Bye Bye Net Neutrality....Another Big Government Obama Program Repealed

"The plan to restore Internet freedom will bring back the same legal framework that was governing the Internet three years ago today and that has governed the Internet for most of its existence.

"Let me repeat this point. The plan will bring back the same framework that governed the Internet for most of its existence. If you’ve been reading some of the media coverage about the plan, this might be news to you. After all, returning to the legal framework for Internet regulation that was in place three years ago today doesn’t sound like “destroying the Internet” or “ending the Internet as we know it.” And it certainly isn’t good clickbait. But facts are stubborn things.

"And here are some of those facts. Until 2015, the FCC treated high-speed Internet access as a lightly-regulated “information service” under Title I of the Communications Act. A few years ago, the Obama Administration instructed the FCC to change course. And it did, on a party-line vote in 2015; it classified Internet access as a heavily-regulated “telecommunications service” under Title II of the Communications Act. If the plan is adopted on December 14, we’ll simply reverse the FCC’s 2015 decision and go back to the pre-2015 Title I framework."

I remember pre-2015 internet.

It was a wonderful thing. Searches bore fruit. Youtubers weren't blocked and facebook accounts weren't frozen for sharing too much information.

I'm going to go buy my local ISP service provider a drink. I bet he's happy today. Local business, local person...he's awesome.

FCC Overturns Fallacy of Net Neutrality – Trump Administration Returns Freedom To The Internet…
I'm quoting:

"The term “Net Neutrality” was always about giving control over internet content, and all the downstream consequences therein, to an elite few control agents who use political ideology to control the internet."

and that ^^^ right there was bad news:cranky:

The Trump Administration is returning FREEDOM to the internet!

Bless Donald Trump!:clap2:
We HAD freedom, net neutrality is HOW THE INTERNET has run from the beginning,

Taking it away, REMOVES the freedom from the customer, and in to the very few hands of the service providers....


Of course exactly the opposite is true.

We had internet freedom..until 2015. When obammy eliminated it.

Rolling back the commie bs we were saddled with by that commie piece of filth and his disgusting is a good, good day.

Trump's the man.
I'm quoting:

"The term “Net Neutrality” was always about giving control over internet content, and all the downstream consequences therein, to an elite few control agents who use political ideology to control the internet."

and that ^^^ right there was bad news:cranky:

The Trump Administration is returning FREEDOM to the internet!

Bless Donald Trump!:clap2:

Specifically HOW does it do that?

Just an example Twitter and Facebook, etc... these companies have viewpoints and use those viewpoint to discriminate and these companies suspend accounts because they think different to their own ideas????

And you call that "net neutrality" ???

GOD BLESS Donald Trump for freeing the internet!.:clap2:
Your second link was interesting. Under the previous law all content was treated the same and had to be done so by the ISPs. '

Under the new rules each individual ISP will have to have their individual decisions approved by the FTC.

The new rule sounds a lot more like micromanaging than the old one.

I have no idea how you came up with sounds like a lot more local control.

Which is always a good thing.

The basic idea about a global network isn’t anything “local”.
Tell me more, except for the little man’s ability to get entertainers
Please explain how this helps the "little guy".

There is a reason none of the "little guys" supported the change, only the giant megacorps.

I bolded it for you and posted it twice. But I guess I'll make it bigger, and redder, to help you.

And here is something that you might find helpful:

effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on theirstreaming media."

Some underlining going along your bolding. What if the internet serves a purpose beyond streaming media for entertainment?

I know, you are just a spectator in the audience of the reality show of the US, but others, the citizens of a population of the nation US have more to their minds than being entertained. How are they going to be affected?

Not sure my self, but that’s perhaps a more interesting question.

To get your thinking started:
Your ability to vote, access your bank, medical records, navigation, home security system, where abouts of your children, accessing emergency service or ordering food. Stuff like that.

I'm sorry I can't make heads or tails of your garbled nonsense.

Not your fault, it contained no partisan one-liner.

No, you inability to put together intelligent commentary, to properly group your comments, and to use quotes where applicable made it too tiresome to wade through the idiocy you post. I know there's no pay off at the end, so I don't bother.


"Chairman Pai righteously called out Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other platform control agents for being ideologically biased, and using their platforms to target their ideological opposition."

Yup. We're going to break the soros stranglehold on the internet.
It's awesome.
FCC Overturns Fallacy of Net Neutrality – Trump Administration Returns Freedom To The Internet…

Don’t ever start thinking, it will ruin the fun.
Stream along.

"The new rules give internet service providers sweeping powers to change how consumers access the internet but must have new transparency requirements that will require them to disclose any changes to consumers."

