Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

  1. BuzzFeed’s Lead Reporter Is a Proven Liar
The lead reporter on the story is Jason Leopold, someone no less than Columbia Journalism Review declared a “serial fabulist.”

"Leopold, you may recall, is the freelance reporter who was caught making stuff up in a 2002 article, self-admittedly “getting it completely wrong” in pieces for Dow Jones, and had his own memoir cancelled because of concerns over the accuracy of quotations."
  1. BuzzFeed’s Lead Reporter Is a Proven Liar
The lead reporter on the story is Jason Leopold, someone no less than Columbia Journalism Review declared a “serial fabulist.”

"Leopold, you may recall, is the freelance reporter who was caught making stuff up in a 2002 article, self-admittedly “getting it completely wrong” in pieces for Dow Jones, and had his own memoir cancelled because of concerns over the accuracy of quotations."
Wow. A guy who got his facts wrong way back in 2002.

A guy like that certainly can't stand up to the stellar truthtelling record of Trump!

Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.

If he were wise, he would go today. The possibility of Treason exists, and the punishment for treason is much much greater than the humiliation of making a deal to leave, and avoiding possibly jail or prison or worse.

Even VP Agnew was able to keep out of jail, when he agreed to resign.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: any day now, any day now, any day now.
The day is today:
Donald Trump’s Presidency Is Legally Over, Pending Mitch McConnell’s Acknowledgement Of His Constitutional Duties

I'll be kind and not mock you when President Donald Trump becomes a private citizen, and faces the trier of facts in New York State's Supreme Court.
that isn't today! you said today!!!
How many Supreme Court judges has gained wealth for their families ??

Will mueller go after using ones office to enrich their family
Why is Mueller on trial? Oh that's right, because he real guilty one's are being exposed. Typical Trump apologizing coward blaming the other guy. What a pussy.
Mobsters always try the prosecutor in the court of public opinion. It's what they do.
Al Capone all over again.


The wise always wins

Might makes right

Who is on the white men's side will always win

The white men has just woke up and will destroy liberalism

Scratch a conservative, find a racist.
  1. BuzzFeed’s Lead Reporter Is a Proven Liar
The lead reporter on the story is Jason Leopold, someone no less than Columbia Journalism Review declared a “serial fabulist.”

"Leopold, you may recall, is the freelance reporter who was caught making stuff up in a 2002 article, self-admittedly “getting it completely wrong” in pieces for Dow Jones, and had his own memoir cancelled because of concerns over the accuracy of quotations."

kiss Trumps ass when he lies then bitch about others lying DONT FUCKING WORK - HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
The Moonbat Progs prove yet again how utterly gullible they are.

Buzzfeed promoted the Fake Dossier (aka hiLIARy's oppo "research" fan fiction about Trump). They are not news. They are a propaganda factory.
Except the Dossier and it's parts are not fake. They are spot on according to the FBI. You are a liar.

No, they weren't spot on. The FBI hid the fact that this was oppo-fan-fiction produced by GPS Fusion at the behest of the Clinton campaign. Bruce Ohr has spilled the beans on this one, bub. Try reading some actual news.
Steele was right about Russia pushing Trump's campaign. That's why any complaints about warrants is just bs spewing by people who have never seen a warrant. All the cops need is to be truthful that the source has been useful in the past and/or the information come from mult sources and it's more likely than not that a crime has occurred.

Steel was useful in initially learning the Russians had in fact put a hand in it, and papadapolus was an indep source.

It's irrelevant how the Steele info was collected. The cops use statements of known felons for search warrants every day.

That is the spin the Prog-Dem-AntiTrumpers put on it. In RealityLand, the real collusion was among members of the Obama Admin, the DNC and the Clinton campaign to first undermine Trump's campaign, and when that failed, to undermine his presidency.

If you want to see Real Russian Collusion, check out the Clinton Foundation - Uranium One scandal.
If he were wise, he would go today. The possibility of Treason exists, and the punishment for treason is much much greater than the humiliation of making a deal to leave, and avoiding possibly jail or prison or worse.

Even VP Agnew was able to keep out of jail, when he agreed to resign.
:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: any day now, any day now, any day now.
The day is today:
Donald Trump’s Presidency Is Legally Over, Pending Mitch McConnell’s Acknowledgement Of His Constitutional Duties

I'll be kind and not mock you when President Donald Trump becomes a private citizen, and faces the trier of facts in New York State's Supreme Court.
I won't be so kind
you're not much of anything.
I heard Obama found a new birth certificate and is thinking bout 2020. (-:

Seriously, there's not going to be any conviction for perjury, but I think McConnell is going to sink the SS Trump with hundreds of tiny holes under the waterline.
do we as a country really want this to be a direction EITHER party can pull at any time?

you want to dig into someones past this bad and crucify them for in the end simply being "the other party" who the fuck is going to run for office anymore?
McConnell is not of the "other party" to Trump. McConnell just wants Trump to send up the list of the judges McConnell didn't get to last year so he can finish stuffing the courts since Reid killed filibuster. And I doubt spineless Turtle has anything against RBG, if she should pass, I think he wants his 6th SC seat.

