By Every Benchmark, The World Feminism Created Is The Opposite Of What Makes Women Happy

And some feminists are gorgeous. But the loudest ones usually aren't.


Men and women exist and we are different with different, on average, psychology, temperament, interests, physiology, aptitudes, etc. But we are all “created equal” and the law should protect our rights equally and not discriminate, but hold us all to the same fair standards. The thing is this is NOT what modern feminists want.
One could insert just about every race or religion on this rock into that Cars....

Equality isn't about ignoring and/or pretending our differences don't exist, it's about embracing those 'same fair standards' while acknowledging and remaining non discriminate of them

When this goal is not followed, bad avenues propagate into animal farm mentalities , where the pundits insist on being more than equal

Completely different topic. But thanks.
Well, it is related. As long as extreme feminism exists, the ghettos will not reduce. As long as we farm out our production to other nations enriching them beyond anything in history, the ghettos will not reduce. A lot of issues that became agendas are related or touch each other and affect things.
A woman choosing not to ever get married has zero affect on those that choose to get married. I do agree we need less pregnancies as many of you have stated. Our church has a growing number of single, successful, young women who are not going to get married or have kids. They are good people who have made a courageous choice.
Well, it is related. As long as extreme feminism exists, the ghettos will not reduce. As long as we farm out our production to other nations enriching them beyond anything in history, the ghettos will not reduce. A lot of issues that became agendas are related or touch each other and affect things.

As was discussed in another thread, moving production to other countries is a function of capitalism. And an even greater job killer is automation and technology. That has cost more jobs than out-sourcing, and by a wide margin. And typically these are the good paying jobs that built our greatest middle class.

Extreme feminism is far different than basic feminism. But both seem to be marked as evil according to some types of idiot.
You are welcome to call them suckers. But if they get a woman pregnant and don't step up, they are the problem in this case. Not feminism.
Step up to what? How is it that this woman is pregnant with no husband? How has she become insemination without having vetted the man who will be her genetic partner in carrying her genes into the future? While I will fully concede that a man is a fool who gives a woman who is not his wife, control over his future by "knocking her up"; the fact of the matter is that women are the gate keepers of sex. And if a slut wants to sleep around frivolous, well... Pregnancy is an occupational hazard.
There are a few who want babies alone. There are a few who dislike men. But the overwhelming majority have been abandoned by the guy who helped them get pregnant. The comment made earlier of "maybe she souldn't be so easy" ignores the abandonment by the men. And rather than her refuse to have sex, how about the guy puts a condom on?

What of the women who are violently abused by their husband? Should they stay? The #1 cause of hospitalization for women is their significant other/mates beting them.
There are several. That is a fact.

The fact that your incel ass can't work Google is the problem. Well, that and the Chads keep fucking your women.
You've been around long enough to know how this works. You made the claim. It isn't incumbent on the rest of the board to go on a scavenger hunt to find the studies you cite. You've been called out. Stand, and deliver.
You've been around long enough to know how this works. You made the claim. It isn't incumbent on the rest of the board to go on a scavenger hunt to find the studies you cite. You've been called out. Stand, and deliver.

I am usually quick to provide links, as you know. But that is in a civil discussion. I am no snowflake, but some assholes get what they deserve.
I'm compelled to agree. This is not WBs typical style...

WB has lost patience with complete assholes. I'm not looking for good manners, because that is a lost cause. But just ranting and name calling is bullshit.
WB has lost patience with complete assholes. I'm not looking for good manners, because that is a lost cause. But just ranting and name calling is bullshit.
I agree ranting, and name calling is bullshit. But... The study/studies you reference... That was a remarkable claim. I've never heard anything like it. And these issues are kind of my thing. I couldn't help but take interest.

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