Buzz Aldrin Clocks Bible Thumpin' Moon Landing Truther.

As a movement?


But these folks were the same type of folks that were the birchers and the confederates and the tories and the loyalists.

Different names..same mold.

Rebels? Why did you not say...Hippies, Progressives, Patriots ... they were a rebellious lot to.

Try again, amature.

Conservatives are reactionary.

They are "preservers".

There's no trying here. You just don't understand that.

Conservatives fight against change.

Liberals fight for change.

You're right..................conservatives fight against change because most people who are conservative happen to be those who are on top, and they don't want to see the applecart toppled, as they have the highest position.

Liberals fight for change because they understand the one true constant, which is change. Not only do they wish to be a part of it, but they also would like to help direct it so that it benefits all people.

Conservatives would have us still having horse drawn carriages. Liberals would like to see the automobile, the airplane and smart phones, because unlike conservatives, liberals see the potential in change.
As a movement?


But these folks were the same type of folks that were the birchers and the confederates and the tories and the loyalists.

Different names..same mold.

Rebels? Why did you not say...Hippies, Progressives, Patriots ... they were a rebellious lot to.

Try again, amature.

Conservatives are reactionary.

They are "preservers".

There's no trying here. You just don't understand that.

Conservatives fight against change.

Liberals fight for change.

this is really a bunch of horse shit
and change isn't always a good thing example obama.
Rebels? Why did you not say...Hippies, Progressives, Patriots ... they were a rebellious lot to.

Try again, amature.

Conservatives are reactionary.

They are "preservers".

There's no trying here. You just don't understand that.

Conservatives fight against change.

Liberals fight for change.

this is really a bunch of horse shit
and change isn't always a good thing example obama.

Actually, even though a whole bunch of stick in the muds (i.e. conservatives such as yourself) have stood against him, he's still done more for this country than Jr. ever thought about doing.

Jr. ruined this country, Obama is trying to bring it back to it's former greatness, even in spite of idiots such as yourself.
Conservatives are reactionary.

They are "preservers".

There's no trying here. You just don't understand that.

Conservatives fight against change.

Liberals fight for change.

this is really a bunch of horse shit
and change isn't always a good thing example obama.

Actually, even though a whole bunch of stick in the muds (i.e. conservatives such as yourself) have stood against him, he's still done more for this country than Jr. ever thought about doing.

Jr. ruined this country, Obama is trying to bring it back to it's former greatness, even in spite of idiots such as yourself.

What difference is their between bush and obama? what has obama changed that bush started? NOT A GOD DAMN THING. In fact he has expanded and strengthen what bush did.
this is really a bunch of horse shit
and change isn't always a good thing example obama.

Actually, even though a whole bunch of stick in the muds (i.e. conservatives such as yourself) have stood against him, he's still done more for this country than Jr. ever thought about doing.

Jr. ruined this country, Obama is trying to bring it back to it's former greatness, even in spite of idiots such as yourself.

What difference is their between bush and obama? what has obama changed that bush started? NOT A GOD DAMN THING. In fact he has expanded and strengthen what bush did.

Obama got us out of Iraq, and he's working on getting us out of Afghanistan.

He also got the Syrians to say they had chemical weapons, as well as work on getting rid of them (something Jr. never did).

As far as strengthening what Jr. did? He's trying to get rid of the bad parts, and is doing a decent job, even in spite of the people like McConnell (who said he wanted to make Obama a 1 term president) and Boehner (who refuses to bring a bill to the House that would help this country), as well as the rest of the tea bagging idiots that were elected in 2010 and 2012.
Actually, even though a whole bunch of stick in the muds (i.e. conservatives such as yourself) have stood against him, he's still done more for this country than Jr. ever thought about doing.

Jr. ruined this country, Obama is trying to bring it back to it's former greatness, even in spite of idiots such as yourself.

What difference is their between bush and obama? what has obama changed that bush started? NOT A GOD DAMN THING. In fact he has expanded and strengthen what bush did.

