Bye Bye Net Neutrality....Another Big Government Obama Program Repealed

The government was not controlling anything, that is just a stupid Repub talking point. If you are going to just parrot talking points then I will take my leave as it is not worth my time.

paraphrase: "Your facts have confounded me! I have no talking points except the ones I already spewed! I must run!"

So, all you do is parrot talking points. Thanks for the heads up.

Nope, that's what you do.

Over and over again. Then when you are busted you cry, say "yore stoopid!" and run.

So now you have moved to schoolyard taunts. Sorry, you now boring me.

I think it's funny,. I post this..and since then you have started posting over and over "talking points only! Yore stupid!" on multiple threads.

Which, btw, is a violation of the forum rules which requires you to address content.

I wonder why you're afraid to address content?

Because you have none of your own, of course.

So here, I'll give you another chance...see if you can address the content...or restrain yourself from non-content flames:

What was true in re: net neutrality in 2014 is still true:

"Rather than guarding against market abuses by dominant firms, the rules have been invoked in attempts to hinder innovation, impede competition, and block consumer price protections."

Net Neutrality Rules: Still a Threat to Internet Freedom

"The repeal could change how customers are billed for services.... T-Mobile, for example, was criticized by net neutrality supporters for effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on their streaming media."

Net neutrality: Here's what Thursday's vote to repeal is really all about

Lefties hate it when the little guy gets a break.

Please explain how this helps the "little guy".

There is a reason none of the "little guys" supported the change, only the giant megacorps.
What was true in re: net neutrality in 2014 is still true:

"Rather than guarding against market abuses by dominant firms, the rules have been invoked in attempts to hinder innovation, impede competition, and block consumer price protections."

Net Neutrality Rules: Still a Threat to Internet Freedom

"The repeal could change how customers are billed for services.... T-Mobile, for example, was criticized by net neutrality supporters for effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on their streaming media."

Net neutrality: Here's what Thursday's vote to repeal is really all about

Lefties hate it when the little guy gets a break.

Your second link was interesting. Under the previous law all content was treated the same and had to be done so by the ISPs. '

Under the new rules each individual ISP will have to have their individual decisions approved by the FTC.

The new rule sounds a lot more like micromanaging than the old one.

I have no idea how you came up with sounds like a lot more local control.

Which is always a good thing.
paraphrase: "Your facts have confounded me! I have no talking points except the ones I already spewed! I must run!"

So, all you do is parrot talking points. Thanks for the heads up.

Nope, that's what you do.

Over and over again. Then when you are busted you cry, say "yore stoopid!" and run.

So now you have moved to schoolyard taunts. Sorry, you now boring me.

I think it's funny,. I post this..and since then you have started posting over and over "talking points only! Yore stupid!" on multiple threads.

Which, btw, is a violation of the forum rules which requires you to address content.

I wonder why you're afraid to address content?

Because you have none of your own, of course.

So here, I'll give you another chance...see if you can address the content...or restrain yourself from non-content flames:

What was true in re: net neutrality in 2014 is still true:

"Rather than guarding against market abuses by dominant firms, the rules have been invoked in attempts to hinder innovation, impede competition, and block consumer price protections."

Net Neutrality Rules: Still a Threat to Internet Freedom

"The repeal could change how customers are billed for services.... T-Mobile, for example, was criticized by net neutrality supporters for effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on their streaming media."

Net neutrality: Here's what Thursday's vote to repeal is really all about

Lefties hate it when the little guy gets a break.

Please explain how this helps the "little guy".

There is a reason none of the "little guys" supported the change, only the giant megacorps.

I bolded it for you and posted it twice. But I guess I'll make it bigger, and redder, to help you.

And here is something that you might find helpful:

This is a huge literally cuts off internet entrepreneurship...

it also allows the big internet service providers pick and choose who runs at what more bandwidth to the amazon and Netflix of the world, even if you choose not to use them, while throttling a small business you may want to shop at.

Under net neutrality, I and you paid for the maximum speed we want or could afford, and every site we go to was in the same broadband speed range that we paid for....

without net neutrality, only the service providers can choose the speed for each internet site out there....if someone like Netflix gives them some extra money, then the service provider can give them more bandwidth while throttling the sites that you like to go to....

It's a nightmare come true...............BIG BIG BIG BIG mistake....

there is NOTHING AT ALL in this measure that is good for the consumer....NOTHING.
This is a huge literally cuts off internet entrepreneurship...

it also allows the big internet service providers pick and choose who runs at what more bandwidth to the amazon and Netflix of the world, even if you choose not to use them, while throttling a small business you may want to shop at.

