Bye Bye Net Neutrality....Another Big Government Obama Program Repealed

This could mean that your service provider could increase what you have to pay, they could triple it if they wanted to, also they could block your access to any website, including this one, I'm not saying they will but you should carefully think about this before getting excited.

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You mean we might have to pay for what we use?! The horror!

Um no that's not what I mean.

Someone has been paying 40 a month for their Internet services, there is nothing preventing these Big Corporations now saying that someone must pay 100 a month for the same services they were getting before for 40 a month.

I hope you enjoy being ripped off by the Big Corporations. Also when they start blocking access to websites not considered Politically Correct, well enjoy that also.

Sure there is.

The next company charging $30

Perhaps nothing will change for you, however it's still sensible to be cautious and not get too excited in case the Big Corporations see this as an opportunity to do what Big Corporations usually do, the other issue is that this sort of thing will kill small Internet start up businesses and small businesses and medium sized businesses should always be supported and encouraged.
FREE INTERNET!!!!!!!:clap2:


Huh? The Internet is not free.


huh what

aren't you happy the Trump administration has done this?

I'm not a Rubber Stamp Skye, I have an independent thought process, I will read more about this situation and look at it from all angles and then either stay with this position I'm already taking in this thread or I'll reverse it and/or modify it.

Again the Internet is not free, you are paying something each month yes to have access to the Internet, if you pay for something it's not free.
Bend over - and have a Merry Trump Christmas!


Build your own internet super hiway.. Don't demand that folks that have done it -- provide it for free to anyone selling bandwidth heavy data streams... Let them charge their OWN customers for the "tariffs" to deliver their content.

Would be like Amazon demanding free parcel shipment from the USPService. As it IS -- Amazon NEGOTIATES a fair price with the carriers. Beats them up pretty good. That's the way this shit should work..

Net UN-Neutrality just died..

Except many people only have 1 ISP available to them.

Most EVERYONE has a choice of phone copper wire (DSL), Cable or Satellite, and Wireless phone data.. Even in the sticks -- you can do it with the first 2 choices And there are regional microwave links for extremely rural areas.
FREE INTERNET!!!!!!!:clap2:


Huh? The Internet is not free.


huh what

aren't you happy the Trump administration has done this?

I'm not a Rubber Stamp Skye, I have an independent thought process, I will read more about this situation and look at it from all angles and then either stay with this position I'm already taking in this thread or I'll reverse it and/or modify it.

Again the Internet is not free, you are paying something each month yes to have access to the Internet, if you pay for something it's not free.

....I don't know what situation you are in ...economic or otherwise...but

what the Trump Administration just did, in my opinion, is totally amazing and all patriots and millions of people overseas are happy for that step he took! :clap:
FREE INTERNET!!!!!!!:clap2:


Huh? The Internet is not free.


huh what

aren't you happy the Trump administration has done this?

I'm not a Rubber Stamp Skye, I have an independent thought process, I will read more about this situation and look at it from all angles and then either stay with this position I'm already taking in this thread or I'll reverse it and/or modify it.

Again the Internet is not free, you are paying something each month yes to have access to the Internet, if you pay for something it's not free.

....I don't know what situation you are in ...economic or otherwise...but

what the Trump Administration just did, in my opinion, is totally amazing and all patriots and millions of people overseas are happy for that step he took! :clap:

"...I don't know what situation you are in ...economic or otherwise"

I am Independently Wealthy. But just because I am Independently Wealthy does not mean I have to side with Big Corporations.
FREE INTERNET!!!!!!!:clap2:


Huh? The Internet is not free.


huh what

aren't you happy the Trump administration has done this?

I'm not a Rubber Stamp Skye, I have an independent thought process, I will read more about this situation and look at it from all angles and then either stay with this position I'm already taking in this thread or I'll reverse it and/or modify it.

Again the Internet is not free, you are paying something each month yes to have access to the Internet, if you pay for something it's not free.

....I don't know what situation you are in ...economic or otherwise...but

what the Trump Administration just did, in my opinion, is totally amazing and all patriots and millions of people overseas are happy for that step he took! :clap:

"...I don't know what situation you are in ...economic or otherwise"

I am Independently Wealthy. But just because I am Independently Wealthy does not mean I have to side with Big Corporations.

Darling you are wrong....and we are on different sides of the bridge then.

No more to say about this
Huh? The Internet is not free.


huh what

aren't you happy the Trump administration has done this?

I'm not a Rubber Stamp Skye, I have an independent thought process, I will read more about this situation and look at it from all angles and then either stay with this position I'm already taking in this thread or I'll reverse it and/or modify it.

Again the Internet is not free, you are paying something each month yes to have access to the Internet, if you pay for something it's not free.

....I don't know what situation you are in ...economic or otherwise...but

what the Trump Administration just did, in my opinion, is totally amazing and all patriots and millions of people overseas are happy for that step he took! :clap:

"...I don't know what situation you are in ...economic or otherwise"

I am Independently Wealthy. But just because I am Independently Wealthy does not mean I have to side with Big Corporations.

