Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

President Donald Trump directed his longtime attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, according to two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter.

Trump also supported a plan, set up by Cohen, to visit Russia during the presidential campaign, in order to personally meet President Vladimir Putin and jump-start the tower negotiations. “Make it happen,” the sources said Trump told Cohen.

And even as Trump told the public he had no business deals with Russia, the sources said Trump and his children, Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr., received regular, detailed updates about the real estate development from Cohen, whom they put in charge of the project.

Much More: President Trump Directed His Attorney To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project - Buzzfeed

This is very serious. Does not look good for Trump.

Yes, I'm sure an indictment over this oddly belated claim is "imminent."

Now, please tell me how this has anything to do with the charge that Trump colluded with the Russians to alter the outcome of the election.

How would you compare this with Hillary Clinton's hiring of an ex-British spy to get dirt on Trump from the Russians? What would you be saying if Trump had hired an ex-spy to get dirt on Hillary from the Russians? I bet you'd be screaming that that constituted collusion, yeah?
Now, please tell me how this has anything to do with the charge that Trump colluded with the Russians to alter the outcome of the election.

It certainly shows that Trump did indeed have business relationships in Russia despite what he said publicly. No?

The man has a problem telling the truth even when displayed on a teleprompter.
If he were wise, he would go today. The possibility of Treason exists, and the punishment for treason is much much greater than the humiliation of making a deal to leave, and avoiding possibly jail or prison or worse.

Even VP Agnew was able to keep out of jail, when he agreed to resign.
I suspect the powers that be will get to Trump via his kids.
The Mafia? Be still my heart
Well I've always said the DOJ could have taught the mafia a thing or two about extortion. But the mafia is pretty much dead now. Largely though DOJ extortion. LOL

I think we'll find that the kids have some pretty big exposure under perjury and income tax issues. The brand name may take a hit, but as you note, if they flip on some bad people the least bad thing for them would be to have their source for borrowing capital to say "you are dead to me now."
based on what :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:I'm amazed at what you think you know. wow. can yo fit into the bathroom with that swollen body?
Fuck you useless Trumpbot.

The Kids' perjury is pretty well laid out in buzz
If he were wise, he would go today. The possibility of Treason exists, and the punishment for treason is much much greater than the humiliation of making a deal to leave, and avoiding possibly jail or prison or worse.

Even VP Agnew was able to keep out of jail, when he agreed to resign.
I suspect the powers that be will get to Trump via his kids.
The Mafia? Be still my heart
Well I've always said the DOJ could have taught the mafia a thing or two about extortion. But the mafia is pretty much dead now. Largely though DOJ extortion. LOL

I think we'll find that the kids have some pretty big exposure under perjury and income tax issues. The brand name may take a hit, but as you note, if they flip on some bad people the least bad thing for them would be to have their source for borrowing capital to say "you are dead to me now."

You watched too much 'Sopranos'. Obviously fake Hollywood stories serve as your political template.

You haven't been watching the DOJ extort Flynn, Manafort, papadoapolus (whatever), Cohen, Hicks, sessions .......?
buzzfeed, the outlet that leaked the dossier. excuse me if i piss on that rat bed.

And oh, :fu:
I think this is just the tip of the iceberg of trump's crimes...the man is slug.

I am seeing some devout trumpettes peel off from their worship....
Why would you worship this piece of shit to begin with? It insults my intelligence just to think of the prospect.

There are a lot of trump humpers out there....most have had brain transplants...but there are a lot.
I heard Obama found a new birth certificate and is thinking bout 2020. (-:

Seriously, there's not going to be any conviction for perjury, but I think McConnell is going to sink the SS Trump with hundreds of tiny holes under the waterline.
do we as a country really want this to be a direction EITHER party can pull at any time?

you want to dig into someones past this bad and crucify them for in the end simply being "the other party" who the fuck is going to run for office anymore?
McConnell is not of the "other party" to Trump. McConnell just wants Trump to send up the list of the judges McConnell didn't get to last year so he can finish stuffing the courts since Reid killed filibuster. And I doubt spineless Turtle has anything against RBG, if she should pass, I think he wants his 6th SC seat.

And the Obama birth certificate was a joke.
In 2020 McConnell will be minority leader You heard it here first
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.

If he were wise, he would go today. The possibility of Treason exists, and the punishment for treason is much much greater than the humiliation of making a deal to leave, and avoiding possibly jail or prison or worse.

Even VP Agnew was able to keep out of jail, when he agreed to resign.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: any day now, any day now, any day now.
The day is today:
Donald Trump’s Presidency Is Legally Over, Pending Mitch McConnell’s Acknowledgement Of His Constitutional Duties

I'll be kind and not mock you when President Donald Trump becomes a private citizen, and faces the trier of facts in New York State's Supreme Court.
and what?
The truth is closing in on your pos The noose gets tighter every day Soon he'll drown in his own vomit and America will party

Any day now, any day now.
no, any day now!!!
Do you understand jc??
The Editorial Board
If You Shut Down the Government, You Slow Down the Economy

The president keeps finding ways to spoil a good thing.
Nancy should start negotiating don't you think?
The house and Senate already passed a bill but Ann told Trump not to sign it..

Maybe Trump, Ann and Rush should negotiate amongst themselves
Al Sharpton: The defense strategy is to say that Cohen is lying to get a lighter sentence after being convicted for lying. That makes no sense. It doesn't even make Donald Trump sense.
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.

Even if he gets impeached by the House, he does not have to resign. You know. Like Clinton.

he would resign only if he believed the senate would convict him, finalize the impeachment...

