Buttigieg seeks to unite church and state

The United Church of Christ has strongly supported abortion rights since 1971 as a part of their Justice and Witness Ministry.

Some hard to believe some Christians do support abortion

2 Timothy 3-4

3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

It was prophesied that people would turn away from the truth, that there would be ministers and churches that, instead of teaching the truth, would teach what the audience wanted to hear. Certainly, a church taking the position that it should be legal to murder innocent children in cold blood would be a very clear example.

Well it certainly can be interpreted that way but then it becomes a two edge sword

As a citizen
Do you support the death penalty

Do you support war which as a consequences kills innocent people

what is the truth

In Matthew, Jesus says that church members should forgive each other “seventy times seven times” (18:22),

Jesus’ words “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing” are found in Luke 23:34 as he was put to death

when surrounded by the worst of the worst

there is only one being that will decide the Truth and pass judgement

it certainly is not people

You're going off into areas that miss the point. There's plenty of room to argue whether war or capital punishment are reconcilable with Christian principles.

But needlessly killing innocent children in cold blood is absolutely irreconcilable with Christianity, or with any standard of decency and ethics. Any “Christian” minister or church that professes to support a “right” to commit such slaughter is in a state of willful rebellion and defiance against God, and is a clear example of what was warned about in 2 Timothy 3-4.

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It is still a double edged sword

What is the truth

the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall
judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;

people who judge other people

Is it there right to judge others

A person has the right to make their own judgement without enduring ridicule by those who want to make judgement for them.

Is Christianity about forgiveness or is it just lip services
We all know you don't have a clue about Christian theology, so why try and fake it? You're just not bright enough, no doubt due to years of dope and self-abuse.

I grew up in a Baptist home, I have an uncle who's a pastor and cousins that are missionaries. Growing up in a Baptist home required reading the Bible daily, plus five church services a week. Before I was Baptized, I was required to read the entire Bible and attend Bible Study classes.
Now, prove my post wrong.

Just for starters, the verse you're lying about re its context doesn't invalidate the 'eye for an eye' verse, they're not even related; the 'eye for an eye' verse is a judicial principle in law, and Christians can indeed enforce such a judgement, just as they can defend themselves and their neighbors from thieves, murderers, invading armies, etc., so you're full of shit there re implying 'Old Testament stuff' was no longer valid, and your claim 'Only God can carry out revenge' is clearly false, so your claims of 'studying the bible n stuff' is either a lie or you slept through your lessons every day, which of course is just a distinction without a difference.

For seconds, Jesus responded to false charges all throughout his ministry, which makes it very strange for such an 'educated Baptist' like yourself to have missed in all that 'studying n stuff'; the reference in Mathew to being slapped is referring to a common personal physical insult in Jewish culture, and doesn't mean one can't respond verbally, which of course even Trump is allowed to do, the violent assault to be left addressed to law and the courts. Your claim Trump is somehow violating some Christian prohibition or other for responding to fake news and charges is just bullshit on its face, which you would know if you really were the Big Giant Bible Scholar you're pretending to be here.

Meanwhile, the Peanut Gallery can read up on the problems the early Jewish state had with the pagan vendetta law issues and why they had a need for inventing such laws against pursuing such vendettas in the first place, and Christians are just as bound by those principles as any Jewish people are. The state laws created represents one of the major advances over paganism and superstition that Judaism is historically rightly famous for, even if they failed to live up to the ideals often, as all have. The OT is very much valid re Christians and social rules, which is why it's part of the Christian book. As is pointed out by real bible scholars, the Jesus ministry follows the Torah and the rest of the OT, it doesn't make it irrelevant or dismisses it at all, it copies it and follows it to the letter..

That was the way I interpreted Matthew 5:39. And I see others agree with my
"Jesus was not changing the meaning of "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" but restoring it to the original context. Jesus starts his statement with "you have heard it said" which means that he was clarifying a misconception, as opposed to "it is written" which would be a reference to scripture. The common misconception seems to be that people were using Exodus 21:24-25 (the guidelines for a magistrate to punish convicted offenders) as a justification for personal vengeance. In this context, the command to "turn the other cheek" would not be a command to allow someone to beat or rob a person, but a command not to take vengeance".
.Turning the other cheek

I never said you couldn't find other liars to cut and paste rubbish from. I just have to base mine on the actual texts, while you have to pull nonsense out of your ass and claim 'popularity' of some bullshit as 'proof'.

Did you bother to check who were referenced in my link?? Professors and Scholars of the Bible. And you are....?

