After BYU Honor Code change, LDS Church now says same-sex relationships are ‘not compatible’

we are NOT stupid.

Actually, I will give you the benefit of the doubt on the stupid part. More likely, you are batshit psychotic suffering from paranoid delusions

Keep digging, it is VERY telling that ALL you have is to do increasingly incoherent and increasingly insane personal attacks on me. I did really hit a raw nerve with you when I AGAIN asked you WHY you have this fanatical obsession about having VERY YOUNG CHILDREN brainwashed and indoctrinated with the LGBTQ Agenda of preparing for Anal/Oral Sex and Transgendering etc.

Last night we all read your batshit crazy total meltdown of a response to me and now all you have to offer after that are a variety of comments that essentially are personal attacks. This says a great deal about how unnerved you.
Give it a fucking rest! You have zero emotional effect on me. I'm just having fun fucking with you and your psychotic horseshit. Hit a raw nerve? Don't f;latter yourself. I am happy and relaxed . You seem to be agitated and miserable.

Not as much fun as I am having fucking with you and UNLIKE YOU I have NO EMOTIONAL VESTED INTEREST in promoting LGBTQ perversions in schools onto young children. I am never agitated or miserable, I am a laid back person with 5 kidlets and I have a NORMAL family and a NORMAL healthy life.
Check out what I said here. Possibly another indication of another motive behind the LGBpbiWTF bunch? Perhaps their true driving motive?

Yes, you think Satan is real. And he was totally Jesus' brother, according to the Mormons. Satan is still upset God didn't send him to Earth.

When your side started imposing this insane and immoral crap on those of us who want no part of it, and especially once your side started to openly go after children; you forfeited any right to credibly claim that any of this is about “consenting adults”.

No one is "going after kids". Except maybe the churches.

So let's try this. No sex education before you are 18, and no religious indoctrination, either. Let's see how many people end up joining churches and how many people end up being gay.
Where did you get the right to oppress people ?

So the bakers aren't being oppressed?
People are being told who they can fuck. That is opression.

And being forced to bake a cake via hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines isn't oppression?

The public-accommodation laws are applicable to all business owners. Just because some cult crapper, who advertises his product as available to the public, refuses to follow them does not justify the denial of civil rights and scapegoating of thousands.

Protecting YOUNG CHILDREN from sex perverts is NOT being a "bigot".

We're at the point, in the decline of our society, where expressing disapproval of homosexuality makes you a “bigot”. Objecting to being compelled to treat a sick homosexual mockery of marriage as being the same as a genuine marriage, makes one a “bigot”. Disagreeing with a mentally- and morally-defective male pervert who claims to “identify” as female makes one a bigot, though I think that hasn't quite fully taken root yet.

We're not as far as you think from the point where objecting to sick sexual perpetrators molesting young children will make you a“bigot”, and subhuman pieces of shit like TheOppressiveFaggot are doing all that they can to get us to that point.

The word "bigot" is merely an expression of a negative opinion about people who think and do certain things. People might object to something you do as part of your chosen lifestyle, even to your marriage. Moreover, you are being "compelled" to deal with someone whom you find objectionable only to the same, limited extent than everyone else is. It's part of living in this society along with everyone else.

Your assertion that anyone would approve of sexual perpetrators molesting young children is totally ridiculous.

Again, why do PA laws automatically override free exercise? Why do you lose your constitutional rights when you try to sell something?
Where did you get the right to oppress people ?

So the bakers aren't being oppressed?
People are being told who they can fuck. That is opression.

And being forced to bake a cake via hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines isn't oppression?

The public-accommodation laws are applicable to all business owners. Just because some cult crapper, who advertises his product as available to the public, refuses to follow them does not justify the denial of civil rights and scapegoating of thousands.

Protecting YOUNG CHILDREN from sex perverts is NOT being a "bigot".

We're at the point, in the decline of our society, where expressing disapproval of homosexuality makes you a “bigot”. Objecting to being compelled to treat a sick homosexual mockery of marriage as being the same as a genuine marriage, makes one a “bigot”. Disagreeing with a mentally- and morally-defective male pervert who claims to “identify” as female makes one a bigot, though I think that hasn't quite fully taken root yet.

We're not as far as you think from the point where objecting to sick sexual perpetrators molesting young children will make you a“bigot”, and subhuman pieces of shit like TheOppressiveFaggot are doing all that they can to get us to that point.

The word "bigot" is merely an expression of a negative opinion about people who think and do certain things. People might object to something you do as part of your chosen lifestyle, even to your marriage. Moreover, you are being "compelled" to deal with someone whom you find objectionable only to the same, limited extent than everyone else is. It's part of living in this society along with everyone else.

Your assertion that anyone would approve of sexual perpetrators molesting young children is totally ridiculous.