Under net neutrality, I and you paid for the maximum speed we want or could afford, and every site we go to was in the same broadband speed range that we paid for....

without net neutrality, only the service providers can choose the speed for each internet site out there....if someone like Netflix gives them some extra money, then the service provider can give them more bandwidth while throttling the sites that you like to go to....

It's a nightmare come true...............BIG BIG BIG BIG mistake....

there is NOTHING AT ALL in this measure that is good for the consumer....NOTHING.

It doesn't do any of those things lol.

Net neutrality does though.
Google that are accountsble to shareholders only. Wether it is media giants or tech giants....they tell us what to read, what is important, what to buy, what value and how to vote.

They can't exist with customers. There will always be other stockholders. Corporations are ALWAYS more scared of their customer relations than their stockholder relations. Because in reality, most corporations keep a VERY LARGE controlling chunk of stock in their own house and with their top management..

Regulation is exactly what has caused the steroidal growth of tech and corp giants. We have damn few NEW business ventures that actually have a useful products to support life and infrastructure. All we've seen for about 15 years now is mergers and acquisitions. Because when you continue to REGULATE and increase legal compliance -- only the LARGE CORPORATIONS are gonna be left. So in reality, you'll get EXACTLY the opposite effect with MORE govt intervention..

Right now -- a "successful" idea and start-up cannot raise enough cash and reporting/legal/regulation infrastructure to "go public" or independent. They are just Scooby Snacks for Google,, Amazon, Facebook or Disney.. So no one can reach the point of being a competitor with the giants.

Just like I pointed out in this one. It virtually FREEZES internet distribution capabilities. No one is gonna pay for bandwidth expansions under Net Neutrality. In 6 or 10 years, the govt will be back trying to BUILD that capability with tax dollars...

It's not regulation that caused that - it's evolution. Look at how the world was before - you had company towns, where one interest owned everything. You had monopolies that could simply crush competition. If they are powerful enough they aren't going to care too much about customer relations because customers have no one else. The problem is entities that get too large and too powerful they OWN politics. The problem is all that money flowing into our political system. The end result? One example - the tax bill - a give away to all those corporate donors who bought their politicians.
This is a huge literally cuts off internet entrepreneurship...

it also allows the big internet service providers pick and choose who runs at what more bandwidth to the amazon and Netflix of the world, even if you choose not to use them, while throttling a small business you may want to shop at.

Under net neutrality, I and you paid for the maximum speed we want or could afford, and every site we go to was in the same broadband speed range that we paid for....

without net neutrality, only the service providers can choose the speed for each internet site out there....if someone like Netflix gives them some extra money, then the service provider can give them more bandwidth while throttling the sites that you like to go to....

It's a nightmare come true...............BIG BIG BIG BIG mistake....

there is NOTHING AT ALL in this measure that is good for the consumer....NOTHING.

It doesn't do any of those things lol.

Net neutrality does though.

What was true in re: net neutrality in 2014 is still true:

"Rather than guarding against market abuses by dominant firms, the rules have been invoked in attempts to hinder innovation, impede competition, and block consumer price protections."

Net Neutrality Rules: Still a Threat to Internet Freedom

"The repeal could change how customers are billed for services.... T-Mobile, for example, was criticized by net neutrality supporters for effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on their streaming media."

Net neutrality: Here's what Thursday's vote to repeal is really all about

Lefties hate it when the little guy gets a break.

Your second link was interesting. Under the previous law all content was treated the same and had to be done so by the ISPs. '

Under the new rules each individual ISP will have to have their individual decisions approved by the FTC.

The new rule sounds a lot more like micromanaging than the old one.

I have no idea how you came up with sounds like a lot more local control.

Which is always a good thing.

The basic idea about a global network isn’t anything “local”.
Tell me more, except for the little man’s ability to get entertainers
So, all you do is parrot talking points. Thanks for the heads up.

Nope, that's what you do.

Over and over again. Then when you are busted you cry, say "yore stoopid!" and run.

So now you have moved to schoolyard taunts. Sorry, you now boring me.

I think it's funny,. I post this..and since then you have started posting over and over "talking points only! Yore stupid!" on multiple threads.

Which, btw, is a violation of the forum rules which requires you to address content.

I wonder why you're afraid to address content?

Because you have none of your own, of course.

So here, I'll give you another chance...see if you can address the content...or restrain yourself from non-content flames:

What was true in re: net neutrality in 2014 is still true:

"Rather than guarding against market abuses by dominant firms, the rules have been invoked in attempts to hinder innovation, impede competition, and block consumer price protections."

