Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

He sure did say that. She broke the law but never intended too. Never mind trafficking in classified emails, deleting emails, govt business on private server. Never mind all that.

Never mind that cuz most of that isn't illegal behavior. It is NOT illegal to do government business on a private server, it is potentially unethical and obviously the reason she did it was to avoid FOIA , but it isn't illegal.

See , there are parallels, not everything is illegal just because you REALLY REALLY REALLY don't like someone.

It was illegal to conduct govt business on a private server when I worked with the govt.
Then Crooked Ivanka should be locked up.

Was she elected?
She was conducting official government business.

Was Hillary elected to SecState?

Keep digging, tard. This is fun. :lol:

She wasn't a govt employee. Hillary was appointed by obama to work for the govt as secstate. Keep aint it.
Hey G5000, what about Rosie Odonnel, her fat ass bribed two US Senators, no if and or buts about that. You have a post somewhere on this board insisting that she should be arrested for breaking the law?

Rosie O'Donnell offered senators money to vote "no" on Trump's tax bill and the internet can't handle it

incase you "forgot"

oh and in case you don't think what she did was illegal

18 U.S. Code § 201 - Bribery of public officials and witnesses

Or just simply admit that you aren't really concerned about the law being broken, this is just a convenient way for you to go after TRUMP!!!!

oh and let me head yours stupid "oh everyone does it so its okay " comments off at the pass, I would throw em all in jail and throw away the key if they are proven to have broken the law, but that ha nothing to do with the fact that you don't even call for an actual investigation where we KNOW crimes have been committed if you align with the person politically.


Just like Adam Schiff, that son of a bitch did EXACTLY what he is accusing Trump of. He went to who he thought were Ukranian government officials and asked them for dirt on Trump. What did he offer those Ukranians in exchange? Where's the call for his head? Oh that's right.................
I heard that Trump just before his term ends was going to give up his seat to Mike Pence and have Mike Pence pardon him.
Mueller may soon be tried for the biggest crime. Unequal Justice

The men will rise up and demand equal justice
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.
In your marxist dreams.
Now quit starting rediculousy stupid and ignorant threads.
Never mind that cuz most of that isn't illegal behavior. It is NOT illegal to do government business on a private server, it is potentially unethical and obviously the reason she did it was to avoid FOIA , but it isn't illegal.

See , there are parallels, not everything is illegal just because you REALLY REALLY REALLY don't like someone.

It was illegal to conduct govt business on a private server when I worked with the govt.
Then Crooked Ivanka should be locked up.

Was she elected?
She was conducting official government business.

Was Hillary elected to SecState?

Keep digging, tard. This is fun. :lol:

She wasn't a govt employee. Hillary was appointed by obama to work for the govt as secstate. Keep aint it.
The law is very clear, and Crooked Ivanka violated it. Do you need me to show it to you so I can bury you once and for all? Guess who wrote the law? The same guy who now chairs the committee that investigates such crimes.

You poor thing. Running to and fro with your goalposts. :lol:
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.
It is not in Trump's nature to resign.

Which makes it even odder that a year ago many in the MSM were predicting he didn't really want to be President and would resign any day .

Also , it's hilarious the way liberals all parrot each other Google "If Cohen claims are true Trump must resign or be impeached" and laugh at the results.
I think of all the people who were shocked the day after Election Day, no one was more shocked than Trump himself.

I don't think he actually expected to win.

Trump has wanted to be President for decades. He tried and tried and tried to ingratiate himself with the Democrats, but they just treated him like an ATM and chucked him on the chin and called him cute.

Trump finally figured out the retards, hypocrites, and bigots who have hijacked the GOP would be much easier to hoax.

I don't think he expected to win either. I think he was shocked when it turned out that even with all the cheating and voter fraud and everything else in her favor Hillary Clinton lost. I submit the fact that he didn't have people lined up to take every job he could nominate someone for as proof of this.

And also of course, yes it's a good thing retards, liars, hypocrites, and bigots don't run the DNC LOL come on, that kind of crap in beneath you.
Nobody worked harder than Donald Trump to get elected.
Yes His ass was jealous of all the crap coming from his mouth AND his hard work paid off ,,,he fooled all the republicans
Won't it be hilarious if he is booted from office for a lying related incident?
will be even more hilarious when this comes back to the dems and their next "liar" is impeached cause we've set the bar low now.

what you demand done to trump for whatever reason becomes fair play to all. libs keep forgetting that.
Democrats lie as if it is a how they breathe.
Won't it be hilarious if he is booted from office for a lying related incident?
will be even more hilarious when this comes back to the dems and their next "liar" is impeached cause we've set the bar low now.

what you demand done to trump for whatever reason becomes fair play to all. libs keep forgetting that.
Nice try, but the bar can't get any lower than impeaching over a blowjob.

