BYU university removes homosexual behavior as an honor code violation


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(ETH) – For years BYU University upheld an honor code that prohibited “homosexual behavior” of any kind including hugging, holding hands, kissing or public affection in public on its campus but those days may have just come to an end as a new report is indicating that the Mormon-owned Brigham Young University has just removed the student honor code that banned such behavior on Campus.
BYU niversity removes 'homosexual behavior' as an honor code violation

Biblical events won't give a dam what you remove pricks Karma's coming for all you douches and it' an already beginning lol the majority are to stupid to see the anger taking place across the gglobe.


Yeah, just yearly events aren't they demonic twats.

and there are just so many proud bragging and thinking nothing is coming ......

The churches going satanic oh you all are gonna see shit SAMSON did and when your told don't look back dumb. asses dont look back. Now think about that.

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