fact, his position essentially amounts to a government preference for pro-gay marriage religious bodies that likely violates the Establishment Clause.

CNN's Don Lemon quoted O'Rourke's policy on LGBT issues, which states: "Freedom of religion is a fundamental right but it should not be used to discriminate."

"Do you think religious institutions — like colleges, churches, charities — should they lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage?" Lemon asked.

"Yes," O'Rourke replied — to loud applause from the audience.
Has the Catholic Church lost its special privilege by refusing to marry previously divorced people?
Who knows, but the pope does like to fuck a little boys
Catholics, Mormons and Lutherans will put Beto in his place.

The question that should be asked to Beto is if he will enforce this with every religion or just Christianity?
The Catholics, Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses will pay off little Beto... He’s spineless like that
Islam opposes gay marriage, you cretin. Would they be losing their tax exempt status too, or do you just have the white evangelicals?

Since White Evangelicals have all the political power, just them.

Joe the non-racist enjoys calling Asian-American women racist slurs when they disagree with him too.

Yes, because only Asian women are mail order brides... Oh, wait. They aren't.

Incidentally, I love Asian Chicks... They're hot.

Lying Joe is too much of a coward to admit it and instead likes to call me an "Islamophobe" for pointing it out.

Well, no, I call you an Islamophobe because you OUTRIGHT LIE about what they believe. Such as claiming a cultural practice like FGM is condoned by Islam when it is in fact a custom that predates Christianity and Islam, but it practiced by both.

I have no problem with LEGITIMATE criticism of Islam or any other religion. The problem is, as August points out, most of the things you can say bad about Fundamentalist Islam also applies to Fundamentalist Christianity.

I have rarely met a person of smaller character than you, either online or in person

Yawn, Sue, you are such an easy target...

Too stupid to realize that when the One Percenters get you all upset about the Mean Old Muslims, it's because they want to dupe you into happily sending poor working class kids off to wars the profit from.

Since White Evangelicals have all the political power, just them.

Your opinion. Your making what small churches all around the country may believe in or not, into something political. And anyway, white Evangelicals don't have any power over muslim congregations. That is utter bullshit.
Muslims police their own according to their customs and there is pressure within muslim communities to conform.
If your going to demand Christians everywhere to hold gay weddings then you also need to send your political activists into mosques as well demanding gay weddings. You cant choose one religion over another. That would be the government singling out one religion.

Who is demanding that any religious group hold a wedding ceremony? Last I heard, no one.
It’s unrealistic to even have marriage ceremonies if anybody and anything can get married, which is the progressive “if it feels good do it” way...

Me? Where did I say I was religious? See, that's the flaw in your arguments....You can't help but at some point making it personal, and attacking others...

As you say: ...."you keep voting for guys like Trump"....

THAT'S the real rub for liberals like you isn't it? YOU can't stand that others think differently than you do, and disagree with your world view, so, you think that rather than coming up with solid arguments, and better ideas, it is just easier to mock, smear, attack them personally, and generally use Alinsky tactics against them to silence their voices, when you would never stand for that being used against yourself....

You're a hypocrite, and not a very well educated one at that....There, like that?

Trump supporters don't think they "emote". Trump blames the fucking over you've taken from the One Percent on the Mexicans, and you are stupid enough to keep buying into it.

Nice whining about Alinsky.. Alinsky lives in your head.
Why even have a country since we have no southern border? Lol
Filo Beto will say and do ANYTHING to get attention. He knows he's on a sinking ship and is desperate for that one thing that might gain him some support.

Problem is, the ass clown is too damn STUPID to realize that all the crap he thinks he's going to pull once president, the VAST, MAJORITY, of Americans are AGAINST.

The dude is a complete loser.
I love that the faggot haters are still whining about faggots getting married. Some of ya’ll need to get a life and worry about your own households.
Why even consider fudge packing as legitimate?
The underlying problem is that this "fight" is asymetrical. On one side are some religious groups that opposes LGBTs and same-sex marriage.They get tax exemptions and other perks from the government. On the other side are people who are being targeted for the mere fact that they have a particular sexual orientation, and they do not get these same exemptions and perks. Donations to the Human Rights Campaign, for example, are not tax deductible, and donations to these religious groups are, yet both are political groups.

Nowadays, religious groups and political groups are indistinguishable.

Even it out, one way or the other.
Reality is that this may not end well. Two sides far apart. Someone is going to be hurt bad in this.