That's what is killing the dems. They don't like transparency, and they want the heavy hand of the government to force people to accept what they feed them, leaving them no alternatives.
U.S. regulators ditch net neutrality rules as legal battles loom
Dear Lord you are stupid!!!

You think it is GREAT that the service providers can make all the changes they want, as long as they tell you? :rofl::rofl:
I'm quoting:

"The term “Net Neutrality” was always about giving control over internet content, and all the downstream consequences therein, to an elite few control agents who use political ideology to control the internet."

and that ^^^ right there was bad news:cranky:

The Trump Administration is returning FREEDOM to the internet!

Bless Donald Trump!:clap2:

Specifically HOW does it do that?

Just an example Twitter and Facebook, etc... these companies have viewpoints and use those viewpoint to discriminate and these companies suspend accounts because they think different to their own ideas????

And you call that "net neutrality" ???

GOD BLESS Donald Trump for freeing the internet!.:clap2:

One of my friends routinely has his youtube videos of antifa acting like pukes and getting their asses kicked removed. They yanked one today (kind of like when Coyote closed that thread showing the same...) it had 200,000 views (my friend's video).

Commies don't like people to see what they're really all about. That's why they do things like close threads they don't like and remove videos they don't like from Youtube.

But thanks to trump, those days are gone. We're getting a true and free internet back.


Next...let's build some prisons and nuthatches, to put all the worthless, mentally ill, criminal, and non-producing asswipes away for good!

"The new rules give internet service providers sweeping powers to change how consumers access the internet but must have new transparency requirements that will require them to disclose any changes to consumers."

That's what is killing the dems. They don't like transparency, and they want the heavy hand of the government to force people to accept what they feed them, leaving them no alternatives.
U.S. regulators ditch net neutrality rules as legal battles loom
Dear Lord you are stupid!!!

You think it is GREAT that the service providers can make all the changes they want, as long as they tell you? :rofl::rofl:

I do.

And it's wrong, but I definitely get excited seeing how it makes lying lefty scumbags, like you, get all het up over it.

"The new rules give internet service providers sweeping powers to change how consumers access the internet but must have new transparency requirements that will require them to disclose any changes to consumers."

That's what is killing the dems. They don't like transparency, and they want the heavy hand of the government to force people to accept what they feed them, leaving them no alternatives.
U.S. regulators ditch net neutrality rules as legal battles loom
Dear Lord you are stupid!!!

You think it is GREAT that the service providers can make all the changes they want, as long as they tell you? :rofl::rofl:

" early 2015, the FCC chose a decidedly different course for the Internet. At the
urging of the Obama Administration, the FCC scrapped the tried-and-true, light touch regulation of the Internet and replaced it with heavy-handed micromanagement.

"It did this despite the fact that the Internet wasn’t broken in 2015. There was no market failure that justified the regulatory sledgehammer of Title II. But no matter; 21st century networks would now be regulated under creaky rules that were the hot new thing back in the 1930s, during the Roosevelt Administration.

"The results have been bad for consumers. The first negative consumer impact is less
infrastructure investment. The top complaint consumers have about the Internet is not and has never been that their ISP is doing things like blocking content; it’s that they don’t have enough access and competition. Ironically, Title II has made that concern even worse by reducing investment in building and maintaining high-speed networks. In the two years of the Title II era, broadband network investment declined by $3.6 billion—or more than 5%. Notably, this is the first time that such investment has declined outside of a recession in the Internet era.

"When there’s less investment, that means fewer next-generation networks are built. That means fewer jobs for Americans building those networks. And that means more Americans are left on the wrong side on the digital divide."

FCC Overturns Fallacy of Net Neutrality – Trump Administration Returns Freedom To The Internet…
They are now going to set up tiers, just like cable or satelite TV.... You'll be paying a higher price to get the sites you've always had access to....
They are now going to set up tiers, just like cable or satelite TV.... You'll be paying a higher price to get the sites you've always had access to....

Cable and satellite tv were also regulated by the feds..and ultimately priced themselves out of existence.

That's the way it goes. When people are free to find alternatives..they do.

But commies don't like that. They want to saddle everybody with the same crappy shit, all of which is controlled by the feds.
Bend over - and have a Merry Trump Christmas!


Build your own internet super hiway.. Don't demand that folks that have done it -- provide it for free to anyone selling bandwidth heavy data streams... Let them charge their OWN customers for the "tariffs" to deliver their content.

Would be like Amazon demanding free parcel shipment from the USPService. As it IS -- Amazon NEGOTIATES a fair price with the carriers. Beats them up pretty good. That's the way this shit should work..

Net UN-Neutrality just died..

Except many people only have 1 ISP available to them.
I'm quoting:

"The term “Net Neutrality” was always about giving control over internet content, and all the downstream consequences therein, to an elite few control agents who use political ideology to control the internet."

and that ^^^ right there was bad news:cranky:

The Trump Administration is returning FREEDOM to the internet!