Should we observe that precedent for Trump?

Let's put him under oath and depose him about his sex life. See what shakes out.

You're saying Donald Trump has young interns blowing him in the Oval Office?

He has an intern on staff as the Oval Office Humidor?

For some reason, Donald Trump has felt it imperative that the American people not have any knowledge of his involvement with Russia or Russian money.

I think it has more to do with mob money than Putin wanting him to win an election.

Could be both.

But there was mob money behind Trump SoHo.

Trump is such a pathological liar that the very name Trump SoHo is a lie. That building is nowhere near SoHo. He just wanted the prestige attached.

Just like he added ten imaginary stories to Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue.

The guy is one giant illusion from top to bottom. A giant turd with a thin layer of gold plating.

I doubt there is a single building in NYC that doesn't have mob money behind it so meh.

And besides the DNC itself is a crime syndicate.
The apologists are all like Giuliani now. He didn't do it, but it's everyone else's fault that it happened. Lol!
How many Supreme Court judges has gained wealth for their families ??

Will mueller go after using ones office to enrich their family
Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014 - Wikipedia

Passed by the Republican House and Democratic Senate. Signed by President Obama.

That's the law Crooked Ivanka probably violated.

Guess who sponsored the House version?

Elijah Cummings.

Guess who is the new chair of the House Oversight Committee in January?

Elijah Cummings.

Guess which committee will investigate whether or not Crooked Ivanka violated the law?

House Democrats plan to investigate Ivanka Trump’s use of personal email for government business

The House Oversight Committee plans to investigate whether Ivanka Trump violated federal law by using a personal email account for government business, a Democratic staffer on the committee said Tuesday.

How long's it been? Five years now?

Let me ask you a question about her though

Did Hillary break the law? Yes or no

Of course she did, James Comey eevn said so. That's right, go back and watch the press conference he held and see it for yourself. He said she broke the law but there was no intent (though the law doesn't require intent , a reasonable person must concede prosecutor discretion exists) so no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute.

So get the fuck out of here with your "Trump broke the law and we must have the law obeyed" bullshit liberals, it's beyond obvious that you don't actually give a shit about who broke the law.

Shit , a major Democrat donor just got away with murdering a second gay black hooker and no one cares.

He sure did say that. She broke the law but never intended too. Never mind trafficking in classified emails, deleting emails, govt business on private server. Never mind all that.

Never mind that cuz most of that isn't illegal behavior. It is NOT illegal to do government business on a private server, it is potentially unethical and obviously the reason she did it was to avoid FOIA , but it isn't illegal.

See , there are parallels, not everything is illegal just because you REALLY REALLY REALLY don't like someone.

It was illegal to conduct govt business on a private server when I worked with the govt.

No it wasn't , it' never been illegal. It is against Dept policy in nearly every Dept that I know of, but it is NOT illegal, and never has been. There is nowhere in the US Code where that is made illegal.
Just how retarded do you have to be to use a private email to conduct government business at the very same time your daddy is all over the TV screaming for someone else to be locked up for doing the exact same thing?


How long's it been? Five years now?

Let me ask you a question about her though

Did Hillary break the law? Yes or no

Of course she did, James Comey eevn said so. That's right, go back and watch the press conference he held and see it for yourself. He said she broke the law but there was no intent (though the law doesn't require intent , a reasonable person must concede prosecutor discretion exists) so no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute.

So get the fuck out of here with your "Trump broke the law and we must have the law obeyed" bullshit liberals, it's beyond obvious that you don't actually give a shit about who broke the law.

Shit , a major Democrat donor just got away with murdering a second gay black hooker and no one cares.

He sure did say that. She broke the law but never intended too. Never mind trafficking in classified emails, deleting emails, govt business on private server. Never mind all that.

Never mind that cuz most of that isn't illegal behavior. It is NOT illegal to do government business on a private server, it is potentially unethical and obviously the reason she did it was to avoid FOIA , but it isn't illegal.

See , there are parallels, not everything is illegal just because you REALLY REALLY REALLY don't like someone.
well dude, yeah it is illegal. comey said it was. you should actually investigate it before you shoot your stupid mouth off.
Oh great NOW you quote Comey But not so much with what he said about Dump
The highest logic people will not allow mueller to bring unequal Justice

Trump has the white men and military on his side and Latinos fast coming to trump
How many Supreme Court judges has gained wealth for their families ??

Will mueller go after using ones office to enrich their family
Why is Mueller on trial? Oh that's right, because the real guilty one's are being exposed. Typical Trump apologizing coward blaming the other guy. What a pussy.

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