Bye Bye Sweden

Ever heard of the strong stupid type? Maybe you should try it.
Not even close sparky. Strong absolutely. I just don't have the patience that brilliant speakers do. I have a violent streak and its hard to change. Sucks because at one time I was a great speaker but guess the violent streak won out...instead of talking to stupid people I enjoy smacking the shit out of them....not wise thing to do unless you can get away with it though.

When I said, perhaps you should focus on the silent part. Anyway, as much as it saddens me that a genuine example of the superior race has a violent streek I find myself not really giving two fucks about you based on your character. So, please, feel free to talk about your weaknesses to your therapist (you need one).
Better to be strong/violent towards those that want to kill me and my race than be a weakling little bitch that just accepts what the jew wants to accomplish to my race and shrink away letting it happen. I would rather die fighting on my feet than spend 1 second on my knees begging for my life.

Am I your therapist? What happened to Sweden? Seriously dude, get help.
I showed you in my post with the video that Jewess that lives in SWEDEN says Europe MUST become "multicultural" and jews will have a large hand in it..plain as fucking day...

A jew said something not bad about immigrants. OK, so then we circle back to you needing help.
So, where you from Odium? Tell us abut your Norseness.

What problems did you have growing up? Drugs? inappropriate touching? Lose that cushy Executive job with your own personal restroom to a common Jew? What turn't you?
Not even close sparky. Strong absolutely. I just don't have the patience that brilliant speakers do. I have a violent streak and its hard to change. Sucks because at one time I was a great speaker but guess the violent streak won out...instead of talking to stupid people I enjoy smacking the shit out of them....not wise thing to do unless you can get away with it though.

When I said, perhaps you should focus on the silent part. Anyway, as much as it saddens me that a genuine example of the superior race has a violent streek I find myself not really giving two fucks about you based on your character. So, please, feel free to talk about your weaknesses to your therapist (you need one).
Better to be strong/violent towards those that want to kill me and my race than be a weakling little bitch that just accepts what the jew wants to accomplish to my race and shrink away letting it happen. I would rather die fighting on my feet than spend 1 second on my knees begging for my life.

Am I your therapist? What happened to Sweden? Seriously dude, get help.
I showed you in my post with the video that Jewess that lives in SWEDEN says Europe MUST become "multicultural" and jews will have a large hand in it..plain as fucking day...

A jew said something not bad about immigrants. OK, so then we circle back to you needing help.
I would love to know how hard it is to become so DENSE and IGNORANT to something....truly I would....I wonder if it hurts to lie to yourself every day. Hm. Now if a Muslim said the SAME THING this Jewess said about Israel you would be up in arms...I see right through you asshole.
So, where you from Odium? Tell us abut your Norseness.

What problems did you have growing up? Drugs? inappropriate touching? Lose that cushy Executive job with your own personal restroom to a common Jew? What turn't you?
My bloodline flows directly from Europe my boy..traced it back already. No problems. I have an insatiable appetite for reading and history and politics.It just took a life of its own and let to where I am now. I am NEVER satisfied with what I am told and I always dig for more facts and truth.Once you go where I have been its impossible to act like the world is sane and everything is OK.
[My bloodline flows directly from Europe my boy..traced it back already. No problems. I have an insatiable appetite for reading and history and politics.It just took a life of its own and let to where I am now. I am NEVER satisfied with what I am told and I always dig for more facts and truth.Once you go where I have been its impossible to act like the world is sane and everything is OK.

All of this in a basement? Wow...big basement.

How have you contributed to the white race?
[My bloodline flows directly from Europe my boy..traced it back already. No problems. I have an insatiable appetite for reading and history and politics.It just took a life of its own and let to where I am now. I am NEVER satisfied with what I am told and I always dig for more facts and truth.Once you go where I have been its impossible to act like the world is sane and everything is OK.

All of this in a basement? Wow...big basement.

