BWAHAHAHAA! Unions Lose in Wis!

What a stupid question. The Republicans couldn't possibly gain a seat in a recall election, you realize that, right?

Does Wisconsin law forbid the recall election of Democratic Senators or something? How come no Democratic seats were up for grabs?

You might want to inform yourself before you make yourself look any more stupid. There are two Democrats up for recall NEXT WEEK. This recall was for six seats, all held by Republicans. There was no possible way for Republicans to gain seats.


If the Democrats lose their recalls, YES there is a way for Republicans to gain!
Liberals are dealt a loss yet still claim victory. :cuckoo:

They tried to do the same thing with the 2010 elections, claiming the 63 seat pick up by the GOP in the House was a loss because they only won six seats in the Senate and failed to take that chamber as well. Only an Obamabot can spin landslide victories as a failure.
You are really a loon.

Unions got those benefits in the first place.

And benefits had very little to do with GM's bankrupcy. Building big crappy gas guzzling SUVs that didn't sell outside the US, did.

Unions had a major role in the bankruptcy of GM.

I didn't know the Unions owned GM prior to their bankruptcy. Which Union boss was GM's CEO?

Dude, GM in the 1970s made a deal with the unions, that was unsustainable.

I mean, AT THE TIME, I guess they thought they could sustain it, but with increasing competition, it became impossible.

Especially with union workers were lived LONGER AFTER RETIREMENT than they ever worked!

It drove the business under.

RealClearMarkets - Labor Unions, and the Problem With "More"

Can you live in complete denial on someone else's time?

Yeah - major - they had a major role, got that. I was just wondering what that major role is. Companies are run by CEO's, boards of directors, and ultimately - shareholders - so which one of those three were the Union?

Apparently not.

Companies are run by CEO's, boards of directors, and ultimately - shareholders - so which one of those three were the Union?

and unions, through collective bargaining, force those thatr run the company to make decisions that are not in the best interest of the company.

For example...a client of ours....

The union will not allow the owners to hire any employee, regardless of experience at a higher rate than anyone with more than 2 years with the company.

However, they can not find talent with the skill set as it is a dying art....and only individual with 20 years experience are avaialble (most of the less ecxpoerienced have trained on CNC).....

So their only choice is to "pay top dollar...and compensate those individuals base on their 20 years experience.....but the union wont let them.

So they have opted to close their plant and move it to another state that has more of the talent.

Sounds like the union forced the loss of jobs of their memebers..and forced a company to make a decision they did not want to make.
Apparently not.

Companies are run by CEO's, boards of directors, and ultimately - shareholders - so which one of those three were the Union?

Which one of those three submitted the union bloated package? CEO? Board of Directors?
Shareholders? Come on, which one of those three?

I'm guessing is the board of directors that ultimately approves any agreement with the union. I could be wrong. Do you know the answer?
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Unions had a major role in the bankruptcy of GM.

Yeah..had nothing to do with this:

GM CEO's compensation jumps 64 percent in 2007 | Reuters
GM CEO to Get $9M Compensation Package -

Gotta love it. You pay a few guys a compensation package that it would take a normal employee 100 years or so to accrue but it's the "benefits" that were a "major cause" of the problems.

And building crappy cars had nothing to do with it either.

It was all the working stiff.


Umm...GM didn't go bankrupt becouse of 9 million given to the CEO idiot:cuckoo:

Bankruptcy means what?

It means you can't pay your bills.

The CEO seems to be getting all the cash..right?

And to boot..what? What's he getting paid for? Make decisions..yeah..that's right.

On the Company's direction.

And the CEO (And overpaid executives) decided that SUVs were a wonderful idea.

Which led to the bankruptcy.

And SOMEHOW they still have money to compensate the CEO (and overpaid executives)..but Union benefits? expensive.

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure all that it.

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Companies are run by CEO's, boards of directors, and ultimately - shareholders - so which one of those three were the Union?

Which one of those three submitted the union bloated package? CEO? Board of Directors?
Shareholders? Come on, which one of those three?

I'm guessing is the board of directors that ultimately approves any agreement with the union. I could be wrong. Do you know the answer?



The Union did...withj the threat of strike if the demand is not met.
So the BoD are forced to make an educated decision...

Lose money now and possibly go under...or take the deal and hope they can survive it later
Apparently not.

Companies are run by CEO's, boards of directors, and ultimately - shareholders - so which one of those three were the Union?

and unions, through collective bargaining, force those thatr run the company to make decisions that are not in the best interest of the company.

For example...a client of ours....

The union will not allow the owners to hire any employee, regardless of experience at a higher rate than anyone with more than 2 years with the company.

However, they can not find talent with the skill set as it is a dying art....and only individual with 20 years experience are avaialble (most of the less ecxpoerienced have trained on CNC).....

