Bye Bye Net Neutrality....Another Big Government Obama Program Repealed

What was true in re: net neutrality in 2014 is still true:

Until today.

"Rather than guarding against market abuses by dominant firms, the rules have been invoked in attempts to hinder innovation, impede competition, and block consumer price protections."

Net Neutrality Rules: Still a Threat to Internet Freedom

Nice! A heavily biased article from a conservative source. Uh, thanks? Let's go over the gist of this 'article':

"In a significant victory for American consumers, a federal appeals court struck down Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules regulating broadband Internet service on January 14."

Notice how the writer blatantly avoids mentioning net neutrality in his opening sentence.

"The much-anticipated decision clears the way for more investment, more innovation, and lower costs for Internet users."

The shenanigans continue in line 2. Gee, lots of promises, zero details about how this becomes a possibility. Hmm. Par for the course with Republican policy these days if you ask me, but I digress.

"But the political battle over these “network neutrality” rules—which limit differentiation and prioritization of Internet traffic—is far from over."

Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. Welcome to the issue. Injecting politics into it is totally unnecessary and has already proven to be a mistake. The fact that Mr. Cattuso refers to it as "Network Neutrality" in quotes already tells me he's way in over his head.

So what is "network neutrality?"

Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers must treat all data on the Internet the same, and not discriminate or charge differently by user, content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or method of communication.

That's it, kids! Any added explanation, theory or unwelcome political spin beyond that description must be heavily vetted regarding its merit. The internet will always work best the less government and private industry monkey around with it. It must be treated as a common carrier, like telephones, because the Internet is, at its heart, still an amazing tool for communication and so much more.

Think of the Internet like you would your local electrical service. It's a constant in most American lives, yes? Our infrastructures are so sound we sometimes take it for granted. If we lose it, our lives can be drastically affected at times. It is an expense that truly goes without saying when it comes to mainstream society. Now imagine if your electrical service was able to discriminate against powering certain devices. For example, your Samsung TV will receive full power 24/7, but that Frigidaire fridge of yours? It's probably only going to get about 1/3 power. On Fridays. Hopefully.

Would you be on board with all that?

"The repeal could change how customers are billed for services.... T-Mobile, for example, was criticized by net neutrality supporters for effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on their streaming media."

^This by far is the best and most packed full of bovine excrement sentence you came up with. Good show.

But, I actually read your contribution above. T-Mobile was criticized for giving users more bandwidth to a sponsor over an ordinary Joe. Net neutrality actually prevents this, but sometimes money and politics prevail. Ignorance is in amazing supply these days, however. I suppose it balances things out.

There's no meat in that turkey of a comment, IMHO.
The problem is that ISPs can literally now decide what apps you can access, what websites you can go to and what content you can see. And they can choose it based upon any criteria they want.

How odd, I don't recall them ever doing that to me prior to 2015. If you would be so kind, I would like to see evidence of this having happened to someone else. Hardly believable that ISPs can get away with all of that.

This is not doomsday stuff, this is because they have tried to do it before and had to be stopped (I can provide examples if you're interested).

Indeed, by all means.

This is why legislation was passed during the Obama years to basically say, all content must be made equally accessible and ISPs dont get to decide which content we can and cant see.

To be quite honest I never knew this kind of stuff was going on, whether it be through ignorance or observation I personally never experienced this kind of treatment at the hands of my ISP.

Government doesn't get to say what you can visit and neither should ISPs. This is Net Neutrality.

Intriguing... but what business interest would it serve the ISP to start censoring content?
The problem is that ISPs can literally now decide what apps you can access, what websites you can go to and what content you can see. And they can choose it based upon any criteria they want.

How odd, I don't recall them ever doing that to me prior to 2015. If you would be so kind, I would like to see evidence of this having happened to someone else. Hardly believable that ISPs can get away with all of that.

This is not doomsday stuff, this is because they have tried to do it before and had to be stopped (I can provide examples if you're interested).

Indeed, by all means.

This is why legislation was passed during the Obama years to basically say, all content must be made equally accessible and ISPs dont get to decide which content we can and cant see.

