Buzz Aldrin Slams ‘First Man’ Movie for Omitting US Flag

Everyone assumes that Armstrong and his crew were destined to be the first, and that isn’t exactly true, or not at all. Before we could land on the moon, a lot of things had to go right. For example, Rusty Schweickart famously got sick his first day in orbit. This meant he could not test the life support backpack, as it would be too dangerous to seal him in a space suit where vomiting would kill him. Without that test, they could not detach the Lunar Module, and thus the LM tests in Earth Orbit would not go forward.

But Rusty got better the next day, and the tests went forward. If that had not happened, then Apollo 10, instead of testing the LM and approach procedures around Lunar Orbit, would have been testing the LM in Earth Orbit, because we could not go forward without a successful phased test system. Then Neil and Buzz would have tested the LM in Lunar Orbit, but not landed. The first men on the moon would have been Pete Conrad and Al Bean.

It is a mistake to imagine the Astronauts as anything but Patriots. They took dangerous routes to even be considered. Test Pilots, Fighter Pilots when plane design was not nearly as sophisticated as today. Love of Country and Love of flying saw them through.

Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, said in more than one interview that he told his buddies from the Navy that he felt guilty because he didn’t fly in Vietnam. He admitted it was a bad war. We were in it for the wrong reasons, but this patriotic man, not really an different than any of the other Astronauts, felt guilty because he wasn’t doing his part, sharing the danger with his fellow pilots, for “his war” because it was in his time. Those same buddies told him that Gene was doing something way more important, giving the nation something to be proud of, and letting all the pilots stand a little taller.

Some of these Astronauts were practically larger than life in dedication and devotion. Armstrong was no different, and just happened to be the commander of the first mission to land. But it took the work of Apollo 7, 8, 9, and 10, to successfully complete their objectives before he ever had a chance. To give you an idea what it means. The first objectives were called the “A” missions. Apollo 7 was the “C” mission. Any mistakes, or failures to achieve the required tests and objectives would mean a C-2, C-3, and so on.

The “G” mission, or landing on the moon, was not a “Go” until the successful completion of the “F” mission of Apollo 10. Armstrong could well have commanded “F-2” if there had been a problem. Oh, the final missions, the one Gene Cernan commanded, was the “J” missions.
Always loved Buzz. I think he's been pretty much outed as being bitter that he wasn't the first man down the ladder but a great American and a great ambassador for the space program.

He was supposed to be. Armstrong pulled rank.

A movie? This is about a movie?

LOL...big, fucking deal.

Some movie did not post a picture of an American flag. Who gives a shit? Just don't watch the movie.

Leave it to FOX to try and make a mountain out of nothing.

Most FoxNews viewers are OLD. And most older Americans (especially cons) look at the flag as some God-given thing.

It ain't. It's a piece of cloth and is worth absolutely nothing. It's just an inanimate object.

When I was in the reserves - I barely cared about the flag then. And I care even less about it now.

It is NOTHING but an inanimate object.

All the fucking misery in the world...and all you people (and the once, great astronaut, Buzz Aldrin) can think to do is get worked up about a flag missing from a movie? No wonder the worked is so messed up.
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Always loved Buzz. I think he's been pretty much outed as being bitter that he wasn't the first man down the ladder but a great American and a great ambassador for the space program.
Talk about speaking out of both sides of your mouth. Lol

He was bitter about not being the first one down the ladder. Walt Cunningham--a conservative asshat of the first order (Apollo 7) said as much. See below.

View attachment 214426

Doesn't diminish his accomplishment or the other techniques he invented in the Gemini missions.

Not true at all. Teams trained for years on who does what. And who stays orbiting and who goes out when.

But Buzz is the first to take a selfie in space and the first to take a piss on the moon (that 20 second pause on the ladder).

The man who was there in those training sessions and a staunch conservative at that--someone you identify with politically--says differently. He would seem to be the one to believe over the likes of you.

Armstrong who made that “giant leap for mankind” by being the first man to walk on the moon. Does it upset you to be known as the second man on the moon?

At the time, not in the least. As the senior crew member, it was appropriate for him to be the first. But after years and years of being asked to speak to a group of people and then be introduced as the second man on the moon, it does get a little frustrating. Is it really necessary to point out to the crowd that somebody else was first when we all went through the same training, we all landed at the same time and all contributed? But for the rest of my life I'll always be identified as the second man to walk on the moon. [Laughs.]

