Bye Bye Ahmed....we can all now sleep peacefully at night

It's also pretty obvious he wanted it to look like a bomb.
Which of course is against the law.

It didn't look so much like a bomb that anyone evacuated the school, called the bomb squad, or even removed the things from where people were.

If the kid were trying to pull a hoax, he should be punished. Probably by the school. If he had portrayed it as a bomb, he would have been breaking the law, and would have been prosecuted. He didn't.

The reactions of the school and the cops are proof it was not seen as an actual bomb. And refusing to cease an interrogation when the suspect asks for a lawyer is a blatant violation of constitutional rights. And there is NOT excuse for that.

Doesnt matter.
It's against the law to make a fake bomb with the intent to spread fear.

Did he intend to spread fear? I would love to hear how you think you know his intent.
Muslims don't need to be bringing anything homemade with a timer and wires in a suitcase to schools. People profile whether you like it or not.

"profiling" is a function of the forebrain of all intelligent primates. Survival depends upon it.

So is mating, but we tend to frown on teachers and cops doing that on the job.
If he presented it as a bomb or used it to scare anyone, then yes he broke the law. Otherwise you'll have to prove intent.

And if he was arrested, he has a right to a lawyer when he asks for one. he requested a lawyer and they continued to question him without providing a lawyer. That is a violation of his constitutional rights.

He was told to put the "clock" away. Did he? He continued to show his "invention" and played on teachers paranoia and stirs up all this controversy. One of teachers got scared, that's enough to claim hoax bomb even if isn't one.

Gets charged with a bomb hoax, placed in cuffs and taken to the police station. Was he cooperating and answering questions? He requested a lawyer. Did he?

What constitutional rights were violated? Where that came from? That desperate for an excuse?

Nothing he said is consistent. He claimed "he build it from scratch", it's his "invention". That's enough for shitlibs to accept him as next prodigy and encouraged by given attention he continued with his claims...

Claims he built the clock from scratch in 20 minutes. Claims that he's going to an invent a hover-board that moves sideways (good luck with that, might need some plutonium for the real deal), claims he builds CPU. Libtards still eat it all up, and people are still defending him for being traumatized and why he can't speak well, while sister admits to an MSNBC executive of how she was suspended for a threat she made prior.

It didn't look so much like a bomb that anyone evacuated the school, called the bomb squad, or even removed the things from where people were.

If the kid were trying to pull a hoax, he should be punished. Probably by the school. If he had portrayed it as a bomb, he would have been breaking the law, and would have been prosecuted. He didn't.

The reactions of the school and the cops are proof it was not seen as an actual bomb. And refusing to cease an interrogation when the suspect asks for a lawyer is a blatant violation of constitutional rights. And there is NOT excuse for that.

Doesnt matter.
It's against the law to make a fake bomb with the intent to spread fear.

Did he intend to spread fear? I would love to hear how you think you know his intent.
Muslims don't need to be bringing anything homemade with a timer and wires in a suitcase to schools. People profile whether you like it or not.

"profiling" is a function of the forebrain of all intelligent primates. Survival depends upon it.

So is mating, but we tend to frown on teachers and cops doing that on the job.

mating is not a forebrain function-------it's ok------neurophysiology is not
your bag-------it's LIMBIC--- it can be surpressed by the forebrain for
social reasons. ----------for the old timers out there ----think SUPER-EGO---
vs ID ----for rest of you---------let your id hang out
If he presented it as a bomb or used it to scare anyone, then yes he broke the law. Otherwise you'll have to prove intent.

And if he was arrested, he has a right to a lawyer when he asks for one. he requested a lawyer and they continued to question him without providing a lawyer. That is a violation of his constitutional rights.

He was told to put the "clock" away. Did he? He continued to show his "invention" and played on teachers paranoia and stirs up all this controversy. One of teachers got scared, that's enough to claim hoax bomb even if isn't one.