Net Neutrality Rules: Still a Threat to Internet Freedom

"The repeal could change how customers are billed for services.... T-Mobile, for example, was criticized by net neutrality supporters for effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on their streaming media."

Net neutrality: Here's what Thursday's vote to repeal is really all about

Lefties hate it when the little guy gets a break.

Please explain how this helps the "little guy".

There is a reason none of the "little guys" supported the change, only the giant megacorps.

I bolded it for you and posted it twice. But I guess I'll make it bigger, and redder, to help you.

And here is something that you might find helpful:

effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on theirstreaming media."

Some underlining going along your bolding. What if the internet serves a purpose beyond streaming media for entertainment?

I know, you are just a spectator in the audience of the reality show of the US, but others, the citizens of a population of the nation US have more to their minds than being entertained. How are they going to be affected?

Not sure my self, but that’s perhaps a more interesting question.

To get your thinking started:
Your ability to vote, access your bank, medical records, navigation, home security system, where abouts of your children, accessing emergency service or ordering food. Stuff like that.
Well after reading some of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen, I’m gonna take a short break from this sight. When I come back, I’ll look forward to reading all the hell being raised because you guys have been blocked from seeing all your favorite conspiracy theorists like Breitbart and InfoWars have been blocked.

That won't ever happen. It might take you 2 seconds longer to load a video from them than from YouTube. But they won't be fucking with page loads nor content. Unless you go thru "lefty censorship" at Facebook or Google or another one of those places that don't believe in free speech and open content..

Why do you call it "lefty censorship"? They are private entities. They can set what rules (within the law) they want. Just like Brietbart. Or...heaven forbid Alex Jones.... Or CNN .... etc etc.
I'm quoting:

"The term “Net Neutrality” was always about giving control over internet content, and all the downstream consequences therein, to an elite few control agents who use political ideology to control the internet."

and that ^^^ right there was bad news:cranky:

The Trump Administration is returning FREEDOM to the internet!

Bless Donald Trump!:clap2:
What was true in re: net neutrality in 2014 is still true:

"Rather than guarding against market abuses by dominant firms, the rules have been invoked in attempts to hinder innovation, impede competition, and block consumer price protections."

Net Neutrality Rules: Still a Threat to Internet Freedom

"The repeal could change how customers are billed for services.... T-Mobile, for example, was criticized by net neutrality supporters for effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on their streaming media."

Net neutrality: Here's what Thursday's vote to repeal is really all about

Lefties hate it when the little guy gets a break.

Your second link was interesting. Under the previous law all content was treated the same and had to be done so by the ISPs. '

Under the new rules each individual ISP will have to have their individual decisions approved by the FTC.

The new rule sounds a lot more like micromanaging than the old one.

I have no idea how you came up with sounds like a lot more local control.

Which is always a good thing.

The basic idea about a global network isn’t anything “local”.
Tell me more, except for the little man’s ability to get entertainers
Nope, that's what you do.

Over and over again. Then when you are busted you cry, say "yore stoopid!" and run.

So now you have moved to schoolyard taunts. Sorry, you now boring me.

I think it's funny,. I post this..and since then you have started posting over and over "talking points only! Yore stupid!" on multiple threads.

Which, btw, is a violation of the forum rules which requires you to address content.

I wonder why you're afraid to address content?

Because you have none of your own, of course.

So here, I'll give you another chance...see if you can address the content...or restrain yourself from non-content flames:

What was true in re: net neutrality in 2014 is still true:

"Rather than guarding against market abuses by dominant firms, the rules have been invoked in attempts to hinder innovation, impede competition, and block consumer price protections."

Net Neutrality Rules: Still a Threat to Internet Freedom

"The repeal could change how customers are billed for services.... T-Mobile, for example, was criticized by net neutrality supporters for effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on their streaming media."

Net neutrality: Here's what Thursday's vote to repeal is really all about

Lefties hate it when the little guy gets a break.

Please explain how this helps the "little guy".

There is a reason none of the "little guys" supported the change, only the giant megacorps.

I bolded it for you and posted it twice. But I guess I'll make it bigger, and redder, to help you.

And here is something that you might find helpful:

effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on theirstreaming media."

Some underlining going along your bolding. What if the internet serves a purpose beyond streaming media for entertainment?

I know, you are just a spectator in the audience of the reality show of the US, but others, the citizens of a population of the nation US have more to their minds than being entertained. How are they going to be affected?

