Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.
News has come out that Cohen lied to Congress about the Moscow Tower project that was being negotiated DURING the Presidential election...and he did so at the behest of Trump.

That's suborning perjury and is obstruction of justice and is most definitely impeachable

The Cohen is a liar and should not be believed.


He lied to Congress about THIS..

And Cohen told Congress the SAME lies that Trump has been telling the American people.


He lied to Congress about THIS..

And Cohen told Congress the SAME lies that Trump has been telling the American people.
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.

If this BuzzFeed story isn't true - BuzzFeed's credibility is totally gone.
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.

he quotes his source as two federal law enforcement officers involved in the investigation ...

awful big claim to be a lie
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.
I remember Laura Ingraham saying Obama was going to be impeached in three weeks.

Shit, I literally made a very long list of Fox News, et al., lies for this forum a while ago. Doesn't stop the tards from chugging their piss to this day.
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.

If this BuzzFeed story isn't true - BuzzFeed's credibility is totally gone.
True. Wouldn’t be the first outlet Leopold wrecked. Ask
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.

he quotes his source as two federal law enforcement officers involved in the investigation ...

awful big claim to be a lie
There's no lie in the story that was reported about Cohen saying Trump told him to lie about Trump Tower, but we have no way to know what kinds corroborating documentary evidence there is. And we don't know what witnesses confirm the accounts. Or who else lied at the Trump's request. You can bet on Don Jr. We know for example that Hope Hicks said she lied at Trump's request ... but about what ... no one can know .... yet And she got to go free card from Mueller for spewing.

AKA legal extortion.
Jason Leopold admits he is mentally ill and has batted substance abuse! that's your reporter!
Blackmail crime was proven when mueller let leak all his prosecutors were democrats

The senate will charge the democrats with high treason
That is a claim with no proof.Link your proof or you are a liar.

Check all the polls to see the men and especially the wise white men for trump

All the polls are showing that

The fraud is the media not explaining that the support for trump are the most wise

Same with all polls showing

Age 18-21. And age with more experience to learn age 50-64

Shows people learns that liberalism is the harm
Why don't you share your demographics with us? Are you one of the wise white men? You're very odd indeed, son
Check all polls. They say the same thing. But their omitting the big news proves they are a fraud to try to help the democrats

No explanation of why the 50-64 age is much more conservative than the 18-21 group

The reason why they don't explain is it shows conservatives are the wise
As I said, you are quite odd, son. Your inability to actually respond to my question is further proof. Common. Tell us about yourself. Where do you get these ideas from? I'm fascinated by your posts! Really!
Michael Cohen will be testifying before Congress in February. What kind of diversions do you think Trump and your propagandists will come up with to distract from his testimony?

Somethang to feed the DOPer Base morons:

Arrest the House speaker?
Arrest the Clinton's?
Arrest the Obama's?
Cohen dies or is kidnapped by Russians for the great Douche?
Launch a military attack on a new nation.

Or....simply screw the country with a months long shutdown. Can you imagine how happy Putin is?
"the Media are like Fred Sanford from Sanford And Son, every week he thought he was gonna have a heart attack...its the same thing with this Russia Hoax...go ahead and impeach Trump, it'll turn him into a folk hero...why not try to beat him at the polls? you should beat the guy instead of cheat the guy" - Greg Gutfeld

"this is a lying embezzling rat who represents the Clintons" - Jesse Watters on Lanny Davis
Of course, this story could prove to be the exception to countless others, could prove to be true, and if it is, Trump is in serious trouble. Unless you’re Bill Clinton, obstruction of justice is an impeachable offense.

Trump should be impeached for having no soul!

Ah....Clinton was Impeached...but not removed.
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.
I remember Laura Ingraham saying Obama was going to be impeached in three weeks.

Shit, I literally made a very long list of Fox News, et al., lies for this forum a while ago. Doesn't stop the tards from chugging their piss to this day.

You say that as though she has any credibility.

She doesn’t but she still has a job because she feeds the right; and they don’t care whether or not conservatives are credible. As long as they hear what they want to hear, they’ll tune in to anybody.

Doesn’t mean we should do the same.


Cohen is a liar?

So he now has no credibility as a witness?

Why was I not informed of this?

Cohen WAS NOT a source of this story....have a nice life.
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.
I remember Jason Leopold insisting repeatedly how Karl Rove was going to be “frog marched” out of the White House.

That too was a very serious charge.

Never materialized and I wouldn’t put an iota of faith in anything he says.
I remember Laura Ingraham saying Obama was going to be impeached in three weeks.

Shit, I literally made a very long list of Fox News, et al., lies for this forum a while ago. Doesn't stop the tards from chugging their piss to this day.

You say that as though she has any credibility.
No, I am saying the exact opposite.

Mr. Cohen made a deal with Mueller agreeing to lie his ass off to stay out of jail.

The gentleman is an admitted liar and perjurer, it will be interesting to see him testify and get his ass cross examined.
In 2006, Leopold shook the world with the news that Karl Rove — get this — “told President Bush and Chief of Staff Joshua Bolten, as well as a few other high level administration officials” he would be indicted for leaking Valerie Plame’s name to the media.

Leopold assured his readers that multiple sources “confirmed Rove’s indictment is imminent. These individuals requested anonymity saying they were not authorized to speak publicly about Rove’s situation.”

Of course, Rove was never indicted, nor was he responsible for the leak."
I'm not the one trying to stand on morals sir, You are. Is Trump dirty? Probably in one form or another, but so is everyone IN DC
Thank you for at least admitting that whole "drain the swamp" chant was yet another hoax.

Oh I don't think it was a hoax, I think the swamp is just so big that Trump never stood a chance.
Obama did. He was there for eight years, and had zero criminal liability.

Obama was as crooked as a person can get and the fact that you believe otherwise is just more evidence that you are a complete joke.

That’s why a Republican-led House for 6 of his years, and a Republican-led Senate for two of them, never found anything on him.


trump has turned the "swamp" into an open.sewer....

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