Buttigieg seeks to unite church and state

Yes, that subject of raped women you on the left always bring up. However statistics show that only one half of one percent get abortions due to rape.

Half of rapes aren't even reported.. so it's probalby more than that... but you miss the point.

If you are saying that it's okay for a woman to "murder" a fetus if she was raped, then it's okay for her to kill a fetus because she sucks at picking a boyfriend.

No, all I'm saying is this rape thing is a phony excuse to keep abortions.
It costs more to execute them because of all the legal red tape involved. That doesn't mean get rid of the death penalty, it means we need to fast track the death penalty for clear cut cases of murder. It probably only costs twenty or thirty bucks to do the actual killing.

165 people were sent to Death Row because cops, prosecutors, juries and judges were convinced they did it... except they didn't.

No, all I'm saying is this rape thing is a phony excuse to keep abortions.

So is whining about "Late Term" abortions, which are even more rare than rape abortions... but you guys will still go dumpster diving in medical waste containers looking for bigger fetuses.
No, all I'm saying is this rape thing is a phony excuse to keep abortions.

So is whining about "Late Term" abortions, which are even more rare than rape abortions... but you guys will still go dumpster diving in medical waste containers looking for bigger fetuses.

I guess that would be based on what is the definition of late term abortions is. Some would say three months while others would claim seven months or more.
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It costs more to execute them because of all the legal red tape involved. That doesn't mean get rid of the death penalty, it means we need to fast track the death penalty for clear cut cases of murder. It probably only costs twenty or thirty bucks to do the actual killing.

165 people were sent to Death Row because cops, prosecutors, juries and judges were convinced they did it... except they didn't.


Maybe, but most if not all of those cases happened before we had the technology to provide imperial evidence of who actually committed the murder. All we had is the best we could go on such as fingerprints and perhaps eye witnesses. Cameras were very rare at the time and security cameras were nearly unaffordable, and obvious as all hell.

Today, everybody has a camera on their phone. Security cameras are everywhere, and undetectable many times. That's where we get all those videos of punks stealing packages off porches. We have cameras in our doorbells, our flood lights, mini solar operated cameras you can install on your trees, and all more than affordable. So many people have them on their homes.

The death penalty should only be used in cases where evidence is overwhelming. And it should be streamlined so that the penalty is carried out as close to the guilty verdict as possible.
Iraq was attacking no one.

Except Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Israel.....

No they weren't but they all have been fighting for centuries. Nothing we can do about it. Funny though that people from Saudi Arabia perpetrated 9-11 but we tried to blame it on Iraq.

What have we gained the last 18 years?

There is a tag line around here that states that if war is legit, lies don't have to be created to justify them.
Maybe, but most if not all of those cases happened before we had the technology to provide imperial evidence of who actually committed the murder. All we had is the best we could go on such as fingerprints and perhaps eye witnesses. Cameras were very rare at the time and security cameras were nearly unaffordable, and obvious as all hell.

Bullshit. We still have the same problems. Lying cops, overly ambition prosecutors and incompetent defense attorneys for poor people. That's why people get death sentences, even when they are innocent.

Why do you think Rich People never get executed?

The death penalty should only be used in cases where evidence is overwhelming. And it should be streamlined so that the penalty is carried out as close to the guilty verdict as possible.

No, it should be abolished entirely because it has no benefit. With all the safeguards we have, we STILL ended up putting 165 people on Death Row.
No they weren't but they all have been fighting for centuries. Nothing we can do about it. Funny though that people from Saudi Arabia perpetrated 9-11 but we tried to blame it on Iraq.

We didn't invade Iraq over 9-11. We invaded them because of their lack of compliance with the peace terms they agreed to in 1991.

oh, yeah, and Saddam was kind of a bastard.

There is a tag line around here that states that if war is legit, lies don't have to be created to justify them.

Saddam would have had to have been taken out no matter who was in charge.

This is why no one really trusts Democrats with foreign affairs. They're happy to start wars but not finish them.
No they weren't but they all have been fighting for centuries. Nothing we can do about it. Funny though that people from Saudi Arabia perpetrated 9-11 but we tried to blame it on Iraq.