And the Obama birth certificate was a joke.
In 2020 McConnell will be minority leader You heard it here first
Or he may be retired.

Maine and Colorado are probably already tipped to blue.

Ariz, Ga, NC and Tenn are in the air.

tought to see how the dems keep Ala. I once told my daughter I was good with whomever she'd bring home ... unless he was from Ala.
The truth is closing in on your pos The noose gets tighter every day Soon he'll drown in his own vomit and America will party

Any day now, any day now.
no, any day now!!!
Do you understand jc??
The Editorial Board
If You Shut Down the Government, You Slow Down the Economy

The president keeps finding ways to spoil a good thing.
Nancy should start negotiating don't you think?
The house and Senate already passed a bill but Ann told Trump not to sign it..

Maybe Trump, Ann and Rush should negotiate amongst themselves
never happened. still waiting on you to post that link. go ahead prove me wrong.
"Salon’s Tim Grieve reminded readers of Leopold’s checkered history with the publication. Salon removed Leopold’s August 29, 2002 story about Enron from its site after it was discovered that he plagiarized parts from the Financial Times and was unable to provide a copy of an email that was critical to the piece. Leopold’s response? A hysterical rant which claimed that Salon’s version of events was “nothing but lies,” and that “At this point, I wonder why Salon would go to great lengths to further twist the knife into my back. I suppose the New York Times will now release their version of the events. I can see the headline now ‘Jason Leopold Must Die.’” In other words, people are out to get him, and it’s not his fault.

Fast forward to March 2005, when Leopold’s memoir, Off the Record, was set to be released. In the book, according to Howard Kurtz, Leopold says that he details his own “lying, cheating and backstabbing,” and comes clean about how he got fired from the Los Angeles Times and quit Dow Jones just before they fired him because, as he said, it “Seems I got all of the facts wrong” on a story about Enron.

But the book was not to be. Rowman & Littlefield, the book’s publisher, cancelled production just before it went to press after one of the book’s sources threatened to sue. That source, Steven Maviglio, who was a spokesman for California Governor Gray Davis, said that Leopold “just got it completely wrong” when recounting how he allegedly told Leopold that he “might have broken the law by investing in energy companies using inside information.”
Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.

Even if he gets impeached by the House, he does not have to resign. You know. Like Clinton.

he would resign only if he believed the senate would convict him, finalize the impeachment...

I say that, only because if the senate actually was going to convict him of the impeachment charges, the high crimes and misdemeanors...

he would lose all chance of being pardoned by Pence... if the senate conviction took place... no one impeached can be pardoned, according to the constitution... so he would have to resign before the Senate votes on impeachment... if he did not want to face those crimes in a court of law, and get convicted in a court of law, and have a record by a court of law...

then he should or would resign and let Pence/the new president, pardon him
still waiting on a crime. come on fk, post the crime!!
"Salon’s Tim Grieve reminded readers of Leopold’s checkered history with the publication. Salon removed Leopold’s August 29, 2002 story about Enron from its site after it was discovered that he plagiarized parts from the Financial Times and was unable to provide a copy of an email that was critical to the piece. Leopold’s response? A hysterical rant which claimed that Salon’s version of events was “nothing but lies,” and that “At this point, I wonder why Salon would go to great lengths to further twist the knife into my back. I suppose the New York Times will now release their version of the events. I can see the headline now ‘Jason Leopold Must Die.’” In other words, people are out to get him, and it’s not his fault.

Fast forward to March 2005, when Leopold’s memoir, Off the Record, was set to be released. In the book, according to Howard Kurtz, Leopold says that he details his own “lying, cheating and backstabbing,” and comes clean about how he got fired from the Los Angeles Times and quit Dow Jones just before they fired him because, as he said, it “Seems I got all of the facts wrong” on a story about Enron.

But the book was not to be. Rowman & Littlefield, the book’s publisher, cancelled production just before it went to press after one of the book’s sources threatened to sue. That source, Steven Maviglio, who was a spokesman for California Governor Gray Davis, said that Leopold “just got it completely wrong” when recounting how he allegedly told Leopold that he “might have broken the law by investing in energy companies using inside information.”


