Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

What does the report say?
Buzzfeed says its report is based on testimony from two unnamed law enforcement officials investigating the matter.

The story alleges Mr Trump received 10 personal updates from Cohen about a plan to build the Moscow tower at a time when Mr Trump denied having any business ties to Russia.

Mr Trump's daughter, Ivanka, and son, Donald Jnr, were also updated, the story alleges.

Special counsel Robert Mueller, who is conducting a federal investigation into alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election and whether Trump campaign figures were complicit, has already revealed that Cohen lied about the date the Moscow Trump Tower project ended.

The one reporter on the story....already caught making up other stories, and no other reporters with their own sources can confirm this........

They ain't got nuthin' usual.
Negative! They have plenty. Now go back into your hole.

Same as it ever was....same as it ever was...
same as........

Michael Cohen's got the receipts for Trump's tower in Moscow -- and the evidence is more damning than ever

Perhaps most important, Leopold and Cormier report that there are text messages, internal memos and emails to prove this — throwing a wrench in Trump’s legal strategy of writing Cohen off as a liar and turning the issue into a “he said/he said” standoff.

Talk of impeaching Trump has already been on the rise in the past month, as Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives and now have the ability to file articles of impeachment. A new cover story in The Atlantic, published before the latest revelation, features senior editor Yoni Appelbaum arguing that the Democratic House majority “must immediately open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump.”

This story is not going away!!
I would like to see a little more evidence before Democrats leap into impeachment. This does not look good for Trump. But I would like to see all charges against Trump before Democrats go into piece by piece investigations
Even without this story, the other evidence is just as bad.

What evidence?
What does the report say?
Buzzfeed says its report is based on testimony from two unnamed law enforcement officials investigating the matter.

The story alleges Mr Trump received 10 personal updates from Cohen about a plan to build the Moscow tower at a time when Mr Trump denied having any business ties to Russia.

Mr Trump's daughter, Ivanka, and son, Donald Jnr, were also updated, the story alleges.

Special counsel Robert Mueller, who is conducting a federal investigation into alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election and whether Trump campaign figures were complicit, has already revealed that Cohen lied about the date the Moscow Trump Tower project ended.
and what?
Again to trul understand what's going on

Check how the age of 18-21 votes
Then check how the more experience age 50-64 votes

That tells you liberalism harm comes from the unwise and will bring a wisdom test for voters to stop the nations destruction
Won't it be hilarious if he is booted from office for a lying related incident?
will be even more hilarious when this comes back to the dems and their next "liar" is impeached cause we've set the bar low now.

what you demand done to trump for whatever reason becomes fair play to all. libs keep forgetting that.
Nice try, but the bar can't get any lower than impeaching over a blowjob.

Should we observe that precedent for Trump?

Let's put him under oath and depose him about his sex life. See what shakes out.
sure. if trump gets a blowjob from someone NOT his wife in the oval office and lies about it under oath, fry him.

whatever he did pre-president doesn't matter.
Before you posted this thread, did you ever once wonder why Cohen never said anything about this until now? And do you believe Cohen's other claim, also just now leaked, that Trump told Cohen to set up a visit to Russia, during the presidential campaign, in order to meet Putin and jump-start the tower negotiations?! Do you believe that?
What is it that Trump supporters DO NOT GET about this?

Mueller's office learned Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress through interviews with multiple witnesses from the Trump Organization, internal company emails, text messages and other documents, Buzzfeed reports.

Donald Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about Moscow project, Buzzfeed's sources say - CNNPolitics

What does that mean, Trump supporters?

It means that Mueller's team ALREADY HAD THE DIRT on Trump before Cohen confirmed it.

Wake up people; are you really that stupid?
What does the report say?
Buzzfeed says its report is based on testimony from two unnamed law enforcement officials investigating the matter.

The story alleges Mr Trump received 10 personal updates from Cohen about a plan to build the Moscow tower at a time when Mr Trump denied having any business ties to Russia.

Mr Trump's daughter, Ivanka, and son, Donald Jnr, were also updated, the story alleges.

Special counsel Robert Mueller, who is conducting a federal investigation into alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election and whether Trump campaign figures were complicit, has already revealed that Cohen lied about the date the Moscow Trump Tower project ended.
and what?
The truth is closing in on your pos The noose gets tighter every day Soon he'll drown in his own vomit and America will party
What is it that Trump supporters DO NOT GET about this?

Mueller's office learned Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress through interviews with multiple witnesses from the Trump Organization, internal company emails, text messages and other documents, Buzzfeed reports.

Donald Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about Moscow project, Buzzfeed's sources say - CNNPolitics

What does that mean, Trump supporters?

It means that Mueller's team ALREADY HAD THE DIRT on Trump before Cohen confirmed it.

Wake up people; are you really that stupid?

You know are soooo right. Quick, go tell President Hilary about this......
What does the report say?
Buzzfeed says its report is based on testimony from two unnamed law enforcement officials investigating the matter.

The story alleges Mr Trump received 10 personal updates from Cohen about a plan to build the Moscow tower at a time when Mr Trump denied having any business ties to Russia.

Mr Trump's daughter, Ivanka, and son, Donald Jnr, were also updated, the story alleges.

Special counsel Robert Mueller, who is conducting a federal investigation into alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election and whether Trump campaign figures were complicit, has already revealed that Cohen lied about the date the Moscow Trump Tower project ended.
and what?
The truth is closing in on your pos The noose gets tighter every day Soon he'll drown in his own vomit and America will party
if you look at a noose, there is a great big hole full of air. and that's all you still have.
The proof of Muellers probe is a blackmail crime comes from him trying to scare trump with all prosecutors as democrats

Mueller let that leak to scare trump to not go after the deep states crimes

The senate will charge mueller with blackmail

And the men are on trumps side to make that stick

Really stupid democrats

Michael Cohen's got the receipts for Trump's tower in Moscow -- and the evidence is more damning than ever

Perhaps most important, Leopold and Cormier report that there are text messages, internal memos and emails to prove this — throwing a wrench in Trump’s legal strategy of writing Cohen off as a liar and turning the issue into a “he said/he said” standoff.

