BWAHAHAHAA! Unions Lose in Wis!

Not naming names, but one idiot here doesn't understand how a recall works.

The republicans lost 6 seats via recall petition.

They gained 4 back in the ensuing elections.

Yes, relative to where they were following the 2010 elections, the democrats are now 2 seats better, the republicans 2 seats worse (a swing of 4 seats). But relative to where they were following the recall petition, the republicans are up a net of 2 seats and hold a majority. You can spin it any way you like, but it sure looks to me like the republican agenda in Wisconson will continue unabated. If you supported the democrats and that feels like a win to you then you're dumber than shit.

It appears that we have several posters here who are dumber than shit.

Either that or they're disingenuous partisan water carriers.

Maybe both.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
First...I was responding to your LARGE font post that used the term "COMPANIES"...not GM you have any idea how unions work?

The union had a contract that made sense for all...but due to unanticipated changes in technology, (implementation of CNC and government progrmas that allowed the free training of CNC) and there were items in that contract that needed to be adjusted..things like that happen.


The unions refused to address those necessary changes and the outcome was the plant shutting down.

Exactly who is that good for?

You it pertains to the auto industry.....when a contract is agreed upon, it is based on operating costs...

If NEW regulations are imnplemented by the fed gov before that contract expires and those new regulations increase operating costs...that contract njo longer makes sense....and if the union refuses to re-negotiate it...what do you think will happen?

If my landlady's operating costs go up mid-lease - what happens?

Lets just say it goes up due to a flood..and she doesnt have flood insurance as she was not in a flood zone.

And she cant afford to pay to fix the property.

And she turns to all of her tenants and says..."i need to raise the rent by 15% or I cant fix the building"

And you all refuse.....and the property is condemend, and she loses the property....and you are evicted by the city as it is now condemned with a marshall lock.....

Who wins?

What happens if my hours get cut at work and I go to the landlady and say "hey landlady - making less money now, I know its mid-lease - but do you think you could maybe reduce my rent?"

I see that workin' out!
Sorry but I expect my landlord to fulfill his or her end of the lease, they're grown-ups - not children - they are bound by their word.
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Anyone who works for a paycheck owes a debt of gratitude to the Labor Movement.

But some are just too stupid to realize it.
If the dems had managed to win just one more seat... I'd be holding my breath waiting on the two recall elections next week and getting ready to gloat my fucking ass off if they took a 17-16 majority.

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
Since the Democrats ended up with more seats than they had before the recall, that is a win not a loss.

It is only a loss when measured against expectations.
Idiot-it is a loss when you lose against an opponent. Typical dimwit logic=makes no sense. Dimwits lose like the losers they are.
If I do not agree to a union contract...and they threaten strike..and they strike...I can lose 100's of thousands a week...and maybe go OOB.

OK. Why are you whining to me?
Uh...I thought we were dewbating about how union demands can hurt a company.

It is not as simple as "drive around the corner to another gas station.
Not really sure where I said it was.

you used "gas station use" as an I responded to the ludicrousy of comparing that to an employee/employer relationship

Re-hiring employees. training, etc takes time.

Sounds like a + to keeping the ones you have, but sorry, that's not "forced", you're just a whining pussy. I don't even really see what your point is - are you trying to say employees shouldn't be allowed to quit working if they don't like the pay?

You obviously didnt read my post properly.....keeping the ones we have arenot the issue. We wanted to. But we were unable to hire additional ones due to the terms of the union contract...and we needed additional ones...but the talent out there demanded a higher pay..and the union they all lost their jobs as we moved the plant to Michigan.

Based on your childish are not interested in debating. You are interested in being "right".
Sadly, you are clueless to how unions operate and how they negotiate...and the issues that come up with their negotiating tactics.

Shouldnt you be in school at this time?
Since the Democrats ended up with more seats than they had before the recall, that is a win not a loss.

It is only a loss when measured against expectations.
Idiot-it is a loss when you lose against an opponent. Typical dimwit logic=makes no sense. Dimwits lose like the losers they are.

And Democrats gained two seats that weren't even supposed to be up for grabs for another year.
Since the Democrats ended up with more seats than they had before the recall, that is a win not a loss.

It is only a loss when measured against expectations.

The republican agenda in Wisconsin will likely continue unabated. If you oppose the republican agenda, it is a loss.
congrats on all the money your team poured into Wi.