There really aren't two sides, though. I don't see the LGBTs doing anything but living their lives non-aggressively, and occasionally having to adopt a defensive mode and get lawyers to represent them when they are attacked. I was just reading a thing about prejudice against redheads ("gingers") in Europe, who get bullied just for their coloring, without doing anything bad to anyone, and it struck me that the LGBTs have a similar plight.
On the other hand, there are a bunch of tax-exempt fundie groups and insecure straight males who are constantly trying to interfere with them and put up a constant stream of yak, yak, yak, blah, blah, blah. This whole thing would be at an end if these groups learned the simple skill of minding their own business and stopped bulling the LGBTs.
LGBT is mental insanity
Is there any way we can keep Beto talking even after he leaves the race.........his honesty about what the democrats are really going to do when they have the power is very helpful.....he is just like Sonny from the Godfather.....

The thing is that the state should not recognize any marriage performed by a church as legally binding.

You all want separation of church ans state in all things but you allow the state to give legal powers to a church.

Have a church ceremony if you want but the state should not recognize it
The thing is that the state should not recognize any marriage performed by a church as legally binding.

You all want separation of church ans state in all things but you allow the state to give legal powers to a church.

Have a church ceremony if you want but the state should not recognize it
What difference does it make?
Islam opposes gay marriage, you cretin. Would they be losing their tax exempt status too, or do you just have the white evangelicals?

Since White Evangelicals have all the political power, just them.

Joe the non-racist enjoys calling Asian-American women racist slurs when they disagree with him too.

Yes, because only Asian women are mail order brides... Oh, wait. They aren't.

Incidentally, I love Asian Chicks... They're hot.

Lying Joe is too much of a coward to admit it and instead likes to call me an "Islamophobe" for pointing it out.

Well, no, I call you an Islamophobe because you OUTRIGHT LIE about what they believe. Such as claiming a cultural practice like FGM is condoned by Islam when it is in fact a custom that predates Christianity and Islam, but it practiced by both.

I have no problem with LEGITIMATE criticism of Islam or any other religion. The problem is, as August points out, most of the things you can say bad about Fundamentalist Islam also applies to Fundamentalist Christianity.

I have rarely met a person of smaller character than you, either online or in person

Yawn, Sue, you are such an easy target...

Too stupid to realize that when the One Percenters get you all upset about the Mean Old Muslims, it's because they want to dupe you into happily sending poor working class kids off to wars the profit from.

Since White Evangelicals have all the political power, just them.

Your opinion. Your making what small churches all around the country may believe in or not, into something political. And anyway, white Evangelicals don't have any power over muslim congregations. That is utter bullshit.
Muslims police their own according to their customs and there is pressure within muslim communities to conform.
If your going to demand Christians everywhere to hold gay weddings then you also need to send your political activists into mosques as well demanding gay weddings. You cant choose one religion over another. That would be the government singling out one religion.

Who is demanding that any religious group hold a wedding ceremony? Last I heard, no one.
It’s unrealistic to even have marriage ceremonies if anybody and anything can get married, which is the progressive “if it feels good do it” way...

Why do so many conservatives measure the values of their marriages by who they exclude from the union?
Islam opposes gay marriage, you cretin. Would they be losing their tax exempt status too, or do you just have the white evangelicals?

Since White Evangelicals have all the political power, just them.

Joe the non-racist enjoys calling Asian-American women racist slurs when they disagree with him too.

Yes, because only Asian women are mail order brides... Oh, wait. They aren't.

Incidentally, I love Asian Chicks... They're hot.

Lying Joe is too much of a coward to admit it and instead likes to call me an "Islamophobe" for pointing it out.

Well, no, I call you an Islamophobe because you OUTRIGHT LIE about what they believe. Such as claiming a cultural practice like FGM is condoned by Islam when it is in fact a custom that predates Christianity and Islam, but it practiced by both.

I have no problem with LEGITIMATE criticism of Islam or any other religion. The problem is, as August points out, most of the things you can say bad about Fundamentalist Islam also applies to Fundamentalist Christianity.

I have rarely met a person of smaller character than you, either online or in person

Yawn, Sue, you are such an easy target...

Too stupid to realize that when the One Percenters get you all upset about the Mean Old Muslims, it's because they want to dupe you into happily sending poor working class kids off to wars the profit from.

Since White Evangelicals have all the political power, just them.

Your opinion. Your making what small churches all around the country may believe in or not, into something political. And anyway, white Evangelicals don't have any power over muslim congregations. That is utter bullshit.
Muslims police their own according to their customs and there is pressure within muslim communities to conform.
If your going to demand Christians everywhere to hold gay weddings then you also need to send your political activists into mosques as well demanding gay weddings. You cant choose one religion over another. That would be the government singling out one religion.

Who is demanding that any religious group hold a wedding ceremony? Last I heard, no one.
It’s unrealistic to even have marriage ceremonies if anybody and anything can get married, which is the progressive “if it feels good do it” way...

Why do so many conservatives measure the values of their marriages by who they exclude from the union?
To buy into the LGBT thing a person has to be mentally insane, much like these mass shooters... Since most of them are progressives.
Since White Evangelicals have all the political power, just them.

Yes, because only Asian women are mail order brides... Oh, wait. They aren't.

