Bye Bye Net Neutrality....Another Big Government Obama Program Repealed

Bottom line is that itis/was an Obama endorse program than it is a good thing it will be repealed. Nothing Obama has done is worth keeping,

only to Obama deranged loons who couldn't stand having a black president.

anyone with more than a double digit IQ would ask about the program first.

but you dupes keep on laying down for the plutocrats. good luck with that.


Amen! They are the dumbest among us! Scary...

luckily they are only about 30% of the country and normal people will bitch slap them.

The Huffington Post. defending an Obama era regulation say it ain't so. I smell a whole lot of maybe's coming off that video with the ominous 80's techno music playing in the background. The market will decide what the cost of your internet will be as it always has. getting the Government involved has never made a goods and or services cheaper or more reliable in fact its more likely the opposite will happen.
You fucking morons would hold your breath if Obama said oxygen was a good thing.
The Huffington Post. defending an Obama error regulation say it ain't so. I smell a whole lot of maybe's coming off that video with the ominous 80's techno music in playing in the back ground. The market will decide what the cost of your internet will be as it always has. getting the Government involved has never made a goods and or services cheaper or more reliable in fact its more likely the opposite will happen.

Just admit you don't understand the issue.
The Huffington Post. defending an Obama error regulation say it ain't so. I smell a whole lot of maybe's coming off that video with the ominous 80's techno music in playing in the back ground. The market will decide what the cost of your internet will be as it always has. getting the Government involved has never made a goods and or services cheaper or more reliable in fact its more likely the opposite will happen.

What is untrue in the link I provided?
Republicans own this one. If it goes bad we'll have a dem congress again.
I'm laughing at all the Democrats convinced this is doomsday for the internet. If this is your platform for 2020, you're doomed.

When in fact, if they understood market incentives and why companies spend money -- they would KNOW that their concept of "net neutrality" FREEZES development of Internet distribution networks. You would be using the same underpowered distribution channels 20 years from now.

Which internet development has been frozen since this implementation?
The Huffington Post. defending an Obama error regulation say it ain't so. I smell a whole lot of maybe's coming off that video with the ominous 80's techno music in playing in the back ground. The market will decide what the cost of your internet will be as it always has. getting the Government involved has never made a goods and or services cheaper or more reliable in fact its more likely the opposite will happen.

That darn gov. Given your SS And medicare back?
"Some 83% of voters who self-identified as “very conservative” were concerned about the possibility of ISPs having the power to “influence content” online. Only 17% reported being unconcerned. Similarly, 83% of self-identified conservatives thought that Congress should take action to ensure that cable companies do not “monopolize the Internet” or “reduce the inherent equality of the Internet” by charging some content companies for speedier access."

Conservatives Overwhelmingly Back Net Neutrality, Poll Finds

So when you don't attach names to the issues, you idiots are in favor of Net Neutrality, but because Obama had the nerve to try and preserve the open internet we've enjoyed since the internet was created, then yes we must repeal that.

Fucking imbeciles.

Because of course the Trumpsters want their internet providers to be able to censor what they get over the internet- and charge them more.
Another brainwashed ass who does not know how the FREE MARKET works.

Oh, but big government should be in charge....


The problem is there isn't much of a free market. Most only have maybe 2 options.

Not true at all. You have the cable and satellite providers. ATT for 19th century networking. And then you have 4 or 6 competing WIRELESS PHONE providers. And now a lot of areas just got Google fiber. Even reasonable satellite service out in the sticks.

One company is now working a brand new networking concept. Using commercial jets as interconnection points in a perpetually changing spatial network. Might be yet ANOTHER way to offer Inet access to folks on the ground. Look up Airborne Communications. ALL THAT STOPS with net neutrality. Because there is no VALUE to a company to put money into bulk distribution networks if everybody gets to flood your channels for free..
Obamaitis ... poor old man Trump

no, scratch that.

Poor stupid shit Trupdrones

Guess you will like your cable bill doubling.
Nothing like the free market.
I remember when my Comcast bill was $10/month
That darn Kenyan uppity nixxer is Irritating isn't he.
You never do say where are you and where is he.
Sucking off your socialist VA SS Medicare benefits?
You never do tell either
Jealous for the C grabber?
Can't get it up anymore?

Because of course the Trumpsters want their internet providers to be able to censor what they get over the internet- and charge them more.
Another brainwashed ass who does not know how the FREE MARKET works.

Oh, but big government should be in charge....


The problem is there isn't much of a free market. Most only have maybe 2 options.

Not true at all. You have the cable and satellite providers. ATT for 19th century networking. And then you have 4 or 6 competing WIRELESS PHONE providers. And now a lot of areas just got Google fiber. Even reasonable satellite service out in the sticks.

One company is now working a brand new networking concept. Using commercial jets as interconnection points in a perpetually changing spatial network. Might be yet ANOTHER way to offer Inet access to folks on the ground. Look up Airborne Communications. ALL THAT STOPS with net neutrality. Because there is no VALUE to a company to put money into bulk distribution networks if everybody gets to flood your channels for free..
I guess you don't live in a city.
Comcast who are pathetic or nothing.
Go free market!!!
Republicans own this one. If it goes bad we'll have a dem congress again.
I'm laughing at all the Democrats convinced this is doomsday for the internet. If this is your platform for 2020, you're doomed.

Just admit you don't understand the topic and are just happy because "Obama bad".

Please, by all means, mitigate my lack of understanding. So far, the internet is here, as are you. I fail to see what could be the matter with ending such a pointless regulation?
I can 100% guarantee that ANYONE who understands the issue would be in favor of Net Neutrality, that includes every single one of you fucking zombies who assume all (R) is good and all (D) are bad.

Literally the only people who are favor of this ruling today are the ISPs who are going to make billions off of this decision.

Try reading my posts. Not an R or D. Have no ODSyndrome or TDSyndrome. I UNDERSTAND IT thoroughly. And I know it leads to a stagnant underpowered Internet in 6 or 10 years. At which point, the fuck-ups who implemented it will have to ride back in and spend OUR money to fix the problems that THEY caused. Because they are TOO ARROGANT to ever admit they were wrong..

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