Bye Bye Net Neutrality....Another Big Government Obama Program Repealed

This will be overturned in the near future. Once people figure out that it means their internet access will go way up in cost and they will be restricted from what websites they can visit there will be a cry in all the land.

Lying Trump and his flying monkey-shits are simply handing everything over to a few huge companies. He's laying the foundation with this and everything else he and his Republican sycophants have done to allow the Democrats to win huge in November 2018. At which time Lying Donald's entire agenda will shrivel and die.

And any idiot that supports this that isn't on the board of one of these handful of companies has no clue what was lost today. They are the useful idiots.
Breaking Update!

Trump is apparently a Time Traveler

From 2014.

Donald J. Trump
Obama’s attack on the internet is another top down power grab. Net neutrality is the Fairness Doctrine. Will target conservative media.
12:58 PM · Nov 12, 2014

Obama wanted a Chinese internet type of censorship. cannot have it it ain't gonna happen anymore .;)

GOD Bless President Trump!

You are utterly clueless what net neutrality means. What a surprise.
Well after reading some of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen, I’m gonna take a short break from this sight. When I come back, I’ll look forward to reading all the hell being raised because you guys have been blocked from seeing all your favorite conspiracy theorists like Breitbart and InfoWars have been blocked.

That won't ever happen. It might take you 2 seconds longer to load a video from them than from YouTube. But they won't be fucking with page loads nor content. Unless you go thru "lefty censorship" at Facebook or Google or another one of those places that don't believe in free speech and open content..
your overall speed is a single purchase and varies by the second anyway. i have 100mb down and it varies from 80 to 105. sometimes router is acting up and i have to reset it. sometimes the provider is just slammed.

sometimes ya know - shit happens and no one is to blame. the concept shatters small minds but it does happen. often.

but 2+ years ago there was no "protection" - until it was sold to us as just that so they can start regulation. e-ha cowboy. in the end we have few choices for providers and the stifling of my choices as well as competition came from where again?

oh yea - the gov.
Breaking Update!

Trump is apparently a Time Traveler

From 2014.

Donald J. Trump
Obama’s attack on the internet is another top down power grab. Net neutrality is the Fairness Doctrine. Will target conservative media.
12:58 PM · Nov 12, 2014

Obama wanted a Chinese internet type of censorship. cannot have it it ain't gonna happen anymore .;)

GOD Bless President Trump!

You are utterly clueless what net neutrality means. What a surprise.

who cares what you say?

moi? :eusa_naughty:

sorry old chap.
Breaking Update!

Trump is apparently a Time Traveler

From 2014.

Donald J. Trump
Obama’s attack on the internet is another top down power grab. Net neutrality is the Fairness Doctrine. Will target conservative media.
12:58 PM · Nov 12, 2014

Obama wanted a Chinese internet type of censorship. cannot have it it ain't gonna happen anymore .;)

GOD Bless President Trump!

You are utterly clueless what net neutrality means. What a surprise.

who cares what you say?

moi? :eusa_naughty:

sorry old chap.

you "old chap'd" him...

that's gonna leave a mark. :)
Breaking Update!

Trump is apparently a Time Traveler

From 2014.

Donald J. Trump
Obama’s attack on the internet is another top down power grab. Net neutrality is the Fairness Doctrine. Will target conservative media.
12:58 PM · Nov 12, 2014

Obama wanted a Chinese internet type of censorship. cannot have it it ain't gonna happen anymore .;)

GOD Bless President Trump!

You are utterly clueless what net neutrality means. What a surprise.

who cares what you say?

moi? :eusa_naughty:

sorry old chap.

you "old chap'd" him...

that's gonna leave a mark. :)

I know :laugh2:
Is there a single citizen who is against net neutrality!? Other than those connected to the provider industry???
Breaking Update!

Trump is apparently a Time Traveler

From 2014.

Donald J. Trump
Obama’s attack on the internet is another top down power grab. Net neutrality is the Fairness Doctrine. Will target conservative media.
12:58 PM · Nov 12, 2014

Obama wanted a Chinese internet type of censorship. cannot have it it ain't gonna happen anymore .;)

GOD Bless President Trump!

You are utterly clueless what net neutrality means. What a surprise.

who cares what you say?

moi? :eusa_naughty:

sorry old chap.

LOL Nobody cares what you say either dimwit. You can't take criticism can you dear. Have some cocoa and go to your safe space. And don't be triggered so easily.

You only have to look at the mental MIDGETS name their bills and programs. And then COMPLETELY reverse the meaning of it -- "to find out what's in it".. Like the Affordable Care Act or the PATRIOT act or Net Neutrality..

It works every time. So it's actually a Net Regulations act.. Not neutrality. And it more govt/corporate collusion to pick the WINNERS and the LOSERS in a marketplace.

In what way would you say the Internet has been regulated? Have you noticed any difference?

Also are you willing to trust all these Big Corporations that they are not going to begin discriminating against certain websites if some SJW CEO decides that x website upsets his Bedwetting feelings? Look at how Google now is, most who work at Google are SJW, same with YouTube, both blocking access to certain websites and videos because THEY have decided the websites are not Politically Correct.

