Bwahahahaha. The Jehovah Witnesses just showed up on my doorstep

the only legal remedy is to call the cops if they keep bothering you Bruce , cops then a lawyer and go to court is the only remedy if the keep invading your private space Bruce .
I bought a water cannon with a motion detector trigger to keep my neighbors cats from using our flower bed as a litter box. It only took three days to teach the cats to go somewhere else, and I was going to put it away in the garage, when I realized that it would work just as well on Mormons, if I aimed it at my front door. It worked great! Before I was through with it, I got 4 Mormons and 2 Jehovah's Witnesses! Of course, I had to warn my friends to always go to my side door, not the front door....

a roving band or gang of Jehovahs Witness's invading your private property might make the news Bruce . Generally , no one likes Witnesses so you might get lots of coverage at least locally Bruce .
I bought a water cannon with a motion detector trigger to keep my neighbors cats from using our flower bed as a litter box. It only took three days to teach the cats to go somewhere else, and I was going to put it away in the garage, when I realized that it would work just as well on Mormons, if I aimed it at my front door. It worked great! Before I was through with it, I got 4 Mormons and 2 Jehovah's Witnesses! Of course, I had to warn my friends to always go to my side door, not the front door....

--------------------------------- that'll work , better than just whining you as you took corrective action VShandel !!
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Two young men approached me in the street and one said " I speak for Jesus". I did not engage him in dialogue because I figure anyone who makes a statement like that is a whack job.
Two young men approached me in the street and one said " I speak for Jesus". I did not engage him in dialogue because I figure anyone who makes a statement like that is a whack job.

Maybe he was a ventriloquist...
Key Questions I asked them
Did Jehovah die
Where's His body
Is the Holy Spirit a Person

After about a half hour, they said I just wanted to argue.

Oh the nerve. bwhahahaha.
too funny!!! a Jehovah witness comes to a Mormons door!! a real kook fest , sound like a start of a joke!!
The one JDub was getting mad, but the other one had the hots for me; I could tell.

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