Again, why do PA laws automatically override free exercise? Why do you lose your constitutional rights when you try to sell something?
PA Laws do not override the free exercise of religion. They override the free exercise of discrimination . You seem to have a warped sense of what the free exercise of religion is and is not.. You can freely and openly worship in any way that you choose. You can freely express your beliefs with out fear of persecution. If you don't think that you have freedom of religion, think about what it's like to be a Muslim in China right now. Then cut the whiney ass bullshit about being some kind of victim
Your assertion that anyone would approve of sexual perpetrators molesting young children is totally ridiculous.

The stage is being set for it, right in front of your eyes.

The homosexual/transsexual/pedophile lobby is openly having its agenda forced on young children, in public schools, with parents being denied the right to protect their children from it.´ There is no purpose to this, no motive behind it,a other than to groom children to be easier prey for child molesters, and to groom society as a whole to be accepting of it. It is madness to deny what everyone can clearly see happening, and to deny what it obviously means.

This is being promoted by those who want to f••• children. This is being promoted to make it easier for them to do so. This is being promoted by those who, as you deny, do absolutely “…approve of sexual perpetrators molesting young children…”. That is the entire purpose and motive behind this.
My wife and I having lunch right now.

We didn't really choose to eat here today as a “F••• you” to the pro-faggot bunch, but after we began eating, I realized that I might as well…
Oh dear. Hate to tell you this Bob but these guys now bat for our side. Your lavish lunch is probably helping to promote the "Gay Agenda" !!!
we are NOT stupid.

Actually, I will give you the benefit of the doubt on the stupid part. More likely, you are batshit psychotic suffering from paranoid delusions

Keep digging, it is VERY telling that ALL you have is to do increasingly incoherent and increasingly insane personal attacks on me. I did really hit a raw nerve with you when I AGAIN asked you WHY you have this fanatical obsession about having VERY YOUNG CHILDREN brainwashed and indoctrinated with the LGBTQ Agenda of preparing for Anal/Oral Sex and Transgendering etc.

Last night we all read your batshit crazy total meltdown of a response to me and now all you have to offer after that are a variety of comments that essentially are personal attacks. This says a great deal about how unnerved you.
Give it a fucking rest! You have zero emotional effect on me. I'm just having fun fucking with you and your psychotic horseshit. Hit a raw nerve? Don't f;latter yourself. I am happy and relaxed . You seem to be agitated and miserable.

Not as much fun as I am having fucking with you and UNLIKE YOU I have NO EMOTIONAL VESTED INTEREST in promoting LGBTQ perversions in schools onto young children. I am never agitated or miserable, I am a laid back person with 5 kidlets and I have a NORMAL family and a NORMAL healthy life.
More of the same horseshit. Another one of you problems is that you are so thin skinned that you can't distinguish between my ridiculing the bizarre and inane lies that you post, and personal attacks. I stated that you posts demonstrate that you are out of touch with reality. and that you sound like a crazy person. Those are statements of fact, Deal with it.
Again, why do PA laws automatically override free exercise? Why do you lose your constitutional rights when you try to sell something?

Free exercise is not one of these...


Otherwise, I think I should be exempt from the murder laws when I cut out my enemies' hearts to praise the Great Plumed Serpent, Quetzalcoatl!


If your belief in sky pixies won't let you perform the same services for gays, blacks, Mormons, Jews, etc. you would perform for anyone else, then you should really find something else to do for a living.

Come on, guy, we've been over this a dozen times.
The stage is being set for it, right in front of your eyes.

It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes
The homosexual/transsexual/pedophile lobby is openly having its agenda forced on young children, in public schools, with parents being denied the right to protect their children from it.´ There is no purpose to this, no motive behind it,a other than to groom children to be easier prey for child molesters, and to groom society as a whole to be accepting of it. It is madness to deny what everyone can clearly see happening, and to deny what it obviously means.

This is being promoted by those who want to f••• children. This is being promoted to make it easier for them to do so. This is being promoted by those who, as you deny, do absolutely “…approve of sexual perpetrators molesting young children…”. That is the entire purpose and motive behind this.

Guy, you are using one thread to prove your point on this thread.

Where's your evidence that teaching kids to respect other people's lifestyles is going to lead them to be easy prey?
That isn't what I talked about. Is what I said oppression or not?

Don't dodge the question you dried up old fart.

Wifebeater Klein didn't have to bake the cake, and the fine was because of the campaign of harrassment he instigated against the Cryer-Bowmans..
Your assertion that anyone would approve of sexual perpetrators molesting young children is totally ridiculous.

The stage is being set for it, right in front of your eyes.