We didn't invade Iraq over 9-11. We invaded them because of their lack of compliance with the peace terms they agreed to in 1991.

oh, yeah, and Saddam was kind of a bastard.

We know that Iraq and the al Qaeda terrorist network share a common enemy -- the United States of America. We know that Iraq and al Qaeda have had high-level contacts that go back a decade. Some al Qaeda leaders who fled Afghanistan went to Iraq. These include one very senior al Qaeda leader who received medical treatment in Baghdad this year, and who has been associated with planning for chemical and biological attacks. We've learned that Iraq has trained al Qaeda members in bomb-making and poisons and deadly gases. And we know that after September the 11th, Saddam Hussein's regime gleefully celebrated the terrorist attacks on America.

George Bush lying us into war.

President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat

We consider Saddam a bastard for killing the very people we have been killing in Iraq for the last 18 years. Has the killing stopped with the killing of Saddam? If not, Ill ask what I ask over and over without an answer. What have we gained the last 18 years?

Saddam would have had to have been taken out no matter who was in charge.

This is why no one really trusts Democrats with foreign affairs. They're happy to start wars but not finish them.

My what a load of crap. For what it's worth and you already know, Obama followed Bush's agreement. Remember we were told we would be in and out.
George Bush lying us into war.

What about that statement was incorrect? All that stuff happened.

We consider Saddam a bastard for killing the very people we have been killing in Iraq for the last 18 years. Has the killing stopped with the killing of Saddam? If not, Ill ask what I ask over and over without an answer. What have we gained the last 18 years?

Well, nobody wants to be the next Saddam, so there's that.

Again, because Bush and Obama fucked up the war doesn't mean that getting rid of Saddam wasn't a good thing. We used to know how to win wars in this country.

My what a load of crap. For what it's worth and you already know, Obama followed Bush's agreement. Remember we were told we would be in and out.

Yes, he did... And it was fucked up because Iraq was clearly not ready to stand on its own at that point. All the Generals told Obama pulling out was a bad idea, but he did it anyway.... and then had to go back in when it all fell apart...

I'll put it in a way even you can understand.

I have a leak in my sink. I call in a plumber who fucks it up and does more damage, but the leak really was still a problem that needed to be fixed.

We just need better plumbers.

Now, here was the thing... after 9/11, we should have re-instituted the draft and had a large enough army to get the job done. We didn't do that. Instead, we just looked at dwindling enlistment numbers and kept lowering the standards.

Remember when Democrats knew how to win wars? Before McGovern and the hippies took over?
George Bush lying us into war.

What about that statement was incorrect? All that stuff happened.

Saddam's Iraq and Al Queda did not get along. Iraq was a secular nation. The polar opposite of what Al Queda desired. They never worked together. We did change all of that though.

Well, nobody wants to be the next Saddam, so there's that.

And yet, Iraq is no better so.............

Again, because Bush and Obama fucked up the war doesn't mean that getting rid of Saddam wasn't a good thing. We used to know how to win wars in this country.

There was nothing to win. What were we trying to win? Why is this such a difficult question to answer?

Yes, he did... And it was fucked up because Iraq was clearly not ready to stand on its own at that point. All the Generals told Obama pulling out was a bad idea, but he did it anyway.... and then had to go back in when it all fell apart...

I'll put it in a way even you can understand.

I have a leak in my sink. I call in a plumber who fucks it up and does more damage, but the leak really was still a problem that needed to be fixed.

We just need better plumbers.

Now, here was the thing... after 9/11, we should have re-instituted the draft and had a large enough army to get the job done. We didn't do that. Instead, we just looked at dwindling enlistment numbers and kept lowering the standards.

Remember when Democrats knew how to win wars? Before McGovern and the hippies took over?

Bush and Cheney told us in and out. It was Obama's fault we were still there 8 years later?
Bullshit. We still have the same problems. Lying cops, overly ambition prosecutors and incompetent defense attorneys for poor people. That's why people get death sentences, even when they are innocent.

Why do you think Rich People never get executed?

Nobody is going to recommend the death sentence with weak or circumstantial evidence these days. It's not just rich people, but most convicted murderers don't get the death penalty. That's besides the fact very few rich people kill other people. They don't need to.

