By no choice of their own.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009

American men and women who join the military to make a better life for them and their families and the serve their country is separated from their children. 6.000 whose lives were sacrificed in a war that should have never happened on lies and non existing threats to America, separated forever from their families. Some of these innocent little children, my no fault of their own, is taken to foreign countries where they don’t know the culture of the language, separated from the only home they have ever know and family when a parent is stationed overseas. But I never hear these children referred to as being “punished” because their parents made the choice to join the military. But Obama and pro-amnesty media and advocates never cease to interview a group of children of illegal aliens claiming how much they love this country. We cannot even honor their parent who were sacrificed by showing them coming home in flag draped coffins.
The difference between children of illegal aliens and children of our military parents is miss-placed patriotism and compassion.
Deporting children of illegal aliens to the home of their parents is not a punishment but an honor. Matter of fact thousands of those children of illegal aliens are spending their spring break in Cancun and Mexico city. Poor little innocent children.
I am sick to death of hearing MSNBC Lawrence O’Donnell’s pathetic plea for amnesty for these children and their parents who are criminals by entering the country illegally. Where is the compassion for the children of military parents who is separated and struggling with that separation and struggling to go to college? Mr. President and Mr. O’Donnell? Children of Saddam’s military received free higher education. But we changed that forever.

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