Buttigieg quits

I did not expect her to make it so far into the trail of tears.
Buttigieg, the first openly gay major presidential candidate, is currently travelling back to South Bend, where he will give a speech announcing the halt of his presidential bid, the aide said. Buttigieg's decision comes after he failed to recapture the momentum lost in South Carolina and Nevada after a strong finish in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Pete Buttigieg will suspend presidential campaign in South Bend, Indiana
It is time to separate the sheep from the goats. I have to admire a man who knows when to 'fold em'. The field is too crowded, too divisive. It is right that those who could end up taking votes away rather than adding to the party should make room. So I give Kudos to both Pete, whom I really like, and Steyer who walk away for the good of the process. Well Done!!
Buttigieg, the first openly gay major presidential candidate, is currently travelling back to South Bend, where he will give a speech announcing the halt of his presidential bid, the aide said. Buttigieg's decision comes after he failed to recapture the momentum lost in South Carolina and Nevada after a strong finish in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Pete Buttigieg will suspend presidential campaign in South Bend, Indiana
It is time to separate the sheep from the goats. I have to admire a man who knows when to 'fold em'. The field is too crowded, too divisive. It is right that those who could end up taking votes away rather than adding to the party should make room. So I give Kudos to both Pete, whom I really like, and Steyer who walk away for the good of the process. Well Done!!

They are clearing the way for Biden, which is the right strategy for the DNC right now.
Nah, he'll be dead from aids by then.
Long after Trump dies in prison.

Media darling Pete Buttigieg was in unit that worked with CIA in Afghanistan
Trump will never see a day in prison. And you swallow everything the media tells you. I'll bet even pete doesn't swallow as much as you do.
Trump will never see a day in prison. And you swallow everything the media tells you. I'll bet even pete doesn't swallow as much as you do.
You're projecting.

If your Pussy POTUS doesn't win reelection, he will be in criminal and civil courtrooms by this time next year.

Bill Barr stalled SDNY's investigation into Trump's hush money payments as one of his first acts of service to Don the Con, and Bernie's Attorney General will promptly overturn that bit of collusion.

Then it's on to Bone Spur's taxes.:p
Trump will never see a day in prison. And you swallow everything the media tells you. I'll bet even pete doesn't swallow as much as you do.
Trump will never see a day in prison. And you swallow everything the media tells you. I'll bet even pete doesn't swallow as much as you do.
You're projecting.

If your Pussy POTUS doesn't win reelection, he will be in criminal and civil courtrooms by this time next year.

Bill Barr stalled SDNY's investigation into Trump's hush money payments as one of his first acts of service to Don the Con, and Bernie's Attorney General will promptly overturn that bit of collusion.

Then it's on to Bone Spur's taxes.:p
Fake news.
Buttigieg, the first openly gay major presidential candidate, is currently travelling back to South Bend, where he will give a speech announcing the halt of his presidential bid, the aide said. Buttigieg's decision comes after he failed to recapture the momentum lost in South Carolina and Nevada after a strong finish in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Pete Buttigieg will suspend presidential campaign in South Bend, Indiana
Well, that kinda sucks. It blows that he had to leave this way. I think he took it up the ass from the DNC.
Trump will never see a day in prison. And you swallow everything the media tells you. I'll bet even pete doesn't swallow as much as you do.
Trump will never see a day in prison. And you swallow everything the media tells you. I'll bet even pete doesn't swallow as much as you do.
You're projecting.

If your Pussy POTUS doesn't win reelection, he will be in criminal and civil courtrooms by this time next year.

Bill Barr stalled SDNY's investigation into Trump's hush money payments as one of his first acts of service to Don the Con, and Bernie's Attorney General will promptly overturn that bit of collusion.

Then it's on to Bone Spur's taxes.:p
He hung it up. Blamed blacks. Thanks black people.
Pete Buttigieg to Quit Democratic Presidential Race

Yep. The Buttiplug falls out. He just wasn't a very good fit for the anal retentive voters.

Now we are down to the last Fabulous Four of The Pasty White View attachment 309750 Liberal League:
  • Mad Mike Oldie
  • Cherokee Liz
  • Bolshevik Bern and
  • Quid Pro Grope Your Daughter Joe
And the winner is...

View attachment 309751

No, but he might be Bidens VP pick....then become President when Biden strokes out.

