Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

The Moonbat Progs prove yet again how utterly gullible they are.

Buzzfeed promoted the Fake Dossier (aka hiLIARy's oppo "research" fan fiction about Trump). They are not news. They are a propaganda factory.

Totally agree, they should change their name to "Bullshit News".
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.

If he were wise, he would go today. The possibility of Treason exists, and the punishment for treason is much much greater than the humiliation of making a deal to leave, and avoiding possibly jail or prison or worse.

Even VP Agnew was able to keep out of jail, when he agreed to resign.
I suspect the powers that be will get to Trump via his kids.
The Mafia? Be still my heart
Ah. The "everybody does it" gambit. That was the chief defense used by Nixon defenders, too.

So you have no moral legs to stand on.

I'm not the one trying to stand on morals sir, You are. Is Trump dirty? Probably in one form or another, but so is everyone IN DC
Thank you for at least admitting that whole "drain the swamp" chant was yet another hoax.

Oh I don't think it was a hoax, I think the swamp is just so big that Trump never stood a chance.
Obama did. He was there for eight years, and had zero criminal liability.

Obama was as crooked as a person can get and the fact that you believe otherwise is just more evidence that you are a complete joke.
If that were true and a Republican controlled House, those idiots would have found something. They didn't and neither did you. You're a liar.
The Moonbat Progs prove yet again how utterly gullible they are.

Buzzfeed promoted the Fake Dossier (aka hiLIARy's oppo "research" fan fiction about Trump). They are not news. They are a propaganda factory.

Totally agree, they should change their name to "Bullshit News".
No evidence and you are the bs.
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I'm not the one trying to stand on morals sir, You are. Is Trump dirty? Probably in one form or another, but so is everyone IN DC
Thank you for at least admitting that whole "drain the swamp" chant was yet another hoax.

Oh I don't think it was a hoax, I think the swamp is just so big that Trump never stood a chance.
Obama did. He was there for eight years, and had zero criminal liability.

Obama was as crooked as a person can get and the fact that you believe otherwise is just more evidence that you are a complete joke.
If that were true and a Republican controlled House, those idiots would have found something. They didn't and neither did you. You're a liar.

They didn't look because they are crooked too.

Damn you're stupid.

Trump has been under investigation not because he broke the law, hell even if he DID break the law, no one in DC cares about that , he's been under investigation since day one because he threatens THEM, that you are too stupid to understand that doesn't change that it is a fact.
To make equal justice

All of congress and judges must be gone thru and see if any lies about anything and check if family members gained wealth

Unequal Justice will not work
Speak English, dammit. LOL
This guy is totally illiterate. He has no concept of sentence structure whatsoever. Typical Trump ignoramus!
Seriously, I don't think English is his first language, and he ain't from south of the border.
Not sure where the hell he or she is from? They never got past second grade, that is for sure.
"how many times do i have to say this? John, you're a smart guy! i have nothing to do with russia! Russia is a ruse!" - Dastardly Donald
Thank you for at least admitting that whole "drain the swamp" chant was yet another hoax.

Oh I don't think it was a hoax, I think the swamp is just so big that Trump never stood a chance.
Obama did. He was there for eight years, and had zero criminal liability.

Obama was as crooked as a person can get and the fact that you believe otherwise is just more evidence that you are a complete joke.
If that were true and a Republican controlled House, those idiots would have found something. They didn't and neither did you. You're a liar.

They didn't look because they are crooked too.

Damn you're stupid.

Trump has been under investigation not because he broke the law, hell even if he DID break the law, no one in DC cares about that , he's been under investigation since day one because he threatens THEM, that you are too stupid to understand that doesn't change that it is a fact.
Ah yes, of course! The Giuliani strategy again. Blame others for the non-criminal activity that no one will ever find. Do you have any idea how full of shit you are? It's pathetic.
To make equal justice

All of congress and judges must be gone thru and see if any lies about anything and check if family members gained wealth

Unequal Justice will not work
Speak English, dammit. LOL
This guy is totally illiterate. He has no concept of sentence structure whatsoever. Typical Trump ignoramus!
Seriously, I don't think English is his first language, and he ain't from south of the border.
Not sure where the hell he or she is from? They never got past second grade, that is for sure.

