Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

For some reason, Donald Trump has felt it imperative that the American people not have any knowledge of his involvement with Russia or Russian money.

I think it has more to do with mob money than Putin wanting him to win an election.

Could be both.

But there was mob money behind Trump SoHo.

Trump is such a pathological liar that the very name Trump SoHo is a lie. That building is nowhere near SoHo. He just wanted the prestige attached.

Just like he added ten imaginary stories to Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue.

The guy is one giant illusion from top to bottom. A giant turd with a thin layer of gold plating.
Trump was involved with the Russian mob well before he ran for president

No legitimate bank would lend him money. The Russians were their with money to spend
How many Supreme Court judges has gained wealth for their families ??

Will mueller go after using ones office to enrich their family
Why is Mueller on trial? Oh that's right, because he real guilty one's are being exposed. Typical Trump apologizing coward blaming the other guy. What a pussy.
Mobsters always try the prosecutor in the court of public opinion. It's what they do.
The highest logic people will not allow mueller to bring unequal Justice

Trump has the white men and military on his side and Latinos fast coming to trump
How is it unequal justice? Are there unequal crimes that we don't know about?
How many Supreme Court judges has gained wealth for their families ??

Will mueller go after using ones office to enrich their family
Why is Mueller on trial? Oh that's right, because he real guilty one's are being exposed. Typical Trump apologizing coward blaming the other guy. What a pussy.
Mobsters always try the prosecutor in the court of public opinion. It's what they do.
Al Capone all over again.
Mueller may soon be tried for the biggest crime. Unequal Justice

The men will rise up and demand equal justice
Do you have a crime yet?

The men being for trump has already judged Muellers probe as blackmail to cover up the deep states crimes

Trump may already have the power now to stop this and charge mueller with the crime of blackmail

The senate may charge the House of Representatives with the crime of unequal Justice
Presidential and Federal Records Act Amendments of 2014 - Wikipedia

Passed by the Republican House and Democratic Senate. Signed by President Obama.

That's the law Crooked Ivanka probably violated.

Guess who sponsored the House version?

Elijah Cummings.

Guess who is the new chair of the House Oversight Committee in January?

Elijah Cummings.

Guess which committee will investigate whether or not Crooked Ivanka violated the law?

House Democrats plan to investigate Ivanka Trump’s use of personal email for government business

The House Oversight Committee plans to investigate whether Ivanka Trump violated federal law by using a personal email account for government business, a Democratic staffer on the committee said Tuesday.

That law does NOT make it illegal to use private email to conduct government business.

It actually just makes attempting to avoid FOIA by not sharing all emails with a government server illegal. And in fact if you read the law, it doesn't even state an amount of time you have to put those emails on a government server. If they aren't already there, Ivanka could put them on there now and say "see I followed the law"

This is the kind of nonsense I'm talking about . You don't know the law, you don't care to know the law. All you know is that your overlord told you someone you dislike broke the law, so you want them locked up..
Just how retarded do you have to be to use a private email to conduct government business at the very same time your daddy is all over the TV screaming for someone else to be locked up for doing the exact same thing?

Hey dumfuk - the first lady is not a government employee.
How many Supreme Court judges has gained wealth for their families ??

Will mueller go after using ones office to enrich their family
Why is Mueller on trial? Oh that's right, because he real guilty one's are being exposed. Typical Trump apologizing coward blaming the other guy. What a pussy.
Mobsters always try the prosecutor in the court of public opinion. It's what they do.
Al Capone all over again.


The wise always wins

Might makes right

Who is on the white men's side will always win

The white men has just woke up and will destroy liberalism
Just how retarded do you have to be to use a private email to conduct government business at the very same time your daddy is all over the TV screaming for someone else to be locked up for doing the exact same thing?


Now this is absolutely spot on, but that doesn't make it illegal.

I'll go you on even better. Michael Flynn was investigated by Army CID for giving classified intel to our allies in Afghanistan without authorization in 2012 or so, the Army concluded that although he had done so, it wasn't that big of a deal so they didn't court martial him, even though he DID violate the UCMJ. He didn't even an official reprimand.

Now what is THAT guy doing running around yelling "lock her up" in regards to Hillary Clinton and her mishandling of classified material?? For real.

Just stupid.

Now here's the kicker, You're here doing the same thing. YOu want Ivanka locked up for doing what Hillary did EXCEPT we don't know of any classified material that Ivanka emailed.

