Bye Bye Net Neutrality....Another Big Government Obama Program Repealed

Well after reading some of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen, I’m gonna take a short break from this sight. When I come back, I’ll look forward to reading all the hell being raised because you guys have been blocked from seeing all your favorite conspiracy theorists like Breitbart and InfoWars have been blocked.

Looks as if you didn't last long here

Take Care,
I'm laughing at all the Democrats convinced this is doomsday for the internet. If this is your platform for 2020, you're doomed.

Just admit you don't understand the topic and are just happy because "Obama bad".

Please, by all means, mitigate my lack of understanding. So far, the internet is here, as are you. I fail to see what could be the matter with ending such a pointless regulation?

Do you think ISPs should be able to choose what websites you visit?

I highly doubt they would be that stupid. This isn't communist China, if they want it to be, they can kiss their business goodbye.

What's with the doomsday scenario anyway? What possible interest would my ISP have in restricting how much anime I watch or how much gaming I do?

Highly illogical.

Yes or no question. Do you think ISPs should get to choose what websites you visit? We can discuss details afterwards but I want to know your stance first.

It isn't my nature to speculate. Speculation feeds overall cognitive dissonance.

Here's a different question... just how do you know they are intent on controlling what websites I visit?
Well after reading some of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen, I’m gonna take a short break from this sight. When I come back, I’ll look forward to reading all the hell being raised because you guys have been blocked from seeing all your favorite conspiracy theorists like Breitbart and InfoWars have been blocked.

That won't ever happen. It might take you 2 seconds longer to load a video from them than from YouTube. But they won't be fucking with page loads nor content. Unless you go thru "lefty censorship" at Facebook or Google or another one of those places that don't believe in free speech and open content..
Just admit you don't understand the topic and are just happy because "Obama bad".

Please, by all means, mitigate my lack of understanding. So far, the internet is here, as are you. I fail to see what could be the matter with ending such a pointless regulation?

Do you think ISPs should be able to choose what websites you visit?

I highly doubt they would be that stupid. This isn't communist China, if they want it to be, they can kiss their business goodbye.

What's with the doomsday scenario anyway? What possible interest would my ISP have in restricting how much anime I watch or how much gaming I do?

Highly illogical.

But I'll tell you what. What platform do you game on? Console? PC? Xbox? Playstation?

I am an old school PC gamer. I have games that don't need internet to run. I'll survive. Don't know about you, though.

There's just too much hype, and you're not helping. If you can educate me with facts and not doomsday prophecies on net neutrality, I'm always willing to change my mind on the matter.

I'm not a gamer anymore, I was just asking because you said you were.

The problem is that ISPs can literally now decide what apps you can access, what websites you can go to and what content you can see. And they can choose it based upon any criteria they want.

This is not doomsday stuff, this is because they have tried to do it before and had to be stopped (I can provide examples if you're interested). This is why legislation was passed during the Obama years to basically say, all content must be made equally accessible and ISPs dont get to decide which content we can and cant see.

Government doesn't get to say what you can visit and neither should ISPs. This is Net Neutrality.
Republicans own this one. If it goes bad we'll have a dem congress again.
I'm laughing at all the Democrats convinced this is doomsday for the internet. If this is your platform for 2020, you're doomed.

When in fact, if they understood market incentives and why companies spend money -- they would KNOW that their concept of "net neutrality" FREEZES development of Internet distribution networks. You would be using the same underpowered distribution channels 20 years from now.

Which internet development has been frozen since this implementation?

You wouldn't see the effects yet. But none of the existing i-net trunk carriers will put a DIME into upgrading or expanding bandwidth if they have to "give it away for free". GOOGLE can afford it. No one else can.
Just admit you don't understand the topic and are just happy because "Obama bad".

Please, by all means, mitigate my lack of understanding. So far, the internet is here, as are you. I fail to see what could be the matter with ending such a pointless regulation?

Do you think ISPs should be able to choose what websites you visit?

I highly doubt they would be that stupid. This isn't communist China, if they want it to be, they can kiss their business goodbye.

What's with the doomsday scenario anyway? What possible interest would my ISP have in restricting how much anime I watch or how much gaming I do?

Highly illogical.

Yes or no question. Do you think ISPs should get to choose what websites you visit? We can discuss details afterwards but I want to know your stance first.

It isn't my nature to speculate. Speculation feeds overall cognitive dissonance.

