Bye Bye Net Neutrality....Another Big Government Obama Program Repealed

You only have to look at the mental MIDGETS name their bills and programs. And then COMPLETELY reverse the meaning of it -- "to find out what's in it".. Like the Affordable Care Act or the PATRIOT act or Net Neutrality..

It works every time. So it's actually a Net Regulations act.. Not neutrality. And it more govt/corporate collusion to pick the WINNERS and the LOSERS in a marketplace.

In what way would you say the Internet has been regulated? Have you noticed any difference?

Also are you willing to trust all these Big Corporations that they are not going to begin discriminating against certain websites if some SJW CEO decides that x website upsets his Bedwetting feelings? Look at how Google now is, most who work at Google are SJW, same with YouTube, both blocking access to certain websites and videos because THEY have decided the websites are not Politically Correct.

So do you want the WHOLE Internet operating like Google and YouTube? Also as I already commented there is also nothing stopping Internet Service Providers from adding extra or even extortionate charges.

The thing that prevents extortionist charges is competition. Google does not want to deal with ATT or the cable companies -- they LAY their OWN FIBER !!! THAT improves the internet. Otherwise you're MAINTAINING the status quo of the trunk carriers. And nothing gets built. Because building a new distribution path has no value.

Net neutrality does not YET make content judgements. Only bandwidth judgements. I hate Google. I UN-GOOGLE my life as much as possible. But people demanding FREE ACCESS to your distribution investment is counter to every free market concept. What's next? Demanding the Cable companies carry every podunk network or TV channel for free?
I think the competition claim is a mixed bag. The huge monopolies that develop out of a hands off approach to the markets are just as stifling as too much federal regulation. The sweet spot is somewhere in the middle.

Unfortunately I think the old "too much government in our lives" arguments are going to be s thing of the past. Our views, decisions, lives, politics are increasingly influenced by a handful of mega corporations lime Google that are accountsble to shareholders only. Wether it is media giants or tech giants....they tell us what to read, what is important, what to buy, what value and how to vote. And their money is hidden on every adpect of our political system.

I dont know what the loss of internet neutrality will really mean, i dont think anyone does. One side views uses it as a childesh attempt at eradication of all things Obama ehike the other runs around yelling "the sky is falling."

But one thing I do think is thst with the increasing consolodation of providers onto fewer and fewer entities...innovation through competition or increased competition seems unlikely.
Republicans own this one. If it goes bad we'll have a dem congress again.
I'm laughing at all the Democrats convinced this is doomsday for the internet. If this is your platform for 2020, you're doomed.

Just admit you don't understand the topic and are just happy because "Obama bad".

Please, by all means, mitigate my lack of understanding. So far, the internet is here, as are you. I fail to see what could be the matter with ending such a pointless regulation?

Do you think ISPs should be able to choose what websites you visit?
You phuking idiot.

Under the Obama rule, the internet is open for everyone and the speed can't be regulated.

Under the GOP, they will put out super slow Internet and if you want it faster, you have to pay more. It's just another way to soak the American public.

And fools like you figure if it gives you a reason to attack Obama, then it must be a good thing.

So stupid. Stupid beyond belief.

Bye bye free and open Internet.
I pay based upon speed, as do millions of people.

Yea, well get ready to pay a lot more.
The Huffington Post. defending an Obama error regulation say it ain't so. I smell a whole lot of maybe's coming off that video with the ominous 80's techno music in playing in the back ground. The market will decide what the cost of your internet will be as it always has. getting the Government involved has never made a goods and or services cheaper or more reliable in fact its more likely the opposite will happen.

What is untrue in the link I provided?
Its full of nothing but a bunch of maybe's and could be's and its possible all of that apocalyptic shit can happen or the more likely scenario the Internet providers will continue to do exactly what they have done for the last 30 years or so provide a product at market value that will steadily be improved upon.
Republicans own this one. If it goes bad we'll have a dem congress again.
I'm laughing at all the Democrats convinced this is doomsday for the internet. If this is your platform for 2020, you're doomed.

Just admit you don't understand the topic and are just happy because "Obama bad".

Please, by all means, mitigate my lack of understanding. So far, the internet is here, as are you. I fail to see what could be the matter with ending such a pointless regulation?

Do you think ISPs should be able to choose what websites you visit?

I highly doubt they would be that stupid. This isn't communist China, if they want it to be, they can kiss their business goodbye.

What's with the doomsday scenario anyway? What possible interest would my ISP have in restricting how much anime I watch or how much gaming I do?

Highly illogical.
Republicans own this one. If it goes bad we'll have a dem congress again.
I'm laughing at all the Democrats convinced this is doomsday for the internet. If this is your platform for 2020, you're doomed.

Just admit you don't understand the topic and are just happy because "Obama bad".

Please, by all means, mitigate my lack of understanding. So far, the internet is here, as are you. I fail to see what could be the matter with ending such a pointless regulation?

Do you think ISPs should be able to choose what websites you visit?