I say that, only because if the senate actually was going to convict him of the impeachment charges, the high crimes and misdemeanors...

he would lose all chance of being pardoned by Pence... if the senate conviction took place... no one impeached can be pardoned, according to the constitution... so he would have to resign before the Senate votes on impeachment... if he did not want to face those crimes in a court of law, and get convicted in a court of law, and have a record by a court of law...

then he should or would resign and let Pence/the new president, pardon him
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.

If he were wise, he would go today. The possibility of Treason exists, and the punishment for treason is much much greater than the humiliation of making a deal to leave, and avoiding possibly jail or prison or worse.

Even VP Agnew was able to keep out of jail, when he agreed to resign.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: any day now, any day now, any day now.
The day is today:
Donald Trump’s Presidency Is Legally Over, Pending Mitch McConnell’s Acknowledgement Of His Constitutional Duties

I'll be kind and not mock you when President Donald Trump becomes a private citizen, and faces the trier of facts in New York State's Supreme Court.
I won't be so kind
The Moonbat Progs prove yet again how utterly gullible they are.

Buzzfeed promoted the Fake Dossier (aka hiLIARy's oppo "research" fan fiction about Trump). They are not news. They are a propaganda factory.
Except the Dossier and it's parts are not fake. They are spot on according to the FBI. You are a liar.

No, they weren't spot on. The FBI hid the fact that this was oppo-fan-fiction produced by GPS Fusion at the behest of the Clinton campaign. Bruce Ohr has spilled the beans on this one, bub. Try reading some actual news.
I have, and the Dossier is still spot on. If you had evidence the Dossier was fake, you would have produced that documentation from a reliable source. You didn't so that makes you a liar.
Michael Cohen will be testifying before Congress in February. What kind of diversions do you think Trump and your propagandists will come up with to distract from his testimony?

Somethang to feed the DOPer Base morons:

Arrest the House speaker?
Arrest the Clinton's?
Arrest the Obama's?
Cohen dies or is kidnapped by Russians for the great Douche?
Launch a military attack on a new nation.
The Moonbat Progs prove yet again how utterly gullible they are.

Buzzfeed promoted the Fake Dossier (aka hiLIARy's oppo "research" fan fiction about Trump). They are not news. They are a propaganda factory.
Except the Dossier and it's parts are not fake. They are spot on according to the FBI. You are a liar.

No, they weren't spot on. The FBI hid the fact that this was oppo-fan-fiction produced by GPS Fusion at the behest of the Clinton campaign. Bruce Ohr has spilled the beans on this one, bub. Try reading some actual news.
I have, and the Dossier is still spot on. If you had evidence the Dossier was fake, you would have produced that documentation from a reliable source. You didn't so that makes you a liar.

Enjoy living in your fantasy bubble.
The Surrender monkey is already gone!....
Thank GOD, enough lying from that scum was enough!
Al Sharpton: The defense strategy is to say that Cohen is lying to get a lighter sentence after being convicted for lying. That makes no sense. It doesn't even make Donald Trump sense.
Giuliani and Trumps band of misfit idiots are throwing spaghetti up against the wall.
The Moonbat Progs prove yet again how utterly gullible they are.

Buzzfeed promoted the Fake Dossier (aka hiLIARy's oppo "research" fan fiction about Trump). They are not news. They are a propaganda factory.
Except the Dossier and it's parts are not fake. They are spot on according to the FBI. You are a liar.

No, they weren't spot on. The FBI hid the fact that this was oppo-fan-fiction produced by GPS Fusion at the behest of the Clinton campaign. Bruce Ohr has spilled the beans on this one, bub. Try reading some actual news.
Steele was right about Russia pushing Trump's campaign. That's why any complaints about warrants is just bs spewing by people who have never seen a warrant. All the cops need is to be truthful that the source has been useful in the past and/or the information come from mult sources and it's more likely than not that a crime has occurred.

Steel was useful in initially learning the Russians had in fact put a hand in it, and papadapolus was an indep source.

It's irrelevant how the Steele info was collected. The cops use statements of known felons for search warrants every day.
The Moonbat Progs prove yet again how utterly gullible they are.

Buzzfeed promoted the Fake Dossier (aka hiLIARy's oppo "research" fan fiction about Trump). They are not news. They are a propaganda factory.
Except the Dossier and it's parts are not fake. They are spot on according to the FBI. You are a liar.

No, they weren't spot on. The FBI hid the fact that this was oppo-fan-fiction produced by GPS Fusion at the behest of the Clinton campaign. Bruce Ohr has spilled the beans on this one, bub. Try reading some actual news.
I have, and the Dossier is still spot on. If you had evidence the Dossier was fake, you would have produced that documentation from a reliable source. You didn't so that makes you a liar.

Enjoy living in your fantasy bubble.
Thanks for proving me right by your own inabilities and lies.
"You Think"???? We're waiting to see if Mueller has anything besides bullshit. You do know Cohen negotiates for himself selling access. He scammed ATT & Novariis out of millions, and he's your star witness! I call bullshit.
AT&T’s and Novartis’s payments to Michael Cohen are definitely sketchy but maybe not illegal

Cohen WAS NOT a source for the story....but thanks for trying.....

President Donald Trump personally directed his longtime former attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about the Moscow Trump Tower project, two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter told BuzzFeed.
Of course, this story could prove to be the exception to countless others, could prove to be true, and if it is, Trump is in serious trouble. Unless you’re Bill Clinton, obstruction of justice is an impeachable offense.

Trump should be impeached for having no soul!

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