How have you contributed to the white race?
You mean my 5 bedroom 3 bath home....sits on bout 1 acre or so. 2 car garage. :) Oh and off top of my head 4 racially aware white children with more to come! :)
Greatest thing one can give their race is their life fighting for it which I am MORE THAN WILLING to do and/or more racially aware children to make sure our numbers continue to grow.
[My bloodline flows directly from Europe my boy..traced it back already. No problems. I have an insatiable appetite for reading and history and politics.It just took a life of its own and let to where I am now. I am NEVER satisfied with what I am told and I always dig for more facts and truth.Once you go where I have been its impossible to act like the world is sane and everything is OK.

All of this in a basement? Wow...big basement.

How have you contributed to the white race?
You mean my 5 bedroom 3 bath home....sits on bout 1 acre or so. 2 car garage. :) Oh and off top of my head 4 racially aware white children with more to come! :)

I didn't realize we measured humanity in bedrooms. How have you contributed? What have you done to advance the white race other than fucking?
Greatest thing one can give their race is their life fighting for it which I am MORE THAN WILLING to do and/or more racially aware children to make sure our numbers continue to grow.

Hate to tell you, that's not a very economic way to go about it. Whites are "losing" the population battle and you having too many kids doesn't make a shits worth of difference. Also, if that is the reason you have kids then you have more problems then I thought.
Greatest thing one can give their race is their life fighting for it which I am MORE THAN WILLING to do and/or more racially aware children to make sure our numbers continue to grow.

Yes. Please. Now.
Greatest thing one can give their race is their life fighting for it which I am MORE THAN WILLING to do and/or more racially aware children to make sure our numbers continue to grow.

Hate to tell you, that's not a very economic way to go about it. Whites are "losing" the population battle and you having too many kids doesn't make a shits worth of difference. Also, if that is the reason you have kids then you have more problems then I thought.
Your opinion. I have kids because I wanted kids and as a white man and my wife as a white woman its our duty to provide future soldiers and mothers to our race. If I didn't want them I would have stopped at 1. My older brother has 5. :)
I am not here to be liked. I am here to spread the message whether you want to hear it or not.

You're here to spread the message of stupid?
Waking the stupid from their jew induced slumber of self destruction.

I'm sorry that the skinny Jewish kid beat you up for your lunch money on the playground.
A jew would have either A. paid the stupid n!gger a tiny portion to beat the white kid up or B. cheated the white kid out of his money.
Greatest thing one can give their race is their life fighting for it which I am MORE THAN WILLING to do and/or more racially aware children to make sure our numbers continue to grow.

Hate to tell you, that's not a very economic way to go about it. Whites are "losing" the population battle and you having too many kids doesn't make a shits worth of difference. Also, if that is the reason you have kids then you have more problems then I thought.
Your opinion. I have kids because I wanted kids and as a white man and my wife as a white woman its our duty to provide future soldiers and mothers to our race. If I didn't want them I would have stopped at 1. My older brother has 5. :)

Well, I hope you at least teach your kids to "fake it" around the "mud" races.

In 2007 Sweden had just 100k Muslim parasites. Now they have 500k. More and more Muslim parasites flood the country every year. They are now expected to take on another 250,000 so called refugees. Sweden has a tiny 9.8 million population. With these additional 250,000 Muslims they population is closing in on 10%.

Like most Western European countries they have a tiny birth rate.

With the influx of Muslims coming everyday an the rabbit like pace they reproduce, Muslims will continue to overtake the population.

Again Sweden is fucked!

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Actually Muslim birth rates are falling rapidly. Muslim-majority countries are experiencing the fastest decline in fertility and population growth in the world. Iran, the world’s only Islamic theocracy, where mothers had an average of 7 children each in the 1980s; that number has now dropped to 1.7, below the averages in France and Britain. In Turkey, the average has fallen to 2.15 children; in Lebanon, to 1.86; in the United Arab Emirates, 1.9. In Indonesia, home to the world’s largest Muslim population, the family size is about to slip below two children.
Doug Saunders: The unfounded fear of Muslim immigration
I am not here to be liked. I am here to spread the message whether you want to hear it or not.

You're here to spread the message of stupid?
Waking the stupid from their jew induced slumber of self destruction.

I'm sorry that the skinny Jewish kid beat you up for your lunch money on the playground.
A jew would have either A. paid the stupid n!gger a tiny portion to beat the white kid up or B. cheated the white kid out of his money.