Already posted to a genuine scholar's discussion of that, in a discussion with a serious poster here. You're just another trolling moron who lied about his alleged 'education' and got called out on it, so you're stuck with running around trying to impress your fellow meth heads and deviants and being ignored from now on, as all Democrats should be. lol .
Donald Trump has a long history of supporting his fellow New Yorker’s political career, however, in both campaign contributions and celebrity host of lucrative Democratic fundraisers.

He donated to Schumer’s first three Senate campaigns in 1998, 2004 and 2010. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump along with brothers Eric and Donald made eight donations to Schumer campaigns.

Trump's old New York pal

Trump confessed to this during the primaries. He stated business is all about pay to play.

These morons don't have the basic sense to know that Trump and everybody else in the real business has had to bribe these scumbag Democrats and their mobster flunkies for decades just to do business in New York and most other places.
yeah, cuz there would be no wars if it weren't fir us Evul Amurkins. lol you frauds are a joke. Far more people would be dead now if we did stay out of world politics, and as history has showed for our beginnings hiding under our beds and wimpering never kept the scum away from attacking us anyway. Only the Stupid think they can remain neutral.

There would be wars......that does not in any way defend what we have done.

We don't have to defend self-defense, nor going to war against evil scum. You're just a sociopath, and could care less if everyone else gets murdered, raped, and robbed as long as the scum leave you alone personally. Let them all die, just don't make me go without my Ding Dongs for breakfast.

We turn right around and kill the very same people we condemn others for killing. Iraq is a far worse place today than it was when we invaded.

Iraq did nothing to us.

More rubbish. Iraq attacked countries we had mutual defense treaties with., so yeah, they 'did something' to us. whether or not you narcissists like that personally or not is irrelevant; make yourself king of America and then the country is subject to your infantile whims, and not before.

Iraq was attacking no one.

Yes, you're reduced to imbecilic one liner commentaries now. But hey, you have a new group of friends down in the 'History' Forum, the new home for the Conspiracy Theory Forum, and you find many like minded friends down there, both left and right wing, who will thank you effusively for joining their Pity Parties for those hapless innocent Japanese and poor misled Nazis of WW II fame; the Evul FDR duped them all into war, you know.
There would be wars......that does not in any way defend what we have done.

We don't have to defend self-defense, nor going to war against evil scum. You're just a sociopath, and could care less if everyone else gets murdered, raped, and robbed as long as the scum leave you alone personally. Let them all die, just don't make me go without my Ding Dongs for breakfast.

We turn right around and kill the very same people we condemn others for killing. Iraq is a far worse place today than it was when we invaded.

Iraq did nothing to us.

More rubbish. Iraq attacked countries we had mutual defense treaties with., so yeah, they 'did something' to us. whether or not you narcissists like that personally or not is irrelevant; make yourself king of America and then the country is subject to your infantile whims, and not before.

Iraq was attacking no one.

Yes, you're reduced to imbecilic one liner commentaries now. But hey, you have a new group of friends down in the 'History' Forum, the new home for the Conspiracy Theory Forum, and you find many like minded friends down there, both left and right wing, who will thank you effusively for joining their Pity Parties for those hapless innocent Japanese and poor misled Nazis of WW II fame; the Evul FDR duped them all into war, you know.

One line is about the best most here can comprehend.
Mayor Pete IS a Christian. A New Testament Christian.

Oh Lord. Christianity is all about the new testament. Where in the world did you ever hear of an old testament Christian? Pay attention! Christian includes the word "Christ."

Buddyjiz claiming he's a Christian is like a drunk who claims he's a long standing member of the AAA, and comes to meetings drunk as a skunk. If you want to be a Christian, you have to follow their values, not do the opposite of them.
That was my point dope.

NONE of you "Christians" seem to understand a THING about the guy your religion is named for...or what he taught
Mayor Pete IS a Christian. A New Testament Christian.

Oh Lord. Christianity is all about the new testament. Where in the world did you ever hear of an old testament Christian? Pay attention! Christian includes the word "Christ."

Buddyjiz claiming he's a Christian is like a drunk who claims he's a long standing member of the AAA, and comes to meetings drunk as a skunk. If you want to be a Christian, you have to follow their values, not do the opposite of them.
That was my point dope.

NONE of you "Christians" seem to understand a THING about the guy your religion is named for...or what he taught

I think it's you that doesn't understand. The New Testament teaches that all men sin, but Jesus taught to turn away from sin and repent, not keep sinning and follow him.
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"Thou Shalt no Kill"

And again...those KIDS that died because of Trump's border policies trouble you not at all.


