Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

"Trump is famous for refusing to use texts and emails. So how can the smoking guns be texts and emails?

See how none of this makes sense…

A guy who has spent his life avoiding putting anything down in writing would break that rule to obstruct justice, to commit a felony?

Other than texts and emails from Trump himself, whose texts or emails would corroborate such a thing?"
At the very least, this story will stop William Barr from burying the Mueller report.

Barr will open up the senate investigation and put both side by side and then see Muellers probe as simply a blackmail crime to cover up the more serious crimes of the democrats

If mueller does not charge many democrat congress then Barr will see mueller is guilty of blackmail crime

Did you watch ANY of his confirmation hearing. He and Mueller are close friend....their families are very close. His praise of Mueller stopped just short of sainthood.

I bet trump's jaw hit the floor when Barr said that. trump was hoping for a protector.

Did you hear him say close friend or not he will judge without influence

He will put both investigations side by side and declare mueller guilty of blackmail crime to cover up more serious crimes

We already know that Barr would just be another fox in the hen house - since Trump nominated him for AG. However, what remains to be seen is how much honor and integrity he has - and how much he cares about his legacy...and patriotism.

The 1 Line That William Barr Wrote About Obstruction That Could Haunt Trump

Trump's nominee for attorney general spelled out obstruction and it sounds a lot like what's in the new BuzzFeed report.
Interesting the Cohen news about being ordered by the great Douche came out after Barr said that.

You think they wrote the story yesterday morning?
Now Mueller has said it's fake....

"Trump is famous for refusing to use texts and emails. So how can the smoking guns be texts and emails?

See how none of this makes sense…

A guy who has spent his life avoiding putting anything down in writing would break that rule to obstruct justice, to commit a felony?

Other than texts and emails from Trump himself, whose texts or emails would corroborate such a thing?"

Your twisting in the wind is making you look like a pretzel....just calm down Trumpette...
Dumbass libtards! Mueller’s Office says it never happened! Any fucking day now!
I agree. I understand BuzzFeed's questionable history - but I'll be very surprised if this story isn't true. I would guess that their future existence hinges on it being true. We'll see...
At the very least, this story will stop William Barr from burying the Mueller report.

Barr will open up the senate investigation and put both side by side and then see Muellers probe as simply a blackmail crime to cover up the more serious crimes of the democrats

If mueller does not charge many democrat congress then Barr will see mueller is guilty of blackmail crime

Did you watch ANY of his confirmation hearing. He and Mueller are close friend....their families are very close. His praise of Mueller stopped just short of sainthood.

I bet trump's jaw hit the floor when Barr said that. trump was hoping for a protector.

Did you hear him say close friend or not he will judge without influence

He will put both investigations side by side and declare mueller guilty of blackmail crime to cover up more serious crimes

We already know that Barr would just be another fox in the hen house - since Trump nominated him for AG. However, what remains to be seen is how much honor and integrity he has - and how much he cares about his legacy...and patriotism.

The 1 Line That William Barr Wrote About Obstruction That Could Haunt Trump

Trump's nominee for attorney general spelled out obstruction and it sounds a lot like what's in the new BuzzFeed report.

And the timing of the BUZZFEED report is very interesting; within hours of Barr's testimony.

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