So their only choice is to "pay top dollar...and compensate those individuals base on their 20 years experience.....but the union wont let them.

So they have opted to close their plant and move it to another state that has more of the talent.

Sounds like the union forced the loss of jobs of their memebers..and forced a company to make a decision they did not want to make.

GM is your client? I thought we were talking about GM. I don't see your point. Some laborers demanded some compensation, benefits, and terms from their boss - and the boss decided it wasn't worth it - so the boss opted to not hire or continue to pay the laborers. Makes sense to me. Big deal. Decisions like that happen every day.
Which one of those three submitted the union bloated package? CEO? Board of Directors?
Shareholders? Come on, which one of those three?

I'm guessing is the board of directors that ultimately approves any agreement with the union. I could be wrong. Do you know the answer?



The Union can't sign both sides of the union contract - a representative from the company must sign for the company. You've got some serious misunderstandings about how contract law works!

The Union did...withj the threat of strike if the demand is not met.
So the BoD are forced to make an educated decision...
That's not "forcing" them to enter a union contract anymore than the gas station "forces me" to pay for gas at the price they set or anymore than I am "forced" to buy a gallon of milk for $6 because that's what the store wants for it - I'm free to not enter into those contracts. THe fact there may be negative consequences to me not buying gas doesn't mean the gas station "forces" me to buy it, that's fucking retarded and is the logic of a child. Its time for corporate BoD and CEOs to grow the fuck up and take responsibility for their own decisions instead of whining like pussies and blaming their bad decisions on everyone else.
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Companies are run by CEO's, boards of directors, and ultimately - shareholders - so which one of those three were the Union?

and unions, through collective bargaining, force those thatr run the company to make decisions that are not in the best interest of the company.

For example...a client of ours....

The union will not allow the owners to hire any employee, regardless of experience at a higher rate than anyone with more than 2 years with the company.

However, they can not find talent with the skill set as it is a dying art....and only individual with 20 years experience are avaialble (most of the less ecxpoerienced have trained on CNC).....

So their only choice is to "pay top dollar...and compensate those individuals base on their 20 years experience.....but the union wont let them.

So they have opted to close their plant and move it to another state that has more of the talent.

Sounds like the union forced the loss of jobs of their memebers..and forced a company to make a decision they did not want to make.

GM is your client? I thought we were talking about GM. I don't see your point. Some laborers demanded some compensation, benefits, and terms from their boss - and the boss decided it wasn't worth it - so the boss opted to not hire or continue to pay the laborers. Makes sense to me. Big deal. Decisions like that happen every day.

First...I was responding to your LARGE font post that used the term "COMPANIES"...not GM you have any idea how unions work?

The union had a contract that made sense for all...but due to unanticipated changes in technology, (implementation of CNC and government progrmas that allowed the free training of CNC) and there were items in that contract that needed to be adjusted..things like that happen.


The unions refused to address those necessary changes and the outcome was the plant shutting down.

Exactly who is that good for?

You it pertains to the auto industry.....when a contract is agreed upon, it is based on operating costs...

If NEW regulations are imnplemented by the fed gov before that contract expires and those new regulations increase operating costs...that contract njo longer makes sense....and if the union refuses to re-negotiate it...what do you think will happen?
and unions, through collective bargaining, force those thatr run the company to make decisions that are not in the best interest of the company.

For example...a client of ours....

The union will not allow the owners to hire any employee, regardless of experience at a higher rate than anyone with more than 2 years with the company.

However, they can not find talent with the skill set as it is a dying art....and only individual with 20 years experience are avaialble (most of the less ecxpoerienced have trained on CNC).....

So their only choice is to "pay top dollar...and compensate those individuals base on their 20 years experience.....but the union wont let them.

So they have opted to close their plant and move it to another state that has more of the talent.

Sounds like the union forced the loss of jobs of their memebers..and forced a company to make a decision they did not want to make.

GM is your client? I thought we were talking about GM. I don't see your point. Some laborers demanded some compensation, benefits, and terms from their boss - and the boss decided it wasn't worth it - so the boss opted to not hire or continue to pay the laborers. Makes sense to me. Big deal. Decisions like that happen every day.

First...I was responding to your LARGE font post that used the term "COMPANIES"...not GM you have any idea how unions work?

The union had a contract that made sense for all...but due to unanticipated changes in technology, (implementation of CNC and government progrmas that allowed the free training of CNC) and there were items in that contract that needed to be adjusted..things like that happen.


The unions refused to address those necessary changes and the outcome was the plant shutting down.

Exactly who is that good for?

You it pertains to the auto industry.....when a contract is agreed upon, it is based on operating costs...

If NEW regulations are imnplemented by the fed gov before that contract expires and those new regulations increase operating costs...that contract njo longer makes sense....and if the union refuses to re-negotiate it...what do you think will happen?

If my landlady's operating costs go up mid-lease - what happens?
congrats on all the money your team poured into Wi.

