Bye Bye Ahmed....we can all now sleep peacefully at night

Be afraid. Be very afraid. There is a 14 year old student somewhere with a home made cherry bomb who is targeting your house, with evil Islamic intentions...... (beware! He also has toilet paper!)

And fucks like you would shit yourself if he and his effin family moved next door, idiot LLOLOLOLO
He didnt make the clock as he claimed.

Didn't he? So I can walk into Radio Shack and buy loose clock parts in a pencil case?

I'm gonna check eBay. They charge too much.

He clamped wires so they wouldnt look suspicious.

This will sound hilarious at this point but....
--- Link?

Btw do you mean "crimped"?

I crimp wires. I solder, I clamp, I twist, whatever works at the time. Am I "suspicious"?

He refused to answer questions.

So do you every time we say "Link?"

But you're making claims -- he isn't.

His old man is an agitator.

What courses does his father take in this school? Are they in the same classes?

His sister got into trouble over bomb threats.

Again --- Link?
(warning: I already have it)

The list goes on and on.....

--- Links?

You are obviously not informed enough to have a discussion with concerning this matter.
Get back to me when you educate yourself.

That's what I expected. Hey look kids! It's Mister Zero!

Mr zero? That moniker fits you much better considering your knowledge or lack there of in this matter.
Everything I've brought up has been posted by me and other board members yet you seem to have no knowledge whatsoever of the facts.
Go fuck yourself ya hack.

Your painful concession is noted, logged and stacked in a dusty pile with the rest of them, on shelf four, section L (for Loser) in a warehouse in Pocatello.

Your pathetic attempts to divert attention from your lack of knowledge is noted and laughed at.
Carry on with your dumbass self....
It was handled just fine by the school and the cops.
The problem lies with letting people get away with this kind of shit.
Had it been an innocent mistake I would have been fine with the kid getting a few days of in school suspension.
As it is I think the father needs to be prosecuted,he's the driving force behind the whole thing.

Morons still didn't realized it was a scam. It reminds me of the balloon boy.

We've been through shit like this before, it needs to be punished severely. I hope him and his family get deported.

Oh, and even bigger problem is that sites like Facebook and Twitter are echo chamber for the ignorant. It's a cancer where people can express their retarded opinion out loud and being rewarded by other retards. If you go there with facts and the hard truth that proves that they were wrong, they will tell you to fuck off and will outnumber you with the ridiculous amount of retarded followers that they have.

We've seen it already with "if I had a son", and "gentle giant", and "bathroom server", and "black lives matter" but by the time the truth comes out, damage is done and they've already moved to another lie.
It was handled just fine by the school and the cops.
The problem lies with letting people get away with this kind of shit.
Had it been an innocent mistake I would have been fine with the kid getting a few days of in school suspension.
As it is I think the father needs to be prosecuted,he's the driving force behind the whole thing.

Morons still didn't realized it was a scam. It reminds me of the balloon boy.

We've been through shit like this before, it needs to be punished severely. I hope him and his family get deported.

Oh, and even bigger problem is that sites like Facebook and Twitter are echo chamber for the ignorant. It's a cancer where people can express their retarded opinion out loud and being rewarded by other retards. If you go there with facts and the hard truth that proves that they were wrong, they will tell you to fuck off and will outnumber you with the ridiculous amount of retarded followers that they have.

We've seen it already with "if I had a son", and "gentle giant", and "bathroom server", and "black lives matter" but by the time the truth comes out, damage is done and they've already moved to another lie.

Summed it up perfectly.
We've been through shit like this before, it needs to be punished severely. I hope him and his family get deported.

What the fuck for? For being victims of a witch hunt?


Oh, and even bigger problem is that sites like Facebook and Twitter are echo chamber for the ignorant. It's a cancer where people can express their retarded opinion out loud and being rewarded by other retards. If you go there with facts and the hard truth that proves that they were wrong, they will tell you to fuck off and will outnumber you with the ridiculous amount of retarded followers that they have.

Sure as hell got that right. It's what's feeding the Bigot Tree. That's why they can't come up with links when they're asked for them.
Be afraid. Be very afraid. There is a 14 year old student somewhere with a home made cherry bomb who is targeting your house, with evil Islamic intentions...... (beware! He also has toilet paper!)