Ah, still stings, doesn't it?

In 2007 Sweden had just 100k Muslim parasites. Now they have 500k. More and more Muslim parasites flood the country every year. They are now expected to take on another 250,000 so called refugees. Sweden has a tiny 9.8 million population. With these additional 250,000 Muslims they population is closing in on 10%.

Like most Western European countries they have a tiny birth rate.

With the influx of Muslims coming everyday an the rabbit like pace they reproduce, Muslims will continue to overtake the population.

Again Sweden is fucked!

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Actually Muslim birth rates are falling rapidly. Muslim-majority countries are experiencing the fastest decline in fertility and population growth in the world. Iran, the world’s only Islamic theocracy, where mothers had an average of 7 children each in the 1980s; that number has now dropped to 1.7, below the averages in France and Britain. In Turkey, the average has fallen to 2.15 children; in Lebanon, to 1.86; in the United Arab Emirates, 1.9. In Indonesia, home to the world’s largest Muslim population, the family size is about to slip below two children.
Doug Saunders: The unfounded fear of Muslim immigration

The argument against immigrants is so predictable: they're going to outbreed the "natives", they're going to rape our women and children, they're going raise crime rates and bring in diseases, and they won't assimilate.

Whether it's never changes.

In 2007 Sweden had just 100k Muslim parasites. Now they have 500k. More and more Muslim parasites flood the country every year. They are now expected to take on another 250,000 so called refugees. Sweden has a tiny 9.8 million population. With these additional 250,000 Muslims they population is closing in on 10%.

Like most Western European countries they have a tiny birth rate.

With the influx of Muslims coming everyday an the rabbit like pace they reproduce, Muslims will continue to overtake the population.

Again Sweden is fucked!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Actually Muslim birth rates are falling rapidly. Muslim-majority countries are experiencing the fastest decline in fertility and population growth in the world. Iran, the world’s only Islamic theocracy, where mothers had an average of 7 children each in the 1980s; that number has now dropped to 1.7, below the averages in France and Britain. In Turkey, the average has fallen to 2.15 children; in Lebanon, to 1.86; in the United Arab Emirates, 1.9. In Indonesia, home to the world’s largest Muslim population, the family size is about to slip below two children.
Doug Saunders: The unfounded fear of Muslim immigration

The argument against immigrants is so predictable: they're going to outbreed the "natives", they're going to rape our women and children, they're going raise crime rates and bring in diseases, and they won't assimilate.

Whether it's never changes.
Although not universal, birth rates typically fall for people who immigrate. Also crime rates for legal immigrants also decrease. It seems that most of what people believe about immigrants are not based on facts but rather fear and racial prejudice.

In 2007 Sweden had just 100k Muslim parasites. Now they have 500k. More and more Muslim parasites flood the country every year. They are now expected to take on another 250,000 so called refugees. Sweden has a tiny 9.8 million population. With these additional 250,000 Muslims they population is closing in on 10%.

Like most Western European countries they have a tiny birth rate.

With the influx of Muslims coming everyday an the rabbit like pace they reproduce, Muslims will continue to overtake the population.

Again Sweden is fucked!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Actually Muslim birth rates are falling rapidly. Muslim-majority countries are experiencing the fastest decline in fertility and population growth in the world. Iran, the world’s only Islamic theocracy, where mothers had an average of 7 children each in the 1980s; that number has now dropped to 1.7, below the averages in France and Britain. In Turkey, the average has fallen to 2.15 children; in Lebanon, to 1.86; in the United Arab Emirates, 1.9. In Indonesia, home to the world’s largest Muslim population, the family size is about to slip below two children.
Doug Saunders: The unfounded fear of Muslim immigration

The argument against immigrants is so predictable: they're going to outbreed the "natives", they're going to rape our women and children, they're going raise crime rates and bring in diseases, and they won't assimilate.

Whether it's never changes.
And that's the truth. so...what's your point?
"We call Europe the seat of culture,but somebody stole the chair..."

It has been hit too hard...and I think Western culture as we know it over there will be gone very soon....

Sharia Law will rub it out of any town.

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