BWAHAHAHAA! Unions Lose in Wis!

Dude, benefits are going the way of the DoDO and you can THANK your Unions for that reality.

They have pushed and prodded, and made them so expensive that they push businesses into bankruptcy as they did GM.

You are really a loon.

Unions got those benefits in the first place.

And benefits had very little to do with GM's bankrupcy. Building big crappy gas guzzling SUVs that didn't sell outside the US, did.


Benefits became with a freeze in pay during and after WWII.

Since pay checks were frozen the only way a business could lure workers was something non-pay, SO THEY INTRODUCED BENEFITS.


Two, GM did go under because of union benefits.

RealClearMarkets - Labor Unions, and the Problem With "More"

But I don't expect you to admit you are wrong on either.

That would take an ability to admit when you are wrong and learn from your mistakes.

If you could do that, you wouldn't be a liberal.

I don't recall any conservatives saying that the Republicans lost in 2010 because THEY failed to win a majority in the Senate.

Anyone? Anyone remember any wingnuts saying that?

Psst! We kept our majority in Wis. What are you talking about?

Or do you even know?

You are really a loon.

Unions got those benefits in the first place.

And benefits had very little to do with GM's bankrupcy. Building big crappy gas guzzling SUVs that didn't sell outside the US, did.

Unions had a major role in the bankruptcy of GM.

Yeah..had nothing to do with this:

GM CEO's compensation jumps 64 percent in 2007 | Reuters
GM CEO to Get $9M Compensation Package -

Gotta love it. You pay a few guys a compensation package that it would take a normal employee 100 years or so to accrue but it's the "benefits" that were a "major cause" of the problems.

And building crappy cars had nothing to do with it either.

It was all the working stiff.


9 million....and what were the revenues? Over a billion for one quarter.....come on on Sallow, 9 million is chump change when talking about the overall picture.
So how many seats did the Republicans gain?

What a stupid question. The Republicans couldn't possibly gain a seat in a recall election, you realize that, right?

Does Wisconsin law forbid the recall election of Democratic Senators or something? How come no Democratic seats were up for grabs?

You might want to inform yourself before you make yourself look any more stupid. There are two Democrats up for recall NEXT WEEK. This recall was for six seats, all held by Republicans. There was no possible way for Republicans to gain seats.

You people keep bring up the Davis recall. How the hell does it have anything to with what went on in Wisconsin? sheesh

Both states were deep in debt from over spending....that's the connection.

Winsconsin got into financial trouble after big tax cuts.

California got into trouble after they voted on a ridiculous "proposition" that made it impossible to raise taxes.

THAT's the connection.

People are ridiculous about taxes and services.

They all want chocolate cake and ice cream but when the bill comes they don't want to pay it.

Oh of course!

High TAXES are the road to prosperity!

You run with that!

See how well that works going into 2012!

Keep that up libs. I encourage you to do so!

IF this was the exact opposite and Republicans LOST FOUR SEATS and only won two, WHICH MEANS THEY LOST THE MAJORITY, would you call that a win for the Republicans????????

Sorry, all I can make that you are saying out is something like this:
"If ma ma ma ma bla bla and bla bla bla were turned around bla bla bla and you know it! BWaahhh! Meeeahhhh!!!"

Now, just tell me, how many seats did the Republicans gain, and since when does the term of Wisconsin Senators only last 1 year? I thought they did their elections on 2 year cycles up there.

Dude are you completely stupid.


What does it have to take to get through to you?

I didn't know the Unions owned GM prior to their bankruptcy. Which Union boss was GM's CEO?

Please re read what I posted and key in on the word "major"....then get back with me. :cuckoo:

Yeah - major - they had a major role, got that. I was just wondering what that major role is. Companies are run by CEO's, boards of directors, and ultimately - shareholders - so which one of those three were the Union?

Apparently not.
Please re read what I posted and key in on the word "major"....then get back with me. :cuckoo:

Yeah - major - they had a major role, got that. I was just wondering what that major role is. Companies are run by CEO's, boards of directors, and ultimately - shareholders - so which one of those three were the Union?

Apparently not.

Companies are run by CEO's, boards of directors, and ultimately - shareholders - so which one of those three were the Union?
Fall short of taking back the Senate. That's what that headline means. It doesn't mean they've fallen short in every single one of their life endeavors.

How many seats did the Republicans gain?

Jesus Christ you people are a like a bunch of retarded children on PEZ.

I think we see who's acting like a child.



Try again sore loser!


How many seats did the GOP gain?

You want to get back to me after the two Dem recalls are over?

congrats on all the money your team poured into Wi.

I guess that is all elections are anymore.

Just great big piles of money from thre wealthy

You are correct, but let's not forget that the unions threw millions of dollars into this election as well.
Not naming names, but one idiot here doesn't understand how a recall works.

The republicans lost 6 seats via recall petition.

They gained 4 back in the ensuing elections.

Yes, relative to where they were following the 2010 elections, the democrats are now 2 seats better, the republicans 2 seats worse (a swing of 4 seats). But relative to where they were following the recall petition, the republicans are up a net of 2 seats and hold a majority. You can spin it any way you like, but it sure looks to me like the republican agenda in Wisconson will continue unabated. If you supported the democrats and that feels like a win to you then you're dumber than shit.
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It's nice to see the taxpayer prevail in Wisconsin. That state is the birthplace of American Marxism, having elected a Socialist Party mayor in Milwaukee and giving their electoral votes to the Socialist Party presidential candidate in the 1930s. If union influence is waning in that state, that's a bad sign for unions across the country.
Yeah - major - they had a major role, got that. I was just wondering what that major role is. Companies are run by CEO's, boards of directors, and ultimately - shareholders - so which one of those three were the Union?

Apparently not.

Companies are run by CEO's, boards of directors, and ultimately - shareholders - so which one of those three were the Union?

Which one of those three submitted the union bloated package? CEO? Board of Directors?
Shareholders? Come on, which one of those three?

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