Butthurt - a standard US word but pretty sick

So..you don't want to say WHERE in Europe you are?

England calls cigarettes FAGS. I could make fun of that, but I will refrain.
Gracie I'd prefer not to say more about my location but it's not a country where English is spoken as a first language, so I'm sure you'd find plenty to laugh at.
I've just always found butthurt to be too graphic.
I like Missourian's explanation.

I'm going to envisage a bawling kid in the future. Ha!

Wales then? Haha, actually, don't tell me, I'd never tell anyone where I was from, simply because there are too many unpleasant people on the internet.
:lol: Not Wales either.....
I find that the net can get very small when someone decides to dislike you and since I post in some more contraversial threads too, I don't want to be harassed.
Just a heads up. Staff here frowns on links to other competition. So, the one you put up might be a no no.
What links? Not doing that. I was talking about threads here.
No no no. The link about the discussion somewhere else you posted. Its a LINK. You know. CLICKABLE. To another chat board. COMPETITION.

So..you don't want to say WHERE in Europe you are?

England calls cigarettes FAGS. I could make fun of that, but I will refrain.
Gracie I'd prefer not to say more about my location but it's not a country where English is spoken as a first language, so I'm sure you'd find plenty to laugh at.
I've just always found butthurt to be too graphic.
I like Missourian's explanation.

I'm going to envisage a bawling kid in the future. Ha!
M'kay. :dunno:

Europe is mighty big, so I don't know why you would be hesitant to say. Oh well.
And if you think butthurt is too graphic...methinks you might be in the wrong board, lol. There is much much worse here. Don't stray too far from your safe place.
Don't worry about me. You'll note my profile isn't all that new. I was just curious as to that specific word and it kinda grossed me out. But thanks to Missourian, I'm all better.
Over your own butthurt, then? Good.

Butt, in case you feel in arREARS and need help again....

Hi everyone. I live in Europe and am always amazed at how the word "butthurt" is thrown around by normal people in normal conversations in US forums.

"You're just butthurt...blah blah blah"

Now correct me if I'm wrong but that would really refer to having been anally penetrated right? You dont get butthurt by sitting on a sofa, do you?

It is actually pretty gross.

Why do you use it? Is anal sex so common in the US that everybody is getting butthurt on a regular basis? :biggrin:

ewwwwwwwwwwwww You need to get your mind out of the gutter. That is NOT what butthurt means at all.

Are you serious? It clearly means being fucked up the ass.

Maybe to you it does. I don't think that way. So no, not clearly. I have used it a lot over the years, and never one time did that cross my mind.
Hi everyone. I live in Europe and am always amazed at how the word "butthurt" is thrown around by normal people in normal conversations in US forums.

"You're just butthurt...blah blah blah"

Now correct me if I'm wrong but that would really refer to having been anally penetrated right? You dont get butthurt by sitting on a sofa, do you?

It is actually pretty gross.

Why do you use it? Is anal sex so common in the US that everybody is getting butthurt on a regular basis? :biggrin:

ewwwwwwwwwwwww You need to get your mind out of the gutter. That is NOT what butthurt means at all.

Are you serious? It clearly means being fucked up the ass.

Maybe to you it does. I don't think that way. So no, not clearly. I have used it a lot over the years, and never one time did that cross my mind.

Well, communication involves two people, and now, if you're saying it to others, just think what they might be thinking.
Hi everyone. I live in Europe and am always amazed at how the word "butthurt" is thrown around by normal people in normal conversations in US forums.

"You're just butthurt...blah blah blah"

Now correct me if I'm wrong but that would really refer to having been anally penetrated right? You dont get butthurt by sitting on a sofa, do you?

It is actually pretty gross.

Why do you use it? Is anal sex so common in the US that everybody is getting butthurt on a regular basis? :biggrin:

ewwwwwwwwwwwww You need to get your mind out of the gutter. That is NOT what butthurt means at all.

What are you talking about???

OF COURSE "butthurt" refers to anal pain! (I suppose it might be interpreted as the pain caused by passing a stool of large girth just as much as insertion, but it never refers to the feeling of a hurt bum from sitting on a hard bench)
Butthurt definition:

A word used only when one has nothing intellectual or factual to say in an online debate, and therefore resort to the use of the word to downplay another person's argument to compensate for the lack of one's own.

- "Dude, you can dislike LeBron James, but there's no denying that he's been carrying the Cavaliers all throughout these NBA finals. The game of basketball is no one-man show; his team needs to step up to the plate if they want to win."

- "Oh, look, a butthurt LeBron James fan."

- "Oh, look, another ignoramus on the internetwho has to resort to using the word "butthurt" to compensate for the fact that he nothing smart to say. Congratulations on proving I'm only smarter than you are."

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