Michael Cohen's got the receipts for Trump's tower in Moscow -- and the evidence is more damning than ever

Perhaps most important, Leopold and Cormier report that there are text messages, internal memos and emails to prove this — throwing a wrench in Trump’s legal strategy of writing Cohen off as a liar and turning the issue into a “he said/he said” standoff.

Talk of impeaching Trump has already been on the rise in the past month, as Democrats have taken control of the House of Representatives and now have the ability to file articles of impeachment. A new cover story in The Atlantic, published before the latest revelation, features senior editor Yoni Appelbaum arguing that the Democratic House majority “must immediately open a formal impeachment inquiry into President Trump.”

This story is not going away!!

During the campaign during a debate HRC accused Trump of being, "Putin's puppet."

Truer words have never been spoken.

You mean the woman who took 145 million dollars from Putin claimed that Trump was a puppet? Really?

Psychological projection - Wikipedia

Psychological projection is a defence mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1]
She did no such thing. How’d you escape from the asylum?
"Salon’s Tim Grieve reminded readers of Leopold’s checkered history with the publication. Salon removed Leopold’s August 29, 2002 story about Enron from its site after it was discovered that he plagiarized parts from the Financial Times and was unable to provide a copy of an email that was critical to the piece. Leopold’s response? A hysterical rant which claimed that Salon’s version of events was “nothing but lies,” and that “At this point, I wonder why Salon would go to great lengths to further twist the knife into my back. I suppose the New York Times will now release their version of the events. I can see the headline now ‘Jason Leopold Must Die.’” In other words, people are out to get him, and it’s not his fault.

Fast forward to March 2005, when Leopold’s memoir, Off the Record, was set to be released. In the book, according to Howard Kurtz, Leopold says that he details his own “lying, cheating and backstabbing,” and comes clean about how he got fired from the Los Angeles Times and quit Dow Jones just before they fired him because, as he said, it “Seems I got all of the facts wrong” on a story about Enron.

But the book was not to be. Rowman & Littlefield, the book’s publisher, cancelled production just before it went to press after one of the book’s sources threatened to sue. That source, Steven Maviglio, who was a spokesman for California Governor Gray Davis, said that Leopold “just got it completely wrong” when recounting how he allegedly told Leopold that he “might have broken the law by investing in energy companies using inside information.”

facts are stubborn things. deal with it
Blackmail crime was proven when mueller let leak all his prosecutors were democrats

The senate will charge the democrats with high treason
That is a claim with no proof.Link your proof or you are a liar.

Check all the polls to see the men and especially the wise white men for trump

All the polls are showing that

The fraud is the media not explaining that the support for trump are the most wise

Same with all polls showing

Age 18-21. And age with more experience to learn age 50-64

Shows people learns that liberalism is the harm
Why don't you share your demographics with us? Are you one of the wise white men? You're very odd indeed, son
Michael Cohen is a convicted perjurer as well as a proven liar. Knock yourselves out!

Lakhota You might think that what I wrote was funny but, more importantly, it's all true. Look it up, genius.

Funny, Cohen has proof. Read the entire OP link.

How is it even possible to know this when trusty, leak proof Honest to Bob Mueller is running things?

Mueller has his reasons.
what to tell you and not us? is that what you think? are you off your meds again?
"Salon’s Tim Grieve reminded readers of Leopold’s checkered history with the publication. Salon removed Leopold’s August 29, 2002 story about Enron from its site after it was discovered that he plagiarized parts from the Financial Times and was unable to provide a copy of an email that was critical to the piece. Leopold’s response? A hysterical rant which claimed that Salon’s version of events was “nothing but lies,” and that “At this point, I wonder why Salon would go to great lengths to further twist the knife into my back. I suppose the New York Times will now release their version of the events. I can see the headline now ‘Jason Leopold Must Die.’” In other words, people are out to get him, and it’s not his fault.

Fast forward to March 2005, when Leopold’s memoir, Off the Record, was set to be released. In the book, according to Howard Kurtz, Leopold says that he details his own “lying, cheating and backstabbing,” and comes clean about how he got fired from the Los Angeles Times and quit Dow Jones just before they fired him because, as he said, it “Seems I got all of the facts wrong” on a story about Enron.

But the book was not to be. Rowman & Littlefield, the book’s publisher, cancelled production just before it went to press after one of the book’s sources threatened to sue. That source, Steven Maviglio, who was a spokesman for California Governor Gray Davis, said that Leopold “just got it completely wrong” when recounting how he allegedly told Leopold that he “might have broken the law by investing in energy companies using inside information.”

facts are stubborn things. deal with it

if you dont give a shit when Trump lies why should I give a shit when anyone else lies ?

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