Buzz Aldrin Hates Being Called the Second Man on the Moon

A movie? This is about a movie?

LOL...big, fucking deal.

Some movie did not post a picture of an American flag. Who gives a shit? Just don't watch the movie.

Leave it to FOX to try and make a mountain out of nothing.

Most FoxNews viewers are OLD. And most older Americans (especially cons) look at the flag as some God-given thing.

It ain't. It's a piece of cloth and means absolutely nothing. It's just an inanimate object.

When I was in the reserves - I barely cared about the flag then. And I care even less about it now.

It is NOTHING but an inanimate object.

All the fucking misery in the world...and all you people can think to do is get worked up about a flag missing from a movie? No wonder the worked is so messed up.
All the misery in the world and your here posting crap?
Everyone assumes that Armstrong and his crew were destined to be the first, and that isn’t exactly true, or not at all. Before we could land on the moon, a lot of things had to go right. For example, Rusty Schweickart famously got sick his first day in orbit. This meant he could not test the life support backpack, as it would be too dangerous to seal him in a space suit where vomiting would kill him. Without that test, they could not detach the Lunar Module, and thus the LM tests in Earth Orbit would not go forward.

But Rusty got better the next day, and the tests went forward. If that had not happened, then Apollo 10, instead of testing the LM and approach procedures around Lunar Orbit, would have been testing the LM in Earth Orbit, because we could not go forward without a successful phased test system. Then Neil and Buzz would have tested the LM in Lunar Orbit, but not landed. The first men on the moon would have been Pete Conrad and Al Bean.

It is a mistake to imagine the Astronauts as anything but Patriots. They took dangerous routes to even be considered. Test Pilots, Fighter Pilots when plane design was not nearly as sophisticated as today. Love of Country and Love of flying saw them through.

Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, said in more than one interview that he told his buddies from the Navy that he felt guilty because he didn’t fly in Vietnam. He admitted it was a bad war. We were in it for the wrong reasons, but this patriotic man, not really an different than any of the other Astronauts, felt guilty because he wasn’t doing his part, sharing the danger with his fellow pilots, for “his war” because it was in his time. Those same buddies told him that Gene was doing something way more important, giving the nation something to be proud of, and letting all the pilots stand a little taller.

Some of these Astronauts were practically larger than life in dedication and devotion. Armstrong was no different, and just happened to be the commander of the first mission to land. But it took the work of Apollo 7, 8, 9, and 10, to successfully complete their objectives before he ever had a chance. To give you an idea what it means. The first objectives were called the “A” missions. Apollo 7 was the “C” mission. Any mistakes, or failures to achieve the required tests and objectives would mean a C-2, C-3, and so on.

The “G” mission, or landing on the moon, was not a “Go” until the successful completion of the “F” mission of Apollo 10. Armstrong could well have commanded “F-2” if there had been a problem. Oh, the final missions, the one Gene Cernan commanded, was the “J” missions.

Sorry! I am throwing the bullshit flag on that play. Armstrong was a civilian and thus the only valid pick of who would be first.
Everyone assumes that Armstrong and his crew were destined to be the first, and that isn’t exactly true, or not at all. Before we could land on the moon, a lot of things had to go right. For example, Rusty Schweickart famously got sick his first day in orbit. This meant he could not test the life support backpack, as it would be too dangerous to seal him in a space suit where vomiting would kill him. Without that test, they could not detach the Lunar Module, and thus the LM tests in Earth Orbit would not go forward.

But Rusty got better the next day, and the tests went forward. If that had not happened, then Apollo 10, instead of testing the LM and approach procedures around Lunar Orbit, would have been testing the LM in Earth Orbit, because we could not go forward without a successful phased test system. Then Neil and Buzz would have tested the LM in Lunar Orbit, but not landed. The first men on the moon would have been Pete Conrad and Al Bean.

It is a mistake to imagine the Astronauts as anything but Patriots. They took dangerous routes to even be considered. Test Pilots, Fighter Pilots when plane design was not nearly as sophisticated as today. Love of Country and Love of flying saw them through.

Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, said in more than one interview that he told his buddies from the Navy that he felt guilty because he didn’t fly in Vietnam. He admitted it was a bad war. We were in it for the wrong reasons, but this patriotic man, not really an different than any of the other Astronauts, felt guilty because he wasn’t doing his part, sharing the danger with his fellow pilots, for “his war” because it was in his time. Those same buddies told him that Gene was doing something way more important, giving the nation something to be proud of, and letting all the pilots stand a little taller.

Some of these Astronauts were practically larger than life in dedication and devotion. Armstrong was no different, and just happened to be the commander of the first mission to land. But it took the work of Apollo 7, 8, 9, and 10, to successfully complete their objectives before he ever had a chance. To give you an idea what it means. The first objectives were called the “A” missions. Apollo 7 was the “C” mission. Any mistakes, or failures to achieve the required tests and objectives would mean a C-2, C-3, and so on.

The “G” mission, or landing on the moon, was not a “Go” until the successful completion of the “F” mission of Apollo 10. Armstrong could well have commanded “F-2” if there had been a problem. Oh, the final missions, the one Gene Cernan commanded, was the “J” missions.

Great post. I think personally that every astronaut on Apollo wanted to be the first to land on the moon. I would be disappointed if they didnt
Everyone assumes that Armstrong and his crew were destined to be the first, and that isn’t exactly true, or not at all. Before we could land on the moon, a lot of things had to go right. For example, Rusty Schweickart famously got sick his first day in orbit. This meant he could not test the life support backpack, as it would be too dangerous to seal him in a space suit where vomiting would kill him. Without that test, they could not detach the Lunar Module, and thus the LM tests in Earth Orbit would not go forward.

But Rusty got better the next day, and the tests went forward. If that had not happened, then Apollo 10, instead of testing the LM and approach procedures around Lunar Orbit, would have been testing the LM in Earth Orbit, because we could not go forward without a successful phased test system. Then Neil and Buzz would have tested the LM in Lunar Orbit, but not landed. The first men on the moon would have been Pete Conrad and Al Bean.

It is a mistake to imagine the Astronauts as anything but Patriots. They took dangerous routes to even be considered. Test Pilots, Fighter Pilots when plane design was not nearly as sophisticated as today. Love of Country and Love of flying saw them through.

Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, said in more than one interview that he told his buddies from the Navy that he felt guilty because he didn’t fly in Vietnam. He admitted it was a bad war. We were in it for the wrong reasons, but this patriotic man, not really an different than any of the other Astronauts, felt guilty because he wasn’t doing his part, sharing the danger with his fellow pilots, for “his war” because it was in his time. Those same buddies told him that Gene was doing something way more important, giving the nation something to be proud of, and letting all the pilots stand a little taller.

Some of these Astronauts were practically larger than life in dedication and devotion. Armstrong was no different, and just happened to be the commander of the first mission to land. But it took the work of Apollo 7, 8, 9, and 10, to successfully complete their objectives before he ever had a chance. To give you an idea what it means. The first objectives were called the “A” missions. Apollo 7 was the “C” mission. Any mistakes, or failures to achieve the required tests and objectives would mean a C-2, C-3, and so on.

The “G” mission, or landing on the moon, was not a “Go” until the successful completion of the “F” mission of Apollo 10. Armstrong could well have commanded “F-2” if there had been a problem. Oh, the final missions, the one Gene Cernan commanded, was the “J” missions.
So Armstrong and crew were first to land. Thanks. Now we know what rules the quest for truth for libs. That famous "could have".
Sorry! I am throwing the bullshit flag on that play. Armstrong was a civilian and thus the only valid pick of who would be first.

That had nothing to do with it. The astronauts all became "civilians" when they were hired by NASA. At that time, all of them were ex Navy, or Air Force pilots.
Everyone assumes that Armstrong and his crew were destined to be the first, and that isn’t exactly true, or not at all. Before we could land on the moon, a lot of things had to go right. For example, Rusty Schweickart famously got sick his first day in orbit. This meant he could not test the life support backpack, as it would be too dangerous to seal him in a space suit where vomiting would kill him. Without that test, they could not detach the Lunar Module, and thus the LM tests in Earth Orbit would not go forward.

