Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.

Only if you can actually prove a real crime. I haven't seen that evidence yet. Lots of wailing and screaming... not real evidence.

If the report comes out, and there are real problems..... I'll be the first to support his removal.
All they have is the word of Michael Cohen, who was convicted of lying to Congress. That claim is dead on arrival.
Sorry. That we were talking about whatsherface.
One of the co-authors of the Buzzfeed article was fired from Salon for plagiarism and making things up. Was also previously fired from the LA Times for assaulting another reporter.
Looks like yet, one more bombshell dud that ends up going Pfffttt!, like a defective firecracker.
It hasn't yet has it?
Blackmail crime was proven when mueller let leak all his prosecutors were democrats

The senate will charge the democrats with high treason
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.

Then there is the third choice, to go right on ahead doing what he has been doing very successfully, while giving you conspiracy alarmist dolts the finger. Trump will never resign and will never be impeached. Even if he was, Little Willy was impeached for suborning perjury and it didn't change a thing.
Mueller may soon be tried for the biggest crime. Unequal Justice

The men will rise up and demand equal justice
Do you have a crime yet?

The men being for trump has already judged Muellers probe as blackmail to cover up the deep states crimes

Trump may already have the power now to stop this and charge mueller with the crime of blackmail

The senate may charge the House of Representatives with the crime of unequal Justice
The "men for Trump" are who? The law?

What is their evidence of "blackmail"?

What "unequal justice"? Let me guess, you haven't the foggiest idea of what you are talking about, and that is why you were labeled a Sheep?

Evidence of blackmail is mueller intentionally let leak his prosecutors were all democrats

That was a scare to stop trump from charging the deep state with serious crimes

The men of America agrees and will rise up if needed
Mueller is a Republican. Try again. You aren't making any sense, and you can't answer questions. Now it's "men rising up". Get your stories straight. You're like the chicken with the head cut off. You're all over the place from one version to the next. What an idiot.

Michael Cohen's got the receipts for Trump's tower in Moscow -- and the evidence is more damning than ever

Perhaps most important, Leopold and Cormier report that there are text messages, internal memos and emails to prove this — throwing a wrench in Trump’s legal strategy of writing Cohen off as a liar and turning the issue into a “he said/he said” standoff.

Talk of impeaching Trump has already been on the rise in the past month, as Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives and now have the ability to file articles of impeachment. A new cover story in The Atlantic, published before the latest revelation, features senior editor Yoni Appelbaum arguing that the Democratic House majority “must immediately open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump.”

This story is not going away!!

During the campaign during a debate HRC accused Trump of being, "Putin's puppet."

Truer words have never been spoken.

Blackmail crime was proven when mueller let leak all his prosecutors were democrats

The senate will charge the democrats with high treason
That is a claim with no proof.Link your proof or you are a liar.

The one reporter on the story....already caught making up other stories, and no other reporters with their own sources can confirm this........

They ain't got nuthin' usual.

Michael Cohen's got the receipts for Trump's tower in Moscow -- and the evidence is more damning than ever

Perhaps most important, Leopold and Cormier report that there are text messages, internal memos and emails to prove this — throwing a wrench in Trump’s legal strategy of writing Cohen off as a liar and turning the issue into a “he said/he said” standoff.

Talk of impeaching Trump has already been on the rise in the past month, as Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives and now have the ability to file articles of impeachment. A new cover story in The Atlantic, published before the latest revelation, features senior editor Yoni Appelbaum arguing that the Democratic House majority “must immediately open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump.”

This story is not going away!!

During the campaign during a debate HRC accused Trump of being, "Putin's puppet."

Truer words have never been spoken.

You mean the woman who took 145 million dollars from Putin claimed that Trump was a puppet? Really?

Psychological projection - Wikipedia

Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1]

The one reporter on the story....already caught making up other stories, and no other reporters with their own sources can confirm this........
Ha dumb ass, here's a news flash for you, not everyone has access to the same scoop.

The one reporter on the story....already caught making up other stories, and no other reporters with their own sources can confirm this........
Ha dumb ass, here's a news flash for you, not everyone has access to the same scoop.

Apparently, neither do these two reporters since they admitted they haven't seen any of the alleged evidence in their story......

