Buttigieg seeks to unite church and state

What a flaming hypocrite! A pro-abortion sodomite knows NOTHING of Christianity.

Pete Buttigieg: I’ll Bring Christianity Back To The White House. But He’s Pro-Abortion

Where is abortion mentioned in the Bible?
Where did Jesus say- oh something like- 'don't get abortions'?

Oh right- abortion is not mentioned in the Bible.

But its always fun to see Christians claim other Christians are not Christian because those Christians don't believe in something that Jesus never said.

Actually it is mentioned a couple times , but not as a “thou shall not” .

Of course the good Christians here will mention “thou shall not kill” . But then forget they are pro death penalty .

The death penalty is a defense if life

Brings less murder

The abortion mass murder of babies is a defense to promote insane greed

The death penalty is a defense to stop murder
Yeah. I dont get the Democrats obsession with Abortions. At all.
What a flaming hypocrite! A pro-abortion sodomite knows NOTHING of Christianity.

Pete Buttigieg: I’ll Bring Christianity Back To The White House. But He’s Pro-Abortion

Where is abortion mentioned in the Bible?
Where did Jesus say- oh something like- 'don't get abortions'?

Oh right- abortion is not mentioned in the Bible.

But its always fun to see Christians claim other Christians are not Christian because those Christians don't believe in something that Jesus never said.

Actually it is mentioned a couple times , but not as a “thou shall not” .

Of course the good Christians here will mention “thou shall not kill” . But then forget they are pro death penalty .

The death penalty is a defense if life

Brings less murder

The abortion mass murder of babies is a defense to promote insane greed

The death penalty is a defense to stop murder
Yeah. I dont get the Democrats obsession with Abortions. At all.
Dema are not “obsessed “ with abortion. It is just a reality. Women have the right to control their bodies and their lives.

Republicans have the obsession.. which lead to murders, bombings, and arson. THAT indicates obsession
You can't be a pee wee puffer and support murdering babies and claim Christianity

Fcking clown

You can't be a Putin pee wee puffer, support the Russians and claim patriotism, either. But Trump does.
Judging by your avatar, anyone that would post such a disgusting meme has to be one perverted sick bastard.

You got no room to talk about pee wee puffers.

LOL, My meme may be offensive but it's representationally correct.
What you can't see in the meme are all the brains that have been sucked out of the heads of these morons as they race to get inside.
Mayor Pete IS a Christian. A New Testament Christian.
What a flaming hypocrite! A pro-abortion sodomite knows NOTHING of Christianity.

Pete Buttigieg: I’ll Bring Christianity Back To The White House. But He’s Pro-Abortion

Where is abortion mentioned in the Bible?
Where did Jesus say- oh something like- 'don't get abortions'?

Oh right- abortion is not mentioned in the Bible.

But its always fun to see Christians claim other Christians are not Christian because those Christians don't believe in something that Jesus never said.

Actually it is mentioned a couple times , but not as a “thou shall not” .

Of course the good Christians here will mention “thou shall not kill” . But then forget they are pro death penalty .

The death penalty is a defense if life

Brings less murder

The abortion mass murder of babies is a defense to promote insane greed

The death penalty is a defense to stop murder
Yeah. I dont get the Democrats obsession with Abortions. At all.
Dema are not “obsessed “ with abortion. It is just a reality. Women have the right to control their bodies and their lives.

Republicans have the obsession.. which lead to murders, bombings, and arson. THAT indicates obsession

Yes they are

That is mass murder of us citizens

Nothing can do to top that harm

Martial law is coming to stop this crooked system

The men will
Rise against the women voters
What a flaming hypocrite! A pro-abortion sodomite knows NOTHING of Christianity.

Pete Buttigieg: I’ll Bring Christianity Back To The White House. But He’s Pro-Abortion

This is why democrats are so hated ... total hypocrites !!!!

Well they're not hated in Kentucky and Virginia. Better catch up on the election news from last night.

