Bye Bye Oil Price

It's homegirl, you idiot, and using our oil reserves to keep gas prices down until after the election is not a good solution.
We are the only country in the world that can't sell their own oil.
Stupid is what makes homegirl mad...
Did you burn any of that oil from the reserves or did you heat your house with a candle? Park your car & pedal your ass arond town rather then use any oil from the strategic reserve, mouth breather?
Did you burn any of that oil from the reserves or did you heat your house with a candle? Park your car & pedal your ass arond town rather then use any oil from the strategic reserve, mouth breather?

I LOVE seeing leftists like you drop the "fossil fuels cause global warming" lie and cheer long and loud for MASSIVE oil drilling.

Keep it up!
Right now US oil is plummeting rapidly like inflation, down to $77, a nice price
Joe Biden had the US pumping record amounts if both oil and nat gas, and the US is the biggest producer in the entire world !

Out of nowhere Trump's best buddy putin started a major war in Ukraine and completely disrupted the global oil and gas markets and cause prices to explode like Trump's deficits exploded.
Also Corrupt Mohamed Bin Salman, leader of Saudi Arabia who gave Kushner a $B bribe unexpectedly cut SA production to try and sabotage Biden's strong economy.

Joe Biden has done a magnificent job on energy, especially when you consider the circumstances.

Oh,'s another Bagdad wanker thread.
I LOVE seeing leftists like you drop the "fossil fuels cause global warming" lie and cheer long and loud for MASSIVE oil drilling.

Keep it up!
Feel free to produce your evidence that that I've drop that fact. The warming of the earth has been a boon for mankind. The slight amount of warming attributed to burning fossil fuels has yet to change the climate. If it comes to pass, then adapt or die kids. The world runs on oil. Both candidates in 2008 ran on a drill baby drill platform. Why should we import 2/3rd of the oil we use like we did under Bush?
We keep very good track of how much oil is produced here, because oil companies don't like to pay royalties. We know how much is pumped and what we are owed. Thanks to Biden it is less and less. We need Trump back. I miss the drill baby drill that accompanied big royalty checks.
Right now US oil is plummeting rapidly like inflation, down to $77, a nice price
Joe Biden had the US pumping record amounts if both oil and nat gas, and the US is the biggest producer in the entire world !

Out of nowhere Trump's best buddy putin started a major war in Ukraine and completely disrupted the global oil and gas markets and cause prices to explode like Trump's deficits exploded.
Also Corrupt Mohamed Bin Salman, leader of Saudi Arabia who gave Kushner a $B bribe unexpectedly cut SA production to try and sabotage Biden's strong economy.

Joe Biden has done a magnificent job on energy, especially when you consider the circumstances.

Don’t know which choice fits here, I laughed first, so chose that one.

Can you make up anymore fake news ? Sincerely
The Irish Ram cannot change the fact that we are pumping oil at record highs and will be energy independent nextyear.
The Irish Ram would love to see energy independence again. I love money that I don't have to work for. If we were energy independent we wouldn't be using our reserves to keep the price of gas down until after the election. If we are dong so well, why are we buying all that dirty oil from Venezuela? Why are we using our reserve?
Stop depending on our government for the truth. It's not to be found...
Did you burn any of that oil from the reserves or did you heat your house with a candle? Park your car & pedal your ass arond town rather then use any oil from the strategic reserve, mouth breather?
Why punish myself for the fault of our government? They have already cost me $600. a month with their war on oil. I certainly will be voting for energy independence again, for the country, for $1.67 a gal. gas again, and for my bank account..

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