Not sure my self, but that’s perhaps a more interesting question.

To get your thinking started:
Your ability to vote, access your bank, medical records, navigation, home security system, where abouts of your children, accessing emergency service or ordering food. Stuff like that.

I'm sorry I can't make heads or tails of your garbled nonsense.
I'm quoting:

"The term “Net Neutrality” was always about giving control over internet content, and all the downstream consequences therein, to an elite few control agents who use political ideology to control the internet."

and that ^^^ right there was bad news:cranky:

The Trump Administration is returning FREEDOM to the internet!

Bless Donald Trump!:clap2:

Yup yup.
Breaking Update!

Trump is apparently a Time Traveler

From 2014.

Donald J. Trump
Obama’s attack on the internet is another top down power grab. Net neutrality is the Fairness Doctrine. Will target conservative media.
12:58 PM · Nov 12, 2014

Obama wanted a Chinese internet type of censorship. cannot have it it ain't gonna happen anymore .;)

GOD Bless President Trump!

That is just silly.

Net Neutrality (and I haven't decided how I feel about it yet) is nothing like the Fairness Doctrine. It doesn't address or set standards for specific content. It just says it all gets treated the same. The Chinese system is completely different. Everything goes through a government firewall. Now explain what Obama actually did that is like that.

And most people don't have a clue what the Fairness Doctrine was and WHY it was created.
I'm quoting:

"The term “Net Neutrality” was always about giving control over internet content, and all the downstream consequences therein, to an elite few control agents who use political ideology to control the internet."

and that ^^^ right there was bad news:cranky:

The Trump Administration is returning FREEDOM to the internet!

Bless Donald Trump!:clap2:

Specifically HOW does it do that?
"“Net Neutrality” was always about giving control over internet content, and all the downstream consequences therein, to an elite few control agents who use political ideology to control the internet."

"Thankfully, today FCC Chairman Ajit Pai led the FCC board to overturn the 2015 Obama regulation of the internet. One of the benefits all will see, on the revenue and business side of the internet, is market competition will begin providing alternatives to Google and Facebook revenue streams. It will take time, but the final downstream outcome will be more diverse ideological content on the internet, and an even playing field."

FCC Overturns Fallacy of Net Neutrality – Trump Administration Returns Freedom To The Internet…

We will get alternatives to google, to youtube, and to facebook.

Thank goodness.
I'm quoting:

"The term “Net Neutrality” was always about giving control over internet content, and all the downstream consequences therein, to an elite few control agents who use political ideology to control the internet."

and that ^^^ right there was bad news:cranky:

The Trump Administration is returning FREEDOM to the internet!

Bless Donald Trump!:clap2:
We HAD freedom, net neutrality is HOW THE INTERNET has run from the beginning,

Taking it away, REMOVES the freedom from the customer, and in to the very few hands of the service providers....

What was true in re: net neutrality in 2014 is still true:

"Rather than guarding against market abuses by dominant firms, the rules have been invoked in attempts to hinder innovation, impede competition, and block consumer price protections."

Net Neutrality Rules: Still a Threat to Internet Freedom

"The repeal could change how customers are billed for services.... T-Mobile, for example, was criticized by net neutrality supporters for effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on their streaming media."

Net neutrality: Here's what Thursday's vote to repeal is really all about

Lefties hate it when the little guy gets a break.

Your second link was interesting. Under the previous law all content was treated the same and had to be done so by the ISPs. '

Under the new rules each individual ISP will have to have their individual decisions approved by the FTC.

The new rule sounds a lot more like micromanaging than the old one.

I have no idea how you came up with sounds like a lot more local control.

Which is always a good thing.

The basic idea about a global network isn’t anything “local”.
Tell me more, except for the little man’s ability to get entertainers
So now you have moved to schoolyard taunts. Sorry, you now boring me.

I think it's funny,. I post this..and since then you have started posting over and over "talking points only! Yore stupid!" on multiple threads.

Which, btw, is a violation of the forum rules which requires you to address content.

I wonder why you're afraid to address content?

Because you have none of your own, of course.

So here, I'll give you another chance...see if you can address the content...or restrain yourself from non-content flames:

What was true in re: net neutrality in 2014 is still true:

"Rather than guarding against market abuses by dominant firms, the rules have been invoked in attempts to hinder innovation, impede competition, and block consumer price protections."

Net Neutrality Rules: Still a Threat to Internet Freedom

"The repeal could change how customers are billed for services.... T-Mobile, for example, was criticized by net neutrality supporters for effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on their streaming media."