Incidentally, I love Asian Chicks... They're hot.

Well, no, I call you an Islamophobe because you OUTRIGHT LIE about what they believe. Such as claiming a cultural practice like FGM is condoned by Islam when it is in fact a custom that predates Christianity and Islam, but it practiced by both.

I have no problem with LEGITIMATE criticism of Islam or any other religion. The problem is, as August points out, most of the things you can say bad about Fundamentalist Islam also applies to Fundamentalist Christianity.

Yawn, Sue, you are such an easy target...

Too stupid to realize that when the One Percenters get you all upset about the Mean Old Muslims, it's because they want to dupe you into happily sending poor working class kids off to wars the profit from.

Since White Evangelicals have all the political power, just them.

Your opinion. Your making what small churches all around the country may believe in or not, into something political. And anyway, white Evangelicals don't have any power over muslim congregations. That is utter bullshit.
Muslims police their own according to their customs and there is pressure within muslim communities to conform.
If your going to demand Christians everywhere to hold gay weddings then you also need to send your political activists into mosques as well demanding gay weddings. You cant choose one religion over another. That would be the government singling out one religion.

Who is demanding that any religious group hold a wedding ceremony? Last I heard, no one.
It’s unrealistic to even have marriage ceremonies if anybody and anything can get married, which is the progressive “if it feels good do it” way...

Why do so many conservatives measure the values of their marriages by who they exclude from the union?
To buy into the LGBT thing a person has to be mentally insane, much like these mass shooters... Since most of them are progressives.

Or simply want to marry the person they love.

Though if you're looking for mental illness, might I recommend the wasteland of insanity that equated same sex marriage with mass shootings.

Again, Rustic...if your marriage only has value if you can deny the union to same sex couples, then you had a shit marriage to begin with.
Beto........he will go after the tax exempt status of any church that refuses to do gay weddings....

The democrats hate the Constitution and freedom...the 1st and 2nd Amendments will not exist if the democrat get total power....

Beto Vows to Strip Tax-Exempt Status From Churches That Oppose Gay Marriage

Barack Obama's IRS may have targeted conservative groups for extra scrutiny, but Obama never pledged to strip tax-exempt status from organizations that disagreed with his position on an issue.

Yet on Thursday, former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) said he would strip tax-exempt status from any religious organization that supports traditional marriage, defined as one man and one woman. In fact, his position essentially amounts to a government preference for pro-gay marriage religious bodies that likely violates the Establishment Clause.

CNN's Don Lemon quoted O'Rourke's policy on LGBT issues, which states: "Freedom of religion is a fundamental right but it should not be used to discriminate."

"Do you think religious institutions — like colleges, churches, charities — should they lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage?" Lemon asked.

"Yes," O'Rourke replied — to loud applause from the audience.
Beto O’Rourke literally eats dirt

He’s so crazy nothing he says would surprise me
Since White Evangelicals have all the political power, just them.

Your opinion. Your making what small churches all around the country may believe in or not, into something political. And anyway, white Evangelicals don't have any power over muslim congregations. That is utter bullshit.
Muslims police their own according to their customs and there is pressure within muslim communities to conform.
If your going to demand Christians everywhere to hold gay weddings then you also need to send your political activists into mosques as well demanding gay weddings. You cant choose one religion over another. That would be the government singling out one religion.

Who is demanding that any religious group hold a wedding ceremony? Last I heard, no one.
It’s unrealistic to even have marriage ceremonies if anybody and anything can get married, which is the progressive “if it feels good do it” way...

Why do so many conservatives measure the values of their marriages by who they exclude from the union?
To buy into the LGBT thing a person has to be mentally insane, much like these mass shooters... Since most of them are progressives.

Or simply want to marry the person they love.

Though if you're looking for mental illness, might I recommend the wasteland of insanity that equated same sex marriage with mass shootings.

Again, Rustic...if your marriage only has value if you can deny the union to same sex couples, then you had a shit marriage to begin with.
Why do homosexuals feel the need to harass Christian churches?
Who is demanding that any religious group hold a wedding ceremony? Last I heard, no one.
It’s unrealistic to even have marriage ceremonies if anybody and anything can get married, which is the progressive “if it feels good do it” way...

Why do so many conservatives measure the values of their marriages by who they exclude from the union?
To buy into the LGBT thing a person has to be mentally insane, much like these mass shooters... Since most of them are progressives.

Or simply want to marry the person they love.

Though if you're looking for mental illness, might I recommend the wasteland of insanity that equated same sex marriage with mass shootings.

Again, Rustic...if your marriage only has value if you can deny the union to same sex couples, then you had a shit marriage to begin with.
Why do homosexuals feel the need to harass Christian churches?

Which homosexuals are harrassing Christian Churches? Given Christian opposition to allowing gays to marry, I can certainly show you the opposite.

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