Here's a different question... just how do you know they are intent on controlling what websites I visit?

See my previous post, but they've done it before and they've spent millions lobbying to be able to do it again. They know that if they throttle what you can see that you might be willing to pay extra to see it. They do this across enough popular platforms, and they stand to make millions. Or they can see, oh look....Netflix seems to be popular, well let's make our own Netflix competitor and then slow down the speed of anyone trying to access NetFlix so they all switch to our platform. They win again.

says the imbecile who wants to let ISP's charge money to let you access the sites you want and block the others.

STFU, idiot. you're too stupid to tie your shoes.
And they would lose customers...DUH!

To who? It's a Monopoly by a few companies and they're all in it together!
I'm laughing at all the Democrats convinced this is doomsday for the internet. If this is your platform for 2020, you're doomed.

Just admit you don't understand the topic and are just happy because "Obama bad".

Please, by all means, mitigate my lack of understanding. So far, the internet is here, as are you. I fail to see what could be the matter with ending such a pointless regulation?

Do you think ISPs should be able to choose what websites you visit?

I highly doubt they would be that stupid. This isn't communist China, if they want it to be, they can kiss their business goodbye.

What's with the doomsday scenario anyway? What possible interest would my ISP have in restricting how much anime I watch or how much gaming I do?

Highly illogical.

Yes or no question. Do you think ISPs should get to choose what websites you visit? We can discuss details afterwards but I want to know your stance first.

Not a matter of choosing the websites you visit. It's the bandwidth being used to DO that which is under discussion here. No one's gonna cut off your "shower cams" or "cat videos". If it's monetized, like netflix and hulu --- that's a company PRODUCT. And every company has to pay for DELIVERY of it's product.

This isn't about content or page loads at ALL --- yet.. But with more intervention and camel noses -- it COULD be..
Republicans own this one. If it goes bad we'll have a dem congress again.
I'm laughing at all the Democrats convinced this is doomsday for the internet. If this is your platform for 2020, you're doomed.

When in fact, if they understood market incentives and why companies spend money -- they would KNOW that their concept of "net neutrality" FREEZES development of Internet distribution networks. You would be using the same underpowered distribution channels 20 years from now.

Which internet development has been frozen since this implementation?

You wouldn't see the effects yet. But none of the existing i-net trunk carriers will put a DIME into upgrading or expanding bandwidth if they have to "give it away for free". GOOGLE can afford it. No one else can.

That dog ain't going to hunt.

Title II hasn’t hurt network investment, according to the ISPs themselves

  • Comcast spent $7.6 billion on its cable segment capital expenditures during 2016, the most the company has ever invested in a single year.
  • Charter Communications is yet another example of an ISP that dramatically increased its network investments during the two years following the FCC’s Open Internet Order vote... From 2015–2016 Charter’s pro forma capital investments [including newly acquired Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks] topped $14.5 billion, a 15 percent increase which came despite hundreds of millions of dollars (or more) in synergies that Charter claimed following the May 2016 closing of the deal.
  • Verizon’s capital investment total increased during the year following the FCC’s adoption of the Open Internet Order (just as the company said it would a month before the February 2015 vote). And Verizon’s total two-year post-vote capital expenditures were 3.1 percent higher than they were in the two years preceding the vote, even as the company divested its Florida, Texas, and California systems to Frontier Communications

Because of course the Trumpsters want their internet providers to be able to censor what they get over the internet- and charge them more.
Another brainwashed ass who does not know how the FREE MARKET works.

Oh, but big government should be in charge....


The problem is there isn't much of a free market. Most only have maybe 2 options.

Not true at all. You have the cable and satellite providers. ATT for 19th century networking. And then you have 4 or 6 competing WIRELESS PHONE providers. And now a lot of areas just got Google fiber. Even reasonable satellite service out in the sticks.

One company is now working a brand new networking concept. Using commercial jets as interconnection points in a perpetually changing spatial network. Might be yet ANOTHER way to offer Inet access to folks on the ground. Look up Airborne Communications. ALL THAT STOPS with net neutrality. Because there is no VALUE to a company to put money into bulk distribution networks if everybody gets to flood your channels for free..
I guess you don't live in a city.
Comcast who are pathetic or nothing.
Go free market!!!

Your city doesn't have phone lines??? OR Wireless mobile service? What hell hole you living in??
Republicans own this one. If it goes bad we'll have a dem congress again.
I'm laughing at all the Democrats convinced this is doomsday for the internet. If this is your platform for 2020, you're doomed.