No, it should be abolished entirely because it has no benefit. With all the safeguards we have, we STILL ended up putting 165 people on Death Row.

So when was the last time somebody was convicted, and later found to be not guilty? All the cases I've seen overturned were from sentences handed out ten or fifteen years ago.
Nobody is going to recommend the death sentence with weak or circumstantial evidence these days. It's not just rich people, but most convicted murderers don't get the death penalty. That's besides the fact very few rich people kill other people. They don't need to.

You are kind of making my point. The rich don't get the death penalty, only poor people.

So when was the last time somebody was convicted, and later found to be not guilty? All the cases I've seen overturned were from sentences handed out ten or fifteen years ago.

It usually takes 10 years to wind their ways through the courts...
You are kind of making my point. The rich don't get the death penalty, only poor people.

Is that what you read.......why am I not surprised?

It usually takes 10 years to wind their ways through the courts...

Which means they are all older cases as I said. Looking through the list of convictions, they range mostly from the 1970's through the 1990's. I did find one case where the conviction was in 2013, but no other information about it. Another case they released the prisoner, and he committed murder several years later. Another was released and murdered. They found his body somewhere.

Back to what I said earlier, I would only want to see the death penalty used in clear cut no questions asked cases, that involve strong forensic evidence, or a clear video where there are no questions to be asked.
Back to what I said earlier, I would only want to see the death penalty used in clear cut no questions asked cases, that involve strong forensic evidence, or a clear video where there are no questions to be asked.

One more time.

165 Cases where everyone involved thought it was a clear-cut, no questions asked case.

They don't really exist.
What a flaming hypocrite! A pro-abortion sodomite knows NOTHING of Christianity.

Pete Buttigieg: I’ll Bring Christianity Back To The White House. But He’s Pro-Abortion

Just look at your post.... What makes you think you are such a great Christian?

Are you just a member of the 'Christian' tribe, this is not followers of Christ teaching...

Jesus was a man of openness and acceptance, Sorry I don't see that in your post. I see judgement and vindication. Was this got from Christ's teaching?

Jesus mentioned nothing about homosexual behaviour or abortion. But he did say something about judging others...

Seems to me Pete is following Christs teachings far more than some others that like to throw rocks.
Back to what I said earlier, I would only want to see the death penalty used in clear cut no questions asked cases, that involve strong forensic evidence, or a clear video where there are no questions to be asked.

One more time.

165 Cases where everyone involved thought it was a clear-cut, no questions asked case.

They don't really exist.

You're not familiar with one of those cases. Hell...you refuse to even look at links, yet alone go through cases one by one to determine exactly what happened. So find me a case where solid forensic evidence existed, or a clear video where somebody that was innocent was convicted and sentenced to death.
You're not familiar with one of those cases. Hell...you refuse to even look at links, yet alone go through cases one by one to determine exactly what happened. So find me a case where solid forensic evidence existed, or a clear video where somebody that was innocent was convicted and sentenced to death.

Most people cop a plea when there is clear evidence like videotape. Unless you are Jason van Dyke, then the FOP insists it was a good shooting.

Ironically, most prosecutors use the DP as a bargaining tool. Better plea bargain or we'll go for the death penalty. The "obviously guilty" take a plea, the guy who ends up on Death Row is a guy like Rolando Cruz, who has some funny idea that because he didn't actually do it, the system might get it right.
What a flaming hypocrite! A pro-abortion sodomite knows NOTHING of Christianity.

Pete Buttigieg: I’ll Bring Christianity Back To The White House. But He’s Pro-Abortion

Just look at your post.... What makes you think you are such a great Christian?

Are you just a member of the 'Christian' tribe, this is not followers of Christ teaching...

Jesus was a man of openness and acceptance, Sorry I don't see that in your post. I see judgement and vindication. Was this got from Christ's teaching?

Jesus mentioned nothing about homosexual behaviour or abortion. But he did say something about judging others...

Seems to me Pete is following Christs teachings far more than some others that like to throw rocks.

Abortion is the line in the sand for any Christian !!

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