Bye Bye Ahmed....we can all now sleep peacefully at night

Great scam eh?

As I said, if it was bait it sure as hell worked, dinnit?

The thing is --- if the targets of this theoretical bait, i.e. the Bigot Brigade, had refused to take it seriously and simply sent him home with a "yeah sure kid, not gonna work" --- the whole thing would have failed.

But no--- they played right into (apparently) the plan, falling all over themselves to prove him right.

But at what point when all the school shootings and deaths that happen teachers are told now NOT TO REPORT SUSPICIOUS SHIT do you want the next school massacre to occur?

Everybody knew it wasn't a bomb. Achmed never maintained or indicated such. The question, speaking of scams, is --- why did they go on interrogating, susending etc ..... when they knew damn well it wasn't a bomb?

Banjo time!

Now frankly I don't give a shit. His dad is this big Islamic activist and that plays into this whole fucking drama. Oh and now the family is rich. Huge fucking donations. They will be wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.

:rofl: Oh the desperation to find a smokescreen narrative, once they got played. How 'bout a liddle fiddle with your banjo? :eusa_boohoo:

Because there is zero tolerance in schools for even joking or suggesting something violent. Kids around the country have been suspended for far less.
Great scam eh?

As I said, if it was bait it sure as hell worked, dinnit?

The thing is --- if the targets of this theoretical bait, i.e. the Bigot Brigade, had refused to take it seriously and simply sent him home with a "yeah sure kid, not gonna work" --- the whole thing would have failed.

But no--- they played right into (apparently) the plan, falling all over themselves to prove him right.

But at what point when all the school shootings and deaths that happen teachers are told now NOT TO REPORT SUSPICIOUS SHIT do you want the next school massacre to occur?

Everybody knew it wasn't a bomb. Achmed never maintained or indicated such. The question, speaking of scams, is --- why did they go on interrogating, susending etc ..... when they knew damn well it wasn't a bomb?

Banjo time!

Now frankly I don't give a shit. His dad is this big Islamic activist and that plays into this whole fucking drama. Oh and now the family is rich. Huge fucking donations. They will be wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.

:rofl: Oh the desperation to find a smokescreen narrative, once they got played. How 'bout a liddle fiddle with your banjo? :eusa_boohoo:

Because there is zero tolerance in schools for even joking or suggesting something violent. Kids around the country have been suspended for far less.

Nor did he "joke or suggest" it was a bomb. Again -- other people plugged that in.
Perhaps while we're here we should also note that he didn't imply, intimate, hint, draw a picture of, or make bodily noises resembling, a bomb.

Damn inconvenient isn't it?

Ahmed Mohamed Withdraws From School Where He Was Arrested For Homemade Clock.....And kid, do yourself a favor next time, build a fuckin hero sandwich and leave the clock/bomb shit to the terrorist, your uncles and cousins....stupid shit!

Link to any of this family -- who are Sufi btw -- being in any way involved in terrorism or "bombs" is ..... where, Pinkie?


Didn't think so.
Next in line please...


Listen, if all ******* who aren't conservative are on welfare, surely this kid can have a terrorist or two in the family. Stereotyping a motherfucker, cuts both ways, Mohamid!!
Ahmed Mohamed Withdraws From School Where He Was Arrested For Homemade Clock.....And kid, do yourself a favor next time, build a fuckin hero sandwich and leave the clock/bomb shit to the terrorist, your uncles and cousins....stupid shit!!

Yeah, don't want any intelligent Muslims in the US making wite Kristiuns looking bad, get rid of the intelligent kids so that stupid ignorant foowks can move up the ladder.
Everything was so fake about this.

Yeah, like the school not being evacuated.

Yes. And putting the "bomb" in the school office, then in the back of the patrol car? If they thought it was dangerous and did that, they are idiots.

But a 14 year old was questioned without his parents being present. And when he requested a lawyer, the police ignored his request and continued to question him. THAT is what should have people up in arms. The blatant denial of basic constitutional rights is deplorable. There is NO excuse.
Everything was so fake about this.
The reaction from the School, the Police and the RW? I agree.

It actually did look like a bomb. Should the teacher have turned a blind eye?

Now frankly I don't give a shit. His dad is this big Islamic activist and that plays into this whole fucking drama. Oh and now the family is rich. Huge fucking donations. They will be wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.

Great scam eh?

But at what point when all the school shootings and deaths that happen teachers are told now NOT TO REPORT SUSPICIOUS SHIT do you want the next school massacre to occur?

Then treat it like an actual bomb. That is not what they did. If it had been a real bomb, and had gone off in the school office or killed students who had not been evacuated, would you still be saying the same shit?

What the kid did was fucked up. But it was a school disciplinary thing. And the ONLY way you can claim otherwise is to show both the school officials and the cops to be grossly incompetent.
Ahmed Mohamed Withdraws From School Where He Was Arrested For Homemade Clock.....And kid, do yourself a favor next time, build a fuckin hero sandwich and leave the clock/bomb shit to the terrorist, your uncles and cousins....stupid shit!!

Yeah, don't want any intelligent Muslims in the US making wite Kristiuns looking bad, get rid of the intelligent kids so that stupid ignorant foowks can move up the ladder.