Wrong they are hated by the men’s majority

It’s the women that promotes the mass murder of us babies

Men will not accept this

Martial law is coming to stop
Actually it is mentioned a couple times , but not as a “thou shall not” .

Of course the good Christians here will mention “thou shall not kill” . But then forget they are pro death penalty .

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

That's from the Old Testament.
In the New Testament it says,,,,,
"But I tell you, don't resist him who is evil;
but whoever strikes you on your right
cheek, turn to him the other also"
. Matthew 5:39
This is just another verse from the Bible that Trump does not obey. We all know Trump loves to punish those who don't agree with him. According to the Bible, only God can carry out revenge.

We all know you don't have a clue about Christian theology, so why try and fake it? You're just not bright enough, no doubt due to years of dope and self-abuse.

I grew up in a Baptist home, I have an uncle who's a pastor and cousins that are missionaries. Growing up in a Baptist home required reading the Bible daily, plus five church services a week. Before I was Baptized, I was required to read the entire Bible and attend Bible Study classes.
Now, prove my post wrong.

Just for starters, the verse you're lying about re its context doesn't invalidate the 'eye for an eye' verse, they're not even related; the 'eye for an eye' verse is a judicial principle in law, and Christians can indeed enforce such a judgement, just as they can defend themselves and their neighbors from thieves, murderers, invading armies, etc., so you're full of shit there re implying 'Old Testament stuff' was no longer valid, and your claim 'Only God can carry out revenge' is clearly false, so your claims of 'studying the bible n stuff' is either a lie or you slept through your lessons every day, which of course is just a distinction without a difference.

For seconds, Jesus responded to false charges all throughout his ministry, which makes it very strange for such an 'educated Baptist' like yourself to have missed in all that 'studying n stuff'; the reference in Mathew to being slapped is referring to a common personal physical insult in Jewish culture, and doesn't mean one can't respond verbally, which of course even Trump is allowed to do, the violent assault to be left addressed to law and the courts. Your claim Trump is somehow violating some Christian prohibition or other for responding to fake news and charges is just bullshit on its face, which you would know if you really were the Big Giant Bible Scholar you're pretending to be here.

Meanwhile, the Peanut Gallery can read up on the problems the early Jewish state had with the pagan vendetta law issues and why they had a need for inventing such laws against pursuing such vendettas in the first place, and Christians are just as bound by those principles as any Jewish people are. The state laws created represents one of the major advances over paganism and superstition that Judaism is historically rightly famous for, even if they failed to live up to the ideals often, as all have. The OT is very much valid re Christians and social rules, which is why it's part of the Christian book. As is pointed out by real bible scholars, the Jesus ministry follows the Torah and the rest of the OT, it doesn't make it irrelevant or dismisses it at all, it copies it and follows it to the letter..

That was the way I interpreted Matthew 5:39. And I see others agree with my
"Jesus was not changing the meaning of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" but restoring it to the original context. Jesus starts his statement with "you have heard it said" which means that he was clarifying a misconception, as opposed to "it is written" which would be a reference to scripture. The common misconception seems to be that people were using Exodus 21:24-25 (the guidelines for a magistrate to punish convicted offenders) as a justification for personal vengeance. In this context, the command to "turn the other cheek" would not be a command to allow someone to beat or rob a person, but a command not to take vengeance".
.Turning the other cheek
Dema [sic] are not “obsessed “ with abortion. It is just a reality. Women have the right to control their bodies and their lives.

Republicans have the obsession.. which lead to murders, bombings, and arson. THAT indicates obsession

Your “Women have the right to control their bodies and their lives.” is the direct cause of far more deaths of far more innocents, than all the causes that you falsely attribute to Republicans put together. Do something about the beam in your own eye before you worry about the alleged mote in ours.
Dema [sic] are not “obsessed “ with abortion. It is just a reality. Women have the right to control their bodies and their lives.

