Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

"Buzzfeed reporters should be fired. Bob Barr is the new sheriff in town" - Joe DiGenova
Trump is the only person on earth with a shot at saving America from the 30 yr 30M socialist/fascist-compliant illegal Democrat invasion, by building an impervious border wall and executive ordering E-Verify.

Suborning perjury? ROFLMAO.

It wouldn't matter if Trump plotted with Putin to nuke our Globalist controlled sewer MSM and congress. At this point in the Globalist/Democrat war against America no patriot gives a flying dump about anything except saving America from the Globalist sewer.

Wake TFU.

Maybe the story is accurate - but Mueller didn't want it made public at this time.
Yeah, like Dan Rather!

He is probably going to call a National the weeny that he is.
They are trying to overthrow the President...These liberal traitors must be stopped by whatever means necessary...
Democrats are going to turn on Mueller like the vipers they are. The Buzzfeed report is fake.

Will Democrats turn on Mueller or just try to parse the words NOT ACCURATE.
He is probably going to call a National the weeny that he is.

He can declare a national emergency all he wants or obtain the money and if the wall is half built by 2020 construction will cease, he will never see another term.



Mueller seems to have the information from another source.
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Trump will declare a national emergency and stop the crooked media

Trump will bring a wisdom test for voters

Trump has all the power with the men
Cohen's a fool and he's playing you.
An idiotic thing to say, as Cohen did not write the article . Nor did this article change anything I was thinking.

I get the whole obsession is to make Cohen make up shit. Especially if it's due to Trump hate. I get it.
You clearly do not get it. I know Trump directed him to lie. Trump told the same lie repeatedly on the campaign trail.

Think about that, you little cultist....trump and Putin together knew the truth, as Trump lied to the American people.

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