By Every Benchmark, The World Feminism Created Is The Opposite Of What Makes Women Happy

I agree ranting, and name calling is bullshit. But... The study/studies you reference... That was a remarkable claim. I've never heard anything like it. And these issues are kind of my thing. I couldn't help but take interest.

Here are some stats from this organization:
  • "Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten.
  • Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. Most often, the abuser is a member of her own family.
  • Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women—more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined.
  • Studies suggest that up to 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually.
  • Nearly 1 in 5 teenage girls who have been in a relationship said a boyfriend threatened violence or self-harm if presented with a breakup.
  • Everyday in the US, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends."

I'll post more when I have time. Right now I am busy on several fronts.

Here are some stats from this organization:
  • "Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten.
  • Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. Most often, the abuser is a member of her own family.
  • Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women—more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined.
  • Studies suggest that up to 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually.
  • Nearly 1 in 5 teenage girls who have been in a relationship said a boyfriend threatened violence or self-harm if presented with a breakup.
  • Everyday in the US, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends."

I'll post more when I have time. Right now I am busy on several fronts.
Handle your business. But your claim of the #1 reason for women's hospitalizations... Are not ameliorated by this info...That was a "staistical" spray, and pray. I'm fully versed in the strategy of, "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance... Dazzle them with bullshit...
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Here are some stats from this organization:
  • "Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten.
  • Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. Most often, the abuser is a member of her own family.
  • Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women—more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined.
  • Studies suggest that up to 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually.
  • Nearly 1 in 5 teenage girls who have been in a relationship said a boyfriend threatened violence or self-harm if presented with a breakup.
  • Everyday in the US, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends."

I'll post more when I have time. Right now I am busy on several fronts.

None of which even remotely supports the claim that abuse byu a significant othger is the number one cause of hospitalization for women.
And... as a show of honest faith... I am obligated to specifically divulge the "quote" that I am referencing, and frankly... Take issue with.

"The #1 cause of hospitalization for women is their significant other/mates beting them".

Now... being a clever bastard myself; I can see a potential out... BUT!!! It falls flat when hospitalization enters the equation. Had you left that out you could have argued correctness for lesbian couples, who have the stand alone highest rates of domestic violence per capita. Lol! I guess it's kind of a self fulfilling prophecy. No matter which partner wins.... Some woman just got her ass kicked. Ain't statistics fun..?
Not all women want the same things. So the premise of the thread implies women are unhappy because of feminism? That's just an excuse. Nobody forces nor promotes feminism and even if they do it can easily be ignored.
Not all women want the same things. So the premise of the thread implies women are unhappy because of feminism? That's just an excuse. Nobody forces nor promotes feminism and even if they do it can easily be ignored.

Feminism is massively promoted at all levels of education. It is also coerced onto people through canceling, doxxing social shaming or even threat of all the above.

If you willfully ignore them they will try ( sometimes succesfully ) to make your life hell.

Much the same way it is unacceptable and a social taboo to ignore BLM or anti racists. Or trans activists or anyone else on the side of the latest political thing.
Pamella Geller:
By Every Benchmark, The World Feminism Created Is The Opposite Of What Makes Women Happy

Feminism is a phony movement originating in Marxist/Leninism. Feminism is anti-women. It hates marriage, men, femininity, motherhood ….. everything that makes a women women.

The epidemic of single motherhood, the breakdown of the American family, the street vernacular of “bitches and hos,” the emasculation of men, the bone-crushing responsibility of one woman being mother, father, breadwinner, chief cook and bottle washer we owe to the feminists.

The destroyers have been at war against American values for forty years, and they have succeeded. Women have been diminished and dehumanized, all under the guise of “liberation” and “feminism.” The art of propaganda.

The family is the basic building block of any successful society. Children born out of wedlock are more likely to struggle in school or suffer emotional and behavioral problems. Yet today, over fifty percent of births in this country to women under thirty are outside marriage. And an astronomical forty percent of women are not married when they have children. The Daily Mail reported last year that “the data shows the fastest growth in the past 20 years is among white women in their 20s with some college education but no four-year degree. And with two-thirds of children in the U.S. born to mothers under the age of 30, it appears the majority of births across the country are out of wedlock.”

Feminists – those men-hating parasites — have ruined the glorious exaltation of women in 20th-century America
. . . . (CUT)

ME: Geller is spot on here. There is nothing feminine about leftwing feminists. They are nasty foul-mouthed baby-killers. And now, in media, they are sexualized more than ever, except the skanks call that "empowerment".
Hate to say it, but the truth is feminism is why politics and gov. Have gone to shit, and why liberal men are the result of the dumbing down.

Feminism is massively promoted at all levels of education. It is also coerced onto people through canceling, doxxing social shaming or even threat of all the above.

If you willfully ignore them they will try ( sometimes succesfully ) to make your life hell.

Much the same way it is unacceptable and a social taboo to ignore BLM or anti racists. Or trans activists or anyone else on the side of the latest political thing.
I ignore just about every possible group that exists in america. It's served me well. Some women are feeling free to go their own route rather than get married, have kids, wash rinse repeat. That aspect has zero negative effects. They are free to do that. As it should be.
I ignore just about every possible group that exists in america. It's served me well. Some women are feeling free to go their own route rather than get married, have kids, wash rinse repeat. That aspect has zero negative effects. They are free to do that. As it should be.
Nonme of which has any thing to do with feminism

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