I guess that is all elections are anymore.

Just great big piles of money from thre wealthy

Love the talking point. How does it feel to be a walking taling point?

Outside groups — led by national unions on the Democratic side and limited government groups such as the Wisconsin Club for Growth on the Republican side — have shoveled more than $25 million into the recall effort, with both sides spending about the same amount. The candidates, meanwhile, have raised more than $5 million.

The staggering dollar amounts being showered on the eight recall campaigns — which after a July 19 election and Tuesday’s six contests will conclude with two elections on Aug. 16 — are shattering state records. In 2010, when the 99-member assembly and half the 33-member state Senate was up for election, outside organizations spent $3.75 million in Wisconsin — 15 percent of this year’s total.

“The spending is so far off the charts. It does not compare to anything we’ve ever seen,” said Mike McCabe, executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, which tracks campaign spending in the state. “It is an indication of how much things have been stirred up here. Wisconsin has been put on a national stage and it is clear that some groups see these elections as something of a national referendum.”

The stakes could hardly be higher. Democrats and their allies in organized labor are hoping for a net gain of three seats, which would give them control of the state Senate, which, like the assembly, is controlled by Republicans.

Record-setting money flows to Wisconsin for recall elections to test GOP agenda - The Washington Post

Union dues hard at work.:clap2:
I'm guessing is the board of directors that ultimately approves any agreement with the union. I could be wrong. Do you know the answer?



The Union can't sign both sides of the union contract - a representative from the company must sign for the company. You've got some serious misunderstandings about how contract law works!

The Union did...withj the threat of strike if the demand is not met.
So the BoD are forced to make an educated decision...
That's not "forcing" them to enter a union contract anymore than the gas station "forces me" to pay for gas at the price they set or anymore than I am "forced" to buy a gallon of milk for $6 because that's what the store wants for it - I'm free to not enter into those contracts. THe fact there may be negative consequences to me not buying gas doesn't mean the gas station "forces" me to buy it, that's fucking retarded and is the logic of a child. Its time for corporate BoD and CEOs to grow the fuck up and take responsibility for their own decisions instead of whining like pussies and blaming their bad decisions on everyone else.

lol...and you question my understanding of union contracts? I am a business planner and human reosurce startegist...I read union contracts daily...

And then YOU say "no one makes you sign a contract"....and you cmpare it to what gas station you use?

Listen up skippy.....

If I do not agree to a union contract...and they threaten strike..and they strike...I can lose 100's of thousands a week...and maybe go OOB.

It is not as simple as "drive around the corner to another gas station.

Re-hiring employees. training, etc takes time.

You are quite naive.
GM is your client? I thought we were talking about GM. I don't see your point. Some laborers demanded some compensation, benefits, and terms from their boss - and the boss decided it wasn't worth it - so the boss opted to not hire or continue to pay the laborers. Makes sense to me. Big deal. Decisions like that happen every day.

First...I was responding to your LARGE font post that used the term "COMPANIES"...not GM you have any idea how unions work?

The union had a contract that made sense for all...but due to unanticipated changes in technology, (implementation of CNC and government progrmas that allowed the free training of CNC) and there were items in that contract that needed to be adjusted..things like that happen.


The unions refused to address those necessary changes and the outcome was the plant shutting down.

Exactly who is that good for?

You it pertains to the auto industry.....when a contract is agreed upon, it is based on operating costs...

If NEW regulations are imnplemented by the fed gov before that contract expires and those new regulations increase operating costs...that contract njo longer makes sense....and if the union refuses to re-negotiate it...what do you think will happen?

If my landlady's operating costs go up mid-lease - what happens?

Lets just say it goes up due to a flood..and she doesnt have flood insurance as she was not in a flood zone.

And she cant afford to pay to fix the property.

And she turns to all of her tenants and says..."i need to raise the rent by 15% or I cant fix the building"

And you all refuse.....and the property is condemend, and she loses the property....and you are evicted by the city as it is now condemned with a marshall lock.....

Who wins?
congrats on all the money your team poured into Wi.

I guess that is all elections are anymore.

Just great big piles of money from thre wealthy
You cry about the money here but support obamaturd and nobody knows where the millions for his campaign even came from. I am guessing socialists like soros and mideastern interests. Socialism sucks, when it gets beaten like in wisc. I party.
If I do not agree to a union contract...and they threaten strike..and they strike...I can lose 100's of thousands a week...and maybe go OOB.

OK. Why are you whining to me?
It is not as simple as "drive around the corner to another gas station.
Not really sure where I said it was.

Re-hiring employees. training, etc takes time.

Sounds like a + to keeping the ones you have, but sorry, that's not "forced", you're just a whining pussy. I don't even really see what your point is - are you trying to say employees shouldn't be allowed to quit working if they don't like the pay?

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