Talk of impeaching Trump has already been on the rise in the past month, as Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives and now have the ability to file articles of impeachment. A new cover story in The Atlantic, published before the latest revelation, features senior editor Yoni Appelbaum arguing that the Democratic House majority “must immediately open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump.”

This story is not going away!!
I would like to see a little more evidence before Democrats leap into impeachment. This does not look good for Trump. But I would like to see all charges against Trump before Democrats go into piece by piece investigations
Even without this story, the other evidence is just as bad.

What evidence?
Mueller will tell you soon enough TRump is a dead man walking
What is it that Trump supporters DO NOT GET about this?

Mueller's office learned Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress through interviews with multiple witnesses from the Trump Organization, internal company emails, text messages and other documents, Buzzfeed reports.

Donald Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about Moscow project, Buzzfeed's sources say - CNNPolitics

What does that mean, Trump supporters?

It means that Mueller's team ALREADY HAD THE DIRT on Trump before Cohen confirmed it.

Wake up people; are you really that stupid?

Men have already judged Muellers probe as blackmail crime

The majority of men

Michael Cohen's got the receipts for Trump's tower in Moscow -- and the evidence is more damning than ever

Perhaps most important, Leopold and Cormier report that there are text messages, internal memos and emails to prove this — throwing a wrench in Trump’s legal strategy of writing Cohen off as a liar and turning the issue into a “he said/he said” standoff.

Talk of impeaching Trump has already been on the rise in the past month, as Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives and now have the ability to file articles of impeachment. A new cover story in The Atlantic, published before the latest revelation, features senior editor Yoni Appelbaum arguing that the Democratic House majority “must immediately open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump.”

This story is not going away!!
I would like to see a little more evidence before Democrats leap into impeachment. This does not look good for Trump. But I would like to see all charges against Trump before Democrats go into piece by piece investigations
Even without this story, the other evidence is just as bad.

What evidence?
Mueller will tell you soon enough TRump is a dead man walking
Wrong who is on the men's side?
What is it that Trump supporters DO NOT GET about this?

Mueller's office learned Trump directed Cohen to lie to Congress through interviews with multiple witnesses from the Trump Organization, internal company emails, text messages and other documents, Buzzfeed reports.

Donald Trump directed Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about Moscow project, Buzzfeed's sources say - CNNPolitics

What does that mean, Trump supporters?

It means that Mueller's team ALREADY HAD THE DIRT on Trump before Cohen confirmed it.

Wake up people; are you really that stupid?

Men have already judged Muellers probe as blackmail crime

The majority of men

Great delusion; keep repeating that to yourself. :21:
You poor thing. I guess your propagandists have kept you in the dark, eh?

For example, how is it possible you don't know Flynn was convicted for lying about his conversations with Russians?

So again you are telling lies? You just said right now that Flynn was talking to the Russian ambassador about subverting the 2016 election. You just made that implication.
Where did he say anything thing about subverting the 2016 election in regards to Flynn’s conviction? :cuckoo:
Flynn's trouble was that he was working for money from foreign powers and didn't report it. As G5000 pointed out, Flynn was passing messages to kislyak that Trump was going to ease sactions after the inaguaration .... and that in itself has never been called illegal. A candidate or presumptive potus may tell a foreign power what his for policy would be. But the question is whether Putin helped Trump get elected, and Trump was fulfilling a promise he made for aid ... and that is BIG LEAGUE illegal, which is one thing Mueller's investigating.

Flynn is also still being looked at for possible illegal Israeli and Saudi donations to the inauguration.

What a load of shit. Mueller is not investigating whether Putin helped Trump win an election in exchange for anything.

You people are stupid, and in for a pretty sad surprise when the Mueller report finally drops and you see that Trump was not being investigated by him for anything.

Glad to please capo.
To make equal justice

All of congress and judges must be gone thru and see if any lies about anything and check if family members gained wealth

Unequal Justice will not work
What does the report say?
Buzzfeed says its report is based on testimony from two unnamed law enforcement officials investigating the matter.

The story alleges Mr Trump received 10 personal updates from Cohen about a plan to build the Moscow tower at a time when Mr Trump denied having any business ties to Russia.

Mr Trump's daughter, Ivanka, and son, Donald Jnr, were also updated, the story alleges.

Special counsel Robert Mueller, who is conducting a federal investigation into alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election and whether Trump campaign figures were complicit, has already revealed that Cohen lied about the date the Moscow Trump Tower project ended.
and what?
The truth is closing in on your pos The noose gets tighter every day Soon he'll drown in his own vomit and America will party

Any day now, any day now.
What does the report say?
Buzzfeed says its report is based on testimony from two unnamed law enforcement officials investigating the matter.

The story alleges Mr Trump received 10 personal updates from Cohen about a plan to build the Moscow tower at a time when Mr Trump denied having any business ties to Russia.

Mr Trump's daughter, Ivanka, and son, Donald Jnr, were also updated, the story alleges.

Special counsel Robert Mueller, who is conducting a federal investigation into alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election and whether Trump campaign figures were complicit, has already revealed that Cohen lied about the date the Moscow Trump Tower project ended.
and what?
The truth is closing in on your pos The noose gets tighter every day Soon he'll drown in his own vomit and America will party

Any day now, any day now.
no, any day now!!!

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