You want the proof of Muellers blackmail??

Mueller let it leak that all of his prosectors are democrats

That is intentional black mail crime to try to scare trump
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.
One way or another, we're going to get to the bottom of it.

However, what we know already is damning.

One way or another, Trump haters are going to make him pay for defeating Hillary. As for knowing damning information, at this point, it s all speculative, partial, and subjective. Let US know when you have something empirical.
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.

If he were wise, he would go today. The possibility of Treason exists, and the punishment for treason is much much greater than the humiliation of making a deal to leave, and avoiding possibly jail or prison or worse.

Even VP Agnew was able to keep out of jail, when he agreed to resign.
I suspect the powers that be will get to Trump via his kids.
The Mafia? Be still my heart
Well I've always said the DOJ could have taught the mafia a thing or two about extortion. But the mafia is pretty much dead now. Largely though DOJ extortion. LOL

I think we'll find that the kids have some pretty big exposure under perjury and income tax issues. The brand name may take a hit, but as you note, if they flip on some bad people the least bad thing for them would be to have their source for borrowing capital to say "you are dead to me now."
Thank you for at least admitting that whole "drain the swamp" chant was yet another hoax.

Oh I don't think it was a hoax, I think the swamp is just so big that Trump never stood a chance.
Obama did. He was there for eight years, and had zero criminal liability.

Obama was as crooked as a person can get and the fact that you believe otherwise is just more evidence that you are a complete joke.
If that were true and a Republican controlled House, those idiots would have found something. They didn't and neither did you. You're a liar.

They didn't look because they are crooked too.

Damn you're stupid.

Trump has been under investigation not because he broke the law, hell even if he DID break the law, no one in DC cares about that , he's been under investigation since day one because he threatens THEM, that you are too stupid to understand that doesn't change that it is a fact.

Correct !!
To make equal justice

All of congress and judges must be gone thru and see if any lies about anything and check if family members gained wealth

Unequal Justice will not work
Speak English, dammit. LOL
This guy is totally illiterate. He has no concept of sentence structure whatsoever. Typical Trump ignoramus!
Seriously, I don't think English is his first language, and he ain't from south of the border.
Not sure where the hell he or she is from? They never got past second grade, that is for sure.

You want the proof of Muellers blackmail??

Mueller let it leak that all of his prosectors are democrats

That is intentional black mail crime to try to scare trump
Says who? You? lol! And who the hell are you? Take a wild guess?

And that changes what? You got it. It changes nothing. Get a life.
Oh I don't think it was a hoax, I think the swamp is just so big that Trump never stood a chance.
Obama did. He was there for eight years, and had zero criminal liability.

Obama was as crooked as a person can get and the fact that you believe otherwise is just more evidence that you are a complete joke.
If that were true and a Republican controlled House, those idiots would have found something. They didn't and neither did you. You're a liar.

They didn't look because they are crooked too.

Damn you're stupid.

Trump has been under investigation not because he broke the law, hell even if he DID break the law, no one in DC cares about that , he's been under investigation since day one because he threatens THEM, that you are too stupid to understand that doesn't change that it is a fact.
Ah yes, of course! The Giuliani strategy again. Blame others for the non-criminal activity that no one will ever find. Do you have any idea how full of shit you are? It's pathetic.

Dannys idiot twin G&B joins him.
the problem with this story: there are like 30 players and they're all full-throated liars!
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.

If he were wise, he would go today. The possibility of Treason exists, and the punishment for treason is much much greater than the humiliation of making a deal to leave, and avoiding possibly jail or prison or worse.

Even VP Agnew was able to keep out of jail, when he agreed to resign.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: any day now, any day now, any day now.
To make equal justice

All of congress and judges must be gone thru and see if any lies about anything and check if family members gained wealth

Unequal Justice will not work
Speak English, dammit. LOL
This guy is totally illiterate. He has no concept of sentence structure whatsoever. Typical Trump ignoramus!
Seriously, I don't think English is his first language, and he ain't from south of the border.
Not sure where the hell he or she is from? They never got past second grade, that is for sure.

it's prolly trump jr.

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