You're Michael Flynn LOL

Michael Cohen's got the receipts for Trump's tower in Moscow -- and the evidence is more damning than ever

Perhaps most important, Leopold and Cormier report that there are text messages, internal memos and emails to prove this — throwing a wrench in Trump’s legal strategy of writing Cohen off as a liar and turning the issue into a “he said/he said” standoff.

Talk of impeaching Trump has already been on the rise in the past month, as Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives and now have the ability to file articles of impeachment. A new cover story in The Atlantic, published before the latest revelation, features senior editor Yoni Appelbaum arguing that the Democratic House majority “must immediately open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump.”

This story is not going away!!
Just how retarded do you have to be to use a private email to conduct government business at the very same time your daddy is all over the TV screaming for someone else to be locked up for doing the exact same thing?

Hey dumfuk - the first lady is not a government employee.

Ivanka isn't the First Lady, though judging by some of Trump's past remarks he would have married her had he lived in Alabama .
The most against trump is black women

The most for trump is white men


The most with experience age 50-64 is for trump

The least experience 18-21 is the most against trump

The power is with trump and laws will now be changed to make wisdom tests for voters
Mueller may soon be tried for the biggest crime. Unequal Justice

The men will rise up and demand equal justice
Do you have a crime yet?

The men being for trump has already judged Muellers probe as blackmail to cover up the deep states crimes

Trump may already have the power now to stop this and charge mueller with the crime of blackmail

The senate may charge the House of Representatives with the crime of unequal Justice
The "men for Trump" are who? The law?

What is their evidence of "blackmail"?

What "unequal justice"? Let me guess, you haven't the foggiest idea of what you are talking about, and that is why you were labeled a Sheep?
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.

Only if you can actually prove a real crime. I haven't seen that evidence yet. Lots of wailing and screaming... not real evidence.

If the report comes out, and there are real problems..... I'll be the first to support his removal.
All they have is the word of Michael Cohen, who was convicted of lying to Congress. That claim is dead on arrival.

Michael Cohen's got the receipts for Trump's tower in Moscow -- and the evidence is more damning than ever

Perhaps most important, Leopold and Cormier report that there are text messages, internal memos and emails to prove this — throwing a wrench in Trump’s legal strategy of writing Cohen off as a liar and turning the issue into a “he said/he said” standoff.

Talk of impeaching Trump has already been on the rise in the past month, as Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives and now have the ability to file articles of impeachment. A new cover story in The Atlantic, published before the latest revelation, features senior editor Yoni Appelbaum arguing that the Democratic House majority “must immediately open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump.”

This story is not going away!!

The senate will show that Muellers probe was a crime of blackmail

The men already has judged this as being so
The most against trump is black women

The most for trump is white men


The most with experience age 50-64 is for trump

The least experience 18-21 is the most against trump

The power is with trump and laws will now be changed to make wisdom tests for voters
When did people 50-64 control the country and the law?
One of the co-authors of the Buzzfeed article was fired from Salon for plagiarism and making things up. Was also previously fired from the LA Times for assaulting another reporter.
Looks like yet, one more bombshell dud that ends up going Pfffttt!, like a defective firecracker.

Michael Cohen's got the receipts for Trump's tower in Moscow -- and the evidence is more damning than ever

Perhaps most important, Leopold and Cormier report that there are text messages, internal memos and emails to prove this — throwing a wrench in Trump’s legal strategy of writing Cohen off as a liar and turning the issue into a “he said/he said” standoff.

Talk of impeaching Trump has already been on the rise in the past month, as Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives and now have the ability to file articles of impeachment. A new cover story in The Atlantic, published before the latest revelation, features senior editor Yoni Appelbaum arguing that the Democratic House majority “must immediately open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump.”

This story is not going away!!

The senate will show that Muellers probe was a crime of blackmail

The men already has judged this as being so
You said it was already determined to be "blackmail by Trump's people. So why do we need the senate? Who are the men who get to decide it was blackmail?
Mueller may soon be tried for the biggest crime. Unequal Justice

The men will rise up and demand equal justice
Do you have a crime yet?

The men being for trump has already judged Muellers probe as blackmail to cover up the deep states crimes

Trump may already have the power now to stop this and charge mueller with the crime of blackmail

The senate may charge the House of Representatives with the crime of unequal Justice
The "men for Trump" are who? The law?

What is their evidence of "blackmail"?

What "unequal justice"? Let me guess, you haven't the foggiest idea of what you are talking about, and that is why you were labeled a Sheep?

Evidence of blackmail is mueller intentionally let leak his prosecutors were all democrats

That was a scare to stop trump from charging the deep state with serious crimes

The men of America agrees and will rise up if needed

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