Buttigieg 2020: Afghan vet who got re-elected as South Bend mayor with 80% after coming out as gay!

Chris Hayes of MSNBC at 8ET has both Buttigieg and Crazy Bernie on tonight!

Mayor Pete will wipe the floor with Bernie.
"I don't know how you can become the 'party of healthcare' when you are now making it abundantly clear that your position on healthcare is to take it away from millions of Americans," says Pete Buttigieg
Mayor Pete Buttigieg said that Vice President Mike Pence is "at best complicit" in the resurgence of white nationalist groups in the wake of President Donald Trump's election, according to Politico
Pete has done amazing things as mayor and his vision for America is better than that of Wacky Kamala Harris’, Crazy Bernie’s, or Creepy Joe Biden’s.
Buttigieg will win with HEARTLAND ECONOMICS!

I feel sometimes like I’m an emissary from the middle of the country, just pointing out that things look a little different in rural communities, industrial communities like mine

I see a lot of well-heeled people, sometimes on the coasts, shaking their heads, asking how people, especially working-class people, who vote for conservatives, ‘How can you vote against your self-interest economically; don’t you know you’re voting against your interests?’ If you say that to somebody from that background, where I come from, they could very well turn around and say, ‘So are you.’ It can come off as a little condescending

It’s kind of looking back in time, when the Midwest was driving the economic engine of the country, which it does in certain segments still. It was the Midwest that stood up for people

So ‘heart’ is about, you know, the heart of America, the middle of America, but it is also about economics with heart, which means you’re looking out not just for the people at the top and the titans, you’re looking out for people who are … working the economy. And what the Midwest did, when you go way back to the early 1900s, it was the Midwest that stood up on the antitrust issue, and it wasn’t just the farmers and the grangers with their pitchforks, it was also the Chicago strikers with the Haymarket strike and the Pullman strike, and it was really a Midwest issue when you look at it.

Heartland economics is bread-and-butter, commonsense economics

.this is a political movement that started here, and it was a movement that said small farms matter, small businesses matter, entrepreneurship matters, that’s the engine, this is why our Founding Fathers moved from England, because they didn’t want to be controlled by monopolies and the East India Company, and when they did they got really mad and threw the tea into the water
like me...as a gay man in Indiana, Buttigieg's used to dealing with bullies. he'll deal with Trump, folks!
Yeah but he speaks 8 languages, plays concert piano, is a naval officer, a veteran of AFG, a Harvard grad, a Rhodes scholar, women think he's very cute, he's very articulate, and very religious?! WTF? The OP makes better points why he should not be president.

Pete Buttigieg - Wikipedia
...and the Current President is a draft dodging snake oil salesman. :rolleyes:

...who whooped all your asses! :auiqs.jpg:

Really? He beat one of the worst Presidential candidates in history and during his entire time in office hasn't broken a 50% approval rate.

When the OP has to use a guy's sexuality as the one thing to attack a candidate... that's about as weak as it gets. What's next? Going to say homosexuality is a sin? Well so is cheating on your wife/wives, MULTIPLE times, including when she just got home from the hospital giving birth to your son.

This is the problem with our political system right now. You have absolutely NOTHING to defend Trump on, so instead of wanting someone better, you just try to argue everyone is worse than he is. That's pathetic.
...and the Current President is a draft dodging snake oil salesman. :rolleyes:

...who whooped all your asses! :auiqs.jpg:

Really? He beat one of the worst Presidential candidates in history and during his entire time in office hasn't broken a 50% approval rate.

When the OP has to use a guy's sexuality as the one thing to attack a candidate... that's about as weak as it gets. What's next? Going to say homosexuality is a sin? Well so is cheating on your wife/wives, MULTIPLE times, including when she just got home from the hospital giving birth to your son.

This is the problem with our political system right now. You have absolutely NOTHING to defend Trump on, so instead of wanting someone better, you just try to argue everyone is worse than he is. That's pathetic.

Lib please, Hillary had over $1 billion dollar campaign war chest. The entire Dem party, the entire media except for Fox, and a good number of GOP RINO's and all former presidents rooting for her. And with all those advantages Trump still whooped her ass bad. He won 30 states including 3 blue states.

You people just can't deal with the fact the American people rejected your stupid shit policies. It wasn't your candidate, the turn out in key blue states like CA and NY prove that. I hate to break it to you but nobody likes the left.
...and the Current President is a draft dodging snake oil salesman. :rolleyes:

...who whooped all your asses! :auiqs.jpg:

Really? He beat one of the worst Presidential candidates in history and during his entire time in office hasn't broken a 50% approval rate.

When the OP has to use a guy's sexuality as the one thing to attack a candidate... that's about as weak as it gets. What's next? Going to say homosexuality is a sin? Well so is cheating on your wife/wives, MULTIPLE times, including when she just got home from the hospital giving birth to your son.

This is the problem with our political system right now. You have absolutely NOTHING to defend Trump on, so instead of wanting someone better, you just try to argue everyone is worse than he is. That's pathetic.

