Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

Dem Rep. Cohen: Trump Has 'Given Up On the Idea of Being Re-Elected' | Breitbart

On Friday’s “MSNBC Live,” Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN) stated that he believes President Trump has “given up on the idea of being re-elected” and is simply trying to keep his base to keep Senate Republicans from voting to convict him.

Cohen began by discussing the impeachment articles he previously filed. He stated that in order for Trump to be impeached and convicted, Republicans in the Senate would have to support impeachment, and that would require the Republican base to support impeachment.

Host Katy Tur then asked what happens if the GOP base doesn’t come out in support of impeachment.

Cohen answered, “Well, if they don’t, then Trump will probably continue on and finish his term. And I think that’s all he’s looking at right now. I think he’s given up on the idea of being re-elected. He’s hunkered down and keeping his base.”

Tur then pushed back by saying the Trump campaign keeps sending out emails talking about people they’ve hired.

Cohen responded, “Well, they may be doing it to raise money and spend it at Trump hotels. This is a very unusual man and presidency. He is hunkered down to keeping his base to keep the Senate Republicans on his team. He foresees, I think, impeachment coming. Because he knows, and Mueller knows, what he did, and that scares the heck out of Trump.”

Would it be SOoooo GREAT if Cohen's father-in-law is seated at the hearing? Like in the Godfather.

Say seated next to the Russain Ambassador to the USA or a known Russian Mod thug.



Interesting Sater is an FBI rat on the Russain and Italian mobsters
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Donald Trump has two choices, either he resigns or he gets impeached. Of course, there is a chance the reports or him suborning perjury are fake news, but if they are true, resignation or impeachment will be his choices.

Even if he gets impeached by the House, he does not have to resign. You know. Like Clinton.

he would resign only if he believed the senate would convict him, finalize the impeachment...

I say that, only because if the senate actually was going to convict him of the impeachment charges, the high crimes and misdemeanors...

he would lose all chance of being pardoned by Pence... if the senate conviction took place... no one impeached can be pardoned, according to the constitution... so he would have to resign before the Senate votes on impeachment... if he did not want to face those crimes in a court of law, and get convicted in a court of law, and have a record by a court of law...

then he should or would resign and let Pence/the new president, pardon him
still waiting on a crime. come on fk, post the crime!!
Suborning Perjury
Witness Tampering
Obstruction of Justice

Mr. Cohen made a deal with Mueller agreeing to lie his ass off to stay out of jail.

The gentleman is an admitted liar and perjurer, it will be interesting to see him testify and get his ass cross examined.
Did someone say something about a liar?

Thank you for at least admitting that whole "drain the swamp" chant was yet another hoax.

Oh I don't think it was a hoax, I think the swamp is just so big that Trump never stood a chance.
Obama did. He was there for eight years, and had zero criminal liability.

Obama was as crooked as a person can get and the fact that you believe otherwise is just more evidence that you are a complete joke.

That’s why a Republican-led House for 6 of his years, and a Republican-led Senate for two of them, never found anything on him.


trump has turned the "swamp" into an open.sewer....
He's branded it.

Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.

I agree. I understand BuzzFeed's questionable history - but I'll be very surprised if this story isn't true. I would guess that their future existence hinges on it being true. We'll see...
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.

I agree. I understand BuzzFeed's questionable history - but I'll be very surprised if this story isn't true. I would guess that their future existence hinges on it being true. We'll see...
At the very least, this story will stop William Barr from burying the Mueller report.
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.

I agree. I understand BuzzFeed's questionable history - but I'll be very surprised if this story isn't true. I would guess that their future existence hinges on it being true. We'll see...
At the very least, this story will stop William Barr from burying the Mueller report.

I agree. I know Mueller has a history of being a straight shooter - but I'd like to think he will preserve a "private" copy of his final report.

Mr. Cohen made a deal with Mueller agreeing to lie his ass off to stay out of jail.

The gentleman is an admitted liar and perjurer, it will be interesting to see him testify and get his ass cross examined.
Did someone say something about a liar?

New name....Slug in Chief

And the far right religious right LOVE him....I just do not understand it....
"the Media are like Fred Sanford from Sanford And Son, every week he thought he was gonna have a heart attack...its the same thing with this Russia Hoax...go ahead and impeach Trump, it'll turn him into a folk hero...why not try to beat him at the polls? you should beat the guy instead of cheat the guy" - Greg Gutfeld

"this is a lying embezzling rat who represents the Clintons" - Jesse Watters on Lanny Davis

Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.

I agree. I understand BuzzFeed's questionable history - but I'll be very surprised if this story isn't true. I would guess that their future existence hinges on it being true. We'll see...
At the very least, this story will stop William Barr from burying the Mueller report.