Obama got us out of Iraq, and he's working on getting us out of Afghanistan.

He also got the Syrians to say they had chemical weapons, as well as work on getting rid of them (something Jr. never did).

As far as strengthening what Jr. did? He's trying to get rid of the bad parts, and is doing a decent job, even in spite of the people like McConnell (who said he wanted to make Obama a 1 term president) and Boehner (who refuses to bring a bill to the House that would help this country), as well as the rest of the tea bagging idiots that were elected in 2010 and 2012.

OMG what a load of horse shit.
1. obama used the Bush plan to exist Iraq
2. where do you think Syria got all those chemical weapons
3. Russia got syria to admit they had chemical weapons and again where did they get them?
4 they haven't gotten rid of anything yet.
5. gitmo isn't closed
6. patriot act has been extend and strengthen
7. NDAA indefinite detention
8. economy is still in the shiter
9. obama lied to get his hallmark legislation passed
10 one of the largest tax increases on the middle class and poor.
and that's just the starters I can go on.
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It's good to see a left wing moon bat get punched in the face.

Were this the '60's, that might be a valid assumption. However, today it is the far right that is denying science in all it's aspects. In another fifty years, it will probably be the far left again. Seems to run in cycles.
Back in 2002, when the Tea Party types had all the marbles they weren't happy with that and did things like harass heroes.

Sometimes it didn't work out to well..

WATCH: This video of Buzz Aldrin punching a moon landing truther in the face will never get old

This shit never gets old!

The problem for the low information left is that their hatred and anger has caused them to lose focus on reality. The tin foil hats who couldn't accept the moon landing are essentially the same conspiracy nut cases who still think George Bush engineered 9-11. The radical left was in the business of political confrontation long before the Tea Party was established but the glaring difference between the Tea Party and the radical left, besides the left's proclivity towards violence, is that the radical left isn't smart enough to pose a reasonable argument. Democrat politicians have learned to fear smart Tea Party confrontations because they aren't used to informative confrontation.

I'm not sure if Sibril is left or right wing. When he's not getting punched out by Octegenarian Astronauts, he produces videos, including music videos for Country music types.

But the Right Wing has its share of crazy conspiracy theories... such as Waco and Benghazi.
It's good to see a left wing moon bat get punched in the face.

Were this the '60's, that might be a valid assumption. However, today it is the far right that is denying science in all it's aspects. In another fifty years, it will probably be the far left again. Seems to run in cycles.

he's a leftie he's a rightie? holy shit I think he's bat shit crazy.
Guys, what does this thread have to do with politics???

Some idiot was bothering an old man and the old guy b**** slapped him!

What's not to like?

Via News Five Nashville:

Inside Story: Apollo Conspiracy Theorist Arrested After Tirade
The world just celebrated the 40th anniversary of America’s landing on the moon. But a local man has a problem with the official story — and now he’s also got a problem with the law.

Bart Sibrel is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose made a bit of a career out of ambushing America’s astronauts, trying to make them look like hot-headed fakes.

Sibrel, who calls himself an investigative journalist, has produced videos questioning whether the moon landing ever happened.

His 2001, widely discredited documentary called it “the greatest government coverup of all time.”


But Sibrel, who moonlights as a Nashville cab driver, apparently lost control a few months back over his own landing of sorts.

Court documents show he was arrested after another driver refused to pull out of a parking space he wanted. She was waiting for her car engine to warm up.

The arresting officer wrote, “A few moments later, the parking space in front of the victim opened up and [Sibrel] drove into it and parked.”

Sibrel “then walked up to the victim’s car and jumped onto the hood, and then jumped up and down several times.”

The report says he caused about $1,431.33 in damage.

Last month, according to the court’s website, Sibrel pleaded guilty to vandalism and was placed on probation.

But, as you might have guessed, that’s one outburst you won’t see in his videos.

Sibrel did not respond to an email from NewsChannel 5 Investigates.
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