By killing one man, Trump may have sent us on the road to peace with Iran

but what makes Trump so effective in these international struggles is his unpredictability. He's not a politician, he's not owned by anyone

I look at results so what just happened, Trump got it right AGAIN and all the 'professional' political talking heads got it wrong. I swear that's what pisses off the political establishment the most, that Trump is right and they are wrong. He makes them look like fools.
It's very obvious Trump taught them a lesson. I bet their people contact Trump's people and they offer to end their nuke program.

Trump bitch slapped them, then the Iranian fools shot down a commercial airliner that just took off from their own freaking airport. These Iranian thugs look extra stupid.
A missile/rocket that was paid for by obama
It's very obvious Trump taught them a lesson. I bet their people contact Trump's people and they offer to end their nuke program.

Trump bitch slapped them, then the Iranian fools shot down a commercial airliner that just took off from their own freaking airport. These Iranian thugs look extra stupid.
A missile/rocket that was paid for by obama

Hence the world's realization that idiot liberals screw up everything they touch. Obama thought he could buy a win from Iran, the naïve idiot found out wrong.
By killing one man, Trump may have sent us on the road to peace with Iran

Funny. Trump* has only made Putin more influential and powerful in the Middle East.
Obama already had peace before Trump messed it up

The Iranians now know Trump is not to be fucked with, and each of their leaders now fears for their personal safety if they continue down the road to war.
No. Just no.

That's so incredibly silly I can't even begin
The Iranians now know Trump is not to be fucked with, and each of their leaders now fears for their personal safety if they continue down the road to war.
No. Just no.

That's so incredibly silly I can't even begin

IF you were right. Iran would have struck bases with Americans and targeted American installations.

IF we had not taken out Qasem Soleimani, he would have moved on blowing up at least one of our embassies. Soleimani has already killed over 600 Americans. Why do you believe that keeping this barbaric terrorist in action and working to kill anyone opposed to him was the best solution?
It's very obvious Trump taught them a lesson. I bet their people contact Trump's people and they offer to end their nuke program.
Absolutely. And they'll all convert to Christianity, JFK will come back from the dead, and the Tooth Fairy really does exist!
Your sarcasm accomplishes nothing. Ten years from now people will compare Trump's plan to de-nuke Iran versus Obama's plan. Historians will call Trump's plan the work of a genius.
Ten years from now people will compare Trump's plan to de-nuke Iran versus Obama's plan. Historians will call Trump's plan the work of a genius.

LOL....the funny thing is, Trump doesn't even have a plan.
It wouldn't surprise me if he was in cahoots with them..wagging the dog and all that..
Trump is a brilliant strategist
I had to stop reading right there. Laughing too hard.
Hillary must be the better strategist since she won the election.
Not a Clinton fan
Try again.

Not far enough to the left for you?
Don't like her. Didn't like bill either. Neither one is honest and they are both terribly self centered. As far as policy they are Hawks and I'm not. While.k did agree with her positions on a number of things she would not be my choice for president.
Ten years from now people will compare Trump's plan to de-nuke Iran versus Obama's plan. Historians will call Trump's plan the work of a genius.

LOL....the funny thing is, Trump doesn't even have a plan.
It wouldn't surprise me if he was in cahoots with them..wagging the dog and all that..

Actually, Trump has more than a plan, he has the Trump Doctrine.

And that means when American are killed, like the beloved Contractor, the terrorists responsible will get an express ticket to judgment day.

Soleimani was a superb terrorist, really knew the business of doing evil and loved his work.

And now he's through. Tough Shit.

Other terrorists are laying low in their spider holes.

Great move on the part of our President IMHO.

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