But Rusty got better the next day, and the tests went forward. If that had not happened, then Apollo 10, instead of testing the LM and approach procedures around Lunar Orbit, would have been testing the LM in Earth Orbit, because we could not go forward without a successful phased test system. Then Neil and Buzz would have tested the LM in Lunar Orbit, but not landed. The first men on the moon would have been Pete Conrad and Al Bean.

It is a mistake to imagine the Astronauts as anything but Patriots. They took dangerous routes to even be considered. Test Pilots, Fighter Pilots when plane design was not nearly as sophisticated as today. Love of Country and Love of flying saw them through.

Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, said in more than one interview that he told his buddies from the Navy that he felt guilty because he didn’t fly in Vietnam. He admitted it was a bad war. We were in it for the wrong reasons, but this patriotic man, not really an different than any of the other Astronauts, felt guilty because he wasn’t doing his part, sharing the danger with his fellow pilots, for “his war” because it was in his time. Those same buddies told him that Gene was doing something way more important, giving the nation something to be proud of, and letting all the pilots stand a little taller.

Some of these Astronauts were practically larger than life in dedication and devotion. Armstrong was no different, and just happened to be the commander of the first mission to land. But it took the work of Apollo 7, 8, 9, and 10, to successfully complete their objectives before he ever had a chance. To give you an idea what it means. The first objectives were called the “A” missions. Apollo 7 was the “C” mission. Any mistakes, or failures to achieve the required tests and objectives would mean a C-2, C-3, and so on.

The “G” mission, or landing on the moon, was not a “Go” until the successful completion of the “F” mission of Apollo 10. Armstrong could well have commanded “F-2” if there had been a problem. Oh, the final missions, the one Gene Cernan commanded, was the “J” missions.

Sorry! I am throwing the bullshit flag on that play. Armstrong was a civilian and thus the only valid pick of who would be first.

Ok. Fair enough. But you are going to need to revise a lot of history.

The good news is a lot of those guys are dead and the rest will soon be so revising the history will be a lot easier.

Of course your assertion that I am wrong doesn’t explain why the crew of Apollo 9 was offered the 8 mission before it was offered to Borman, Lovell, and Anders. McDivitt and crew really wanted to test the LM since they had spent so much time with it. But they were the crew that was up next. When McDivitt said no, it was offered to Borman and his crew who famously said yes.
Buzz Aldrin slams 'First Man' movie controversy, posts photos of US flag on moon with 'Proud to be American' hashtag

Legendary Apollo 11 astronaut Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin took a swipe at the upcoming movie "First Man" late Sunday for its director's decision not to show the planting of the American flag on the moon during the historic 1969 mission.

Aldrin, 88, who was the second man to step on the moon, behind crewmate Neil Armstrong, posted historical photos of the flag-planting and added the hashtag “Proud to be an American.”

But despite the controversy, actor Gosling, a native of Canada, defended the decision not to portray the flag-planting scene, saying at the Venice Film Festival that the decision was deliberate because the moon landing “transcended countries and borders.”

No it didn’t you stupid Canadian fuck. It was an American achievement!

Fuck Gosling!
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I love COEXIST bumper stickers. Let’s me know who the morons on the road are.
In the movie is the flag on the spacesuit?
In real life it was on his left shoulder

THe Left, specifically here, the HOllywood left, hates America.

THey are happy to make a movie like The Black Panther, which pandered to Black Nationalism,

but make fools of themselves to avoid giving anything to American Nationalism.
Yeah, black nationalism for a nation that doesn't even exist. Then again, there arent any real African nations to be proud of, so it makes sense.
No it didn’t you stupid Canadian fuck. It was an American achievement!

Damn right. The Moon Landing was about ONE THING: America establishing space dominance and superiority over Russia come hell or high water and people GAVE THEIR FRICKING LIVES to get that done! The CORNERSTONE of the mission was that the first flag on the Moon be ours, and it still remains so. Apollo was about American excellence, American superiority, and American determination, and no Canadian has any business making a movie on it if he can't admit that.

I love COEXIST bumper stickers. Let’s me know who the morons on the road are.
In the movie is the flag on the spacesuit?
Just as the Soviet flag is on Cosmonauts suits.

The flag planting on the moon was the pinnacle achievement of the day, Stop sniveling.
For the length of time I've been here you dont seem know me even a little. No sniveling involved....the coexist was made to mock libs...……...perhaps pay little more attn to who posts what

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