Buzz Aldrin Clocks Bible Thumpin' Moon Landing Truther.

Back in 2002, when the Tea Party types had all the marbles they weren't happy with that and did things like harass heroes.

..blah blah blah..

This shit never gets old!

Your lies get old. The Tea Party movement showed up 7 years later in 2009 as a response to Obamacare legislation.

Try again, amature.

As a movement?


But these folks were the same type of folks that were the birchers and the confederates and the tories and the loyalists.

Different names..same mold.

Rebels? Why did you not say...Hippies, Progressives, Patriots ... they were a rebellious lot to.

Try again, amature.
Your lies get old. The Tea Party movement showed up 7 years later in 2009 as a response to Obamacare legislation.

Try again, amature.

As a movement?


But these folks were the same type of folks that were the birchers and the confederates and the tories and the loyalists.

Different names..same mold.

Rebels? Why did you not say...Hippies, Progressives, Patriots ... they were a rebellious lot to.

Try again, amature.

Conservatives are reactionary.

They are "preservers".

There's no trying here. You just don't understand that.

Conservatives fight against change.

Liberals fight for change.
As a movement?


But these folks were the same type of folks that were the birchers and the confederates and the tories and the loyalists.

Different names..same mold.

Rebels? Why did you not say...Hippies, Progressives, Patriots ... they were a rebellious lot to.

Try again, amature.

Conservatives are reactionary.

They are "preservers".

There's no trying here. You just don't understand that.

Conservatives fight against change.

Liberals fight for change.

Yet the Tea Party wishes to change the status quo. They are rebelling against the established Big Government interests. The interests which the Democrat Party, and portions of the Republican Party, wish to conserve.

Kind of makes them liberal advocates for change.

Square that circle.
Bill Ayers was a murderer and a bombing terrorist and the worst enemy of an established American society and today, thanks to the generally low information available liberals in the last several decades, Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn are the established old left of the radical democrat party.
Rebels? Why did you not say...Hippies, Progressives, Patriots ... they were a rebellious lot to.

Try again, amature.

Conservatives are reactionary.

They are "preservers".

There's no trying here. You just don't understand that.

Conservatives fight against change.

Liberals fight for change.

Yet the Tea Party wishes to change the status quo. They are rebelling against the established Big Government interests. The interests which the Democrat Party, and portions of the Republican Party, wish to conserve.

Kind of makes them liberal advocates for change.

Square that circle.

The Tea Party wants to "take America back."

Everything old is new again.
Bill Ayers was a murderer and a bombing terrorist and the worst enemy of an established American society and today, thanks to the generally low information available liberals in the last several decades, Bill Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn are the established old left of the radical democrat party.

Bill Ayers never killed anyone.

Orlando Bosch, on the other hand, killed a plane full of people.

Jeb Bush advocated for his asylum in the United States and his father, President George Bush granted it.

Where is your outrage over that?
Conservatives are reactionary.

They are "preservers".

There's no trying here. You just don't understand that.

Conservatives fight against change.

Liberals fight for change.

Yet the Tea Party wishes to change the status quo. They are rebelling against the established Big Government interests. The interests which the Democrat Party, and portions of the Republican Party, wish to conserve.

Kind of makes them liberal advocates for change.

Square that circle.

The Tea Party wants to "take America back."

Everything old is new again.

Looks to me like Sallow is a conservative. Resorting to charicatures of fear to preserve the establishment.

How illiberal.

It's good to see a left wing moon bat get punched in the face.

Yes because all left wing moon bats are bible thumping jeebus types.


Like Rafael Ted Cruz and his papa.

Remember the old Bible thumper was a fighter in Castro's army.

What's your point about other people's dads? Obama's dad left his family and Clinton's dad was an alcoholic. Also, if you're going to attempt to stereotype Christians with the guy who got punched in the face then it would certainly be fair to say that all atheists are just like Bill Ayers and other left wing terrorists.
This is what's known as a Sallow talking point. Example: A priest molests a child, therefore Tea Party members who happen to be Christians are pedophiles. This sort of argument of course is just dumb.
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I wouldn't care if you were a bible thumper or not. If you got in my face and denied the history I made for mankind, I'd knock you on your ass too. Funny though, your article never mentions Mr. Sibrel's religious affiliation. I fail to see the Bible that you are purporting him to have had when he instigated this incident. Simple observation tells you that this guy wasn't religious, but merely a kook, no more of a kook than a 9/11 truther on your end.

If a 9/11 truther walked up to one of the firefighters who responded to one of those burning towers that day and started telling him how his government perpetrated that tragedy, then he punched him in the face, would I get to call him a hippie loving tree hugging liberal?

You idiot.
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As a movement?


But these folks were the same type of folks that were the birchers and the confederates and the tories and the loyalists.

Different names..same mold.

Rebels? Why did you not say...Hippies, Progressives, Patriots ... they were a rebellious lot to.

Try again, amature.

Conservatives are reactionary.

They are "preservers".

There's no trying here. You just don't understand that.

Conservatives fight against change.

Liberals fight for change.

Ha! Change. That old tired mantra again. Well you got your change, and 5 million people were so happy that you gave it to them.

Back in 2002, when the Tea Party types had all the marbles they weren't happy with that and did things like harass heroes.

..blah blah blah..

This shit never gets old!

Your lies get old. The Tea Party movement showed up 7 years later in 2009 as a response to Obamacare legislation.

Try again, amature.

As a movement?


But these folks were the same type of folks that were the birchers and the confederates and the tories and the loyalists.

Different names..same mold.

And all of them having nothing to do with the moon landing or lack thereof. Please, you can't even stay on topic. On your own thread.
It's good to see a left wing moon bat get punched in the face.

Yes because all left wing moon bats are bible thumping jeebus types.


Like Rafael Ted Cruz and his papa.

Remember the old Bible thumper was a fighter in Castro's army.

I guess Democrats are no longer allowed to be bible thumping Christians unless it's close to an election and the "big tent" is raised.

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