Bye Jojo!~Elizabeth Warren builds lead over Joe Biden across early states: poll

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I believe Fauxahontas would be a much easier piece of shit to run against.... there is NO MODERATION with that radical piece of shit....she makes AOC almost look sane....almost!

Sen. Fauxahontas increased her advantage over former Vice President Joseph R. Biden across early states in the race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, according to polling released on Sunday.

Ms. POW WOW CHOW had a 31% to 25% edge over Mr. Biden among voters across 18 early primary and caucus states, up from a 1-point, 26% to 25% edge over Mr. Biden in surveys released last month, according to the CBS News polling.

In New Hampshire, she led Mr. Biden by 8 points, 32% to 24%, up from a 1-point edge last month.

Ms. Warren and Mr. Biden were also tied at 22% apiece in Iowa, after Ms. Warren had trailed the former vice president by 12 points last month.

Mr. Biden did still hold a sizable advantage in South Carolina, leading with 43% of the vote. He was followed by Ms. Warren at 18% and Mr. Sanders at 16%.

But across the 18 states, Ms. Warren held an estimated delegate lead of 720 to 577 over Mr. Biden, with Mr. Sanders in third place at 159.

Last month, Mr. Biden had been clinging to an estimated delegate lead of 600 to 545 over Ms. Warren across the 18 states, with Mr. Sanders at 286.


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