Michael Cohen's got the receipts for Trump's tower in Moscow -- and the evidence is more damning than ever

Perhaps most important, Leopold and Cormier report that there are text messages, internal memos and emails to prove this — throwing a wrench in Trump’s legal strategy of writing Cohen off as a liar and turning the issue into a “he said/he said” standoff.

Talk of impeaching Trump has already been on the rise in the past month, as Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives and now have the ability to file articles of impeachment. A new cover story in The Atlantic, published before the latest revelation, features senior editor Yoni Appelbaum arguing that the Democratic House majority “must immediately open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump.”

This story is not going away!!
I would like to see a little more evidence before Democrats leap into impeachment. This does not look good for Trump. But I would like to see all charges against Trump before Democrats go into piece by piece investigations

The one reporter on the story....already caught making up other stories, and no other reporters with their own sources can confirm this........

They ain't got nuthin' usual.
Negative! They have plenty. Now go back into your hole.

The one reporter on the story....already caught making up other stories, and no other reporters with their own sources can confirm this........
Ha dumb ass, here's a news flash for you, not everyone has access to the same scoop.

Apparently, neither do these two reporters since they admitted they haven't seen any of the alleged evidence in their story......
Do they have to?

They are reporting on what is being alleged. Opening round in claims against Trump.

How far will ......everyone lies except for me for Trump?

Michael Cohen's got the receipts for Trump's tower in Moscow -- and the evidence is more damning than ever

Perhaps most important, Leopold and Cormier report that there are text messages, internal memos and emails to prove this — throwing a wrench in Trump’s legal strategy of writing Cohen off as a liar and turning the issue into a “he said/he said” standoff.

Talk of impeaching Trump has already been on the rise in the past month, as Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives and now have the ability to file articles of impeachment. A new cover story in The Atlantic, published before the latest revelation, features senior editor Yoni Appelbaum arguing that the Democratic House majority “must immediately open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump.”

This story is not going away!!
I would like to see a little more evidence before Democrats leap into impeachment. This does not look good for Trump. But I would like to see all charges against Trump before Democrats go into piece by piece investigations
Even without this story, the other evidence is just as bad.

How long's it been? Five years now?

Let me ask you a question about her though

Did Hillary break the law? Yes or no

Of course she did, James Comey eevn said so. That's right, go back and watch the press conference he held and see it for yourself. He said she broke the law but there was no intent (though the law doesn't require intent , a reasonable person must concede prosecutor discretion exists) so no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute.

So get the fuck out of here with your "Trump broke the law and we must have the law obeyed" bullshit liberals, it's beyond obvious that you don't actually give a shit about who broke the law.

Shit , a major Democrat donor just got away with murdering a second gay black hooker and no one cares.

He sure did say that. She broke the law but never intended too. Never mind trafficking in classified emails, deleting emails, govt business on private server. Never mind all that.

Never mind that cuz most of that isn't illegal behavior. It is NOT illegal to do government business on a private server, it is potentially unethical and obviously the reason she did it was to avoid FOIA , but it isn't illegal.

See , there are parallels, not everything is illegal just because you REALLY REALLY REALLY don't like someone.
well dude, yeah it is illegal. comey said it was. you should actually investigate it before you shoot your stupid mouth off.
Oh great NOW you quote Comey But not so much with what he said about Dump
what do you need me to quote from comey on trump. I get you hate the facts I keep bringing in here.
Blackmail crime was proven when mueller let leak all his prosecutors were democrats

The senate will charge the democrats with high treason
That is a claim with no proof.Link your proof or you are a liar.

Check all the polls to see the men and especially the wise white men for trump

All the polls are showing that

The fraud is the media not explaining that the support for trump are the most wise

Same with all polls showing

Age 18-21. And age with more experience to learn age 50-64

Shows people learns that liberalism is the harm

The one reporter on the story....already caught making up other stories, and no other reporters with their own sources can confirm this........

They ain't got nuthin' usual.
Negative! They have plenty. Now go back into your hole.

Yeah...not so much...

Report: Feds Have Proof Trump Told Cohen To Lie To Congress About Russia Deal

Update: Below is BuzzFeed's Anthony Cormier's interview with CNN's "New Day" Friday morning in which he says while he's "rock solid" on the report, he has not "personally" seen the alleged hard evidence (h/t Mediaite):

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