Republicans have the obsession.. which lead to murders, bombings, and arson. THAT indicates obsession

Your “Women have the right to control their bodies and their lives.” is the direct cause of far more deaths of far more innocents, than all the causes that you falsely attribute to Republicans put together. Do something about the beam in your own eye before you worry about the alleged mote in ours.
And they are rabid about their right to sever spinal cords up to and after birth. Liberals are obsessed freakish loons about abortion.
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

That's from the Old Testament.
In the New Testament it says,,,,,
"But I tell you, don't resist him who is evil;
but whoever strikes you on your right
cheek, turn to him the other also"
. Matthew 5:39
This is just another verse from the Bible that Trump does not obey. We all know Trump loves to punish those who don't agree with him. According to the Bible, only God can carry out revenge.

We all know you don't have a clue about Christian theology, so why try and fake it? You're just not bright enough, no doubt due to years of dope and self-abuse.

I grew up in a Baptist home, I have an uncle who's a pastor and cousins that are missionaries. Growing up in a Baptist home required reading the Bible daily, plus five church services a week. Before I was Baptized, I was required to read the entire Bible and attend Bible Study classes.
Now, prove my post wrong.

Just for starters, the verse you're lying about re its context doesn't invalidate the 'eye for an eye' verse, they're not even related; the 'eye for an eye' verse is a judicial principle in law, and Christians can indeed enforce such a judgement, just as they can defend themselves and their neighbors from thieves, murderers, invading armies, etc., so you're full of shit there re implying 'Old Testament stuff' was no longer valid, and your claim 'Only God can carry out revenge' is clearly false, so your claims of 'studying the bible n stuff' is either a lie or you slept through your lessons every day, which of course is just a distinction without a difference.

For seconds, Jesus responded to false charges all throughout his ministry, which makes it very strange for such an 'educated Baptist' like yourself to have missed in all that 'studying n stuff'; the reference in Mathew to being slapped is referring to a common personal physical insult in Jewish culture, and doesn't mean one can't respond verbally, which of course even Trump is allowed to do, the violent assault to be left addressed to law and the courts. Your claim Trump is somehow violating some Christian prohibition or other for responding to fake news and charges is just bullshit on its face, which you would know if you really were the Big Giant Bible Scholar you're pretending to be here.

Meanwhile, the Peanut Gallery can read up on the problems the early Jewish state had with the pagan vendetta law issues and why they had a need for inventing such laws against pursuing such vendettas in the first place, and Christians are just as bound by those principles as any Jewish people are. The state laws created represents one of the major advances over paganism and superstition that Judaism is historically rightly famous for, even if they failed to live up to the ideals often, as all have. The OT is very much valid re Christians and social rules, which is why it's part of the Christian book. As is pointed out by real bible scholars, the Jesus ministry follows the Torah and the rest of the OT, it doesn't make it irrelevant or dismisses it at all, it copies it and follows it to the letter..

That was the way I interpreted Matthew 5:39. And I see others agree with my
"Jesus was not changing the meaning of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" but restoring it to the original context. Jesus starts his statement with "you have heard it said" which means that he was clarifying a misconception, as opposed to "it is written" which would be a reference to scripture. The common misconception seems to be that people were using Exodus 21:24-25 (the guidelines for a magistrate to punish convicted offenders) as a justification for personal vengeance. In this context, the command to "turn the other cheek" would not be a command to allow someone to beat or rob a person, but a command not to take vengeance".
.Turning the other cheek

I never said you couldn't find other liars to cut and paste rubbish from. I just have to base mine on the actual texts, while you have to pull nonsense out of your ass and claim 'popularity' of some bullshit as 'proof'.
Women have the right to control their bodies and their lives.

No you don't.

It is illegal to drive a car drunk.
It is illegal to procure illicit substances.
It is illegal to sell a kidney.
It is illegal to engage in prostitution.