And fucks like you would shit yourself if he and his effin family moved next door, idiot LLOLOLOLO

Placed on ignore, just for being a crude, immature, jackass....
What the fuck for? For being victims of a witch hunt?


There is your "argument". Wanna play insults, shitstain?

Sure as hell got that right. It's what's feeding the Bigot Tree. That's why they can't come up with links when they're asked for them.

You leftards don't even know what bigot means, but once you find out, you'll finally see yourself. It takes time, but it'll come.

What I see from one thread to another, lefties moron argue, get refuted, and then twenty posts down the line another moron makes the same argument that need to be answered again, while first moron move to another thread. It's like a magic.

If the kid brought the barrel to intimidate or strike fear into his classmates he would rightfully be in trouble.

Once again, you are trying to claim you know this kid's intent.

He brought it in. What else did he do? Did he claim it was a bomb? Did he hint that it was a bomb?

He didnt make the clock as he claimed.
He clamped wires so they wouldnt look suspicious.
He refused to answer questions.
His old man is an agitator.
His sister got into trouble over bomb threats.
The list goes on and on.....
You'd have to be an idiot to think this wasnt a set up.

It may well have been a setup. And the school and the cops did exactly what they thought they would do.

And now, with all this bullshit flying around (which you are helping perpetuate) the next time a kid takes something suspicious into school the admin and the cops will be slower to react.

So both the people screaming racism and the people screaming terrorist have been played. And the result is to handicap the system.

The really weird thing is that after it's been pointed out to the Bigot Tree how they've been played like a banjo -- they keep on falling for it digging themselves deeper.


How exactly are the ones calling em out on their bullshit the ones being played? We know exactly what they did.
I would say it's those who want to make excuses for their actions are the ones being played.

It could have been a simple school issue. But those who "called them out" have made it a huge issue as well. The issue blew up as a result of BOTH sides making noise.
It could have been a simple school issue. But those who "called them out" have made it a huge issue as well. The issue blew up as a result of BOTH sides making noise.

It could've been. But explain that to retards that jump the gun with #IStandWithAhmed, and our moron president with "Cool clock, Ahmed, bring it to the WH". They made pretty much non issue to become national issue.

I'm just waiting for news article that say "Just because this was a hoax doesn't mean Islamophobia isn't real."

And that is the point of all of this.

just add a detonator with C4 and you have a bomb.., happy now that i made you more intelligent by half.

But without the C4 and a detonator, it is just a clock. My alarm clock is just as dangerous as what that kid brought to school.

And it was obvious that both the school and the cops knew it was not a bomb.

It's also pretty obvious he wanted it to look like a bomb.
Which of course is against the law.

It didn't look so much like a bomb that anyone evacuated the school, called the bomb squad, or even removed the things from where people were.

If the kid were trying to pull a hoax, he should be punished. Probably by the school. If he had portrayed it as a bomb, he would have been breaking the law, and would have been prosecuted. He didn't.

The reactions of the school and the cops are proof it was not seen as an actual bomb. And refusing to cease an interrogation when the suspect asks for a lawyer is a blatant violation of constitutional rights. And there is NOT excuse for that.

Doesnt matter.
It's against the law to make a fake bomb with the intent to spread fear.

Did he intend to spread fear? I would love to hear how you think you know his intent.
Muslims don't need to be bringing anything homemade with a timer and wires in a suitcase to schools. People profile whether you like it or not.
It's also pretty obvious he wanted it to look like a bomb.
Which of course is against the law.

It didn't look so much like a bomb that anyone evacuated the school, called the bomb squad, or even removed the things from where people were.

If the kid were trying to pull a hoax, he should be punished. Probably by the school. If he had portrayed it as a bomb, he would have been breaking the law, and would have been prosecuted. He didn't.

The reactions of the school and the cops are proof it was not seen as an actual bomb. And refusing to cease an interrogation when the suspect asks for a lawyer is a blatant violation of constitutional rights. And there is NOT excuse for that.

Doesnt matter.
It's against the law to make a fake bomb with the intent to spread fear.