To be quite honest I never knew this kind of stuff was going on, whether it be through ignorance or observation I personally never experienced this kind of treatment at the hands of my ISP.

Government doesn't get to say what you can visit and neither should ISPs. This is Net Neutrality.

Intriguing... but what business interest would it serve the ISP to start censoring content?

And the one gripe I have is this:

Who enforces this "net neutrality"? The government. So it feels like to me this is an indirect means of control by the government over access to the internet. Not very "neutral" if you ask me.
I'm quoting:

"The term “Net Neutrality” was always about giving control over internet content, and all the downstream consequences therein, to an elite few control agents who use political ideology to control the internet."

and that ^^^ right there was bad news:cranky:

The Trump Administration is returning FREEDOM to the internet!

Bless Donald Trump!:clap2:

Specifically HOW does it do that?

Just an example Twitter and Facebook, etc... these companies have viewpoints and use those viewpoint to discriminate and these companies suspend accounts because they think different to their own ideas????

And you call that "net neutrality" ???

GOD BLESS Donald Trump for freeing the internet!.:clap2:

No offense meant, but I don't think you understand "net neutrality" - it's not about content. It's not about judging content. Boiled down it means this - providers must provide the equal speed/access to all content. That is what net neutrality is. They can't slow down some and favor others.

Net Neutrality (per the dictionary): the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.

This is what Trump wants to end.

What you are talking about with Facebook and Twitter has nothing to do with net neutrality.

Not only that but Facebook and Twitter are private companies - they can select content as they want according to their viewpoints if they want. However - they might lose customers if they make bad decisions. In this way they are no different then Fox or Breitbart. Do you think THEY allow all viewpoints? :dunno:

Because of course the Trumpsters want their internet providers to be able to censor what they get over the internet- and charge them more.
Another brainwashed ass who does not know how the FREE MARKET works.

Oh, but big government should be in charge....


Tell us O wise one. How does a completely unregulated market work?

Don't forget to explain Cartels, Monopolies and the Cosa Nostra

Much like the Internet has worked from it's inception.. :rolleyes: With no govt heavy hands. There IS a bit of anarchy to it all. But it's efficient and it's consumer driven for the most part. Companies can sue each other, negotiate with each other. BUY each other.

And except for the fact that many mergers have been approved that probably should NOT have been. Nobody's got a real valid beef about completely unregulated internet.

Not yet. The chickens are still alive, but the fox is now in the hen house.

No problems here... If the ISP mess with the internet Google and Apple will just buy controlling interests in the companies with cash on hand and a special FU, they will power down Breitbart and all Alt-right content providers...

When it comes to the internet don't screw with Google, Apple, Amazon.... Every search you do will yield there view of the world... For starters they all are focused on climate change and they kill anto global warming sites...

This is going to be great... They will kill the fake alt-right news...

No problems here... If the ISP mess with the internet Google and Apple will just buy controlling interests in the companies with cash on hand and a special FU, they will power down Breitbart and all Alt-right content providers...

When it comes to the internet don't screw with Google, Apple, Amazon.... Every search you do will yield there view of the world... For starters they all are focused on climate change and they kill anto global warming sites...

This is going to be great... They will kill the fake alt-right news...

Is this a conspiracy theory or an assertion based on facts you have on hand? That defeats the whole purpose of "net neutrality" does it not?

No problems here... If the ISP mess with the internet Google and Apple will just buy controlling interests in the companies with cash on hand and a special FU, they will power down Breitbart and all Alt-right content providers...

When it comes to the internet don't screw with Google, Apple, Amazon.... Every search you do will yield there view of the world... For starters they all are focused on climate change and they kill anto global warming sites...

This is going to be great... They will kill the fake alt-right news...

Yea, Dems are very concerned about stopping censorship of opinions that oppose theirs. :badgrin:

That’s what so hilariously proves your point is bullshit.

Dems would love to censor every anti-left website.

They tear down fucking statues of people who have been dead for 200years because they did stuff in the 1700 that were “bad”.

On this board, the first thing any Prog does is attack the source of any news they don’t like.

Sorry, I am not buying your premise that Democrats want to protect alt-right websites...that’s utter bullshit.