The homosexual/transsexual/pedophile lobby is openly having its agenda forced on young children, in public schools, with parents being denied the right to protect their children from it.´ There is no purpose to this, no motive behind it,a other than to groom children to be easier prey for child molesters, and to groom society as a whole to be accepting of it. It is madness to deny what everyone can clearly see happening, and to deny what it obviously means.

This is being promoted by those who want to f••• children. This is being promoted to make it easier for them to do so. This is being promoted by those who, as you deny, do absolutely “…approve of sexual perpetrators molesting young children…”. That is the entire purpose and motive behind this.
Having a particular sexual orientation has nothing to do with pedophilia. There is nothing wrong with simply saying that LGBTQ people exist in society, and have for the whole history of human kind. This is not "indoctrination" into a "lifestyle" or "grooming" or any other such nonsense any more than exposing children to heterosexual relationships is. Heterosexuals expose children to such concepts as "virginity," or "purity, which is an essentially sexual topic, or insisting that little girls and female teens wear dresses, and on some occasions, white dresses. This is grooming into a lifestyle, too, and one that communicates that a person's body is more important than who an individual child is; their self-worth.
Your assertion that anyone would approve of sexual perpetrators molesting young children is totally ridiculous.

The stage is being set for it, right in front of your eyes.

The homosexual/transsexual/pedophile lobby is openly having its agenda forced on young children, in public schools, with parents being denied the right to protect their children from it.´ There is no purpose to this, no motive behind it,a other than to groom children to be easier prey for child molesters, and to groom society as a whole to be accepting of it. It is madness to deny what everyone can clearly see happening, and to deny what it obviously means.

This is being promoted by those who want to f••• children. This is being promoted to make it easier for them to do so. This is being promoted by those who, as you deny, do absolutely “…approve of sexual perpetrators molesting young children…”. That is the entire purpose and motive behind this.
Having a particular sexual orientation has nothing to do with pedophilia. There is nothing wrong with simply saying that LGBTQ people exist in society, and have for the whole history of human kind. This is not "indoctrination" into a "lifestyle" or "grooming" or any other such nonsense any more than exposing children to heterosexual relationships is. Heterosexuals expose children to such concepts as "virginity," or "purity, which is an essentially sexual topic, or insisting that little girls and female teens wear dresses, and on some occasions, white dresses. This is grooming into a lifestyle, too, and one that communicates that a person's body is more important than who an individual child is; their self-worth.

There is no reasoning with the likes of Bob the bigot or Lucy in the sky with diamonds.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Your assertion that anyone would approve of sexual perpetrators molesting young children is totally ridiculous.

The stage is being set for it, right in front of your eyes.

The homosexual/transsexual/pedophile lobby is openly having its agenda forced on young children, in public schools, with parents being denied the right to protect their children from it.´ There is no purpose to this, no motive behind it,a other than to groom children to be easier prey for child molesters, and to groom society as a whole to be accepting of it. It is madness to deny what everyone can clearly see happening, and to deny what it obviously means.

This is being promoted by those who want to f••• children. This is being promoted to make it easier for them to do so. This is being promoted by those who, as you deny, do absolutely “…approve of sexual perpetrators molesting young children…”. That is the entire purpose and motive behind this.
Having a particular sexual orientation has nothing to do with pedophilia. There is nothing wrong with simply saying that LGBTQ people exist in society, and have for the whole history of human kind. This is not "indoctrination" into a "lifestyle" or "grooming" or any other such nonsense any more than exposing children to heterosexual relationships is. Heterosexuals expose children to such concepts as "virginity," or "purity, which is an essentially sexual topic, or insisting that little girls and female teens wear dresses, and on some occasions, white dresses. This is grooming into a lifestyle, too, and one that communicates that a person's body is more important than who an individual child is; their self-worth.

There is no reasoning with the likes of Bob the bigot or Lucy in the sky with diamonds.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You got that right. Lucy seems to be particularly obsessed with "butt-fucking." Both she and Bobby are absolutely blind to what the heterosexuals do wrong.
It's truly funny watching the two or three most twisted, f•••ed-up-in-the-head lusers on this forum, discussing among themselves how messed up sane people are, because we don't buy into the madness and evil that they are trying to sell. Well, it would be funny, if not for the very real harm that is being done to very real children, because of the sort of policies that these lunatics advocate.
It's truly funny watching the two or three most twisted, f•••ed-up-in-the-head lusers on this forum, discussing among themselves how messed up sane people are, because we don't buy into the madness and evil that they are trying to sell. Well, it would be funny, if not for the very real harm that is being done to very real children, because of the sort of policies that these lunatics advocate.

What's funny is watching homophobes try to pretend their bigotry serves a purpose. I'm sure some 1960's Klansman thought he was protecting white womanhood when he wouldn't let black folks ride at the front of the bus.

The only madness is you trying to rationalize your hatred.

Gay people aren't bothering you. No one is going to make you be gay....