Gets charged with a bomb hoax, placed in cuffs and taken to the police station. Was he cooperating and answering questions? He requested a lawyer. Did he?

What constitutional rights were violated? Where that came from? That desperate for an excuse?

Nothing he said is consistent. He claimed "he build it from scratch", it's his "invention". That's enough for shitlibs to accept him as next prodigy and encouraged by given attention he continued with his claims...

Claims he built the clock from scratch in 20 minutes. Claims that he's going to an invent a hover-board that moves sideways (good luck with that, might need some plutonium for the real deal), claims he builds CPU. Libtards still eat it all up, and people are still defending him for being traumatized and why he can't speak well, while sister admits to an MSNBC executive of how she was suspended for a threat she made prior.

Police Violated Ahmed Mohamed’s Civil Rights by Keeping Away His Parents

That should explain the various constitutional rights violations.
Doesnt matter.
It's against the law to make a fake bomb with the intent to spread fear.

Did he intend to spread fear? I would love to hear how you think you know his intent.
Muslims don't need to be bringing anything homemade with a timer and wires in a suitcase to schools. People profile whether you like it or not.

Tell you what. Figure up the body count from Muslim students bombing schools. Then figure the body counts for white kids shooting their classmates and teachers. Then we can work on who to profile.

Otherwise, treat every student the same and every person gets the same constitutional rights.
A white 6 year old went to jail for a pop tart eaten in the shape of a gun. Equal treatment.

And you were in favor of the 6 year old going to jail? (actually, I think the kid was only suspended from school, not jailed. But don't let those pesky facts get in the way, huh?)

Yeah well an 11 year old was taken from his home in handcuffs by police for making a stick figure drawing in school, which he crumpled up and threw away. he was arrested. I don't think he was Muslim so there was no national outcry like this, and he wasn't given a scholarship to any Art school
Doesnt matter.
It's against the law to make a fake bomb with the intent to spread fear.

Did he intend to spread fear? I would love to hear how you think you know his intent.
Muslims don't need to be bringing anything homemade with a timer and wires in a suitcase to schools. People profile whether you like it or not.

Tell you what. Figure up the body count from Muslim students bombing schools. Then figure the body counts for white kids shooting their classmates and teachers. Then we can work on who to profile.

Otherwise, treat every student the same and every person gets the same constitutional rights.
A white 6 year old went to jail for a pop tart eaten in the shape of a gun. Equal treatment.

And you were in favor of the 6 year old going to jail? (actually, I think the kid was only suspended from school, not jailed. But don't let those pesky facts get in the way, huh?)
I care about facts. Correct, the white six year old was suspended from school, not jailed. I guess that's okay because the pop tart looked like a gun and could obviously kill somebody, but when 99 out of 100 seeing a photo of Ahmed's clock thinks its a bomb, that's being islamophobic according to the PC police. That's why you people aren't taken seriously and are looked upon with contempt. We've had enough of you people for the last 7 years of ObamaNation.
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What the fuck for? For being victims of a witch hunt?


There is your "argument". Wanna play insults, shitstain?

Sure as hell got that right. It's what's feeding the Bigot Tree. That's why they can't come up with links when they're asked for them.

You leftards don't even know what bigot means, but once you find out, you'll finally see yourself. It takes time, but it'll come.

What I see from one thread to another, lefties moron argue, get refuted, and then twenty posts down the line another moron makes the same argument that need to be answered again, while first moron move to another thread. It's like a magic.

Yep..thats SOP for our resident moonbats.
Pretty pathetic actually.
It's also pretty obvious he wanted it to look like a bomb.
Which of course is against the law.

It didn't look so much like a bomb that anyone evacuated the school, called the bomb squad, or even removed the things from where people were.

If the kid were trying to pull a hoax, he should be punished. Probably by the school. If he had portrayed it as a bomb, he would have been breaking the law, and would have been prosecuted. He didn't.