Barr will open up the senate investigation and put both side by side and then see Muellers probe as simply a blackmail crime to cover up the more serious crimes of the democrats

If mueller does not charge many democrat congress then Barr will see mueller is guilty of blackmail crime
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.

I agree. I understand BuzzFeed's questionable history - but I'll be very surprised if this story isn't true. I would guess that their future existence hinges on it being true. We'll see...
At the very least, this story will stop William Barr from burying the Mueller report.

I agree. I know Mueller has a history of being a straight shooter - but I'd like to think he will preserve a "private" copy of his final report.

Mueller letting leak that his prosectors is all democrats to blackmail trump

Proves mueller is not a straight shooter
"the Media are like Fred Sanford from Sanford And Son, every week he thought he was gonna have a heart attack...its the same thing with this Russia Hoax...go ahead and impeach Trump, it'll turn him into a folk hero...why not try to beat him at the polls? you should beat the guy instead of cheat the guy" - Greg Gutfeld

"this is a lying embezzling rat who represents the Clintons" - Jesse Watters on Lanny Davis


Almost Mueller Time!
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.

I agree. I understand BuzzFeed's questionable history - but I'll be very surprised if this story isn't true. I would guess that their future existence hinges on it being true. We'll see...
At the very least, this story will stop William Barr from burying the Mueller report.

Barr will open up the senate investigation and put both side by side and then see Muellers probe as simply a blackmail crime to cover up the more serious crimes of the democrats

If mueller does not charge many democrat congress then Barr will see mueller is guilty of blackmail crime

Did you watch ANY of his confirmation hearing. He and Mueller are close friend....their families are very close. His praise of Mueller stopped just short of sainthood.

I bet trump's jaw hit the floor when Barr said that. trump was hoping for a protector.
Too bad it’s Jason Leopold. That guy has as much cred as Cohen.
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.

I agree. I understand BuzzFeed's questionable history - but I'll be very surprised if this story isn't true. I would guess that their future existence hinges on it being true. We'll see...
At the very least, this story will stop William Barr from burying the Mueller report.

Barr will open up the senate investigation and put both side by side and then see Muellers probe as simply a blackmail crime to cover up the more serious crimes of the democrats

If mueller does not charge many democrat congress then Barr will see mueller is guilty of blackmail crime

Did you watch ANY of his confirmation hearing. He and Mueller are close friend....their families are very close. His praise of Mueller stopped just short of sainthood.

I bet trump's jaw hit the floor when Barr said that. trump was hoping for a protector.

Did you hear him say close friend or not he will judge without influence

He will put both investigations side by side and declare mueller guilty of blackmail crime to cover up more serious crimes
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.

I agree. I understand BuzzFeed's questionable history - but I'll be very surprised if this story isn't true. I would guess that their future existence hinges on it being true. We'll see...
At the very least, this story will stop William Barr from burying the Mueller report.

Barr will open up the senate investigation and put both side by side and then see Muellers probe as simply a blackmail crime to cover up the more serious crimes of the democrats

If mueller does not charge many democrat congress then Barr will see mueller is guilty of blackmail crime

Did you watch ANY of his confirmation hearing. He and Mueller are close friend....their families are very close. His praise of Mueller stopped just short of sainthood.

I bet trump's jaw hit the floor when Barr said that. trump was hoping for a protector.

Did you hear him say close friend or not he will judge without influence

He will put both investigations side by side and declare mueller guilty of blackmail crime to cover up more serious crimes

Are you really that stupid?
For a charge as serious as this, I would expect his editors vetted the shit out of the story.

I agree. I understand BuzzFeed's questionable history - but I'll be very surprised if this story isn't true. I would guess that their future existence hinges on it being true. We'll see...
At the very least, this story will stop William Barr from burying the Mueller report.

Barr will open up the senate investigation and put both side by side and then see Muellers probe as simply a blackmail crime to cover up the more serious crimes of the democrats

If mueller does not charge many democrat congress then Barr will see mueller is guilty of blackmail crime

Did you watch ANY of his confirmation hearing. He and Mueller are close friend....their families are very close. His praise of Mueller stopped just short of sainthood.

I bet trump's jaw hit the floor when Barr said that. trump was hoping for a protector.

Did you hear him say close friend or not he will judge without influence

He will put both investigations side by side and declare mueller guilty of blackmail crime to cover up more serious crimes

We already know that Barr would just be another fox in the hen house - since Trump nominated him for AG. However, what remains to be seen is how much honor and integrity he has - and how much he cares about his legacy...and patriotism.

The 1 Line That William Barr Wrote About Obstruction That Could Haunt Trump

Trump's nominee for attorney general spelled out obstruction and it sounds a lot like what's in the new BuzzFeed report.
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It's simple.

If there is solid audio/physical proof that this happened - Trump is through.

If there is not - Trump will almost certainly survive it.

Cohen's word alone is not good enough to sink Trump...sadly.

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