Of course, it's been scientifically proven most homophobes are in fact latent homosexuals...

Homophobes Might Be Hidden Homosexuals

Homophobes should consider a little self-reflection, suggests a new study finding those individuals who are most hostile toward gays and hold strong anti-gay views may themselves have same-sex desires, albeit undercover ones.

"This study shows that if you are feeling that kind of visceral reaction to an out-group, ask yourself, 'Why?'" co-author Richard Ryan, a professor of psychology at the University of Rochester, said in a statement. "Those intense emotions should serve as a call to self-reflection."

The research, published in the April 2012 issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, reveals the nuances of prejudices like homophobia, which can ultimately have dire consequences. [The 10 Most Destructive Human Behaviors]

"Sometimes people are threatened by gays and lesbians because they are fearing their own impulses, in a sense they 'doth protest too much,'" Ryan told LiveScience. "In addition, it appears that sometimes those who would oppress others have been oppressed themselves, and we can have some compassion for them too, they may be unaccepting of others because they cannot be accepting of themselves."
It's truly funny watching the two or three most twisted, f•••ed-up-in-the-head lusers on this forum, discussing among themselves how messed up sane people are, because we don't buy into the madness and evil that they are trying to sell. Well, it would be funny, if not for the very real harm that is being done to very real children, because of the sort of policies that these lunatics advocate.

Please explain why right-wing supposedly heterosexual males who hate LGBTs so much also hate women. They want women to be submissive to them, little sex objects and slaves, and they groom little girls to serve this evil lifestyle, usually through indoctrination involving false religion. Not a one of these fearful cowards could ever match an adult, fully educated, free-thinking woman. Homophobia and misogyny are closely related.
So the bakers aren't being oppressed?
People are being told who they can fuck. That is opression.

And being forced to bake a cake via hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines isn't oppression?

The public-accommodation laws are applicable to all business owners. Just because some cult crapper, who advertises his product as available to the public, refuses to follow them does not justify the denial of civil rights and scapegoating of thousands.

Protecting YOUNG CHILDREN from sex perverts is NOT being a "bigot".

We're at the point, in the decline of our society, where expressing disapproval of homosexuality makes you a “bigot”. Objecting to being compelled to treat a sick homosexual mockery of marriage as being the same as a genuine marriage, makes one a “bigot”. Disagreeing with a mentally- and morally-defective male pervert who claims to “identify” as female makes one a bigot, though I think that hasn't quite fully taken root yet.

We're not as far as you think from the point where objecting to sick sexual perpetrators molesting young children will make you a“bigot”, and subhuman pieces of shit like TheOppressiveFaggot are doing all that they can to get us to that point.

The word "bigot" is merely an expression of a negative opinion about people who think and do certain things. People might object to something you do as part of your chosen lifestyle, even to your marriage. Moreover, you are being "compelled" to deal with someone whom you find objectionable only to the same, limited extent than everyone else is. It's part of living in this society along with everyone else.

Your assertion that anyone would approve of sexual perpetrators molesting young children is totally ridiculous.

Again, why do PA laws automatically override free exercise? Why do you lose your constitutional rights when you try to sell something?
PA Laws do not override the free exercise of religion. They override the free exercise of discrimination . You seem to have a warped sense of what the free exercise of religion is and is not.. You can freely and openly worship in any way that you choose. You can freely express your beliefs with out fear of persecution. If you don't think that you have freedom of religion, think about what it's like to be a Muslim in China right now. Then cut the whiney ass bullshit about being some kind of victim

Catholic churches restrict giving out communion to only catholics and orthodox. That is discrimination, and is covered by free exercise.
You gloss over people being forced to do things against thier moral code, things that are not required for life, because the people being forced you hate, and the people forcing the issue you don't.

Free exercise DOES include the right do discriminate, depending on the level of discrimination.
Again, why do PA laws automatically override free exercise? Why do you lose your constitutional rights when you try to sell something?

Free exercise is not one of these...

View attachment 312063

Otherwise, I think I should be exempt from the murder laws when I cut out my enemies' hearts to praise the Great Plumed Serpent, Quetzalcoatl!

View attachment 312064

If your belief in sky pixies won't let you perform the same services for gays, blacks, Mormons, Jews, etc. you would perform for anyone else, then you should really find something else to do for a living.

Come on, guy, we've been over this a dozen times.

argumentum ad absurdum. Equating getting killed with having to spend 15 minutes finding another baker shows the weakness of your argument.

The thing is they will serve the gay couple, but only with point of sale items. They just don't want to do a contracted service for one specific event.

That your side can't even compromise on that shows you just want everyone to BE JUST LIKE YOOOOUUUUUU!!!!

And I can keep this up FOREVER you old fuck, Mild OCD has it's faults, but also it's benefits.

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