Did he intend to spread fear? I would love to hear how you think you know his intent.

Thats why they detained him. So they could try and determine if that was his intent.
After looking at all the evidence I have to say thats exactly what he was doing but it's hard to prove.
Which is exactly why they used this method in the first place.

In other words, there is no proof he intended anything wrong? Thanks.
I'm going to watch a couple of young black men wearing hoodies and pants showing their underwear very closely if they come into a liquir store late at night. Do you need to know why? Really? Same for Muslims carrying suitcases looking like this kid's. Don't like it? Change your fuckin' culture.
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But without the C4 and a detonator, it is just a clock. My alarm clock is just as dangerous as what that kid brought to school.

And it was obvious that both the school and the cops knew it was not a bomb.

It's also pretty obvious he wanted it to look like a bomb.
Which of course is against the law.

It didn't look so much like a bomb that anyone evacuated the school, called the bomb squad, or even removed the things from where people were.

If the kid were trying to pull a hoax, he should be punished. Probably by the school. If he had portrayed it as a bomb, he would have been breaking the law, and would have been prosecuted. He didn't.

The reactions of the school and the cops are proof it was not seen as an actual bomb. And refusing to cease an interrogation when the suspect asks for a lawyer is a blatant violation of constitutional rights. And there is NOT excuse for that.

Doesnt matter.
It's against the law to make a fake bomb with the intent to spread fear.

Did he intend to spread fear? I would love to hear how you think you know his intent.
Muslims don't need to be bringing anything homemade with a timer and wires in a suitcase to schools. People profile whether you like it or not.

Tell you what. Figure up the body count from Muslim students bombing schools. Then figure the body counts for white kids shooting their classmates and teachers. Then we can work on who to profile.

Otherwise, treat every student the same and every person gets the same constitutional rights.
Tell you what. Figure up the body count from Muslim students bombing schools. Then figure the body counts for white kids shooting their classmates and teachers. Then we can work on who to profile.

Otherwise, treat every student the same and every person gets the same constitutional rights.

So islamophobia is the issue. You're right, it was never about the clock.

Even further, it’s about how the media took the story and ran with it because it involved a Muslim kid, it's about how they pumped the story, how they set us up all, and even though it’s becoming more and more apparent that this whole thing is a load of crap, regardless the leftards continues to run with it. And it's about feeding the trolls, where more noise you make the more they'll keep playing it. If you treat it like any other irrelevant news story, none of this would've happened. But left can't exist without division and lies, can they?

And btw, he got his constitutional rights. Even when he brought hoax bomb into school and therefore broke the law, everyone treated him properly and by the book.
Tell you what. Figure up the body count from Muslim students bombing schools. Then figure the body counts for white kids shooting their classmates and teachers. Then we can work on who to profile.

Otherwise, treat every student the same and every person gets the same constitutional rights.

So islamophobia is the issue. You're right, it was never about the clock.

Even further, it’s about how the media took the story and ran with it because it involved a Muslim kid, it's about how they pumped the story, how they set us up all, and even though it’s becoming more and more apparent that this whole thing is a load of crap, regardless the leftards continues to run with it. And it's about feeding the trolls, where more noise you make the more they'll keep playing it. If you treat it like any other irrelevant news story, none of this would've happened. But left can't exist without division and lies, can they?

And btw, he got his constitutional rights. Even when he brought hoax bomb into school and therefore broke the law, everyone treated him properly and by the book.

If he presented it as a bomb or used it to scare anyone, then yes he broke the law. Otherwise you'll have to prove intent.

And if he was arrested, he has a right to a lawyer when he asks for one. he requested a lawyer and they continued to question him without providing a lawyer. That is a violation of his constitutional rights.
It's also pretty obvious he wanted it to look like a bomb.
Which of course is against the law.

It didn't look so much like a bomb that anyone evacuated the school, called the bomb squad, or even removed the things from where people were.

If the kid were trying to pull a hoax, he should be punished. Probably by the school. If he had portrayed it as a bomb, he would have been breaking the law, and would have been prosecuted. He didn't.