Lib please, Hillary had over $1 billion dollar campaign war chest. The entire Dem party, the entire media except for Fox, and a good number of GOP RINO's and all former presidents rooting for her. And with all those advantages Trump still whooped her ass bad. He won 30 states including 3 blue states.

You people just can't deal with the fact the American people rejected your stupid shit policies. It wasn't your candidate, the turn out in key blue states like CA and NY prove that. I hate to break it to you but nobody likes the left.

I'm not a Lib and never have been. It doesn't matter how much money she had, she was hot garbage. Trump would have lost to almost ANY other candidate out there. ANY. Half of the people who voted for Trump only did so because they didn't want to vote for Hillary.

I know this is a difficult concept for you to understand, because after all you are a Trump supporter, but not all people that don't like Trump are Democrats. There are some people out there like me who will vote for the best candidate period, no matter what party they are a part of. I don't need some fucking political party to make my mind up for me.

You voted for Trump, you voted Democrat. Trump has been a Democrat longer in his life than a Republican. You played the sucker he made you to be.
...and the Current President is a draft dodging snake oil salesman. :rolleyes:

...who whooped all your asses! :auiqs.jpg:

Really? He beat one of the worst Presidential candidates in history and during his entire time in office hasn't broken a 50% approval rate.

When the OP has to use a guy's sexuality as the one thing to attack a candidate... that's about as weak as it gets. What's next? Going to say homosexuality is a sin? Well so is cheating on your wife/wives, MULTIPLE times, including when she just got home from the hospital giving birth to your son.

This is the problem with our political system right now. You have absolutely NOTHING to defend Trump on, so instead of wanting someone better, you just try to argue everyone is worse than he is. That's pathetic.

Lib please, Hillary had over $1 billion dollar campaign war chest. The entire Dem party, the entire media except for Fox, and a good number of GOP RINO's and all former presidents rooting for her. And with all those advantages Trump still whooped her ass bad. He won 30 states including 3 blue states.

You people just can't deal with the fact the American people rejected your stupid shit policies. It wasn't your candidate, the turn out in key blue states like CA and NY prove that. I hate to break it to you but nobody likes the left.

I'm not a Lib and never have been. It doesn't matter how much money she had, she was hot garbage. Trump would have lost to almost ANY other candidate out there. ANY. Half of the people who voted for Trump only did so because they didn't want to vote for Hillary.

I know this is a difficult concept for you to understand, because after all you are a Trump supporter, but not all people that don't like Trump are Democrats. There are some people out there like me who will vote for the best candidate period, no matter what party they are a part of. I don't need some fucking political party to make my mind up for me.

You voted for Trump, you voted Democrat. Trump has been a Democrat longer in his life than a Republican. You played the sucker he made you to be.

You underestimate the American people. Policies policies policies that's how Trump crushed the Dem's. All this excuse making to avoid facing rejection by the American people is spin and self delusion.
...and the Current President is a draft dodging snake oil salesman. :rolleyes:

...who whooped all your asses! :auiqs.jpg:

Really? He beat one of the worst Presidential candidates in history and during his entire time in office hasn't broken a 50% approval rate.

When the OP has to use a guy's sexuality as the one thing to attack a candidate... that's about as weak as it gets. What's next? Going to say homosexuality is a sin? Well so is cheating on your wife/wives, MULTIPLE times, including when she just got home from the hospital giving birth to your son.

This is the problem with our political system right now. You have absolutely NOTHING to defend Trump on, so instead of wanting someone better, you just try to argue everyone is worse than he is. That's pathetic.

Lib please, Hillary had over $1 billion dollar campaign war chest. The entire Dem party, the entire media except for Fox, and a good number of GOP RINO's and all former presidents rooting for her. And with all those advantages Trump still whooped her ass bad. He won 30 states including 3 blue states.

You people just can't deal with the fact the American people rejected your stupid shit policies. It wasn't your candidate, the turn out in key blue states like CA and NY prove that. I hate to break it to you but nobody likes the left.

I'm not a Lib and never have been. It doesn't matter how much money she had, she was hot garbage. Trump would have lost to almost ANY other candidate out there. ANY. Half of the people who voted for Trump only did so because they didn't want to vote for Hillary.

I know this is a difficult concept for you to understand, because after all you are a Trump supporter, but not all people that don't like Trump are Democrats. There are some people out there like me who will vote for the best candidate period, no matter what party they are a part of. I don't need some fucking political party to make my mind up for me.

You voted for Trump, you voted Democrat. Trump has been a Democrat longer in his life than a Republican. You played the sucker he made you to be.

You underestimate the American people. Policies policies policies that's how Trump crushed the Dem's. All this excuse making to avoid facing rejection by the American people is spin and self delusion.

I underestimate the American people? If Trump is doing so great, why is he the only President in the last 4 decades to not making it over a 50% approval rate in the first 2 years of his presidency?

The American voter spoke in the 2018 midterm elections when they voted Democrats to take over the House so they could find out just how bad of a fraud Trump is. It eats your soul doesn't it, to know you voted for Democrat Trump?

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