Net neutrality: Here's what Thursday's vote to repeal is really all about

Lefties hate it when the little guy gets a break.

Please explain how this helps the "little guy".

There is a reason none of the "little guys" supported the change, only the giant megacorps.

I bolded it for you and posted it twice. But I guess I'll make it bigger, and redder, to help you.

And here is something that you might find helpful:

effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on theirstreaming media."

Some underlining going along your bolding. What if the internet serves a purpose beyond streaming media for entertainment?

I know, you are just a spectator in the audience of the reality show of the US, but others, the citizens of a population of the nation US have more to their minds than being entertained. How are they going to be affected?

Not sure my self, but that’s perhaps a more interesting question.

To get your thinking started:
Your ability to vote, access your bank, medical records, navigation, home security system, where abouts of your children, accessing emergency service or ordering food. Stuff like that.

I'm sorry I can't make heads or tails of your garbled nonsense.

Not your fault, it contained no partisan one-liner.

"The new rules give internet service providers sweeping powers to change how consumers access the internet but must have new transparency requirements that will require them to disclose any changes to consumers."

That's what is killing the dems. They don't like transparency, and they want the heavy hand of the government to force people to accept what they feed them, leaving them no alternatives.
U.S. regulators ditch net neutrality rules as legal battles loom
What was true in re: net neutrality in 2014 is still true:

"Rather than guarding against market abuses by dominant firms, the rules have been invoked in attempts to hinder innovation, impede competition, and block consumer price protections."

Net Neutrality Rules: Still a Threat to Internet Freedom

"The repeal could change how customers are billed for services.... T-Mobile, for example, was criticized by net neutrality supporters for effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on their streaming media."

Net neutrality: Here's what Thursday's vote to repeal is really all about

Lefties hate it when the little guy gets a break.

Your second link was interesting. Under the previous law all content was treated the same and had to be done so by the ISPs. '

Under the new rules each individual ISP will have to have their individual decisions approved by the FTC.

The new rule sounds a lot more like micromanaging than the old one.

I have no idea how you came up with sounds like a lot more local control.

Which is always a good thing.

The basic idea about a global network isn’t anything “local”.
Tell me more, except for the little man’s ability to get entertainers
I think it's funny,. I post this..and since then you have started posting over and over "talking points only! Yore stupid!" on multiple threads.

Which, btw, is a violation of the forum rules which requires you to address content.

I wonder why you're afraid to address content?

Because you have none of your own, of course.

So here, I'll give you another chance...see if you can address the content...or restrain yourself from non-content flames:

What was true in re: net neutrality in 2014 is still true:

"Rather than guarding against market abuses by dominant firms, the rules have been invoked in attempts to hinder innovation, impede competition, and block consumer price protections."

Net Neutrality Rules: Still a Threat to Internet Freedom

"The repeal could change how customers are billed for services.... T-Mobile, for example, was criticized by net neutrality supporters for effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on their streaming media."

Net neutrality: Here's what Thursday's vote to repeal is really all about

Lefties hate it when the little guy gets a break.

Please explain how this helps the "little guy".

There is a reason none of the "little guys" supported the change, only the giant megacorps.

I bolded it for you and posted it twice. But I guess I'll make it bigger, and redder, to help you.

And here is something that you might find helpful:

effectively making it cheaper for customers to stream videos from Netflix and HBO, putting other video services at a disadvantage.

"Without net neutrality, internet providers may pursue similar offers more aggressively, which would likely be viewed as a positive by consumers looking to save money on theirstreaming media."

Some underlining going along your bolding. What if the internet serves a purpose beyond streaming media for entertainment?

I know, you are just a spectator in the audience of the reality show of the US, but others, the citizens of a population of the nation US have more to their minds than being entertained. How are they going to be affected?

Not sure my self, but that’s perhaps a more interesting question.

To get your thinking started:
Your ability to vote, access your bank, medical records, navigation, home security system, where abouts of your children, accessing emergency service or ordering food. Stuff like that.

I'm sorry I can't make heads or tails of your garbled nonsense.

Not your fault, it contained no partisan one-liner.

No, you inability to put together intelligent commentary, to properly group your comments, and to use quotes where applicable made it too tiresome to wade through the idiocy you post. I know there's no pay off at the end, so I don't bother.


"Chairman Pai righteously called out Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other platform control agents for being ideologically biased, and using their platforms to target their ideological opposition."

Yup. We're going to break the soros stranglehold on the internet.
It's awesome.
FCC Overturns Fallacy of Net Neutrality – Trump Administration Returns Freedom To The Internet…

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