Bless Donald Trump!:clap2:

Specifically HOW does it do that?

Just an example Twitter and Facebook, etc... these companies have viewpoints and use those viewpoint to discriminate and these companies suspend accounts because they think different to their own ideas????

And you call that "net neutrality" ???

GOD BLESS Donald Trump for freeing the internet!.:clap2:

One of my friends routinely has his youtube videos of antifa acting like pukes and getting their asses kicked removed. They yanked one today (kind of like when Coyote closed that thread showing the same...) it had 200,000 views (my friend's video).

Commies don't like people to see what they're really all about. That's why they do things like close threads they don't like and remove videos they don't like from Youtube.

But thanks to trump, those days are gone. We're getting a true and free internet back.


Next...let's build some prisons and nuthatches, to put all the worthless, mentally ill, criminal, and non-producing asswipes away for good!

Now that’s a very good example!
Maybe I misjudged you.

This is how it’s going to work:
Your ISP won’t tell YouTube what too keep or discard. The content you desire to watch (beating of people) would still not be available on YouTube. When your data limit is used up, you might still access YouTube, but not the sites hosting your choice of entertainment.

Still, I’m not sure about net neutrality, but it is far more complex than one might imagine.
I think it's pretty funny, because most of you Trump supporters are the ones who are going to end up getting hurt the most by this (rural Americans with only 1 ISP). As is the case for many of the changes Trump is making. When given the choice between fresh water and poison, you knowingly choose poison. It's quite remarkable.

In the end, this won't matter anyway, Republicans are doing their utmost to give control back to the democrats, who will just reinstate net neutrality in a few years.
Bottom line...
Trump won because the ISPs who hate him couldn't stop him.
If prices go up, he's a guaranteed 1 term president.

You only have to look at the mental MIDGETS name their bills and programs. And then COMPLETELY reverse the meaning of it -- "to find out what's in it".. Like the Affordable Care Act or the PATRIOT act or Net Neutrality..

It works every time. So it's actually a Net Regulations act.. Not neutrality. And it more govt/corporate collusion to pick the WINNERS and the LOSERS in a marketplace.

In what way would you say the Internet has been regulated? Have you noticed any difference?

Also are you willing to trust all these Big Corporations that they are not going to begin discriminating against certain websites if some SJW CEO decides that x website upsets his Bedwetting feelings? Look at how Google now is, most who work at Google are SJW, same with YouTube, both blocking access to certain websites and videos because THEY have decided the websites are not Politically Correct.

So do you want the WHOLE Internet operating like Google and YouTube? Also as I already commented there is also nothing stopping Internet Service Providers from adding extra or even extortionate charges.

The thing that prevents extortionist charges is competition. Google does not want to deal with ATT or the cable companies -- they LAY their OWN FIBER !!! THAT improves the internet. Otherwise you're MAINTAINING the status quo of the trunk carriers. And nothing gets built. Because building a new distribution path has no value.

Net neutrality does not YET make content judgements. Only bandwidth judgements. I hate Google. I UN-GOOGLE my life as much as possible. But people demanding FREE ACCESS to your distribution investment is counter to every free market concept. What's next? Demanding the Cable companies carry every podunk network or TV channel for free?

Ah, yes! We will all be protected from monopolies by competition! In my case, for example, I have my choice between internet service provided by service at all.
What was true in re: net neutrality in 2014 is still true:

"Rather than guarding against market abuses by dominant firms, the rules have been invoked in attempts to hinder innovation, impede competition, and block consumer price protections."

Net Neutrality Rules: Still a Threat to Internet Freedom

"The repeal could change how customers are billed for services.... T-Mobile, for example, was criticized by net neutrality supporters for effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on their streaming media."

Net neutrality: Here's what Thursday's vote to repeal is really all about

Lefties hate it when the little guy gets a break.

There is no way to spin this as giving the little guy a break. The big boys, Facebook and Google for example, can easily afford the new fees that will be charged by internet providers to those providing content. But, messageboards like this, or new start-ups looking to compete with Facebook and Google, not going to have a chance since they won't be able to afford those fees.

Let me tell you what this is all about. My internet provider is also my cable television provider. I could ditch the cable and use a streaming service. But now, it is a pretty safe bet that my internet provider is going to slow down those streaming services like Sling TV. Slow them down to such an extent that they will no longer be an option thereby preserving their "monopoly" as a television provider.

Alternately, they can charge internet users like me based on usage. Generally it is expected that it will become a tiered system much like wireless phone providers. Yapping on an internet message board won't be too bad. But video gaming online, streaming movies from Netflix, that is going to cost some bucks much like those unlimited cell phone plans.

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