Buzzfeed: President Trump Directed Michael Cohen To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project

Michael Cohen is a convicted perjurer as well as a proven liar. Knock yourselves out!

Forgive me for not simply taking his word for it. Would you have taken his word before the FBI raided his office? Yea, I didn't think so, hypocrite.
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Yea, Guliani needs to stop giving interviews. He's a gaffe machine.
he didn't say anything. not sure what you think he said.
President Donald Trump directed his longtime attorney Michael Cohen to lie to Congress about negotiations to build a Trump Tower in Moscow, according to two federal law enforcement officials involved in an investigation of the matter.

Trump also supported a plan, set up by Cohen, to visit Russia during the presidential campaign, in order to personally meet President Vladimir Putin and jump-start the tower negotiations. “Make it happen,” the sources said Trump told Cohen.

And even as Trump told the public he had no business deals with Russia, the sources said Trump and his children, Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr., received regular, detailed updates about the real estate development from Cohen, whom they put in charge of the project.

Much More: President Trump Directed His Attorney To Lie To Congress About The Moscow Tower Project - Buzzfeed

This is very serious. Does not look good for Trump.

Yes, I'm sure an indictment over this oddly belated claim is "imminent."

Now, please tell me how this has anything to do with the charge that Trump colluded with the Russians to alter the outcome of the election.

How would you compare this with Hillary Clinton's hiring of an ex-British spy to get dirt on Trump from the Russians? What would you be saying if Trump had hired an ex-spy to get dirt on Hillary from the Russians? I bet you'd be screaming that that constituted collusion, yeah?

Typical Trumpbot response.

Ignore the story and desperately try and involve Obama/Clinton instead.

Why do these people not get it...what Clinton/Obama may/may not have done has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with what Trump did?





These delusional people are like desperate (and useless) lawyers for a murderer arguing that 'well, your honor, my client is not the only murderer this decade. So I think we should go easy on him because of that'.

Hilarious these Trumpbots actually think their spins mean anything but a source of amusement AND clearly show just how desperate they are getting.
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I think this is just the tip of the iceberg of trump's crimes...the man is slug.

I am seeing some devout trumpettes peel off from their worship....

It is only going to get worse
Ah. The "everybody does it" gambit. That was the chief defense used by Nixon defenders, too.

So you have no moral legs to stand on.

I'm not the one trying to stand on morals sir, You are. Is Trump dirty? Probably in one form or another, but so is everyone IN DC
Thank you for at least admitting that whole "drain the swamp" chant was yet another hoax.

Oh I don't think it was a hoax, I think the swamp is just so big that Trump never stood a chance.
Obama did. He was there for eight years, and had zero criminal liability.

Obama was as crooked as a person can get and the fact that you believe otherwise is just more evidence that you are a complete joke.

That’s why a Republican-led House for 6 of his years, and a Republican-led Senate for two of them, never found anything on him.

News has come out that Cohen lied to Congress about the Moscow Tower project that was being negotiated DURING the Presidential election...and he did so at the behest of Trump.

That's suborning perjury and is obstruction of justice and is most definitely impeachable

The Cohen is a liar and should not be believed.


He lied to Congress about THIS..

And Cohen told Congress the SAME lies that Trump has been telling the American people.


All of the orange mans people around him lied for him and now they're finding out he could care less about them.
Truthfully we could care less about this.
Because Trumpers don't care about rule of law
There never was a Trump tower project.
You mean it was never completed?

Because there WAS a deal...complete with a letter of intent
Nope. The Trump Tower project was made up by Lanny Davis who leaked details bit by bit to CNN.

Letter of intent

Aside from the fact that we have no idea where this came from, the purpose isn't to build anything. It's an ordinary license agreement to use the Trump name. He has the same license agreement with necktie companies.

I gave you good advice - stop posting. You aren't good at this thinking-about-facts shit, so just go do something more healthy for yourself than getting laughed at constantly.
and you think you are?
Blackmail crime was proven when mueller let leak all his prosecutors were democrats

The senate will charge the democrats with high treason
That is a claim with no proof.Link your proof or you are a liar.

Check all the polls to see the men and especially the wise white men for trump

All the polls are showing that

The fraud is the media not explaining that the support for trump are the most wise

Same with all polls showing

Age 18-21. And age with more experience to learn age 50-64

Shows people learns that liberalism is the harm
Why don't you share your demographics with us? Are you one of the wise white men? You're very odd indeed, son
Check all polls. They say the same thing. But their omitting the big news proves they are a fraud to try to help the democrats

No explanation of why the 50-64 age is much more conservative than the 18-21 group

The reason why they don't explain is it shows conservatives are the wise
Thank you for at least admitting that whole "drain the swamp" chant was yet another hoax.

Oh I don't think it was a hoax, I think the swamp is just so big that Trump never stood a chance.
Obama did. He was there for eight years, and had zero criminal liability.

Obama was as crooked as a person can get and the fact that you believe otherwise is just more evidence that you are a complete joke.
If that were true and a Republican controlled House, those idiots would have found something. They didn't and neither did you. You're a liar.

They didn't look because they are crooked too.

Damn you're stupid.

Trump has been under investigation not because he broke the law, hell even if he DID break the law, no one in DC cares about that , he's been under investigation since day one because he threatens THEM, that you are too stupid to understand that doesn't change that it is a fact.
Of course they looked. How many investigations did they hold looking for something. Shit, there were 8 on Benghazi alone.

Stop eating lead paint chips.
Just like Bill and Nixon.the crime...or supposed crime is not what will take trump is the lies attached to the cover up....Suborning Perjury is as damning as lying....and even more so.

Very true, it is the "cover up" that more often than not "brings them down".

However this case is different from Nixon's in that, if Cohen's allegations turn out to be true then Donny will have committed a crime (subornation of perjury) to cover up something that wasn't a crime, similar to Clinton's dumbass moves to cover up his affair with Lewinsky.

At least Nixon had the common sense to lie and suborn perjury to cover up an ACTUAL CRIME.:D

"It's The Lie That Gets You" -- Anthony Hopkins As Richard Nixon, Nixon
cohen never said that he did. some one else said that cohen said. so it's all fantasy as is the dossier.

When one such as the left have totally lost their fking minds, this is what we get.
To make equal justice

All of congress and judges must be gone thru and see if any lies about anything and check if family members gained wealth

Unequal Justice will not work
Speak English, dammit. LOL
This guy is totally illiterate. He has no concept of sentence structure whatsoever. Typical Trump ignoramus!
Seriously, I don't think English is his first language, and he ain't from south of the border.
Not sure where the hell he or she is from? They never got past second grade, that is for sure.

You want the proof of Muellers blackmail??

Mueller let it leak that all of his prosectors are democrats

That is intentional black mail crime to try to scare trump
^^^ Russian bot
Blackmail crime was proven when mueller let leak all his prosecutors were democrats

The senate will charge the democrats with high treason
That is a claim with no proof.Link your proof or you are a liar.

Check all the polls to see the men and especially the wise white men for trump

All the polls are showing that

The fraud is the media not explaining that the support for trump are the most wise

Same with all polls showing

Age 18-21. And age with more experience to learn age 50-64

Shows people learns that liberalism is the harm
Why don't you share your demographics with us? Are you one of the wise white men? You're very odd indeed, son
Check all polls. They say the same thing. But their omitting the big news proves they are a fraud to try to help the democrats

No explanation of why the 50-64 age is much more conservative than the 18-21 group

The reason why they don't explain is it shows conservatives are the wise

How was voting for "Putin's puppet" a conservative, or wise thing?
Trump has gone totally radio silent on Twitter.

"Why can't we use nukes?"

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