The reactions of the school and the cops are proof it was not seen as an actual bomb. And refusing to cease an interrogation when the suspect asks for a lawyer is a blatant violation of constitutional rights. And there is NOT excuse for that.

Doesnt matter.
It's against the law to make a fake bomb with the intent to spread fear.

Did he intend to spread fear? I would love to hear how you think you know his intent.
Muslims don't need to be bringing anything homemade with a timer and wires in a suitcase to schools. People profile whether you like it or not.

Tell you what. Figure up the body count from Muslim students bombing schools. Then figure the body counts for white kids shooting their classmates and teachers. Then we can work on who to profile.

Otherwise, treat every student the same and every person gets the same constitutional rights.

He was treated like any other student would be under the same circumstances.
The family is the one who turned it into a three ring circus....intentionally.
This kind shit should not be tolerated.
when I was in grade school a kid brought his rifle to school which he had built as a 4h project, and no one thought a thing about it.

Yep...use to have a rifle or shotgun in my window rack depending on the season in the truck at school all the time.
Carried a buck knife at school as well.
This country is turning to shit.
ya used to see a lot of trucks with rifles in the rear windows all the time hear in Burley but now not so much. Must be a lot of thefts
Did he intend to spread fear? I would love to hear how you think you know his intent.
Muslims don't need to be bringing anything homemade with a timer and wires in a suitcase to schools. People profile whether you like it or not.

Tell you what. Figure up the body count from Muslim students bombing schools. Then figure the body counts for white kids shooting their classmates and teachers. Then we can work on who to profile.

Otherwise, treat every student the same and every person gets the same constitutional rights.
A white 6 year old went to jail for a pop tart eaten in the shape of a gun. Equal treatment.

And you were in favor of the 6 year old going to jail? (actually, I think the kid was only suspended from school, not jailed. But don't let those pesky facts get in the way, huh?)
I care about facts. Correct, the white six year old was suspended from school, not jailed. I guess that's okay because the pop tart looked like a gun and could obviously kill somebody, but when 99 out of 100 seeing a photo of Ahmed's clock thinks its a bomb, that's being islamophobic according to the PC police. That's why you people aren't taken seriously and are looked upon with contempt. We've had enough of you people for the last 7 years of ObamaNation.

99 out of 100 people who have never actually SEEN a bomb? Do you realize what you just said? Basically, if you take the plastic box off of a clock, 99 out of 100 people will think its a bomb. lol

Oh, and a newsflash for you, I am not part of the Obama crowd. I never voted for the man. But I'm sure that doesn't matter either.
Be afraid. Be very afraid. There is a 14 year old student somewhere with a home made cherry bomb who is targeting your house, with evil Islamic intentions...... (beware! He also has toilet paper!)
Im with you. There's no reason to investigate things that look like bombs.

Can you prove that it's a bomb?

All across this country, when going threw a fuckin Air port, a federal building, etc....we confiscate all kinds of shit, even a small bottle of shampoo, all in the name of home land security....are you following me moron? That clock that fuckin rag head brought to school, would have shut an air port get with the fuckin program and shut up
Muslims don't need to be bringing anything homemade with a timer and wires in a suitcase to schools. People profile whether you like it or not.

Tell you what. Figure up the body count from Muslim students bombing schools. Then figure the body counts for white kids shooting their classmates and teachers. Then we can work on who to profile.

Otherwise, treat every student the same and every person gets the same constitutional rights.
A white 6 year old went to jail for a pop tart eaten in the shape of a gun. Equal treatment.

And you were in favor of the 6 year old going to jail? (actually, I think the kid was only suspended from school, not jailed. But don't let those pesky facts get in the way, huh?)
I care about facts. Correct, the white six year old was suspended from school, not jailed. I guess that's okay because the pop tart looked like a gun and could obviously kill somebody, but when 99 out of 100 seeing a photo of Ahmed's clock thinks its a bomb, that's being islamophobic according to the PC police. That's why you people aren't taken seriously and are looked upon with contempt. We've had enough of you people for the last 7 years of ObamaNation.