The reactions of the school and the cops are proof it was not seen as an actual bomb. And refusing to cease an interrogation when the suspect asks for a lawyer is a blatant violation of constitutional rights. And there is NOT excuse for that.

Doesnt matter.
It's against the law to make a fake bomb with the intent to spread fear.

Did he intend to spread fear? I would love to hear how you think you know his intent.
Muslims don't need to be bringing anything homemade with a timer and wires in a suitcase to schools. People profile whether you like it or not.

Tell you what. Figure up the body count from Muslim students bombing schools. Then figure the body counts for white kids shooting their classmates and teachers. Then we can work on who to profile.

Otherwise, treat every student the same and every person gets the same constitutional rights.
A white 6 year old went to jail for a pop tart eaten in the shape of a gun. Equal treatment.
It didn't look so much like a bomb that anyone evacuated the school, called the bomb squad, or even removed the things from where people were.

If the kid were trying to pull a hoax, he should be punished. Probably by the school. If he had portrayed it as a bomb, he would have been breaking the law, and would have been prosecuted. He didn't.

The reactions of the school and the cops are proof it was not seen as an actual bomb. And refusing to cease an interrogation when the suspect asks for a lawyer is a blatant violation of constitutional rights. And there is NOT excuse for that.

Doesnt matter.
It's against the law to make a fake bomb with the intent to spread fear.

Did he intend to spread fear? I would love to hear how you think you know his intent.
Muslims don't need to be bringing anything homemade with a timer and wires in a suitcase to schools. People profile whether you like it or not.

Tell you what. Figure up the body count from Muslim students bombing schools. Then figure the body counts for white kids shooting their classmates and teachers. Then we can work on who to profile.

Otherwise, treat every student the same and every person gets the same constitutional rights.
A white 6 year old went to jail for a pop tart eaten in the shape of a gun. Equal treatment.

And you were in favor of the 6 year old going to jail? (actually, I think the kid was only suspended from school, not jailed. But don't let those pesky facts get in the way, huh?)
It didn't look so much like a bomb that anyone evacuated the school, called the bomb squad, or even removed the things from where people were.

If the kid were trying to pull a hoax, he should be punished. Probably by the school. If he had portrayed it as a bomb, he would have been breaking the law, and would have been prosecuted. He didn't.

The reactions of the school and the cops are proof it was not seen as an actual bomb. And refusing to cease an interrogation when the suspect asks for a lawyer is a blatant violation of constitutional rights. And there is NOT excuse for that.

Doesnt matter.
It's against the law to make a fake bomb with the intent to spread fear.

Did he intend to spread fear? I would love to hear how you think you know his intent.
Muslims don't need to be bringing anything homemade with a timer and wires in a suitcase to schools. People profile whether you like it or not.

Tell you what. Figure up the body count from Muslim students bombing schools. Then figure the body counts for white kids shooting their classmates and teachers. Then we can work on who to profile.

Otherwise, treat every student the same and every person gets the same constitutional rights.
A white 6 year old went to jail for a pop tart eaten in the shape of a gun. Equal treatment.

And if we are treating them all the same, the 14 year old with the reassembled clock should be suspended.
But without the C4 and a detonator, it is just a clock. My alarm clock is just as dangerous as what that kid brought to school.

And it was obvious that both the school and the cops knew it was not a bomb.

It's also pretty obvious he wanted it to look like a bomb.
Which of course is against the law.

It didn't look so much like a bomb that anyone evacuated the school, called the bomb squad, or even removed the things from where people were.

If the kid were trying to pull a hoax, he should be punished. Probably by the school. If he had portrayed it as a bomb, he would have been breaking the law, and would have been prosecuted. He didn't.

The reactions of the school and the cops are proof it was not seen as an actual bomb. And refusing to cease an interrogation when the suspect asks for a lawyer is a blatant violation of constitutional rights. And there is NOT excuse for that.

Doesnt matter.
It's against the law to make a fake bomb with the intent to spread fear.

Did he intend to spread fear? I would love to hear how you think you know his intent.
Muslims don't need to be bringing anything homemade with a timer and wires in a suitcase to schools. People profile whether you like it or not.

"profiling" is a function of the forebrain of all intelligent primates. Survival depends upon it.

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