Just admit you don't understand the topic and are just happy because "Obama bad".

Please, by all means, mitigate my lack of understanding. So far, the internet is here, as are you. I fail to see what could be the matter with ending such a pointless regulation?

Do you think ISPs should be able to choose what websites you visit?

I highly doubt they would be that stupid. This isn't communist China, if they want it to be, they can kiss their business goodbye.

What's with the doomsday scenario anyway? What possible interest would my ISP have in restricting how much anime I watch or how much gaming I do?

Highly illogical.
It's not your ISP. It's the corporations that supply Internet access. For instance, like Comcast. If you get your internet from Comcast, they might slow down Internet speed to force people to pay more for faster service. That wouldn't be illegal under the GOP plan. How slow are you willing to go before you pay more.

Guess we'll find out.
Republicans own this one. If it goes bad we'll have a dem congress again.
I'm laughing at all the Democrats convinced this is doomsday for the internet. If this is your platform for 2020, you're doomed.

When in fact, if they understood market incentives and why companies spend money -- they would KNOW that their concept of "net neutrality" FREEZES development of Internet distribution networks. You would be using the same underpowered distribution channels 20 years from now.

Which internet development has been frozen since this implementation?

You wouldn't see the effects yet. But none of the existing i-net trunk carriers will put a DIME into upgrading or expanding bandwidth if they have to "give it away for free". GOOGLE can afford it. No one else can.

That dog ain't going to hunt.

Title II hasn’t hurt network investment, according to the ISPs themselves

  • Comcast spent $7.6 billion on its cable segment capital expenditures during 2016, the most the company has ever invested in a single year.
  • Charter Communications is yet another example of an ISP that dramatically increased its network investments during the two years following the FCC’s Open Internet Order vote... From 2015–2016 Charter’s pro forma capital investments [including newly acquired Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks] topped $14.5 billion, a 15 percent increase which came despite hundreds of millions of dollars (or more) in synergies that Charter claimed following the May 2016 closing of the deal.
  • Verizon’s capital investment total increased during the year following the FCC’s adoption of the Open Internet Order (just as the company said it would a month before the February 2015 vote). And Verizon’s total two-year post-vote capital expenditures were 3.1 percent higher than they were in the two years preceding the vote, even as the company divested its Florida, Texas, and California systems to Frontier Communications

They BOUGHT UP EXISTING smaller competitors. Didn't create all that as NEW capability... And Verizon needs to keep up with increasing data usage or lose customers so does ATT. After all watching that football game on 5 inch screen is so damn important.

And that article is NOT thorough or conclusive.. It will certainly affect local and regional small ISPs more than the big guys..

AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson said in a January 2017 earnings call that Title II regulation is "suppressive to investment," but appeared to be talking about the industry in general rather than AT&T specifically. He did not attribute any investment decline at AT&T to Title II. In December 2015, Stephenson said the Title II rules were not an impediment to AT&T and that "Everything that we’re planning on doing fits within those rules."

Pai vs. Free Press
Pai publicly expressed his disdain for Free Press in the speech in which he announced his plan to dismantle net neutrality rules, calling it "a spectacularly misnamed Beltway lobbying group" that demands government control over the Internet.

Investment data cited by Pai comes from the USTelecom broadband industry lobby group, the conservative Free State Foundation, and economist Hal Singer, who found a 5.6 percent decline in capital expenditures by 12 big ISPs.
Breaking Update!

Trump is apparently a Time Traveler

From 2014.

Donald J. Trump
Obama’s attack on the internet is another top down power grab. Net neutrality is the Fairness Doctrine. Will target conservative media.
12:58 PM · Nov 12, 2014

Because of course the Trumpsters want their internet providers to be able to censor what they get over the internet- and charge them more.
Another brainwashed ass who does not know how the FREE MARKET works.

Oh, but big government should be in charge....


Tell us O wise one. How does a completely unregulated market work?

Don't forget to explain Cartels, Monopolies and the Cosa Nostra
Breaking Update!

Trump is apparently a Time Traveler

From 2014.

Donald J. Trump
Obama’s attack on the internet is another top down power grab. Net neutrality is the Fairness Doctrine. Will target conservative media.
12:58 PM · Nov 12, 2014

Obama wanted a Chinese internet type of censorship. cannot have it it ain't gonna happen anymore .;)

GOD Bless President Trump!

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