Darling you are wrong....and we are on different sides of the bridge then.

No more to say about this

Well I am Right-Wing but I've never been a Corporatist.
Bend over - and have a Merry Trump Christmas!


Build your own internet super hiway.. Don't demand that folks that have done it -- provide it for free to anyone selling bandwidth heavy data streams... Let them charge their OWN customers for the "tariffs" to deliver their content.

Would be like Amazon demanding free parcel shipment from the USPService. As it IS -- Amazon NEGOTIATES a fair price with the carriers. Beats them up pretty good. That's the way this shit should work..

Net UN-Neutrality just died..

Except many people only have 1 ISP available to them.

Most EVERYONE has a choice of phone copper wire (DSL), Cable or Satellite, and Wireless phone data.. Even in the sticks -- you can do it with the first 2 choices And there are regional microwave links for extremely rural areas.
there is no cable here and we just got a slow ass Dsl here only 3 or 4 years ago....before that there was only dial up....we had a promise of cable but time Warner broke that promise... we only have the 1 choice and cell phone doesn't work at my house either...

so, bull--ony on your assumption about rural living!
Huh? The Internet is not free.


huh what

aren't you happy the Trump administration has done this?

I'm not a Rubber Stamp Skye, I have an independent thought process, I will read more about this situation and look at it from all angles and then either stay with this position I'm already taking in this thread or I'll reverse it and/or modify it.

Again the Internet is not free, you are paying something each month yes to have access to the Internet, if you pay for something it's not free.

....I don't know what situation you are in ...economic or otherwise...but

what the Trump Administration just did, in my opinion, is totally amazing and all patriots and millions of people overseas are happy for that step he took! :clap:

"...I don't know what situation you are in ...economic or otherwise"

I am Independently Wealthy. But just because I am Independently Wealthy does not mean I have to side with Big Corporations.

Darling you are wrong....and we are on different sides of the bridge then.

No more to say about this

Why I am anti-Corporatism:


^^^^ When a Government is essentially owned by those same Big Corporations you then have Fascism as defined by Benito Mussolini, a Government bought and paid for, all the politicians bought and paid for through Corporate Lobbyists and via Special Interest Groups, they are beholden to their paymasters and not to the people.
If Trump were to deregulate all monopolies, so that they would be free to exploit, pollute, and steal anything they wanted, without fear of regulations, his base would stand up and cheer, decrying, "Thank you President Trump, for that kick in the ass!"
I'm happy today!

Very very happy! :mm:

And I'm thankful ....thankful that President Donald Trump has freed the Internet! :2up:

Nothing more need to be said! nothing at all....

apart from ((( Bless Donald Trump! )))

It's all good! :thup:
please tell us,

HOW HAS HE FREED IT? How do you think it will be better for us, the consumers, the users?

What do you not like about the past 10 years of using it to make you want to give it all up?

like I said before (are you reading this thread? all of it?)

this quote:
“Net Neutrality” was always about giving control over internet content, and all the downstream consequences therein, to an elite few control agents who use political ideology to control the internet.

We are not going to put up with this....not in America not in the rest of the world
I would sure like to find out more about that, have a link?
I always though net neutrality was only to ensure that all content on the internet is treated identically, giving no preference to any provider vs the another.
Or no preference to any kind of use of internet.
Here is the truth about net neutrality. It should be enough that whatever the socialists/marxists want, you should automatically be against.

For those that need more, this perfectly explains it.

Hey dumbass, we're for breathing. Now go off and hold your breath.
Can't believe people are against net neutrality just because of Obama. They don't even understand what they think they're against.

I'm going to laugh my ass off when when one of you rubes come in here crying that your isp slapped a 20$ charge on your bill just for accessing Breitbart.

This is also going to be a major losing issue for Republicans. The number of people who supported net neutrality far outweigh the idiot Trumpers, and all Dems have to do is come out supporting net neutrality for major wins.
I wrote more than 10 years ago (although at that time only in Russian forums :) ) that the freedom of the Internet comes to an end. We will tell our grandchildren about the fabulous times of the late 1990s and early 2000s. When on the Internet it was possible to do everything without fear of consequences.

Since then, year after year, freedom on the Internet remains ever less.

To some extent freedom is now provided by decentralized networks (I like ZeroNet!). But they are little popular. The overwhelming majority of users just watch the photos of cats on Facebook. And this is no one will take them away from them :) In the meantime, the majority is not infringed, there will be no really effective protests.

"Have the government fix this! It will make everything so much better!" said no one ever.

Progs love the government to take money from some people and give it to other people.

They have a heart and they care....with your money....not their own.
How will this decision affect the internet of things?

The same way cable impacted free TV over the airways.

You would have to choose a package?
What if the car I like to drive isn’t accepted by my ISP? Or my home alarm?

I get a feeling of a highway (internet), where I pay a toll. But the brand of my car or final destination suddenly impacts the pricing. The infrastructure is not neutral to the media so to speak.

"Have the government fix this! It will make everything so much better!" said no one ever.

The Internet must be treated as a common carrier utility. Simple as that. I suppose you must love paying more for the same shit?

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