GTF outta here....there are over 98 websites on how to build a damn clock....clearly your one of the white Kristins your talking about haven't gotten the message on how easy it. Tell jr, if he wants to build something, build a gotdamn battery that last longer than a hot fuckin minute in my remote
Everything was so fake about this.

Yeah, like the school not being evacuated.

Yes. And putting the "bomb" in the school office, then in the back of the patrol car? If they thought it was dangerous and did that, they are idiots.

But a 14 year old was questioned without his parents being present. And when he requested a lawyer, the police ignored his request and continued to question him. THAT is what should have people up in arms. The blatant denial of basic constitutional rights is deplorable. There is NO excuse.

This coming from a redneck that finds it perfectly okay for a cop to shoot a nigga in the back....I guess next you'll be holding a fuckin bake sale to raise money to send this rag head to college.
Everything was so fake about this.

Yeah, like the school not being evacuated.

Yes. And putting the "bomb" in the school office, then in the back of the patrol car? If they thought it was dangerous and did that, they are idiots.

But a 14 year old was questioned without his parents being present. And when he requested a lawyer, the police ignored his request and continued to question him. THAT is what should have people up in arms. The blatant denial of basic constitutional rights is deplorable. There is NO excuse.

This coming from a redneck that finds it perfectly okay for a cop to shoot a nigga in the back....I guess next you'll be holding a fuckin bake sale to raise money to send this rag head to college.

Fuck you and your lie. Please show where I have EVER said it is perfectly ok for a cop to shoot anyone in the back.
The part of this incident that goes over peoples heads is that Ahmed's father and family are Sufi muslims.

Sufi's are like the hippies of the Islamic world. They are all about peace and love and tolerance and all that stuff.

So to paint Ahmed and his family as some kinda terrorist jihad sleeper cell making bombs is beyond absurd. ..... :cool:
..snip...a 14 year old was questioned without his parents being present. And when he requested a lawyer, the police ignored his request and continued to question him. THAT is what should have people up in arms. The blatant denial of basic constitutional rights is deplorable. There is NO excuse.
I'd waterboard the little shit to see who put him up to this stunt and why.
The part of this incident that goes over peoples heads is that Ahmed's father and family are Sufi muslims.

Sufi's are like the hippies of the Islamic world. They are all about peace and love and tolerance and all that stuff.

So to paint Ahmed and his family as some kinda terrorist jihad sleeper cell making bombs is beyond absurd. ..... :cool:
Sufi's may or may not be all about peace and love and tolerance but this family was not. Was the mother Sufi?
Great scam eh?

As I said, if it was bait it sure as hell worked, dinnit?

The thing is --- if the targets of this theoretical bait, i.e. the Bigot Brigade, had refused to take it seriously and simply sent him home with a "yeah sure kid, not gonna work" --- the whole thing would have failed.

But no--- they played right into (apparently) the plan, falling all over themselves to prove him right.

But at what point when all the school shootings and deaths that happen teachers are told now NOT TO REPORT SUSPICIOUS SHIT do you want the next school massacre to occur?

Everybody knew it wasn't a bomb. Achmed never maintained or indicated such. The question, speaking of scams, is --- why did they go on interrogating, susending etc ..... when they knew damn well it wasn't a bomb?

Banjo time!

Now frankly I don't give a shit. His dad is this big Islamic activist and that plays into this whole fucking drama. Oh and now the family is rich. Huge fucking donations. They will be wealthy beyond their wildest dreams.

:rofl: Oh the desperation to find a smokescreen narrative, once they got played. How 'bout a liddle fiddle with your banjo? :eusa_boohoo:

The reason they continued to investigate has been noted frequently in the two or three threads about this scam.
Short term memory loss?
I would like to commend the Islamic group for their public statement putting this in perspective, while NOT blaming the school:

Muslim group doesn't fault school, police for detention

IRVING, Texas (AP) — One of the largest Muslim groups in Texas said Thursday that it does not fault police and school officials who handcuffed and suspended a 14-year-old Muslim boy after he brought a homemade clock to class that they mistook for a possible bomb.

Instead, Khalid Hamideh of the Islamic Association of North Texas blamed political leaders for espousing inflammatory anti-Muslim rhetoric and creating a "climate of fear."

"We're not pointing a finger at the school district or the police department," Hamideh said. "Under the current climate that exists in this country, you can't really blame them because when they see something like that, they have to react."

And did they comment on school and police authorities continuing to pretend they were dealing with a bomb, when they all knew damn well they were not?


You sure are dimwitted. They reason they continued to investigate is something even a child would understand.
Ahmed Mohamed Withdraws From School Where He Was Arrested For Homemade Clock.....And kid, do yourself a favor next time, build a fuckin hero sandwich and leave the clock/bomb shit to the terrorist, your uncles and cousins....stupid shit!

Link to any of this family -- who are Sufi btw -- being in any way involved in terrorism or "bombs" is ..... where, Pinkie?


Didn't think so.
Next in line please...


Listen, if all ******* who aren't conservative are on welfare, surely this kid can have a terrorist or two in the family. Stereotyping a motherfucker, cuts both ways, Mohamid!!

Fuck you.
I don't do that, so FUCK you.
And if I forgot to mention it, FUCK YOU, Pinkbag.
You're every bit as pig-ignorant as they are. Actually more.

In closing -- Fuck The Fuck You. :fu:

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