I guess that is all elections are anymore.

Just great big piles of money from thre wealthy

Get out the vote - millions$$

Bus trips in for out of staters - millions$$

Hired gun community agitators - millions$$

Faux outrage propaganda - millions$$

Real Americans rejecting union thuggery - Priceless !!

any more rightwingnut talking points you'd like to spew all over the screen?

millions of dollars poured in to the election by rabid rightwing PAC's and the RNC...


your observations are, as usual, more and more selective.

oh.. .and screw you for the 'real americans' comment.
Unions=thuggery. REAL AMERICANS hate it!!!
Anyone who works for a paycheck owes a debt of gratitude to the Labor Movement.

But some are just too stupid to realize it.

I absolutely agree.
The labor movement was a must for a safe, fair working environment.

As a result we now have:

Discrimination laws
Minimum wage laws
OSHA laws
Age laws

Unions did what they had to do.

Now they are no longer necessary.

Curious...why did you spin this debate? It has nothing to do with the labor moivement.....that was years ago. It has to do with today's unions...not the actions of the unions nearly a century ago.
Since the Democrats ended up with more seats than they had before the recall, that is a win not a loss.

It is only a loss when measured against expectations.
Idiot-it is a loss when you lose against an opponent. Typical dimwit logic=makes no sense. Dimwits lose like the losers they are.

They didn't lose. They gained 2 seats. A gain is not a loss.
It unfortunate 2 GOPers went down, but when you take into account the record spending by the Dimocrats, it was a huge win for the GOP. I mean the amount of money pouring in from out-of-state Dimocrats was sick. The GOP reps had tiny budgets and the Dimocrat opponent had money like it was a nationwide election!

Hopefully the GOP picks up 1 of the 2 Dimocrat seats next week! :eusa_pray:

Feel the heartbreak!


Republicans hold off Dems in recalls, win enough seats to keep majority in Senate

After tens of millions of dollars spent by outside interest groups, dozens of attack ads and exhaustive get-out-the-vote efforts, Democrats on Tuesday fell short of their goal of taking control of the state Senate and stopping the agenda of Gov. Scott Walker.

Republicans won four of six recall races, meaning the party still holds a narrow 17-16 majority in the Senate — at least until next week, when Sens. Robert Wirch, D-Pleasant Prairie, and Jim Holperin, D-Conover face their own recall elections. A third Democrat, Sen. Dave Hansen, D-Green Bay, easily survived a recall attempt last month.
Read more: Republicans hold off Dems in recalls, win enough seats to keep majority in Senate

IN OTHER WORDS, the elections of 2010 were NOT an abberation. They were WHAT the voters wanted, and the VOTERS again made that clear.

All that outside money and the GOP held onto power. The Gov held onto his majority.

Read it and weep liberals. 2012 is coming, and the voters HAVEN'T changed their minds, after all.

congrats on all the money your team poured into Wi.

I guess that is all elections are anymore.

Just great big piles of money from thre wealthy

Are you that dishonest? Going through your posts is like reading the rantings of a petulant MSNBC obsessed teenager.

The money that flowed into the states was from unions throughout the country. I personally donated to the Wis. Republican Party, but who spent more?

The biggest spenders?

For the Democrats, the labor coalition, We Are Wisconsin, which had spent more than $400,000 on Milwaukee, Green Bay, Madison and Minneapolis TV in recent weeks.

For the Republicans, the Wisconsin Chapter of the Club for Growth, which had spent more than $300,000 on Milwaukee, Green Bay and Minneapolis TV since June.

Wisconsin Recall Elections | MyFDL
Sadly, you are clueless to how unions operate and how they negotiate...and the issues that come up with their negotiating tactics.

Then why don't you illuminate my mind with your superior knowledge?

Shouldnt you be in school at this time?
Passed my disseration oral defense last month - taking it easy now.

I did illuminate you with my, for some unknown reason, opted to ignore it.

And yep...just as I thought.....congrats on your dissertation...

You will be quite surprised when you hit the real world. It is nothing like we learned in college.

I was Syracuse University, BA Economics......Got news for you....I look at my senior "thesis"...(not a real graduate thesis, but I was a member of the economics committee and asked to write one)....I laugh at what I said in that piece of garbage...if only I had known what the real world was like...

You will see and I bet 10 to one your sentiments change...maybe not a 180 turnaround....but they will change.

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