99 out of 100 people who have never actually SEEN a bomb? Do you realize what you just said? Basically, if you take the plastic box off of a clock, 99 out of 100 people will think its a bomb. lol

Oh, and a newsflash for you, I am not part of the Obama crowd. I never voted for the man. But I'm sure that doesn't matter either.

AWe...the saddest news I heard all never voted for OBama!!
Be afraid. Be very afraid. There is a 14 year old student somewhere with a home made cherry bomb who is targeting your house, with evil Islamic intentions...... (beware! He also has toilet paper!)
Im with you. There's no reason to investigate things that look like bombs.

Can you prove that it's a bomb?

All across this country, when going threw a fuckin Air port, a federal building, etc....we confiscate all kinds of shit, even a small bottle of shampoo, all in the name of home land security....are you following me moron? That clock that fuckin rag head brought to school, would have shut an air port get with the fuckin program and shut up

So we should have the same security at schools that we have at airports? lol
Be afraid. Be very afraid. There is a 14 year old student somewhere with a home made cherry bomb who is targeting your house, with evil Islamic intentions...... (beware! He also has toilet paper!)
Im with you. There's no reason to investigate things that look like bombs.

Can you prove that it's a bomb?

All across this country, when going threw a fuckin Air port, a federal building, etc....we confiscate all kinds of shit, even a small bottle of shampoo, all in the name of home land security....are you following me moron? That clock that fuckin rag head brought to school, would have shut an air port get with the fuckin program and shut up

So we should have the same security at schools that we have at airports? lol

There been 74 school shootings since Columbine.....and on that note, I can't help you, you're too lost and fucked up in the head for words.....bye felicia!!
Be afraid. Be very afraid. There is a 14 year old student somewhere with a home made cherry bomb who is targeting your house, with evil Islamic intentions...... (beware! He also has toilet paper!)
Im with you. There's no reason to investigate things that look like bombs.

Can you prove that it's a bomb?

All across this country, when going threw a fuckin Air port, a federal building, etc....we confiscate all kinds of shit, even a small bottle of shampoo, all in the name of home land security....are you following me moron? That clock that fuckin rag head brought to school, would have shut an air port get with the fuckin program and shut up

Why don't you shut your toilet mouth to start with. Why should I get into your dumb program when you cannot even prove its a bomb?
Look at the picture again. Where does it show that resemble a bomb? Since you don't have any clue of what you are talking about except your potty mouth. Why don't you just shut up? Bitch.
Tell you what. Figure up the body count from Muslim students bombing schools. Then figure the body counts for white kids shooting their classmates and teachers. Then we can work on who to profile.

Otherwise, treat every student the same and every person gets the same constitutional rights.
A white 6 year old went to jail for a pop tart eaten in the shape of a gun. Equal treatment.

And you were in favor of the 6 year old going to jail? (actually, I think the kid was only suspended from school, not jailed. But don't let those pesky facts get in the way, huh?)
I care about facts. Correct, the white six year old was suspended from school, not jailed. I guess that's okay because the pop tart looked like a gun and could obviously kill somebody, but when 99 out of 100 seeing a photo of Ahmed's clock thinks its a bomb, that's being islamophobic according to the PC police. That's why you people aren't taken seriously and are looked upon with contempt. We've had enough of you people for the last 7 years of ObamaNation.

99 out of 100 people who have never actually SEEN a bomb? Do you realize what you just said? Basically, if you take the plastic box off of a clock, 99 out of 100 people will think its a bomb. lol

Oh, and a newsflash for you, I am not part of the Obama crowd. I never voted for the man. But I'm sure that doesn't matter either.

AWe...the saddest news I heard all never voted for OBama!!
I never voted Obama either. Why would that be a surprise to you?

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