I could go on. Stop spreading this "my body my right" MYTH.
I'm not going to go that far in trying to justify war. I recognize war as nothing better than an unavoidable, and sometimes necessary evil.

Our current wars were completely avoidable.

I cannot honestly be claim to be qualified to make that judgement. The decision to go to ward has been made by people who have a much better understanding of the international circumstances and how they affect the interests of this country and its people, than I possibly ever could. I can only hope that those charged with making these decisions are doing so wisely, but alas, my confidence in this hope is rather low.

It does seem to me that we are involved in wars that we probably ought not to be, and that there are some circumstances that we ought to be seriously treating as war, and acting accordingly, that we are not.

18 years killing tens of thousand innocent women and children and we have accomplished nothing other than destroy other countries.

yeah, cuz there would be no wars if it weren't fir us Evul Amurkins. lol you frauds are a joke. Far more people would be dead now if we did stay out of world politics, and as history has showed for our beginnings hiding under our beds and wimpering never kept the scum away from attacking us anyway. Only the Stupid think they can remain neutral.

There would be wars......that does not in any way defend what we have done.

We don't have to defend self-defense, nor going to war against evil scum. You're just a sociopath, and could care less if everyone else gets murdered, raped, and robbed as long as the scum leave you alone personally. Let them all die, just don't make me go without my Ding Dongs for breakfast.
Our current wars were completely avoidable.

I cannot honestly be claim to be qualified to make that judgement. The decision to go to ward has been made by people who have a much better understanding of the international circumstances and how they affect the interests of this country and its people, than I possibly ever could. I can only hope that those charged with making these decisions are doing so wisely, but alas, my confidence in this hope is rather low.

It does seem to me that we are involved in wars that we probably ought not to be, and that there are some circumstances that we ought to be seriously treating as war, and acting accordingly, that we are not.

18 years killing tens of thousand innocent women and children and we have accomplished nothing other than destroy other countries.

yeah, cuz there would be no wars if it weren't fir us Evul Amurkins. lol you frauds are a joke. Far more people would be dead now if we did stay out of world politics, and as history has showed for our beginnings hiding under our beds and wimpering never kept the scum away from attacking us anyway. Only the Stupid think they can remain neutral.

There would be wars......that does not in any way defend what we have done.

We don't have to defend self-defense, nor going to war against evil scum. You're just a sociopath, and could care less if everyone else gets murdered, raped, and robbed as long as the scum leave you alone personally. Let them all die, just don't make me go without my Ding Dongs for breakfast.

We turn right around and kill the very same people we condemn others for killing. Iraq is a far worse place today than it was when we invaded.

Iraq did nothing to us.

What have we learned today, children?


It's okay to cheat on your spouse a buncha times "because Clinton"!


Well done, children! Amen! Praise Jesus! Now let's bash homos for offending our Christian values.
What a flaming hypocrite! A pro-abortion sodomite knows NOTHING of Christianity.

Pete Buttigieg: I’ll Bring Christianity Back To The White House. But He’s Pro-Abortion

Where is abortion mentioned in the Bible?
Where did Jesus say- oh something like- 'don't get abortions'?

Oh right- abortion is not mentioned in the Bible.

But its always fun to see Christians claim other Christians are not Christian because those Christians don't believe in something that Jesus never said.

Actually it is mentioned a couple times , but not as a “thou shall not” .

Of course the good Christians here will mention “thou shall not kill” . But then forget they are pro death penalty .

The death penalty is a defense if life

Brings less murder

The abortion mass murder of babies is a defense to promote insane greed

The death penalty is a defense to stop murder
Yeah. I dont get the Democrats obsession with Abortions. At all.

They support it because Da Xians oppose it. We know how to prevent unwanted pregnancies, 100% of them. It's just too inconvenient for mindlessly self-indulgent narcissistic tards to make the decisions necessary. Better to just kill the baby later and keep on partying.
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