How about all the kids that died on the way here because the Democrats said they could come? Very often mothers would send their 12 year old daughters here with a vial full of birth control pills for the expected multiple rapes they would face along the way.
rules and religions are for fools, follow them and you'll sound just like everyone else
Surely the true monster is one who would put an innocent child to death, for a crime in which that child had no willing part.

There is no spin you can put on this to hid the simple fact: You remorselessly defend and advocate the cold-blooded murder of innocent children.

Fetuses aren't children.

I advocate a woman being able to make her own decisions about her own body.

I would take you hypocrites a lot more seriously if you weren't constantly trying to snatch food out of the mouths of poor children to give tax breaks to billionaires.

And although he is not a good moral example himself, he is, at least, unlike the Democraps, not hostile to morality. He doesn't support the cold-blooded murder of innocent children, a most Democraps do, and he doesn't support forcing immoral and insane sexual perversions on decent society, as most Democraps do.

You don't think Trump has paid for a few Abortions? Next you'll be telling me you really think Joseph Smith was talking to God.

Okay, let's get serious here.

Even when abortion was "illegal", it wasn't treated like murder. Women weren't prosecuted for having them, and doctors were only prosecuted if they fucked up and injured the woman. Abortion was like prostitution... everyone denounced the "immorality" of it... and everyone knew where you could get one.
Yes, that subject of raped women you on the left always bring up. However statistics show that only one half of one percent get abortions due to rape.

Half of rapes aren't even reported.. so it's probalby more than that... but you miss the point.

If you are saying that it's okay for a woman to "murder" a fetus if she was raped, then it's okay for her to kill a fetus because she sucks at picking a boyfriend.
You're full of shit. If they cause a premature birth but no harm was caused to the baby, then it goes to fines and judgement. Versus 23 states that if harm was done then it is a life for a life. You're too amoral and dope addled to recognize the facts, is all. The 'fetus' was indeed considered a life, tard.

It doesn't say that... it makes no mention of whether a fetus lived or not. Reality- most premature births didn't back then.

Death of a fetus, you get a fine... that's it.

Pick up sticks on the sabbath, they stoned your ass.
It has long puzzled me why abortion is treated as a religious or Christian issue.

Everyone ought to recognize the wrongness of needlessly killing innocent children in cold blood, and the obligation of society to protect these children. It's not about religion at all, really, but about the very most basic and essential principles of ethics and decency. Taking a human life is an extremely drastic act, which only ought to ever be tolerated under the most extreme and drastic of circumstances.

Except- again- even when abortion was illegal, they didn't charge it as murder.

Here's why Abortion was illegal prior to Roe. A patriarchal society that was horrified at the very thought of women controlling their own sexuality. It's not that they were concerned about fetuses being people or children in general.

Unwanted children we sent into the coal mines and work houses...


So what changed? Before 1970, Abortion was considered a Catholic Issue... The Evangelicals didn't care about it...

Not until they lost the national argument on Segregation and needed a new excuse to get asses into pews.
t seems to me that it is someone who defends and supports the cold-blooded slaughter of the most innocent and defenseless of children, but opposes the execution of the very worst of convicted criminals, who has some explaining to do.

Fetuses aren't people.

We've sent 153 people to death row over the last 40 years who didn't do what they were convicted of. That's why the Death Penalty is a bad idea. That and it costs more to lock a person up than it does to execute them.

What amuses me is that the people who don't trust the government to do much of anything does trust it to make decisions about who gets to die.
Your “Women have the right to control their bodies and their lives.” is the direct cause of far more deaths of far more innocents, than all the causes that you falsely attribute to Republicans put together. Do something about the beam in your own eye before you worry about the alleged mote in ours.

That works on the assumption that people share your belief that a kidney-bean sized fetus should have more rights than the woman it is inside.
t seems to me that it is someone who defends and supports the cold-blooded slaughter of the most innocent and defenseless of children, but opposes the execution of the very worst of convicted criminals, who has some explaining to do.

Fetuses aren't people.

We've sent 153 people to death row over the last 40 years who didn't do what they were convicted of. That's why the Death Penalty is a bad idea. That and it costs more to lock a person up than it does to execute them.

What amuses me is that the people who don't trust the government to do much of anything does trust it to make decisions about who gets to die.

It costs more to execute them because of all the legal red tape involved. That doesn't mean get rid of the death penalty, it means we need to fast track the death penalty for clear cut cases of murder. It probably only costs twenty or thirty bucks to do the actual killing.

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