So do you want the WHOLE Internet operating like Google and YouTube? Also as I already commented there is also nothing stopping Internet Service Providers from adding extra or even extortionate charges.
i trust big corporations to always go after bottom dollar.

if our gov would stop limiting who can provide my internet services then i'd have more choices.

if i had more choices i could say FU to the ones who would pull this stunt.

so instead of simply giving us more choices to take care of a government regulated problem, they tell you what the ISP COULD DO (but in the history of the internet has never done much of, if any, as a home service) and then pass laws saying they can't do something they never were going to do to begin with.

and the people feel safe.

if spectrum acts up, i'll go back to at&t. if they act up, i'll look into verizon's hotspot. i have options here regardless of the limited ones. no corporation after bottom dollar is gonna lose business over something like this.

Because of course the Trumpsters want their internet providers to be able to censor what they get over the internet- and charge them more.

It was only a few years ago before Obamas regs that the internet providers were discussing you had a certain amount of minutes and then after you exhausted those they would charge per minute or slow speeds to equal dial-up not to mention sites you could visit. We'll see if they raise rates and slow speeds.Hell, internet forums might have to start charging.
Breaking Update!

Trump is apparently a Time Traveler

From 2014.

Donald J. Trump
Obama’s attack on the internet is another top down power grab. Net neutrality is the Fairness Doctrine. Will target conservative media.
12:58 PM · Nov 12, 2014

Obama wanted a Chinese internet type of censorship. cannot have it it ain't gonna happen anymore .;)

GOD Bless President Trump!

You are utterly clueless what net neutrality means. What a surprise.

who cares what you say?

moi? :eusa_naughty:

sorry old chap.

LOL Nobody cares what you say either dimwit. You can't take criticism can you dear. Have some cocoa and go to your safe space. And don't be triggered so easily.

whose triggered?

(looking to the left - looking to the right )

I'm not triggered at all. I'm simply amused. :smile:
Breaking Update!

Trump is apparently a Time Traveler

From 2014.

Donald J. Trump
Obama’s attack on the internet is another top down power grab. Net neutrality is the Fairness Doctrine. Will target conservative media.
12:58 PM · Nov 12, 2014

Obama wanted a Chinese internet type of censorship. cannot have it it ain't gonna happen anymore .;)

GOD Bless President Trump!

You are utterly clueless what net neutrality means. What a surprise.

who cares what you say?

moi? :eusa_naughty:

sorry old chap.

LOL Nobody cares what you say either dimwit. You can't take criticism can you dear. Have some cocoa and go to your safe space. And don't be triggered so easily.

whose triggered?

(looking to the left - looking to the right )

I'm not triggered at all. I'm simply amused. :smile:

You are one of the most easily triggered people here. Relax, find your safe space and give your pc rage a rest.
Obama wanted a Chinese internet type of censorship. cannot have it it ain't gonna happen anymore .;)

GOD Bless President Trump!

You are utterly clueless what net neutrality means. What a surprise.

who cares what you say?

moi? :eusa_naughty:

sorry old chap.

LOL Nobody cares what you say either dimwit. You can't take criticism can you dear. Have some cocoa and go to your safe space. And don't be triggered so easily.

whose triggered?

(looking to the left - looking to the right )

I'm not triggered at all. I'm simply amused. :smile:

You are one of the most easily triggered people here. Relax, find your safe space and give your pc rage a rest.

Enough Newton


you are getting boring
so obama fixed a problem we didn't have by regulating a monopoly the government created in the first place.

It created lots of good paying jobs for federal workers who sat around all day doing nothing but watch porn on the web while chasing the women around the office like most government employees.

Lots of stupid people ^^^ out and about this time of the year.

Because of course the Trumpsters want their internet providers to be able to censor what they get over the internet- and charge them more.
Another brainwashed ass who does not know how the FREE MARKET works.

Oh, but big government should be in charge....


Tell us O wise one. How does a completely unregulated market work?

Don't forget to explain Cartels, Monopolies and the Cosa Nostra

Much like the Internet has worked from it's inception.. :rolleyes: With no govt heavy hands. There IS a bit of anarchy to it all. But it's efficient and it's consumer driven for the most part. Companies can sue each other, negotiate with each other. BUY each other.

And except for the fact that many mergers have been approved that probably should NOT have been. Nobody's got a real valid beef about completely unregulated internet.

I agree the law should be gone.

But I do think it will come back to bite the Repubs in the ass. Anyone that thinks now that they have been given the red light to turn the internet into a version of cable TV with tiers and packages they won't, well you do not understand how business works.

Having a free and wide open access to the net is going to get a lot more expensive.

Because of course the Trumpsters want their internet providers to be able to censor what they get over the internet- and charge them more.

You want the government to come into the bathroom and make sure you have adequately wiped your ass, don't you?

They should regulate at least 4 wipes if it's dry tissue, and at least 2 wipes if a FLUSHABLE WET WIPE is used.

If it's NON-FLUSHABLE, you are fined $100 per wipe used and flushed!


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