I highly doubt they would be that stupid. This isn't communist China, if they want it to be, they can kiss their business goodbye.

What's with the doomsday scenario anyway? What possible interest would my ISP have in restricting how much anime I watch or how much gaming I do?

Highly illogical.

Yes or no question. Do you think ISPs should get to choose what websites you visit? We can discuss details afterwards but I want to know your stance first.
Less taxes and smaller government is a GOOD THING.

Government basically fucks up everything they touch because there is no incentive to perform efficiently. There is no competition and the REVENUE (TAXES) to the government is GUARANTEED.....IF NOT....YOU FUCKING GO TO JAIL.

The POST OFFICE versus FEDEX is a great example.

The Post office should 100% be privatized. The POST OFFICE LOSES BILLIONS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS EVERY YEAR.
Republicans own this one. If it goes bad we'll have a dem congress again.
I'm laughing at all the Democrats convinced this is doomsday for the internet. If this is your platform for 2020, you're doomed.

Just admit you don't understand the topic and are just happy because "Obama bad".

Please, by all means, mitigate my lack of understanding. So far, the internet is here, as are you. I fail to see what could be the matter with ending such a pointless regulation?

Do you think ISPs should be able to choose what websites you visit?

I highly doubt they would be that stupid. This isn't communist China, if they want it to be, they can kiss their business goodbye.

What's with the doomsday scenario anyway? What possible interest would my ISP have in restricting how much anime I watch or how much gaming I do?

Highly illogical.

But I'll tell you what. What platform do you game on? Console? PC? Xbox? Playstation?
Less taxes and smaller government is a GOOD THING.

Government basically fucks up everything they touch because there is no incentive to perform efficiently. There is no competition and the REVENUE (TAXES) to the government is GUARANTEED.....IF NOT....YOU FUCKING GO TO JAIL.

The POST OFFICE versus FEDEX is a great example.

The Post office should 100% be privatized. The POST OFFICE LOSES BILLIONS OF TAXPAYER DOLLARS EVERY YEAR.

Please stop posting in a thread you clearly don't understand.
I agree with the Trumptards. This is awesome, because after the price of internet access goes up we won't be plagued with all these Trumptards. They won't be able to afford internet with their disability checks.
Google that are accountsble to shareholders only. Wether it is media giants or tech giants....they tell us what to read, what is important, what to buy, what value and how to vote.

They can't exist with customers. There will always be other stockholders. Corporations are ALWAYS more scared of their customer relations than their stockholder relations. Because in reality, most corporations keep a VERY LARGE controlling chunk of stock in their own house and with their top management..

Regulation is exactly what has caused the steroidal growth of tech and corp giants. We have damn few NEW business ventures that actually have a useful products to support life and infrastructure. All we've seen for about 15 years now is mergers and acquisitions. Because when you continue to REGULATE and increase legal compliance -- only the LARGE CORPORATIONS are gonna be left. So in reality, you'll get EXACTLY the opposite effect with MORE govt intervention..

Right now -- a "successful" idea and start-up cannot raise enough cash and reporting/legal/regulation infrastructure to "go public" or independent. They are just Scooby Snacks for Google,, Amazon, Facebook or Disney.. So no one can reach the point of being a competitor with the giants.

Just like I pointed out in this one. It virtually FREEZES internet distribution capabilities. No one is gonna pay for bandwidth expansions under Net Neutrality. In 6 or 10 years, the govt will be back trying to BUILD that capability with tax dollars...

What the ever lovin' fuck are you talking about? Censorship? You are clearly too dumb to use the internet...
Forcing both sides to be shown is a form of censorship. If I want a show that ONLY shows one side then I want to be able to watch that NOT having the government force the libtard side down my throat.
I'm laughing at all the Democrats convinced this is doomsday for the internet. If this is your platform for 2020, you're doomed.

Just admit you don't understand the topic and are just happy because "Obama bad".

Please, by all means, mitigate my lack of understanding. So far, the internet is here, as are you. I fail to see what could be the matter with ending such a pointless regulation?

Do you think ISPs should be able to choose what websites you visit?

I highly doubt they would be that stupid. This isn't communist China, if they want it to be, they can kiss their business goodbye.

What's with the doomsday scenario anyway? What possible interest would my ISP have in restricting how much anime I watch or how much gaming I do?

Highly illogical.

But I'll tell you what. What platform do you game on? Console? PC? Xbox? Playstation?

I am an old school PC gamer. I have games that don't need internet to run. I'll survive. Don't know about you, though.

There's just too much hype, and you're not helping. If you can educate me with facts and not doomsday prophecies on net neutrality, I'm always willing to change my mind on the matter.
Well after reading some of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen, I’m gonna take a short break from this sight. When I come back, I’ll look forward to reading all the hell being raised because you guys have been blocked from seeing all your favorite conspiracy theorists like Breitbart and InfoWars have been blocked.
Really? Seems like it would be the dems that would want to block Breitbart and InfoWars

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