Whenever Dems are pissed off at something Trump does, I know he did the correct thing.

If you want to freak me out, agree with him on something.
I'm quoting:

"The term “Net Neutrality” was always about giving control over internet content, and all the downstream consequences therein, to an elite few control agents who use political ideology to control the internet."

and that ^^^ right there was bad news:cranky:

The Trump Administration is returning FREEDOM to the internet!

Bless Donald Trump!:clap2:

Specifically HOW does it do that?

Just an example Twitter and Facebook, etc... these companies have viewpoints and use those viewpoint to discriminate and these companies suspend accounts because they think different to their own ideas????

And you call that "net neutrality" ???

GOD BLESS Donald Trump for freeing the internet!.:clap2:

No offense meant, but I don't think you understand "net neutrality" - it's not about content. It's not about judging content. Boiled down it means this - providers must provide the equal speed/access to all content. That is what net neutrality is. They can't slow down some and favor others.

Net Neutrality (per the dictionary): the principle that Internet service providers should enable access to all content and applications regardless of the source, and without favoring or blocking particular products or websites.

This is what Trump wants to end.

What you are talking about with Facebook and Twitter has nothing to do with net neutrality.

Not only that but Facebook and Twitter are private companies - they can select content as they want according to their viewpoints if they want. However - they might lose customers if they make bad decisions. In this way they are no different then Fox or Breitbart. Do you think THEY allow all viewpoints? :dunno:
And if I had multiple choices for internet providers this remains highly unlikely to happen.

Now who setup limiting choices again?
This is a huge literally cuts off internet entrepreneurship...

it also allows the big internet service providers pick and choose who runs at what more bandwidth to the amazon and Netflix of the world, even if you choose not to use them, while throttling a small business you may want to shop at.

Under net neutrality, I and you paid for the maximum speed we want or could afford, and every site we go to was in the same broadband speed range that we paid for....

without net neutrality, only the service providers can choose the speed for each internet site out there....if someone like Netflix gives them some extra money, then the service provider can give them more bandwidth while throttling the sites that you like to go to....

It's a nightmare come true...............BIG BIG BIG BIG mistake....

there is NOTHING AT ALL in this measure that is good for the consumer....NOTHING.

"it literally cuts off internet entrepreneurship..."

Exactly small Internet start up companies are going to be fucked, so much for supporting small businesses :rolleyes-41: The Big Corporations are just going to chew them up and spit them out.

No problems here... If the ISP mess with the internet Google and Apple will just buy controlling interests in the companies with cash on hand and a special FU, they will power down Breitbart and all Alt-right content providers...

When it comes to the internet don't screw with Google, Apple, Amazon.... Every search you do will yield there view of the world... For starters they all are focused on climate change and they kill anto global warming sites...

This is going to be great... They will kill the fake alt-right news...

Yea, Dems are very concerned about stopping censorship of opinions that oppose theirs. :badgrin:

That’s what so hilariously proves your point is bullshit.

Dems would love to censor every anti-left website.

They tear down fucking statues of people who have been dead for 200years because they did stuff in the 1700 that were “bad”.

On this board, the first thing any Prog does is attack the source of any news they don’t like.

Sorry, I am not buying your premise that Democrats want to protect alt-right websites...that’s utter bullshit.

Whenever Dems are pissed off at something Trump does, I know he did the correct thing.

If you want to freak me out, agree with him on something.
I'm happy today!

Very very happy! :mm:

And I'm thankful ....thankful that President Donald Trump has freed the Internet! :2up:

Nothing more need to be said! nothing at all....

apart from ((( Bless Donald Trump! )))

It's all good! :thup:
it's our internet, our gvt and colleges created it with our money.... these providers didn't do crap to create it and should NOT be controlling who we can view via speed or throttle....
it's our internet, our gvt and colleges created it with our money.... these providers didn't do crap to create it and should NOT be controlling who we can view via speed or throttle....

And they can't. They can't even make you buy their product. You must be confusing this with the coercive scheme called obamacare.

They also do not provide the internet but the ACCESS to it, so who created the internet has no relevance. At least any more than invented the car has relevance on what type of gas the gas station can offer.

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