Bye Bye Ahmed....we can all now sleep peacefully at night

Be afraid. Be very afraid. There is a 14 year old student somewhere with a home made cherry bomb who is targeting your house, with evil Islamic intentions...... (beware! He also has toilet paper!)
Im with you. There's no reason to investigate things that look like bombs.

Can you prove that it's a bomb?

All across this country, when going threw a fuckin Air port, a federal building, etc....we confiscate all kinds of shit, even a small bottle of shampoo, all in the name of home land security....are you following me moron? That clock that fuckin rag head brought to school, would have shut an air port get with the fuckin program and shut up

So we should have the same security at schools that we have at airports? lol

There been 74 school shootings since Columbine.....and on that note, I can't help you, you're too lost and fucked up in the head for words.....bye felicia!!

I read most or all of the leftist and rightist posted regarding this clock. All trying hard to prove each other's opinion from dumb and stupid to brilliant and smart.
However you post nothing nothing but pure human waste. Stop wasting bandwidth and go away.
Did he intend to spread fear? I would love to hear how you think you know his intent.
Muslims don't need to be bringing anything homemade with a timer and wires in a suitcase to schools. People profile whether you like it or not.

Tell you what. Figure up the body count from Muslim students bombing schools. Then figure the body counts for white kids shooting their classmates and teachers. Then we can work on who to profile.

Otherwise, treat every student the same and every person gets the same constitutional rights.
A white 6 year old went to jail for a pop tart eaten in the shape of a gun. Equal treatment.

And you were in favor of the 6 year old going to jail? (actually, I think the kid was only suspended from school, not jailed. But don't let those pesky facts get in the way, huh?)
I care about facts. Correct, the white six year old was suspended from school, not jailed. I guess that's okay because the pop tart looked like a gun and could obviously kill somebody, but when 99 out of 100 seeing a photo of Ahmed's clock thinks its a bomb, that's being islamophobic according to the PC police. That's why you people aren't taken seriously and are looked upon with contempt. We've had enough of you people for the last 7 years of ObamaNation.

99 out 100? You are joking right? Previously I asked you a question but you decide to ignore it because you cannot prove it.
Let me ask you another question. How did you come up with 99 out of 100? If you don't mind stick with my question.
99 out of 100 people who have never actually SEEN a bomb? Do you realize what you just said? Basically, if you take the plastic box off of a clock, 99 out of 100 people will think its a bomb. lol

Oh, and a newsflash for you, I am not part of the Obama crowd. I never voted for the man. But I'm sure that doesn't matter either.

You might be correct here. Most of people only have perception of what bomb looks like. Is this boy an exception?
Be afraid. Be very afraid. There is a 14 year old student somewhere with a home made cherry bomb who is targeting your house, with evil Islamic intentions...... (beware! He also has toilet paper!)
Im with you. There's no reason to investigate things that look like bombs.

Can you prove that it's a bomb?

All across this country, when going threw a fuckin Air port, a federal building, etc....we confiscate all kinds of shit, even a small bottle of shampoo, all in the name of home land security....are you following me moron? That clock that fuckin rag head brought to school, would have shut an air port get with the fuckin program and shut up

So we should have the same security at schools that we have at airports? lol

There been 74 school shootings since Columbine.....and on that note, I can't help you, you're too lost and fucked up in the head for words.....bye felicia!!

So you want the same security for schools as they have in airports? Ok by me. But I'm willing to bet you don't want your taxes going through the roof to pay for it.
it's ok to come out of your bunker, now, kids. The mean Muslim has moved to another school, and he won't threaten you with his alarm clock any more.

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