Don't forget the DNC talked Biden into the race to begin with. They want him in, but he's had a hard time of getting the voters support, until finally SC. More than likely they are narrowing the field, in the hopes of boosting his numbers.
I'd venture a guess that Warren & Bloomberg are next on the chopping block, though she won't like it one bit.
Smart move. The moderates who have no chance need to step aside. Klobuchar should do the same as well as Bloomberg. Make it a Biden v. Sanders race. Biden will win. The moderates should consolidate.
Bloomberg will be the Candidate. Biden is Senile, Bernie is running as a commie and will never make it, and the rest will quit. Right now Bloomberg is taking the fight to Trump while the others stumble around in the dark muttering about things they will do with no explanations on how they will do anything.
If Bloomberg and Biden split the moderate vote, Sanders may win the nomination. I don’t want Sanders. He will be a disaster. I would not mind Bloomberg either for the record.

Bloomberg is very authoritarian. How do you reconcile that?
Smart move. The moderates who have no chance need to step aside. Klobuchar should do the same as well as Bloomberg. Make it a Biden v. Sanders race. Biden will win. The moderates should consolidate.
Bloomberg will be the Candidate. Biden is Senile, Bernie is running as a commie and will never make it, and the rest will quit. Right now Bloomberg is taking the fight to Trump while the others stumble around in the dark muttering about things they will do with no explanations on how they will do anything.
If Bloomberg and Biden split the moderate vote, Sanders may win the nomination. I don’t want Sanders. He will be a disaster. I would not mind Bloomberg either for the record.

Bloomberg is very authoritarian. How do you reconcile that?
Anybody but Trump, is how that side reconciles it, westwall
He hung it up. Blamed blacks. Thanks black people.

Pete Buttigieg to Quit Democratic Presidential Race

The first openly gay major presidential candidate, Mr. Buttigieg rose to the primary’s top tier, but was unable to build a broad coalition of voters, and lost badly in South Carolina Saturday.

SELMA, Ala. — Pete Buttigieg, the former small-city Indiana mayor and first openly gay major presidential candidate, has decided to quit the Democratic race, a person briefed on Mr. Buttigieg’s plans said on Sunday, following a crushing loss in the South Carolina primary where his poor performance with black Democrats signaled an inability to build a broad coalition of voters.

Pete Buttigieg to Quit Democratic Presidential Race

Pete Buttigieg is dropping out of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary

Ho probably found himself in too deep of a hole and withdrew prematurely.

Poor Mayor Pete. He got a shitty deal.
He hung it up. Blamed blacks. Thanks black people.

Pete Buttigieg to Quit Democratic Presidential Race

The first openly gay major presidential candidate, Mr. Buttigieg rose to the primary’s top tier, but was unable to build a broad coalition of voters, and lost badly in South Carolina Saturday.

SELMA, Ala. — Pete Buttigieg, the former small-city Indiana mayor and first openly gay major presidential candidate, has decided to quit the Democratic race, a person briefed on Mr. Buttigieg’s plans said on Sunday, following a crushing loss in the South Carolina primary where his poor performance with black Democrats signaled an inability to build a broad coalition of voters.

Pete Buttigieg to Quit Democratic Presidential Race

Pete Buttigieg is dropping out of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary


I guess Mayor Pete is going to the rear of the bus...

The bus strike was in Montgomery, not Selma. The Edmund Pettus Bridge is in Selma.
He hung it up. Blamed blacks. Thanks black people.
Pete Buttigieg to Quit Democratic Presidential Race

Yep. The Buttiplug falls out. He just wasn't a very good fit for the anal retentive voters.

Now we are down to the last Fabulous Four of The Pasty White View attachment 309750 Liberal League:
  • Mad Mike Oldie
  • Cherokee Liz
  • Bolshevik Bern and
  • Quid Pro Grope Your Daughter Joe
And the winner is...

View attachment 309751

No, but he might be Bidens VP pick....then become President when Biden strokes out.

Don't forget the DNC talked Biden into the race to begin with. They want him in, but he's had a hard time of getting the voters support, until finally SC. More than likely they are narrowing the field, in the hopes of boosting his numbers.
I'd venture a guess that Warren & Bloomberg are next on the chopping block, though she won't like it one bit.
Nope, biden can't remember where he is or what office he's running for.
will Klobuchar be the next to quit?

next week?

yes she will

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